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IDdown Date Author Topic Subject
  144   17 Jun 2003 Stefan Ritt example experiment makefile for NT
I have added ROOT support to midas\examples\experiment\makefile.nt. To 
compile the example experiment under Windows, one needs

1) Installed version of ROOT
2) Having ROOTSYS environment variable defined
3) Invoke "nmake -f makefile.nt" in the midas\examples\experiment directory

Please note that in the current release 3.05 of ROOT, sockets are not yet 
working under Windows, so the histogram server built into the analyzer 
cannot be accessed. It is however possible to output the analyzed data into 
a .root file and visualize it with the root browser like

analyzer -i run00001.mid -o run00001.root
  143   26 Jun 2003 David Morris pthreads for Linux
Added ss_create_thread support for Linux in system.c
Added pthread library in main make file
  142   26 Jul 2003 Konstantin Olchanski more ODB checks in src/odb.c
Add more checks to db_validate_key() for pkey->total_size, item_size and
num_values. Automatically correct total_size to be item_size*num_values (we
saw this corruption and tested this fix).


For your enjoyment, here is the diff:

RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/odb.c,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -r1.64 odb.c
>   /* check key sizes */
>   if ((pkey->total_size < 0)||(pkey->total_size > pheader->key_size))
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "db_validate_key", "Warning: invalid key \"%s\"
total_size: %d", path, pkey->total_size);
>     return 0;
>     }
>   if ((pkey->item_size < 0)||(pkey->item_size > pheader->key_size))
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "db_validate_key", "Warning: invalid key \"%s\"
item_size: %d", path, pkey->item_size);
>     return 0;
>     }
>   if ((pkey->num_values < 0)||(pkey->num_values > pheader->key_size))
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "db_validate_key", "Warning: invalid key \"%s\"
num_values: %d", path, pkey->num_values);
>     return 0;
>     }
>   /* check and correct key size */
>   if (pkey->total_size != pkey->item_size*pkey->num_values)
>     {
>     cm_msg(MINFO,  "db_validate_key", "Warning: corrected key \"%s\" size:
total_size=%d, should be %d*%d=%d", path, pkey->total_size, pkey->item_size,
pkey->num_values, pkey
>     pkey->total_size = pkey->item_size*pkey->num_values;
>     }
  141   26 Jul 2003 Konstantin Olchanski use "odbedit -C" to connect to corrupted ODB
Add switch "-C" to odbedit to allow it to connect to corrupted ODB. Then,
depending on corruption, the user can manually remove or correct the
corrupted entries. Also, some corruption is automatically fixed by "odbedit"
itself. I use this functionality to debug and fix broken ODBs.


For your enjoyment, here is the diff:

diff -r1.64 odbedit.c
> BOOL          corrupted;
<   debug = cmd_mode = FALSE;
>   debug = corrupted = cmd_mode = FALSE;
>     else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'C')
>       corrupted = TRUE;
<         printf("               [-c Command] [-c @CommandFile] [-s size]
[-g (debug)]\n\n");
>         printf("               [-c Command] [-c @CommandFile] [-s size]\n");
>         printf("               [-g (debug)] [-C (connect to corrupted
<   if (status != CM_SUCCESS)
>   else if ((status == DB_INVALID_HANDLE)&&corrupted)
>     {
>     cm_get_error(status, str);
>     puts(str);
>     printf("ODB is corrupted, connecting anyway...\n");
>     }
>   else if (status != CM_SUCCESS)
  140   30 Jul 2003 David Morris Have to link with -lpthread?
The change is required to support implementation of pthreads in the Linux
compile of Midas. This was added recently. I believe pthreads is also needed
for ROOT based compiles.


> It appears that all midas applications are now required to link with the
> pthreads library even if they do not use threads. This is caused by a
> pthread_create() call from ss_thread_create() in system.c.
> Is this the intended behaviour?
> K.O.
  139   29 Jul 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Have to link with -lpthread?
It appears that all midas applications are now required to link with the
pthreads library even if they do not use threads. This is caused by a
pthread_create() call from ss_thread_create() in system.c.

Is this the intended behaviour?

  138   19 Aug 2003 Pierre-André Amaudruz minor fixes, new tarball 1.9.3-1
- add pthread lib to examples/... makefile
- fix ybos_simfe.c for max_event_size
- fix camacnul.c for cam_inhibit_test(), cam_interrupt_test()
- update documentation (1.9.3)
- made midas-1.9.3-1.tar.gz on Triumf site
  137   02 Sep 2003 Pierre-André Amaudruz minor fix, window build
- makefile.nt (/examples/experiment, /hbook)
  adjusted for local hmana.obj build  as for rmana.obj, add cvs tag for
  revision comment entry.
- drivers/class/hv.c
  change comment // to /* */
  136   10 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski mhttpd crash on corrupted ODB /RunInfo
There was no feedback. This code has been commited. K.O.

> Invalid values of ODB /RunInfo/State cause mhttpd crash in
> show_status_page() because of an out of bounds access to the array of state
> names. Suggest this fix: remove array of state names, use existing ladder of
> if/else statements to explicitely set state name. Verified the fix works for
> TWIST. Will commit this into MIDAS CVS unless get feedback.
> src/mhttpd.c:show_status_page() {
>   ...
>   rsprintf("<tr align=center><td>Run #%d", runinfo.run_number);
>   if (runinfo.state == STATE_STOPPED)
>     rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#FF0000>Stopped");
>   else if (runinfo.state == STATE_PAUSED)
>     rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#FFFF00>Paused");
>   else if (runinfo.state == STATE_RUNNING)
>     rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#00FF00>Running");
>   else
>     rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>Unknown");
>   if (runinfo.requested_transition)
>   ...
> K.O.
  135   11 Aug 2003 Konstantin Olchanski mhttpd crash on corrupted ODB /RunInfo
Invalid values of ODB /RunInfo/State cause mhttpd crash in
show_status_page() because of an out of bounds access to the array of state
names. Suggest this fix: remove array of state names, use existing ladder of
if/else statements to explicitely set state name. Verified the fix works for
TWIST. Will commit this into MIDAS CVS unless get feedback.

src/mhttpd.c:show_status_page() {
  rsprintf("<tr align=center><td>Run #%d", runinfo.run_number);

  if (runinfo.state == STATE_STOPPED)
    rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#FF0000>Stopped");
  else if (runinfo.state == STATE_PAUSED)
    rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#FFFF00>Paused");
  else if (runinfo.state == STATE_RUNNING)
    rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#00FF00>Running");
    rsprintf("<td colspan=1 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>Unknown");

  if (runinfo.requested_transition)

  134   12 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Refuse to set run number zero
> I am debugging the frequent problem where the run number is mysteriously
> reset to zero. As a first step, I am commiting changes to mhttpd.c and midas.c:
> - abort on obviously corrupted "run number < 0"
> - abort on cm_transition() to run 0 (the only place where the run number is
> explicitely written to ODB)
> - in the mhttpd "Start run" form, reject user setting the run number to <= 0.

- abort on cm_transition() from run 0 to 1 during auto restart in mlogger.

Cvs diff:

RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/mlogger.c,v
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -r1.65 mlogger.c
>         if (run_number <= 0)
>           {
>           cm_msg(MERROR, "main", "aborting on attempt to use invalid run
number %d", run_number);
>           abort();
>           }

  133   12 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Refuse to set run number zero
I am debugging the frequent problem where the run number is mysteriously
reset to zero. As a first step, I am commiting changes to mhttpd.c and midas.c:
- abort on obviously corrupted "run number < 0"
- abort on cm_transition() to run 0 (the only place where the run number is
explicitely written to ODB)
- in the mhttpd "Start run" form, reject user setting the run number to <= 0.

Here is the CVS diff:

RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/mhttpd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.253
diff -r1.253 mhttpd.c
>   if (run_number < 0)
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "show_elog_new", "aborting on attempt to use invalid
run number %d",run_number);
>     abort();
>     }
>     if (run_number < 0)
>       {
>       cm_msg(MERROR, "show_elog_new", "aborting on attempt to use invalid
run number %d",run_number);
>       abort();
>       }
>   if (run_number < 0)
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "show_form_query", "aborting on attempt to use invalid
run number %d",run_number);
>     abort();
>     }
>   if (rn < 0) // value "zero" is okey
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "show_start_page", "aborting on attempt to use invalid
run number %d",rn);
>     abort();
>     }
>       if (i <= 0)
>         {
>         cm_msg(MERROR, "interprete", "Start run: invalid run number %d",i);
>         memset(str,0,sizeof(str));
>         snprintf(str,sizeof(str)-1,"Invalid run number %d",i);
>         show_error(str);
>         return;
>         }
Index: src/midas.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/midas.c,v
retrieving revision 1.193
diff -r1.193 midas.c
<         status = cm_transition(_requested_transition | TR_DEFERRED, 0,
str, 256, SYNC, FALSE);
>         status = cm_transition(_requested_transition | TR_DEFERRED, 0,
str, sizeof(str), SYNC, FALSE);
>   if (run_number <= 0)
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "cm_transition", "aborting on attempt to use invalid
run number %d",run_number);
>     abort();
>     }
>     }
>   if (run_number < 0)
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "el_submit", "aborting on attempt to use invalid run
number %d", run_number);
>     abort();

  132   13 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog()
> > > While adding new functionality to submit_elog() ....
> The whole elog functionality in mhttpd will be replaced (sometime) ...

I humbly submit that this has been the standard reply for the last 2 years since I was aware of 
the "last N days does not always work" problem (just saw it again yesterday).

  131   13 Oct 2003 Stefan Ritt Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog()
> > While adding new functionality to submit_elog() (add the message text to 
> > outgoing email), I noticed that the email text is being stored into an 
> > of size 256, mail_text[256], without any checks for array overrun. This
> > cannot be good. How should this be corrected?
> > K.O.
> Similar problem exists in midas.c::el_submit(). The array "message[10000]" 
> easy to overrun by submitting a long elog message.
> K.O.

The whole elog functionality in mhttpd will be replaced (sometime) by the 
standalone ELOG package, linked against mhttpd. The ELOG functionality is 
much richer and does not conatin all the mentioned problems which have been 
fixed there some time ago. For the time being it might however be worth to 
fix the mentioned problems, but without spending too much time on it.
  130   12 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog()
> While adding new functionality to submit_elog() (add the message text to the
> outgoing email), I noticed that the email text is being stored into an array
> of size 256, mail_text[256], without any checks for array overrun. This
> cannot be good. How should this be corrected?
> K.O.

Similar problem exists in midas.c::el_submit(). The array "message[10000]" is
easy to overrun by submitting a long elog message.

  129   12 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog()
While adding new functionality to submit_elog() (add the message text to the
outgoing email), I noticed that the email text is being stored into an array
of size 256, mail_text[256], without any checks for array overrun. This
cannot be good. How should this be corrected?
  128   13 Oct 2003 Stefan Ritt mhttpd: add Elog text to outgoing email.
> > > around to implement it, until now. I also added assert() traps for the 
> > > common array overruns in the Elog code.
> > 
> > In addition to the assert() one should use strlcat() and strlcpy() all 
> > the code to avoid buffer overruns. The ELOG standalone code does that 
> > properly.
> > 
> > - Stefan
> Yes, the original authors should have used strlcat(). Now that I uncovered 
this source of mhttpd 
> memory corruption, maybe some volunteer will fix it up properly.
> K.O.

I am the original author and will fix all that once I merged mhttpd and elog. 
Due to my current task list, this will happen probably in November.

- Stefan
  127   13 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski mhttpd: add Elog text to outgoing email.
> > around to implement it, until now. I also added assert() traps for the most
> > common array overruns in the Elog code.
> In addition to the assert() one should use strlcat() and strlcpy() all over 
> the code to avoid buffer overruns. The ELOG standalone code does that already 
> properly.
> - Stefan

Yes, the original authors should have used strlcat(). Now that I uncovered this source of mhttpd 
memory corruption, maybe some volunteer will fix it up properly.

  126   13 Oct 2003 Stefan Ritt mhttpd: add Elog text to outgoing email.
> around to implement it, until now. I also added assert() traps for the most
> common array overruns in the Elog code.

In addition to the assert() one should use strlcat() and strlcpy() all over 
the code to avoid buffer overruns. The ELOG standalone code does that already 

- Stefan
  125   12 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski mhttpd: add Elog text to outgoing email.
This commit adds the elog message text to the outgoing email message. This
functionality has been requested a logn time ago, but I guess nobody got
around to implement it, until now. I also added assert() traps for the most
common array overruns in the Elog code.

Here is the cvs diff:

Index: src/mhttpd.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/mhttpd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.252
diff -r1.252 mhttpd.c
> #include <assert.h>
< char   mail_to[256], mail_from[256], mail_text[256], mail_list[256],
> char   mail_to[256], mail_from[256], mail_text[10000], mail_list[256],
>         // zero out the array. needed because later strncat() does not
always add the trailing '\0'
>         memset(mail_text,0,sizeof(mail_text));
>         assert(strlen(mail_text) + 100 < sizeof(mail_text)); // bomb out
on array overrun.
>         strcat(mail_text+strlen(mail_text),"\n");
>         // this strncat() depends on the mail_text array being zeroed out:
>         // strncat() does not always add the trailing '\0'
>         strcat(mail_text+strlen(mail_text),"\n");
>         assert(strlen(mail_text) < sizeof(mail_text)); // bomb out on
array overrun.
Index: src/midas.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/midas.c,v
retrieving revision 1.192
diff -r1.192 midas.c
> #include <assert.h>
>   assert(strlen(message) < sizeof(message)); // bomb out on array overrun.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5