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Entry  04 Jun 2020, Hisataka YOSHIDA, Forum, Template of slow control frontend 
I’m beginner of Midas, and trying to develop the slow control front-end with the latest Midas.
I found the scfe.cxx in the “example”, but not enough to refer to write the front-end for my own devices 
because it contains only nulldevice and null bus driver case...
(I could have succeeded to run the HV front-end for ISEG MPod, because there is the device driver...)

Can I get some frontend examples such as simple TCP/IP and/or RS232 devices?
Hopefully, I would like to have examples of frontend and device driver.
(if any device driver which is included in the package is similar, please tell me.)

Thanks a lot.
    Reply  04 Jun 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Template of slow control frontend
> I’m beginner of Midas, and trying to develop the slow control front-end with the latest Midas.
> I found the scfe.cxx in the “example”, but not enough to refer to write the front-end for my own devices 
> because it contains only nulldevice and null bus driver case...
> (I could have succeeded to run the HV front-end for ISEG MPod, because there is the device driver...)
> Can I get some frontend examples such as simple TCP/IP and/or RS232 devices?
> Hopefully, I would like to have examples of frontend and device driver.
> (if any device driver which is included in the package is similar, please tell me.)
> Thanks a lot.

Dear Yoshida-san,
my name is Giorgio and I am a Ph.D. student working on the T2K experiment.
I had to write many MIDAS frontends recently, so I think that my code could be of some help to you.

As you might already know, the MIDAS slow control system is structured into three layers/levels.

 - The highest layer is the "class" layer that directly interfaces with the user and the ODB. It is called 
"class" layer because it refers to a class of devices (for example all the high voltage power supplies, 
etc...). The idea is that in the same experiment you can have many different models of power supplies but 
all of them can be controlled with a single class driver.

 - Then there is the "device" layer that implements the functions specific to the particular device.

 - Finally, there is the "BUS" layer that directly communicates with the device. The BUS can be Ethernet 
(TCP/IP), Serial (RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485), USB, etc ...

You can read more about the MIDAS slow control system here:

Anyway, you need to write code for all those layers. If you are lucky you can reuse some of the already 
existing MIDAS code. Keep in mind that all the examples that you find in the MIDAS documentation and the 
MIDAS source code are written in C (even if it is then compiled with g++). But, you can write a frontend in 
C++ without any problem so choose whichever language you are familiar the most with.

I am attaching an archive with some sample code directly taken from our experiment. It is just a small 
fraction of the code not meant to be compilable. The code is disclosed with the GPL3 license, so you can use 
it as you please but if you do, please cite my name and the WAGASCI-T2K experiment somewhere visible.

In the archive, you can find two example frontends with the respective drivers. The "Triggers" frontend is 
written in C++ (or C+ if you consider that the mfe.cxx API is very C-like). The "WaterLevel" frontend is 
written in plain C. The "Triggers" frontend controls our trigger board called CCC and the "WaterLevel" 
frontend controls our water level sensors called PicoLog 1012. They share a custom implementation of the 
TCP/IP bus. Anyway, this is not relevant to you. You may just want to take a look at the code structure.

Finally, recently there have been some very interesting developments regarding the ODB C++ API. I would 
definitely take a look at that. I wish I had that when I was developing these frontends.

Good luck

Pintaudi Giorgio, Ph.D. student
Neutrino and Particle Physics Minamino Laboratory
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Yokohama National University
TEL +81(0)45-339-4182
       Reply  04 Jun 2020, Hisataka YOSHIDA, Forum, Template of slow control frontend 
Dear Giorgio,

Thank you very much for your kind and quick reply!

I appreciate you giving me such a nice explanation, experience, and great sample codes (This is what I desired!).
They all are useful for me. I will try to write my frontend codes using gift from you.

Thank you again!

Best regards,
Hisataka Yoshida
    Reply  04 Jun 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Template of slow control frontend 
> I’m beginner of Midas, and trying to develop the slow control front-end with the latest Midas.
> I found the scfe.cxx in the “example”, but not enough to refer to write the front-end for my own devices 
> because it contains only nulldevice and null bus driver case...
> (I could have succeeded to run the HV front-end for ISEG MPod, because there is the device driver...)
> Can I get some frontend examples such as simple TCP/IP and/or RS232 devices?
> Hopefully, I would like to have examples of frontend and device driver.
> (if any device driver which is included in the package is similar, please tell me.)

Have you checked the documentation?

Basically you have to replace the nulldevice driver with a "real" driver. You find all existing drivers under 
midas/drivers/device. If your favourite is not there, you have to write it. Use one which is close to the one 
you need and modify it.

       Reply  04 Jun 2020, Hisataka YOSHIDA, Forum, Template of slow control frontend 
Dear Stefan,

Thank you for you quick reply.

> Have you checked the documentation?

Yes, I have read the wiki, but not easy to figure out how I treat the individual case.

> Basically you have to replace the nulldevice driver with a "real" driver. You find all existing drivers under 
> midas/drivers/device. If your favourite is not there, you have to write it. Use one which is close to the one 
> you need and modify it.

Okay, I will try to write drivers for my own devices using existing drivers.
(maybe I can find some device drivers which uses TCP/IP, RS232)

Best regards,
Hisataka Yoshida
Entry  24 Apr 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 
Dear MIDAS people,
I need to borrow your wisdom for a bit.
I am developing a piece of software that should read the history data stored in a
.midas file (MIDAS format) and integrate it into the WAGASCI data quality output.
In other words, I need to read some temperature values stored in a .midas file and
compare them with the MPPC gains and check for temperature/gain dependence.
I see three possibilities:
  • write a custom parser in C++ using the instructions contained in the Mhformat page;
  • call the mhist program from within my application;
  • call the mhdump program from within my application;
Which solution do you think is the best?
Because there is no need for raw performance, if possible, I would like to write my application in Python3 but C++ is also an option.
    Reply  24 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 
I guess all three options would work. I just tried mhist and it still works with the "FILE" history

mhist -e <equipment name> -v <variable name> -h 10

for dumping a variable for the last 10 hours.

I could not get mhdump to work with current history files, maybe it only works with "MIDAS" history and not "FILE" history (see Maybe Konstantin who wrote mhdump has some idea.

Writing your own parser is certainly possible (even in Python), but of course more work.

       Reply  24 Apr 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 

Stefan Ritt wrote:
I guess all three options would work. I just tried mhist and it still works with the "FILE" history

mhist -e <equipment name> -v <variable name> -h 10

for dumping a variable for the last 10 hours.

I could not get mhdump to work with current history files, maybe it only works with "MIDAS" history and not "FILE" history (see Maybe Konstantin who wrote mhdump has some idea.

Writing your own parser is certainly possible (even in Python), but of course more work.


Dear Stefan,
thank you very much for the quick reply. Sorry if my message was not very clear, actually we are using the "MIDAS" history format and not the "FILE" one. So both mhist and mhdump should be ok (however I have only tested mhist).
Hypothetically which one between the two lends itself the better to being "batched"? I mean to be read and controlled by a program/routine. For example, some programs give the option to have the output formatted in json, etc...
          Reply  24 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 

Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:

Hypothetically which one between the two lends itself the better to being "batched"? I mean to be read and controlled by a program/routine. For example, some programs give the option to have the output formatted in json, etc...

Can't say on the top of my head. Both program are pretty old (written well before JSON has been invented, so there is no support for that in both). mhist was written by me mhdump was written by Konstantin. I would both give a try and see what you like more.

    Reply  25 Apr 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 
<p>[quote=&quot;Pintaudi Giorgio&quot;]Dear MIDAS people, I need to borrow your 
wisdom for a bit. I am developing a piece of software that should read the history data 
stored in a [FONT=Times New Roman].midas[/FONT] file (MIDAS format) and integrate it 
into the WAGASCI data quality output. In other words, I need to read some temperature 
values stored in a [FONT=Times New Roman].midas[/FONT] file and compare them with 
the MPPC gains and check for temperature/gain dependence. I see three possibilities: 
[LIST] [*] write a custom parser in C++ using the instructions contained in the 
[URL=]Mhformat page[/URL]; [*] call 
the mhist program from within my application; [*] call the mhdump program from within my 
application; [/LIST] [B]Which solution do you think is the best?[/B] Because there is no 
need for raw performance, if possible, I would like to write my application in Python3 but 
C++ is also an option. [/quote]</p>

(Please write messages in plain text format, thank you)

The format of .hst midas history files is pretty simple and mhdump.cxx is an easy to read 
illustration on how to read it from basic principles (without going through the midas library, 
which can be somewhat complicated). The newer "FILE" format for history is even simpler 
to read because it is just fixed-record-size binary data prepended by a text header.

You can also use the mh2sql program to import history data into an sql database (mysql 
and sqlite should work) or to convert .hst files to "FILE" format files. This works well
for "archiving" history data, because the "FILE" format works better for looking at old data,
and for looking at data in "months" or "years" timescale.

Back to your question, you can certainly use "mhdump" as is, using a pipe (popen()), or 
you can package mhdump.cxx as a c++ class and use it in your application. If you go this 
route, your contribution of such a c++ class back to midas would be very welcome.

You can also use mhist, but the mhist code cannot be trivially packaged as a c++ class
to use in your application.

You can also suggest that we write an easier to use history utility, we are always open to 
suggested improvements.

Let us know how it works out for you. Good luck!

       Reply  03 May 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 
> The format of .hst midas history files is pretty simple and mhdump.cxx is an easy to read 
> illustration on how to read it from basic principles (without going through the midas library, 
> which can be somewhat complicated). The newer "FILE" format for history is even simpler 
> to read because it is just fixed-record-size binary data prepended by a text header.
> You can also use the mh2sql program to import history data into an sql database (mysql 
> and sqlite should work) or to convert .hst files to "FILE" format files. This works well
> for "archiving" history data, because the "FILE" format works better for looking at old data,
> and for looking at data in "months" or "years" timescale.
> Back to your question, you can certainly use "mhdump" as is, using a pipe (popen()), or 
> you can package mhdump.cxx as a c++ class and use it in your application. If you go this 
> route, your contribution of such a c++ class back to midas would be very welcome.
> You can also use mhist, but the mhist code cannot be trivially packaged as a c++ class
> to use in your application.
> You can also suggest that we write an easier to use history utility, we are always open to 
> suggested improvements.
> Let us know how it works out for you. Good luck!
> K.O.

Dear Konstantin,
thank you very much for the wealth of information you provided.
I have thought about it and I see two options:

- One is to convert to SQL format and then use a SQLite library to import the data in my 

- The other is to encapsulate the mhdump.cxx code into a C++ class, as you say.

I am leaning towards the first option for three reasons.
1. I have never used a SQLite database so it is a good learning opportunity for me.
2, The SQLite database format is very well known and widespread, so there are tons of tools to 
handle it
3. I have taken a look at the mhdump.cxx source code and I think it is a beautiful piece of code, 
but has a very "functional" taste with little encapsulation. Basically, all the fun is happening 
inside the readHstFile function and there is no trivial way to get the data out of it. I don't mean 
that it would be difficult to wrap it around a C++ class, but I feel that I can learn more by going 
the SQL way.

PS some time ago, I don't remember if you or Stefan, recommended CLion as C++ IDE. I have tried it 
(together with PyCharm) and I must admit that it is really good. It took me years to configure Emacs 
as a IDE, while it took me minutes to have much better results in CLion. Thank you very much for 
your recommendation.
          Reply  03 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 
> - One is to convert to SQL format and then use a SQLite library to import the data in my 
> application.

You can also configure midas to write history directly to an SQLITE database. I have not used
it recently, but it should still work. In terms of efficiency, sqlite file size is about the same
as .hst files. sqlite file and table naming is similar to the SQL and FILE implementation.

(But note that back when I implemented the SQLITE history writer, sqlite database corruption
recovery instructions were "delete the file, restore from backup". And indeed in every test
experiment I tried, the sqlite history databases eventually corrupted themselves. You see
same thing with google-chrome, lots of sqlite errors (bad locking, corrupted table, etc)
in it's terminal output).

> - The other is to encapsulate the mhdump.cxx code into a C++ class, as you say.

If I were to write this today, there would be a c++ class that takes a history file,
iterates over all records and calls "callback" classlets. You can see this in the history.h
(HistoryBufferInterface) and in the tmfe.h (RpcHandlerInterface, etc).

I think this style of OO programming originally comes from java. If you so desire,
an "mhdump" class could be a nice way to learn it.

> PS some time ago, I don't remember if you or Stefan, recommended CLion as C++ IDE. I have tried it 
> (together with PyCharm) and I must admit that it is really good. It took me years to configure Emacs 
> as a IDE, while it took me minutes to have much better results in CLion. Thank you very much for 
> your recommendation.

I remember, years ago, the Borland TurboC IDE was like a gift from Gods. But today, I think IDEs have
declined in quality and usefulness. They clog the screen with too much eye candy and fluff, use hard
to read fonts and silly colours, insist on using tabs where I want spaces, reformat the text even as I type it,
and detract from productive work with distracting popups ("try this new function!", "let's upgrade now!").

For serious programming, I use emacs with minimal decorations. I can easily open 3 or 4 windows at the same
time and still have enough screen space left for a terminal to run "make". And it is the only editor that can
edit the same file in two or more windows at the same time. You do not know you need this until
you work on odb.cxx.

             Reply  04 May 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 
> (But note that back when I implemented the SQLITE history writer, sqlite database corruption
> recovery instructions were "delete the file, restore from backup". And indeed in every test
> experiment I tried, the sqlite history databases eventually corrupted themselves. You see
> same thing with google-chrome, lots of sqlite errors (bad locking, corrupted table, etc)
> in it's terminal output).

Thank you for the info. But I do not quite understand the comment above.
Do you mean that there is something wrong with the SQLite library itself or with the way that MIDAS creates the SQLite 
          Reply  03 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file ReferenceCardForMac.pdf
> PS some time ago, I don't remember if you or Stefan, recommended CLion as C++ IDE. I have tried it 
> (together with PyCharm) and I must admit that it is really good. It took me years to configure Emacs 
> as a IDE, while it took me minutes to have much better results in CLion. Thank you very much for 
> your recommendation.

Was probably me. I use it as my standard IDE and am quite happy with it. All the things KO likes with emacs, plus much 
more. Especially the CMake integration is nice, since you don't have to leave the IDE for editing, compiling and debugging. 
The tooltips the IDE gave me in the past months made me write code much better. So quite an opposite opinion compared 
with KO, but luckily this planet has space for all kinds of opinions. I made myself the cheat sheet attached, which lets me 
do things much faster. Maybe you can use it.

             Reply  26 May 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file 
Eventually, I have settled for the SQLite format.
I could convert the MIDAS history files .hst to SQLite
database .sqlite3 using the utility mh2sql.
It worked out nicely, thank you for the advice.

However, as Konstantine predicted I did notice some
database corruption when a couple of problematic .hst
files were read. I solved the issue by just deleting
those .hst files (I think they were empty anyway).

Now I am developing a piece of code to read the
database using the SOCI library and integrate it
into a TTree but this is not relevant for MIDAS I think.

Thank you again for the discussion.
Entry  22 May 2020, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, More trouble with openssl on macos 
For the record, here's my report of difficulties getting mongoose to compile with macos.  This is a similar 
problem reported before, but with slightly different error messages.  So I put them here for posterity.

- macos: 10.13.6
- xcode: 9.2
- gcc: Thomass-MacBook-Pro-3:build lindner$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-
Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
- midas: today's version

Start with the openssl version I had already installed.  cmake says 

-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.0.2s") 
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.0.2s

make install fails with this error:

[ 35%] Linking CXX executable mhttpd
cd /Users/lindner/packages/midas/build/progs && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.15.0/bin/cmake -E 
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/  -O2 -g -
DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose616.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib 
/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz -lcurl -lsqlite3
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Use macports to upgrade to newer openssl

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated

Now cmake says

-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.1.1g") 
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g

Error message is different now:

cd /Users/lindner/packages/midas/build/progs && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.15.0/bin/cmake -E 
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/  -O2 -g -
DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose616.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib 
/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz -lcurl -lsqlite3
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_OPENSSL_init_ssl", referenced from:
      _mg_mgr_init_opt in mongoose616.cxx.o
      _mg_ssl_if_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
  "_SSL_CTX_set_options", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
  "_SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

Fine.  Doing 'cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..' to build still works fine; I will stick with that since I don't need SSL on my 

Perhaps we should disable SSL by default on Macos?  People may only have ~50% chance of getting it to 
    Reply  22 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, More trouble with openssl on macos 
> For the record, here's my report of difficulties getting mongoose to compile with macos. 
> -- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.0.2s
> -- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g
> ... [ all of them did not work ]

For the record, I get this on mac os 10.15.4 and it works.
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g

I think I am quite fed up with this openssl business, too.

What I will do in MIDAS is fix the mbedtls detection, add mbedtls instructions
in the documentation and remove openssl from mhttpd build.

Result will be:
- default build will have mhttpd without https support, and this works in 100% of our use cases at TRIUMF.
- if user do not want to use apache https proxy, they have to "git clone" mbedtls, build it, rebuild mhttpd, then
they get https support, but for https certificate management - getting them, renewing them, etc, they are
on their own.

Since mhttpd has no integration with certbot, automatic management of https certificates does not work,
so good luck again.

In theory, I can try to add certbot integration, but even the most basic tools are missing, for example, openssl
does not report certificate expiration dates (I guess I must write my own code to examine the certificate
and hope my idea of expiration matches their idea). Since I do not see certificate expiration dates, every day I could
blindly run "certbot renew" and restart openssl with the updated certificate (but I think openssl does
not have a "restart" function, so again, forget about it). Adding insult to injury, by default, certbot stores certificates
in a secret location in /etc where mhttpd cannot access them.

Bottom line is that powers-that-be messed up https certificate management and until that is sorted out and is easy
to integrate with custom web servers, I can only recommend that mhttpd must run behind the "OS support https proxy".

Entry  16 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, midas-2020-03-a 
midas-2020-03-a is here.

Accumulated changes and bug fixes since last tag midas-2019-09-i.

After this release, expect some instability on the develop branch as I commit the update of mhttpd to mongoose web server library 
version 6.16. More on that later.

To obtain this release, either checkout the top of branch release/midas-2020-03 (recommended)
or checkout the tag midas-2020-03-a.

    Reply  22 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, midas-2020-03-a 
> midas-2020-03-a is here.
> checkout the top of branch release/midas-2020-03 (recommended) or
> checkout the tag midas-2020-03-a.

Since the release of midas-2020-03, we are in a cycle of rapid development of midas,
with many changes made daily.

For production use, unless you rely on latest changes and/or bug fixes, please use the midas-2020-03 release branch.

Some of the recent changes broke compatibility with ROOTANA.

The current ROOTANA release 2020-03 is meant to work with and is compatible with midas-2020-03. Going forward
we will try to keep releases of midas and rootana in "lock step".

Entry  12 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, New ODB++ API odbxx_test.cxx
Since the beginning of the lockdown I have been working hard on a new object-oriented interface to the online database ODB. I have the code now in an initial state where it is ready for 
testing and commenting. The basic idea is that there is an object midas::odb, which represents a value or a sub-tree in the ODB. Reading, writing and watching is done through this 
object. To get started, the new API has to be included with

   #include <odbxx.hxx>

To create ODB values under a certain sub-directory, you can either create one key at a time like:

   midas::odb o;
   o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);   // this creates /Test/Settings
   o.set_auto_create(true);            // this turns on auto-creation
   o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types
   o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
   o["String Key"] = "Hello";

or you can create a whole sub-tree at once like:

  midas::odb o = {
    {"Int32 Key", 1},
    {"Double Key", 1.23},
    {"String Key", "Hello"},
    {"Subdir", {
      {"Another value", 1.2f}

To read and write to the ODB, just read and write to the odb object

   int i = o["Int32 Key];
   o["Int32 Key"] = 42;
   std::cout << o << std::endl;

This works with basic types, strings, std::array and std::vector. Each read access to this object triggers an underlying read from the ODB, and each write access triggers a write to the 
ODB. To watch a value for change in the odb (the old db_watch() function), you can use now c++ lambdas like:[](midas::odb &o) {
      std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;

Attached is a full running example, which is now also part of the midas repository. I have tested most things, but would not yet use it in a production environment. Not 100% sure if there 
are any memory leaks. If someone could valgrind the test program, I would appreciate (currently does not work on my Mac).

Have fun!


    Reply  20 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New ODB++ API 
>    midas::odb o;
>    o["foo"] = 1;

This is an excellent development.

ODB is a tree-structured database, JSON is a tree-structured data format,
and they seem to fit together like hand and glove. For programming
web pages, Javascript and JSON-style access to ODB seems to work really well.

And now with modern C++ we can have a similar API for working with ODB tree data,
as if it were Javascript JSON tree data.

Let's see how well it works in practice!

    Reply  20 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, New ODB++ API odbxx_test.cxx
In meanwhile, there have been minor changes and improvements to the API:

Previously, we had:

>    midas::odb o;
>    o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);   // this creates /Test/Settings
>    o.set_auto_create(true);            // this turns on auto-creation
>    o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types
>    o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
>    o["String Key"] = "Hello";

Now, we only need:

      o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types

no "true" needed any more. If the ODB tree does not exist, it gets created. Similarly, set_auto_create() can be dropped, it's on by default (thought this makes more sense). Also the iteration over subkeys has 
been changed slightly.

The full example attached has been updated accordingly. 

    Reply  20 May 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, New ODB++ API 
All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ...
       Reply  20 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New ODB++ API 
> All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
> I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ...

Yes, I have designed new C-style MIDAS ODB APIs twice now (VirtualOdb in ROOTANA and MVOdb in ROOTANA and MIDAS),
and I was never happy with the results. There is too many corner cases and odd behaviour. Let's see how
this C++ interface shakes out.

For use in analyzers, Stefan's C++ interface still need to be virtualized - right now it has only one implementation
with the MIDAS ODB backend. In analyzers, we need XML, JSON (and a NULL ODB) backends. The API looks
to be clean enough to add this, but I have not looked at the implementation yet. So "watch this space" as they say.

Entry  12 May 2020, Ruslan Podviianiuk, Forum, List of sequencer files 

We are going to implement a list of sequencer files to allow users to select one 
of them. The name of this file will be transferred to 
/ODB/Sequencer/State/Filename field of ODB. 

Is it possible to get a list of Sequencer files from MIDAS? Is there a jrpc 
command for this?


    Reply  13 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, List of sequencer files Screenshot_2020-05-13_at_9.11.55_.png
If you load a file into the sequencer from the web interface, you get a list of all files in that directory. 
This basically gives you a list of possible sequencer files. It's even more powerful, since you can 
create subdirectories and thus group the sequencer files. Attached an example from our 

       Reply  18 May 2020, Ruslan Podviianiuk, Forum, List of sequencer files 
> If you load a file into the sequencer from the web interface, you get a list of all files in that directory. 
> This basically gives you a list of possible sequencer files. It's even more powerful, since you can 
> create subdirectories and thus group the sequencer files. Attached an example from our 
> experiment.
> Stefan

Dear Stefan,

Thank you for the explanation.

       Reply  19 May 2020, Ruslan Podviianiuk, Forum, List of sequencer files 
> If you load a file into the sequencer from the web interface, you get a list of all files in that directory. 
> This basically gives you a list of possible sequencer files. It's even more powerful, since you can 
> create subdirectories and thus group the sequencer files. Attached an example from our 
> experiment.
> Stefan

Dear Stefan,

Could you please answer one more question:

We have a custom webpage and trying to get list of files from the custom webpage and need jrpc command to show it 
in custom page. Is there a jrpc command to get this file list?

          Reply  20 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, List of sequencer files 
> We have a custom webpage and trying to get list of files from the custom webpage and need jrpc command to show it 
> in custom page. Is there a jrpc command to get this file list?

The rpc method used by sequencer web pages is "seq_list_files". How to use it, see resources/load_script.html.

To see list of all rpc methods implemented by your mhttpd, see "help"->"json-rpc schema, text format".

As general explanation, so far we have successfully resisted the desire to turn mhttpd into a generic NFS file
server - if we automatically give all web pages access to all files accessible to the midas user account, it is easy
to lose control of system security (i.e. bad things will happen if web pages can read the ssh private keys ~/.ssh/id_rsa and
modify ~/.ssh/authorized_keys). Generally it is impossible to come up with a whitelist or blacklist of "secrets" that
need to be "hidden" from web pages. But we did implement methods to access files from specific subdirectory trees
defined in ODB which hopefully do not contain any "secrets".

Entry  07 May 2020, Estelle, Bug Report, Conflic between Rootana and midas about the redefinition of TID_xxx data types  
Dear Midas and Rootana people,

We have tried to update our midas DAQ with the new TID definitions describe in 

And we have noticed an incompatibility of this new definitions with Rootana when reading an XmlOdb in our offline analyzer. 

The problem comes from  the function FindArrayPath in XmlOdb.cxx and the comparison of bank type as strings.
Ex: comparing the strings "DWORD" and "UNINT32"

An naive solution would be to print the number associated to the type (ex: '6' for DWORD/UNINT32), but that would mean changing Rootana and Midas source code. Moreover, it does decrease the readability of the XmlOdb file. 

Thanks for your time.
    Reply  20 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Conflic between Rootana and midas about the redefinition of TID_xxx data types  
> Dear Midas and Rootana people,
> We have tried to update our midas DAQ with the new TID definitions describe in 
> And we have noticed an incompatibility of this new definitions with Rootana when reading an XmlOdb in our offline analyzer. 
> The problem comes from  the function FindArrayPath in XmlOdb.cxx and the comparison of bank type as strings.
> Ex: comparing the strings "DWORD" and "UNINT32"
> An naive solution would be to print the number associated to the type (ex: '6' for DWORD/UNINT32), but that would mean changing Rootana and Midas source code. Moreover, it does decrease the readability of the XmlOdb file. 

Hi, it is unfortunate that a change was made in MIDAS that is incompatible with existing analysis software. I shall update the ROOTANA package to deal with this ASAP.

Entry  01 May 2020, Joseph McKenna, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 

Hi all,

I have been experimenting with a frontend solution for my experiment 
(ALPHA). The intention to replace how we log data from PCs running LabVIEW. 

I am at the proof of concept stage. So far I have some promising 
performance, able to handle 10-100x more data in my test setup (current 
limitations now are just network bandwith, MIDAS is impressively efficient). 


Our experiment has many PCs using LabVIEW which all log to MIDAS, the 
experiment has grown such that we need some sort of load balancing in our 

The concept was to have a 'supervisor frontend' and an array of 'worker 
frontend' processes. 
-A LabVIEW client would connect to the supervisor, then be referred to a 
worker frontend for data logging. 
-The supervisor could start a 'worker frontend' process as the demand 

To increase accountability within the experiment, I intend to have a 'worker 
frontend' per PC connecting. Then any rouge behavior would be clear from the 
MIDAS frontpage.

Presently there around 20-30 of these LabVIEW PCs, but given how the group 
is growing, I want to be sure that my data logging solution will be viable 
for the next 5-10 years. With the increased use of single board computers, I 
chose the target of benchmarking upto 1000 worker frontends... but I quickly 
hit the '64 MAX CLIENTS' and '64 RPC CONNECTION' limit. Ok...

branching and updating these limits:

I have two commits. 
1. update the memory layout assertions and use MAX_CLIENTS as a variable

Unintended side effects:
I break compatibility of existing ODB files... the database layout has 
changed and I read my old ODB as corrupt. In my test setup I can start from 
scratch but this would be horrible for any existing experiment.

Edit: I noticed 'make testdiff' pipeline is failing... also fails locally... 

Early performance results:
In early tests, ~700 PCs logging 10 unique arrays of 10 doubles into 
Equipment variables in the ODB seems to perform well... All transactions 
from client PCs are finished within a couple of ms or less



Does the community here have strong opinions about increasing the 
Am I looking at this problem in a naive way?

Potential solutions other than increasing the MAX_CLIENTS limit:
-Make worker threads inside the supervisor (not a separate process), I am 
using TMFE, so I can dynamically create equipment. I have not yet taken a 
deep dive into how any multithreading is implemented
-One could have a round robin system to load balance between a limited pool 
of 'worker frontend' proccesses. I don't like this solution as I want to 
able to clearly see which client PCs have been setup to log too much data

    Reply  01 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
Hi Joseph,

here some thoughts from my side:

- Breaking ODB compatibility in the master/develop midas branch is very bad, since almost all experiments worldwide are affected if they just do blindly a pull and want to recompile and rerun. Currently, 
even during our Corona crisis, still some experiments are running and monitored remotely.

- On the other hand, if we have to break compatibility, now is maybe a good time since most accelerators worldwide are off. But before doing so, I would like to get feedback from the main experiments 
around the world (MEG, T2K, g-2, DEAP besides ALPHA).

- Having a maximum of 64 clients was originally decided when memory was scarce. In the early days one had just a couple of megabytes of share memory. Now this is not an issue any more, but I see 
another problem. The main status page gives a nice overview of the experiment. This only works because there is a limited number of midas clients and equipments. If we blow up to 1000+, the status 
page would be rather long and we have to scroll up and down forever. In such a scenario one would have at least to redesign the status and program pages. To start your experiment, you would have to 
click 1000 times to start each front-end, also not very practicable.

- Having 100's or 1000's of front-ends calls rather for a hierarchical design, like the LHC experiments have. That would be a major change of midas and cannot be done quickly. It would also result in 
much slower run start/stops.

- If you see limitations with your LabVIEW PCs, have you considered multi-threading on your front-ends? Note that the standard midas slow control system supports multithreaded devices 
(DF_MULTITHREAD). In MEG, we use about 800 microcontrollers via the MSCB protocol. They are grouped together and each group is a multithreaded device in the midas slow control lingo, meaning the 
group gets its own thread for control and readout in the midas frontend. This way, one group cannot slow down all other groups. There is one front-end for all groups, which can be started/stopped with 
a single click, it shows up just as one line in the status page, and still it's pretty fast. Have you considered such a scheme? So your LabVIEW PCs would not be individual front-ends, but just make a 
network connection to the midas front-end which then manages all LabVEIW PCs. The midas slow control system allows to define custom commands (besides the usual read/write command for slow 
control data), so you could maybe integrate all you need into that scheme.


> Hi all,
> I have been experimenting with a frontend solution for my experiment 
> (ALPHA). The intention to replace how we log data from PCs running LabVIEW. 
> I am at the proof of concept stage. So far I have some promising 
> performance, able to handle 10-100x more data in my test setup (current 
> limitations now are just network bandwith, MIDAS is impressively efficient). 
> ==========================================================================
> Our experiment has many PCs using LabVIEW which all log to MIDAS, the 
> experiment has grown such that we need some sort of load balancing in our 
> frontend.
> The concept was to have a 'supervisor frontend' and an array of 'worker 
> frontend' processes. 
> -A LabVIEW client would connect to the supervisor, then be referred to a 
> worker frontend for data logging. 
> -The supervisor could start a 'worker frontend' process as the demand 
> required.
> To increase accountability within the experiment, I intend to have a 'worker 
> frontend' per PC connecting. Then any rouge behavior would be clear from the 
> MIDAS frontpage.
> Presently there around 20-30 of these LabVIEW PCs, but given how the group 
> is growing, I want to be sure that my data logging solution will be viable 
> for the next 5-10 years. With the increased use of single board computers, I 
> chose the target of benchmarking upto 1000 worker frontends... but I quickly 
> hit the '64 MAX CLIENTS' and '64 RPC CONNECTION' limit. Ok...
> branching and updating these limits:
> I have two commits. 
> 1. update the memory layout assertions and use MAX_CLIENTS as a variable
> 366df96?at=experimental-beyond_64_clients
> 6ce3df1?at=experimental-beyond_64_clients
> Unintended side effects:
> I break compatibility of existing ODB files... the database layout has 
> changed and I read my old ODB as corrupt. In my test setup I can start from 
> scratch but this would be horrible for any existing experiment.
> Edit: I noticed 'make testdiff' is failing... also fails lok
> Early performance results:
> In early tests, ~700 PCs logging 10 unique arrays of 10 doubles into 
> Equipment variables in the ODB seems to perform well... All transactions 
> from client PCs are finished within a couple of ms or less
> ==========================================================================
> Questions:
> Does the community here have strong opinions about increasing the 
> Am I looking at this problem in a naive way?
> Potential solutions other than increasing the MAX_CLIENTS limit:
> -Make worker threads inside the supervisor (not a separate process), I am 
> using TMFE, so I can dynamically create equipment. I have not yet taken a 
> deep dive into how any multithreading is implemented
> -One could have a round robin system to load balance between a limited pool 
> of 'worker frontend' proccesses. I don't like this solution as I want to 
> able to clearly see which client PCs have been setup to log too much data
> ==========================================================================
       Reply  01 May 2020, Pierre Gorel, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
> - On the other hand, if we have to break compatibility, now is maybe a good time since most accelerators worldwide are off. But before doing so, I would like to get feedback from the main experiments 
> around the world (MEG, T2K, g-2, DEAP besides ALPHA).

Hello Stefan,
For what is worth, DEAP will not be impacted: as we have been taking data around the clock for the last few years, we froze the code running on the computers. We may have some window of opportunity for upgrade in few months but such a move has not been discussed yet.

Best regards,
          Reply  02 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
TRIUMF stayed quiet, probably they have other things to do.

I allowed myself to move the maximum number of clients back to its original value, in order not to break running experiments. 
This does not mean that the increase is a bad idea, we just have to be careful not to break running experiments. Let's discuss it
more thoroughly here before we make a decision in that direction.

Best regards,
             Reply  02 May 2020, Joseph McKenna, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
Thank you very much for feedback.

I am satisfied with not changing the 64 client limit. I will look at re-writing my frontend to spawn threads rather than 
processses. The load of my frontend is low, so I do not anticipate issues with a threaded implementation. 

In this threaded scenario, it will be a reasonable amount of time until ALPHA bumps into the 64 client limit.

If it avoids confusion, I am happy for my experimental branch 'experimental-beyond_64_clients' to be deleted.

Perhaps a item for future discussion would be for the odbinit program to be able to 'upgrade' the ODB and enable some backwards 

Thanks again
                Reply  02 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
> Perhaps a item for future discussion would be for the odbinit program to be able to 'upgrade' the ODB and enable some backwards 
> compatibility.

We had this discussion already a few times. There is an ODB version number (DATABSE_VERSION 3 in midas.h) which is intended for that. If we break teh 
binary compatibility, programs should complain "ODB version has changed, please run ...", then odbinit (written by KO) should have a well-defined 
procedure to upgrade existing ODBs by re-creating them, but keeping all old contents. This should be tested on a few systems.

    Reply  02 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
> Does the community here have strong opinions about increasing the 
> Am I looking at this problem in a naive way?

I think MAX_CLIENTS set at 64 is on the low side for today.

And in the past, we did have experiments that did not work without increasing MAX_CLIENTS. I 
think T2K/ND280 needed MAX_CLIENTS bumped to about 100 (200?).

If ALPHA needs MAX_CLIENTS bigger than the default 64, nothing stops the experiment
from changing this number in the local copy of MIDAS.

It is not necessary to change it in the central repository for everybody.

       Reply  02 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
> > 
> > Does the community here have strong opinions about increasing the 
> > Am I looking at this problem in a naive way?
> > 

The issue is binary compatibility.

MIDAS has been binary compatible with itself for a long time, 20 years now, easily.

If we are to give this up, we must gain more than we lose.

On the technical level, bumping MAX_CLIENTS from 64 to 100 gives us nothing, Tomorrow an experiment
will come along asking for 101 clients. Any number you pick, it is too small for somebody. And MIDAS
already has a solution for this: edit midas.h, hit make, done.

If we are to break binary compatibility, we should go big. Remove these limits completely!

Move the MAX_CLIENTS & co fixed size arrays out of the headers in ODB and in event buffers, put
them where they can be resized as needed.

That's a binary-compatibility breaking solution I would vote for.

          Reply  02 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Taking MIDAS beyond 64 clients 
> > > 
> > > Does the community here have strong opinions about increasing the 
> > > Am I looking at this problem in a naive way?
> > > 

The issue is: how to organize an experiment? how many frontends should I have?

There are two extremes:

- collect all data in 1 frontend (and today with c++ threads and c++ ring buffers, this is trivial)
- instantiate 1 frontend for each data source. (for example, ALPHA-g detector has 8 ADCs, 64 PWBs plus some
small fish. No that's wrong. Each ADC looks like 48 individual data sources, each PWB looks like 4 data sources,
so this would be 8*48+4*64=640 data sources, could be 640 frontends easily, plus small fish).

Which way is best? Every experiment is different, but consider simple things:

640 frontends writing into 1 event buffer will probably cause large contention for the event buffer lock. bad.
640 frontends running on a 4 core CPU will probably cause unhappiness in the OS. bad.
starting and stopping 640 frontends requires some scripting, monitoring that they all still run, etc. extra work. bad.
640 frontends on the midas status page? your cell phone web browser will explode. bad.

What I am saying is - arbitrary limits are good for you. Make you think about what is going on before throwing 
resources at the problem.

Entry  03 Apr 2020, Francesco Renga, Info, CLOCK_REALTIME on MacOS 
Dear all,
       I'm trying to compile MIDAS on MacOS 10.10 and I get this error:

/Users/francesco/MIDAS/midas/src/system.cxx:3187:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 
   clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ltm);

Is it related to my (old) version of MacOS? Can I fix it somehow?

Thank you,
    Reply  03 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, CLOCK_REALTIME on MacOS 
> Dear all,
>        I'm trying to compile MIDAS on MacOS 10.10 and I get this error:
> /Users/francesco/MIDAS/midas/src/system.cxx:3187:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 
>    clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ltm);
> Is it related to my (old) version of MacOS? Can I fix it somehow?
> Thank you,
>       Francesco

If I see this correctly, you need at least MacOSX 10.12. If you can't upgrade, you can just remove line 3187 
from system.cxx. This function is only used in an online environment, where you would run a frontend on your 
Mac, which you probably don't do. So removing it does not hurt you.

       Reply  25 Apr 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, CLOCK_REALTIME on MacOS 
> > /Users/francesco/MIDAS/midas/src/system.cxx:3187:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 
> >    clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ltm);
> > 
> > Is it related to my (old) version of MacOS? Can I fix it somehow?

I think the "set clock" function is a holdover from embedded operating systems
that did not keep track of clock time, i.e. VxWorks, and similar. Here a midas program
will get the time from the mserver and set it on the local system. Poor man's ntp,
poor man's ntpd/chronyd.

We should check if this function is called by anything, and if nothing calls it, maybe remove it?

          Reply  26 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, CLOCK_REALTIME on MacOS 
> > > /Users/francesco/MIDAS/midas/src/system.cxx:3187:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 
> > >    clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ltm);
> > > 
> > > Is it related to my (old) version of MacOS? Can I fix it somehow?
> I think the "set clock" function is a holdover from embedded operating systems
> that did not keep track of clock time, i.e. VxWorks, and similar. Here a midas program
> will get the time from the mserver and set it on the local system. Poor man's ntp,
> poor man's ntpd/chronyd.
> We should check if this function is called by anything, and if nothing calls it, maybe remove it?
> K.O.

It's called in mfe.cxx via cm_synchronize:

/* set time from server */

This was for old VxWorks systems which had no ntp/crond. Was asked for by Pierre long time ago. I don't use it 
(have no VxWorks). We can either remove it completely, or remove just the MacOSX part and just exit the program 
if called with an error message "not implemented on this OS".

Entry  26 Apr 2020, Yu Chen (SYSU), Forum, Questions and discussions on the Frontend ODB tree structure. 
Dear MIDAS developers and colleagues,

    This is Yu CHEN of School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University, China, working in the PandaX-III collaboration, an experiment under development to search the neutrinoless double 
beta decay. We are working on the DAQ and slow control systems and would like to use Midas framework to communicate with the custom hardware systems, generally via Ethernet 
interfaces. So currently we are focusing on the development of the FRONTEND program of Midas and have some questions and discussions on its ODB structure. Since I’m still not 
experienced in the framework, it would be precious that you can provide some suggestions on the topic.
    The current structure of the frontend ODB tree we have designed, together with our understanding on them, is as follows:
        ->  /Common/: Basic controls and left unchanged.
        ->  /Variables/: (ODB records with MODE_READ) Monitored values that are AUTOMATICALLY updated from the bank data within each packed event. It is done by the update_odb() 
function in mfe.cxx.
        ->  /Statistics/: (ODB records with MODE_WRITE) Default status values that are AUTOMATICALLY updated by the calling of db_send_changed_records() within the mfe.cxx.
        ->  /Settings/: All the user defined data can be located here. 
            -> /stat/: (ODB records with MODE_WRITE) All the monitored values as well as program internal status. The update operation is done simultaneously when 
db_send_changed_records() is called within the mfe.cxx.
            -> /set/: (ODB records with MODE_READ) All the “Control” data used to configure the custom program and custom hardware.

    For our application, some of the our detector equipment outputs small amount of status and monitored data together with the event data, so we currently choose not to use EQ_SLOW 
and 3-layer drivers for the readout. Our solution is to create two ODB sub-trees in the /Settings/ similar to what the device_driver does. However, this could introduce two 
    1) For /Settings/stat/: To prevent the potential destroy on the hot-links of /Variables/ and /Statistics/ sub-trees, all our status and monitored data are stored separately in 
the /Settings/stat/ sub-tree. Another consideration is that some monitored data are not directly from the raw data, so packaging them into the Bank for later showing in /Variables/ 
could somehow lead to a complicated readout() function. However, this solution may be complicated for history loggings. I have find that the ANALYZER modules could provide some 
processes for writing to the /Variables/ sub-tree, so I would like to know whether an analyzer should be used in this case.
    2) For /Settings/set/: The “control” data (similar to the “demand” data in the EQ_SLOW equipment) are currently put in several /Settings/set/ sub-trees where each key in 
them is hot-linked to a pre-defined hardware configuration function. However, some control operations are not related to a certain ODB key or related to several ODB keys (e.g. 
configuration the Ethernet sockets), so the dispatcher function should be assigned to the whole sub-tree, which I think can slow the response speed of the software. What we are 
currently using is to setup a dedicated “control key”, and then the input of different value means different operations (e.g. 1 means socket opening, 2 means sending the UDP 
packets to the target hardware, et al.). This “control key” is also used to develop the buttons to be shown on the Status/Custom webpage. However, we would like to have your 
suggestions or better solutions on that, considering the stability and fast response of the control.

    We are not sure whether the above understanding and troubles on the Midas framework are correct or they are just due to our limits on the knowledge of the framework, so we 
really appreciate your knowledge and help for a better using on Midas. Thank you so much!
    Reply  26 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Questions and discussions on the Frontend ODB tree structure. 
Dear Yu Chen,

in my opinion, you can follow two strategies:

1) Follow the EQ_SLOW example from the distribution, and write some device driver for you hardware to control. There are dozens of experiments worldwide which use that scheme and it works ok for lots of 
different devices. By doing that, you get automatically things like write cache (only write a value to the actual device if it really has chande) and dead band (only write measured data to the ODB if it changes more 
than a certain value to suppress noise). Furthermore, you get events created automatically and history for all your measured variables. This scheme might look complicated on the first look, and it's quite old-
fashioned (no C++ yet) but it has proven stable over the last ~20 years or so. Maybe the biggest advantage of this system is that each device gets its own readout and control thread, so one slow device cannot 
block other devices. Once this has been introduced more than 10 years ago, we saw a big improvement in all experiments.

2) Do everything by yourself. This is the way you describe below. Of course you are free to do whatever you like, you will find "special" solutions for all your problems. But then you move away from the "standard 
scheme" and you loose all the benefits I described under 1) and of course you are on your own. If something does not work, it will be in your code and nobody from the community can help you.

So choose carefully between 1) and 2).

Best regards,

> Dear MIDAS developers and colleagues,
>     This is Yu CHEN of School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University, China, working in the PandaX-III collaboration, an experiment under development to search the neutrinoless double 
> beta decay. We are working on the DAQ and slow control systems and would like to use Midas framework to communicate with the custom hardware systems, generally via Ethernet 
> interfaces. So currently we are focusing on the development of the FRONTEND program of Midas and have some questions and discussions on its ODB structure. Since I’m still not 
> experienced in the framework, it would be precious that you can provide some suggestions on the topic.
>     The current structure of the frontend ODB tree we have designed, together with our understanding on them, is as follows:
>       /Equipment/<frontend_name>/
>         ->  /Common/: Basic controls and left unchanged.
>         ->  /Variables/: (ODB records with MODE_READ) Monitored values that are AUTOMATICALLY updated from the bank data within each packed event. It is done by the update_odb() 
> function in mfe.cxx.
>         ->  /Statistics/: (ODB records with MODE_WRITE) Default status values that are AUTOMATICALLY updated by the calling of db_send_changed_records() within the mfe.cxx.
>         ->  /Settings/: All the user defined data can be located here. 
>             -> /stat/: (ODB records with MODE_WRITE) All the monitored values as well as program internal status. The update operation is done simultaneously when 
> db_send_changed_records() is called within the mfe.cxx.
>             -> /set/: (ODB records with MODE_READ) All the “Control” data used to configure the custom program and custom hardware.
>     For our application, some of the our detector equipment outputs small amount of status and monitored data together with the event data, so we currently choose not to use EQ_SLOW 
> and 3-layer drivers for the readout. Our solution is to create two ODB sub-trees in the /Settings/ similar to what the device_driver does. However, this could introduce two 
> troubles:
>     1) For /Settings/stat/: To prevent the potential destroy on the hot-links of /Variables/ and /Statistics/ sub-trees, all our status and monitored data are stored separately in 
> the /Settings/stat/ sub-tree. Another consideration is that some monitored data are not directly from the raw data, so packaging them into the Bank for later showing in /Variables/ 
> could somehow lead to a complicated readout() function. However, this solution may be complicated for history loggings. I have find that the ANALYZER modules could provide some 
> processes for writing to the /Variables/ sub-tree, so I would like to know whether an analyzer should be used in this case.
>     2) For /Settings/set/: The “control” data (similar to the “demand” data in the EQ_SLOW equipment) are currently put in several /Settings/set/ sub-trees where each key in 
> them is hot-linked to a pre-defined hardware configuration function. However, some control operations are not related to a certain ODB key or related to several ODB keys (e.g. 
> configuration the Ethernet sockets), so the dispatcher function should be assigned to the whole sub-tree, which I think can slow the response speed of the software. What we are 
> currently using is to setup a dedicated “control key”, and then the input of different value means different operations (e.g. 1 means socket opening, 2 means sending the UDP 
> packets to the target hardware, et al.). This “control key” is also used to develop the buttons to be shown on the Status/Custom webpage. However, we would like to have your 
> suggestions or better solutions on that, considering the stability and fast response of the control.
>     We are not sure whether the above understanding and troubles on the Midas framework are correct or they are just due to our limits on the knowledge of the framework, so we 
> really appreciate your knowledge and help for a better using on Midas. Thank you so much!
Entry  25 Apr 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, new mac! 
I received my new 2020 mac book air, so between Stefan and myself, MacOS support for 
MIDAS is assured for 5 more years at the least. K.O.
Entry  07 Apr 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Suggestion, Sequencer loop break 
I am using the Midas sequencer to run subsequent measurements in a loop, without 
knowing how many iterations in advance. Therefore, I am using the "infinity" 
option. Since I have other commands after the loop, it would be nice to have the 
possibility to break the loop, but let the sequencer then finish the rest of the 
    Reply  21 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Sequencer loop break 
> I am using the Midas sequencer to run subsequent measurements in a loop, without 
> knowing how many iterations in advance. Therefore, I am using the "infinity" 
> option. Since I have other commands after the loop, it would be nice to have the 
> possibility to break the loop, but let the sequencer then finish the rest of the 
> commands. 
> Cheers,
> Ivo

You can do that with the "GOTO" statement, jumping to the first line after the loop.

Here is a working example:

LOOP runs, 5
     WAIT Seconds 3
     IF $runs > 2
         GOTO 7
MESSAGE "Finished", 1

       Reply  23 Apr 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Suggestion, Sequencer loop break 
> You can do that with the "GOTO" statement, jumping to the first line after the loop.
> Here is a working example:
> LOOP runs, 5
>      WAIT Seconds 3
>      IF $runs > 2
>          GOTO 7
>      ENDIF
> MESSAGE "Finished", 1
> Best,
> Stefan

Hoi Stefan

Thanks for your answer. As I understand it, this has to be in the sequence script before 
running. So, in the end, it is not different than just saying "LOOP runs, 2" and 
therefore the number of runs has do be known in advance as well. Or is there an option to 
change the script on runtime? What I would like, is to start a sequence with "LOOP runs, 
infinite" and when I come back to the experiment after falling asleep being able to break 
the loop after the next iteration, but still execute everything after ENDLOOP, i.e. the 
MESSAGE statement in your example. Because if I do a "Stop after current run", this seems 
not to happen. 

Best, Ivo
          Reply  23 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Sequencer loop break 
> > You can do that with the "GOTO" statement, jumping to the first line after the loop.
> > 
> > Here is a working example:
> > 
> > 
> > LOOP runs, 5
> >      WAIT Seconds 3
> >      IF $runs > 2
> >          GOTO 7
> >      ENDIF
> > MESSAGE "Finished", 1
> > 
> > Best,
> > Stefan
> Hoi Stefan
> Thanks for your answer. As I understand it, this has to be in the sequence script before 
> running. So, in the end, it is not different than just saying "LOOP runs, 2" and 
> therefore the number of runs has do be known in advance as well. Or is there an option to 
> change the script on runtime? What I would like, is to start a sequence with "LOOP runs, 
> infinite" and when I come back to the experiment after falling asleep being able to break 
> the loop after the next iteration, but still execute everything after ENDLOOP, i.e. the 
> MESSAGE statement in your example. Because if I do a "Stop after current run", this seems 
> not to happen. 
> Best, Ivo

First, you have the sequencer button "Stop after current run", but that does of course ot
execute anything after ENDLOOP. 

Second, you can put anything in the IF statement. Like create a variable on the ODB like
/Experiment/Run parameters/Stop loop and set this to zero. Then put in your script:

ODBGET /Experiment/Run parameters/Stop loop, flag
IF $flag == 1
   GOTO 7

So once you want to stop the loop, set the flag in the ODB to one.

       Reply  25 Apr 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Sequencer loop break 
> LOOP runs, 5
> ...

Classical loop constructs usually include "break" (exit the loop) and "continue" (loop again!) 
constructs. I would say it is an unfortunate omission if they are not present in the midas sequencer.

But Stefan is right, of course, both commands are just funny names for "goto".

Entry  16 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd mongoose 6.16 update 
the update of mhttpd to mongoose version 6.16 was committed to the develop branch of midas. If you do not want to use this 
updated code or if it causes problems, please use the mhttpd6 executable or midas from the midas-2020-03 release branch.

new features:

- IPv6 support
- built-in http proxy
- fine grain locking - serving "resource" files (html, css, etc) and serving json-rpc requests no longer takes the global lock
- reduced number of DNS queries when checking host list access (DNS replies are cached)
- (I decided to not implement caching of password requests and dynamic reload of password file - it is too hard).

internal changes:

Recent versions of the mongoose web server library have removed all their internal multithreading,
leaving the library fully single-threaded. This resulted in major simplification of many things. An improvement.
(the civetweb fork of mongoose retains the old multithreading code, that model seems to work better
which used inside ROOT). As implemented in mhttpd, all network connections are handled by the main thread,
all midas http requests are handled by worker threads that are started on the as-needed basis.

The old mongoose 6.4 based mhttpd code survived almost without changes - as a compile-time
option - so now I build 2 mhttpd executables: mhttpd with the new code and mhttpd6 with the old code
so people have something to run in case the new code bombs.

http proxy:

Experiments that use private networks usually configure the apache httpd as a web proxy to allow
access from the outside to the web-controlled devices on the private network. Making changes
to this proxy requires root access, requires restarting httpd, etc. To make things simpler, mhttpd now
includes a web proxy (almost the complete implementation is provided by the mongoose library). Configuration
is done from ODB, restarting mhttpd is not needed.

improved multithreading:

Since most of the MIDAS library is now thread-safe, mhttpd no longer needs to take the "big midas lock"
to service most web requests. Access to files, access to ODB, etc is now fully threaded. Some parts
of MIDAS are not thread-safe, i.e. access to history and log files, so a flag was added to the mjsonrpc library
to mark which RPC methods are not thread-safe.

Note that despite these improvements, mhttpd still suffers from "http head-of-queue blocking"
because (i.e. the google chrome web browser) tends to use just 1 TCP connection for all JSONRPC requests,
after a request for a history read (can take a long time), all subsequent requests for web page updates, etc
will have to wait until it completes, causing unresponsive user experience. (it looks as if mhttpd is single-threaded!).

A solution for this problem is HTTP/2, which is not yet implemented by mongoose and is not quite yet available
for apache httpd.

More later...
    Reply  16 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd mongoose 6.16 update 
> the update of mhttpd to mongoose version 6.16 was committed to the develop branch of midas.

The new code implements 3 http ports:

- localhost port 8080 - enabled by default - suitable for "I want to test midas on my laptop" and for connecting from the apache httpd
https password protected gateway.

- insecure http port 8081 - disabled by default - with optional password protection (HTTP Digest auth), and optional hostlist access
control - for the case when the https gateway is running on a different computer (i.e. ALPHA at CERN).

(My reading of "internet opinions" about HTTP Digest authentication over unencrypted HTTP is
that while considered very obsolete, there are no specific security problems and exploits
against it - other than the usual - man-in-the-middle and "steal the password file" attacks.
So while I do not recommend using it, I do not feel justified to remove/disable it on security grounds.
It provides an alternative password protection when use of SSL/HTTPS is too difficult).

- https port 8443 - disabled by default - also with optional password protection (HTTP Digest auth), and optional hostlist access
control. HTTP Digest password protection over HTTPS is deemed as secure at "HTTP Basic" password protection over HTTPS and
that is what is used by apache httpd password protection.

(The main problem with mhttpd support of HTTPS is obtaining an https certificate. Right now mhttpd
instructs the user to generate a self-signed certificate. But there is 2 problems: modern browsers dislike self-signed
certificates (even when explicitely marked "trust it!") and there is no check for certificate expiration.
I guess one could try to integrate mhttpd with certbot and the let's-encrypt system, but there
is problems, i.e. the certificate files live in readable-only-by-root directories, etc. I would rather
wait until mongoose implement certbot integration in their code).

More later...
       Reply  16 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd mongoose 6.16 update 
> > the update of mhttpd to mongoose version 6.16 was committed to the develop branch of midas.

Configuration is done by ODB /WebServer:

[local:javascript1:S]/WebServer>ls -l
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
mime.types                      DIR
Enable localhost port           BOOL    1     4     2h   0   RWD  y
localhost port                  INT     1     4     2h   0   RWD  8080
localhost port passwords        BOOL    1     4     2h   0   RWD  n
Enable insecure port            BOOL    1     4     12h  0   RWD  n
insecure port                   INT     1     4     2h   0   RWD  8081
insecure port passwords         BOOL    1     4     2h   0   RWD  y
insecure port host list         BOOL    1     4     2h   0   RWD  y
Enable https port               BOOL    1     4     12h  0   RWD  n
https port                      INT     1     4     2h   0   RWD  8443
https port passwords            BOOL    1     4     2h   0   RWD  y
https port host list            BOOL    1     4     2h   0   RWD  y
Host list                       STRING  10    32    2h   0   RWD
                                        [0]             localhost
Enable IPv6                     BOOL    1     4     2h   0   RWD  y
Proxy                           DIR

Most entries are self-obvious, but note:

- mime.types contains the mapping of file extensions of file content-type telling browser what to do:

[local:javascript1:S]/WebServer>ls -l mime.types/
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
.HTML                           STRING  1     10    2h   0   RWD  text/html
.HTM                            STRING  1     10    2h   0   RWD  text/html
.CSS                            STRING  1     9     2h   0   RWD  text/css

- Proxy directory configures the http proxy (as implemented by mongoose, I am
not sure if I understand all limitations):

[local:javascript1:S]/WebServer>ls -l Proxy/
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
example                         STRING  1     27    17h  0   RWD  #http://localhost:8080

("#" means - commented-out)

http://localhost:8080/proxy/example/foo/bar/baz proxies to http://localhost:8080/foo/bar/baz

- "Enable IPv6" tells mhttpd to also listen on the IPv6 ports. The best I can tell IPv6 works on the Mac,
and with luck will get some testing at CERN where IPv6 is in use.

Documentation on the midas wiki still needs to be updated for this.
          Reply  17 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mbedtls, mhttpd mongoose 6.16 update 
> > > the update of mhttpd to mongoose version 6.16 was committed to the develop branch of midas.

current code looks for the mbedtls library in ../mbedtls (next to midas)

if cmake misdetects it, turn it off by setting NO_MBEDTLS (same as NO_ROOT & co)

if you do want to build mhttpd with mbedtls, do this:

cd .../midas
cd ../
git clone
cd mbedtls
git submodule update --init ### this will populate the "crypto" directory
make ### if "python2" is missing, building of test suite programs will fail, but the libraries needed for midas will be built

cd ../midas
make cmake...

             Reply  30 Mar 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, mbedtls, mhttpd mongoose 6.16 update 
I had some quick look at the new mongoose code and didn't find anything I dislike. Did a quick test of the proxy which worked and is nice to have. 
Agree with all KO said about authentication.

So if there are no complaints, I would suggest that we move the summary of this thread into the official documentation.

Entry  25 Mar 2020, Andreas Suter, Forum, mlogger: misleading error messages for ROOT  
Dear All,

At our experiment we write ROOT files. When starting/stopping runs we get the following error messages:

[Logger,ERROR] [mlogger.cxx:3358:root_write,ERROR] Cannot write system event into ROOT file, event_id 0xffff8000

[Logger,ERROR] [mlogger.cxx:3358:root_write,ERROR] Cannot write system event into ROOT file, event_id 0xffff8001

Looking into the source code I found that log_write (line 4248) sends these Midas System Events (BOR,EOR) to root_write without filtering them. root_write() checks in a first step if it gets such Midas System Events and if yes, moans.

Wouldn't it be better just to filter these events in log_write, before calling root_write, avoiding unnecessary error messages?

Is there something I miss?

    Reply  25 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, mlogger: misleading error messages for ROOT  
> [Logger,ERROR] [mlogger.cxx:3358:root_write,ERROR] Cannot write system event into ROOT file, event_id 0xffff8000

Hi, Andreas, please open a bug report for this problem on bitbucket, there is now at least 2 bugs against
the ROOT writer (some events are written in duplicate sometimes), and I hope to fix this next time i review
the mlogger (RSN!). Biggest problem is that I do not use the ROOT output myself, so I have no way
to know if ROOT files produced by mlogger are correct or make sense. (without setting up some kind
of test environment with a ROOT file reader.

Thank you for reporting this problem here, so more people know about it.

If somebody has a patch to fix this, please send it in!

    Reply  27 Mar 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, mlogger: misleading error messages for ROOT  
Dear simplest solution seems to me to just remove the error message generation and silently ignore the BOE EOR events. 

Committed that change.

       Reply  27 Mar 2020, Andreas Suter, Forum, mlogger: misleading error messages for ROOT  
Hi Stefan,

I think this only partially resolves the issue, in log_write:

#ifdef HAVE_ROOT
   } else if (log_chn->format == FORMAT_ROOT) {
      status = root_write(log_chn, pevent, pevent->data_size + sizeof(EVENT_HEADER));

   actual_time = ss_millitime();
   if ((int) actual_time - (int) start_time > 3000)
      cm_msg(MINFO, "log_write", "Write operation on \'%s\' took %d ms", log_chn->path.c_str(), actual_time - start_time);

   if (status != SS_SUCCESS && !stop_requested) {
      cm_msg(MTALK, "log_write", "Error writing output file, stopping run");
      cm_msg(MERROR, "log_write", "Cannot write \'%s\', error %d, stopping run", log_chn->path.c_str(), status);

      return status;

In your solution root_write returns quietly but status == SS_INVALID_FORMAT (not SS_SUCCESS) and hence I get another misleading error message "Error writing output file, stopping run".

In order to prevent this you also would need to change the return value to SS_SUCCESS.
          Reply  27 Mar 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, mlogger: misleading error messages for ROOT  
Ok, changed.

Entry  23 Mar 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, Save data to FTP 
Dear all
I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename:, 21, user, pw, ., run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all. 
Thanks in advance,
    Reply  23 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Save data to FTP 
> I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename:, 21, user, pw, ., run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all. 

Hi, Ivo, good to hear from a midas user in these difficult times.

We do not use FTP at TRIUMF, but Stefan asked us to keep FTP alive and working, so we should be able
to get you going. I will try to find the FTP instructions for you, I am pretty sure I have them somewhere.

In the mean time, I am very curious why you are using a FTP to record data, is it some kind
of data appliance where simplest input for data is FTP? Using NFS does not work or is too hard?

Also for example at CERN, we write data to Castor and EOS, for this mlogger writes data to local disk,
then the lazylogger runs a script to move the data to Castor and EOS. The example lazylogger
scripts for this are in the MIDAS "progs" directory. But maybe you do not have a local disk and this would
not work for you.

In other news, I hope to work on mlogger and lazylogger support for cloud storage (swift and s3 apis?),
would that be useful as replacement for FTP?

       Reply  24 Mar 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, Save data to FTP 
> > I try to save data to an FTP server but don't get any data on the server. Midas does not complain or message any error but also nothing gets saved. Does somebody have experience with this? I use the following settings for the ODB mlogger channel settings: Type: FTP, Filename:, 21, user, pw, ., run%06d.mid, Format: MIDAS, Output: FILE. What would be the Output: FTP setting for? I tried this but it does not work at all. 
> Hi, Ivo, good to hear from a midas user in these difficult times.
> We do not use FTP at TRIUMF, but Stefan asked us to keep FTP alive and working, so we should be able
> to get you going. I will try to find the FTP instructions for you, I am pretty sure I have them somewhere.
> In the mean time, I am very curious why you are using a FTP to record data, is it some kind
> of data appliance where simplest input for data is FTP? Using NFS does not work or is too hard?
> Also for example at CERN, we write data to Castor and EOS, for this mlogger writes data to local disk,
> then the lazylogger runs a script to move the data to Castor and EOS. The example lazylogger
> scripts for this are in the MIDAS "progs" directory. But maybe you do not have a local disk and this would
> not work for you.
> In other news, I hope to work on mlogger and lazylogger support for cloud storage (swift and s3 apis?),
> would that be useful as replacement for FTP?
> K.O.
Good Morning Konstantin

Thanks for the fast reply.  Yes, it is, Midas is one of the things we can at least improve from home. 

Our experiment is planned to measure (soon) at ILL. Now since we don't use the equipment/detector from the 
beamline but our own, all the data from Midas is saved on the local drive. This is fine in the first instance
but then we also need proper backup. Since our experiment is quite small, the easiest solution I came up with
is to copy all of our data to the ILL storage which has enough space and is properly backed up. The ILL data 
storage allows only SFTP connections, nothing else. Since Midas has the FTP feature, having a separate FTP 
logger channel seemed the easiest way to go. 

Thanks for your input, I will look into how to mount SFTP and then this would also be a solution. 

Since ILL only provides access via SFTP and everything else is not existent or blocked (not even ssh is possible),
this is the only thing we can work with by now. 

Best regards,
          Reply  24 Mar 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Save data to FTP 
Logging directly from the midas logger to FTP is a bit cumbersome. In case of delays during login etc. this can throttle the whole DAQ chain. 
What we use in our lab is to write to local disk, then use the lazylogger ( to copy the 
local files to a remote FTP server. This way we de-couple data taking from backup, making the system much more swift.

             Reply  24 Mar 2020, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, Save data to FTP 
> Logging directly from the midas logger to FTP is a bit cumbersome. In case of delays during login etc. this can throttle the whole DAQ chain. 
> What we use in our lab is to write to local disk, then use the lazylogger ( to copy the 
> local files to a remote FTP server. This way we de-couple data taking from backup, making the system much more swift.
> Best,
> Stefan

Yes, see this now too. I will, therefore, try to set up the lazylogger properly. 
          Reply  24 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Save data to FTP 
> Since ILL only provides access via SFTP and everything else is not existent or blocked (not even ssh is possible),
> this is the only thing we can work with by now. 

Oops. SFTP != FTP.

SFTP uses SSH for data transport, so we cannot do it directly from C++ code in MIDAS. (we could use libssh, etc, but...)

I suggest you use lazylogger with the lazy_dache script, replace "dccp" with "sftp", replace "nsls" with an sftp "ls" command.

If you get it working, please consider contributing your lazylogger script to midas. (and does not have to be written in perl, python should work equally well).

For setting up lazylogger with the script method, I am pretty sure I posted the instructions to the forum (ages ago),
let me know if you cannot find them.

Good luck.

Entry  08 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS will use C++11 
After much discussion, and following the MIDAS workshop at TRIUMF, we made the decision to use C++11 in MIDAS.

There are many benefits, and only one drawback - no c++11 compilers in the default OS install on older computers (i.e. 
RHEL/SL/CentOS before el7). (the same applies to our use of cmake).

Specifically for el6, the solution is to use c++11 compatible gcc-8 from devtoolset-8, see

The c++11 features we most welcome - initialization of class members at declaration time (no more forgetting to add initialization to 
each and every constructor), c++ threads and mutexes, lambdas and "auto".

    Reply  16 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS will use C++11 
> After much discussion, and following the MIDAS workshop at TRIUMF, we made the decision to use C++11 in MIDAS.
> There are many benefits, and only one drawback - no c++11 compilers in the default OS install on older computers (i.e. 
> RHEL/SL/CentOS before el7). (the same applies to our use of cmake).

It turns out that support for the c++11 "regex" feature is missing on el7 (CentOS-7, our most common platform at TRIUMF).

According to
gcc 4.9.0 is the first one to implement c++11 regular expressions. el7 comes with gcc-4.8.5 and I confirm
that examples of using std::regex_replace() do not compile. I was looking to use std::regex_replace to implement URL rewriting
in the reverse proxy code in mhttpd.

I do not need this feature immediately, but I am surprised that such a thing can happen, thought others should know.

       Reply  16 Mar 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, MIDAS will use C++11 
About the boost library, that is exactly 
what I did for a project of mine (the 
calibration software for the WAGASCI 
experiment). It turned out not so easy to 
mantain because different Linux distros 
package different versions of boost.

The reason I went down the "c++11 plus 
boost" road is that the official T2K OS 
is CentOS7 as well.

Looking back I think that using c++17 and 
requiring a more recent version of the 
compiler is much easier to maintain than 
the combo c++11 + boost. In CentOS is 
just a matter of installing a recent 
devtool package ...

Another solution might be too repackage 
boost into MIDAS so you have full control 
of the environment.

> > After much discussion, and following 
the MIDAS workshop at TRIUMF, we made the 
decision to use C++11 in MIDAS.
> > 
> > There are many benefits, and only one 
drawback - no c++11 compilers in the 
default OS install on older computers 
> > RHEL/SL/CentOS before el7). (the same 
applies to our use of cmake).
> >
> It turns out that support for the c++11 
"regex" feature is missing on el7 
(CentOS-7, our most common platform at 
> According to
> gcc 4.9.0 is the first one to implement 
c++11 regular expressions. el7 comes with 
gcc-4.8.5 and I confirm
> that examples of using 
std::regex_replace() do not compile. I 
was looking to use std::regex_replace to 
implement URL rewriting
> in the reverse proxy code in mhttpd.
> I do not need this feature immediately, 
but I am surprised that such a thing can 
happen, thought others should know.
> K.O.
Entry  10 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS vs JSROOT web pages 
Just FYI, I am looking at the ROOT web programming component JSROOT and I notice that the RPC mechanism quite different from the JSON-
RPC I implemented for MIDAS. (explanation of JSROOT RPC and server side machinery) (explanation of JSROOT javascript library)

Then I looked at the dates:
MIDAS mjsonrpc was done at the end of 2013
JSROOT main development started at the end of 2014.

The web server component in both projects is (almost) the same - vanilla mongoose in mhttpd
and civetweb, a fork of an older version of mongoose, in ROOT/JSROOT.

The web server in both projects is partially multithreaded:
- ROOT THttpServer/TCivetWeb uses multiple threads to handle the network connections and some file access,
but interaction with ROOT is done in the main thread of ROOT. (The main thread must periodically call ProcessRequests()).
- mhttpd uses a single thread to multiplex the network connections (it is a change from old mongoose/civetweb to current mongoose 6.16),
but all requests are farmed to a pool of threads and execute in parallel (unless not thread-safe, i.e. accessing history files).

Both implementations suffer from "head of queue" blocking, a "slow" request i.e. a slow file read, will
delay subsequent quick requests, see
Solution for this problem is to use HTTP/2 when it becomes supported in mongoose/civetweb/apache httpd (in el7).

It will be interesting to see which on of the two systems works better for building "user facing" web pages... especially
hybrid pages that have to pull data both from midas (using mjsonrpc) and from online ROOT analyzers (using jsroot).

Entry  06 Mar 2020, Lars Martin, Forum, RPC error 
I ported a bunch of frontends to C++ and now I'm occasionally getting this RPC 
error message:

http error: readyState: 4, HTTP status: 502 (Proxy Error), batch request: method: 
"db_get_values", params: [object Object], id: 1583456958869 method: "get_alarms", 
params: null, id: 1583456958869 method: "cm_msg_retrieve", params: [object 
Object], id: 1583456958869 method: "cm_msg_retrieve", params: [object Object], 
id: 1583456958869

I'm assuming I'm doing wrong something somewhere, but does this message contain 
information where to look? Does the ID mean something?
    Reply  08 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, RPC error 
I do not see this error, but there was one more report (they did not clearly say what http errors 
they see)

To debug this, I need to know: what version of MIDAS, what version of what web browser, what 
computer is mhttpd running on? (so I can go look at the log files).

Also can you say more when you see these errors? Every time from every midas web page, or only 
some pages or only when you do something specific (push some button, etc?).

> I ported a bunch of frontends to C++ and now I'm occasionally getting this RPC 
> error message:
> http error: readyState: 4, HTTP status: 502 (Proxy Error), batch request: method: 
> "db_get_values", params: [object Object], id: 1583456958869 method: "get_alarms", 
> params: null, id: 1583456958869 method: "cm_msg_retrieve", params: [object 
> Object], id: 1583456958869 method: "cm_msg_retrieve", params: [object Object], 
> id: 1583456958869
> I'm assuming I'm doing wrong something somewhere, but does this message contain 
> information where to look? Does the ID mean something?

It is unlikely that this error has anything to do with the frontends: usually web page interaction 
goes through: web browser - network - apache httpd - localhost - mhttpd - midas odb.

http error 502 is very generic, does not tell us much about what happened, there may be more 
information in the httpd log files.

the json-rpc request "id" is generated by midas code in the web browser and it currently is a 
timestamp. it is not used for anything. but it is required by the json-rpc standard.


Entry  29 Jan 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
Hi all, 

I have updated our daq computer to the latest OS 10.15 with the idea that then I will get all our daq 
programs running and will not need to update again in years to come. 
But now I am running unto even more problems trying to compile Midas. 
OS 10.15.3, Xcode 11.3 with commad line tools 

Darrens-Mac-mini:~ betacage$ cd packages/midas/build/
Darrens-Mac-mini:build betacage$ cmake .. 
-- MIDAS: cmake version: 3.16.3
-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Check for working C compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- MIDAS: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: /Users/betacage/packages/midas
-- MIDAS: Found ROOT version 6.18/04
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/libz.dylib  
-- MIDAS: Found ZLIB version 
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1d
-- MIDAS: MySQL not found
-- MIDAS: ODBC not found
-- MIDAS: SQLITE not found
-- MIDAS: nvidia-smi not found
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.21.0 (Apple Git-122.2)") 
-- MIDAS example/experiment: MIDAS in-tree-build
-- MIDAS: Found ZLIB version 
-- MIDAS example/experiment: Found ROOT version 6.18/04
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/betacage/packages/midas/build
Darrens-Mac-mini:build betacage$ make install
[  1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfeo.dir/src/mfe.cxx.o
In file included from /Users/betacage/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:15:
In file included from /Users/betacage/packages/midas/include/mfe.h:13:
/Users/betacage/packages/midas/include/midas.h:159:10: fatal error: 'pthread.h' file not found
#include <pthread.h>
1 error generated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/mfeo.dir/src/mfe.cxx.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/mfeo.dir/all] Error 2

I guess that I am maybe the first one trying to install MIDAS in this OS, so I am willing to help as much as I 
can with getting this going. I have found a solution to this by downgrading Xcode to version 10
If you don't have other solutions I will try to do that tomorrow.


    Reply  02 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> I have updated our daq computer to the latest OS 10.15 ...

FWIW, I do not have macos 10.15. I have 10.13 at home and 10.14 in the office. Maybe Stefan has it?

> In file included from /Users/betacage/packages/midas/include/mfe.h:13:
> /Users/betacage/packages/midas/include/midas.h:159:10: fatal error: 'pthread.h' file not found
> #include <pthread.h>
>          ^~~~~~~~~~~

Hmm... pthread.h should be there, I do not see any notice of it's removal in macos.

So I suspect a mis-installation of c++ compilers. In the past we had problems with this,
in addition to installing Xcode from the app store, one most install some missing stuff
manually ("XCode command line tools"), if I have it right, the command is "xcode-select --install".

If you figure out how to build it, I think midas will work just fine on the latest macos.

       Reply  03 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> > I have updated our daq computer to the latest OS 10.15 ...
> FWIW, I do not have macos 10.15. I have 10.13 at home and 10.14 in the office. Maybe Stefan has it?

No, I'm stuck with 10.14 due to the current lack of 64-bit support of some programs.

I would try KOs proposal to do a "xcode-select --install".

          Reply  04 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> > > I have updated our daq computer to the latest OS 10.15 ...
> > 
> > FWIW, I do not have macos 10.15. I have 10.13 at home and 10.14 in the office. Maybe Stefan has it?
> No, I'm stuck with 10.14 due to the current lack of 64-bit support of some programs.

Ok, in this case, I will update my office mac mini to 10.15.

             Reply  06 Feb 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> Ok, in this case, I will update my office mac mini to 10.15.
> K.O.

Hi Konstantin, 

Any luck with Midas in OS 10.15? 
I have downgraded to Xcode 10.2.1 as suggested in the post linked in my first post, without any luck, I keep getting the same pthead.h error. 
MY gcc uses the 10.15 sdk despite having v 10.2.1 for Xcode and command line tools 

Darrens-Mac-mini:~ betacage$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-
Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.3.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/

and that is where I suspect the problem is. Will keep investigating next week. Thanks for your help.

                Reply  10 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> Any luck with Midas in OS 10.15? 

Best I can tell, the problem is not in midas: pthread.h should be there, somewhere.

                   Reply  11 Feb 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> > Any luck with Midas in OS 10.15? 
> Best I can tell, the problem is not in midas: pthread.h should be there, somewhere.
> K.O.

HI Konstain, 

Thanks for your reply. I have been investigating this issue of pthread in OS 10.15.  Found this forum post

that seem to suggest that pthread.h is in a different directory from OS 10.14 and on. And the end of the post the 
developer suggests that he has found a way to fix the Cmake to work so I have checked his code updates in here

I have added his lines 

   # Try to auto-detect a suitable SDK
   execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "xcodebuild -version -sdk | grep MacOSX | grep Path | head -n 1 | cut -f 2 -
   string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*X([0-9.]*).sdk$" "\\1" CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 

to my local pakages/midas/CMakeLists.txt and run cmake .., make install again but now I get a different error 

[  1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mfeo.dir/src/mfe.cxx.o
clang: error: invalid version number in '-mmacosx-version-
clang: warning: using sysroot for 'DriverKit' but targeting 'MacOSX' [-Wincompatible-sysroot]

I will continue investigating this issue tomorrow, but please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Also my version of cmake is 3.16.3


                      Reply  11 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
For your reference, here on my MacOSX 10.14.6 with XCode 11.3.1 the pthread.h file is present in locations listed below.

Did you execute "xcode-select --install" ?

~$ locate pthread.h
                         Reply  12 Feb 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> For your reference, here on my MacOSX 10.14.6 with XCode 11.3.1 the pthread.h file is present in locations listed below.
> Did you execute "xcode-select --install" ?
> ~$ locate pthread.h
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Applications/
> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/pthread.h
> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for looking into this. Yes, I have done  "xcode-select --install"

This is my output when I try to locate pthread.h

Darrens-Mac-mini:~ betacage$ locate pthread.h

and this is what I see in my SDKs folder 

Darrens-Mac-mini:SDKs betacage$ pwd
Darrens-Mac-mini:SDKs betacage$ ls
MacOSX.sdk	MacOSX10.14.sdk	MacOSX10.15.sdk

So it looks like in this computer one needs to read the version of the SDK as pthread.h is not in MacOSX.sdk but in MacOSX10.15.sdk


                            Reply  12 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
Another thought: Can you delete the midas build directory and run cmake again? Like

$ cd midas/build
$ rm -rf *
$ cmake ..
$ make VERBOSE=1

If you have the old build cache and upgraded your OS in meantime, the cache needs to be rebuild. The VERBOSE 
flag tells you the compiler options, and you see where the compiler looks for the SDK directory.

                               Reply  12 Feb 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> Another thought: Can you delete the midas build directory and run cmake again? Like
> $ cd midas/build
> $ rm -rf *
> $ cmake ..
> $ make VERBOSE=1
> If you have the old build cache and upgraded your OS in meantime, the cache needs to be rebuild. The VERBOSE 
> flag tells you the compiler options, and you see where the compiler looks for the SDK directory.
> Cheers,
> Stefan

Hi Stefan, 

Thanks again for your reply. Yes! the suggestion of rebuilding the cache was the right one, this is the output of cmake ..

Darrens-Mac-mini:~ betacage$ cd packages/midas/build/
Darrens-Mac-mini:build betacage$ rm -rf *
Darrens-Mac-mini:build betacage$ cmake ..
-- MIDAS: cmake version: 3.16.3
-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/
-- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/ -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- MIDAS: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: /Users/betacage/packages/midas
-- MIDAS: Found ROOT version 6.18/04
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/libz.dylib (found version "1.2.11") 
-- MIDAS: Found ZLIB version 1.2.11
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.1.1d")  
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1d
-- MIDAS: MySQL not found
-- MIDAS: ODBC not found
-- MIDAS: SQLITE not found
-- MIDAS: nvidia-smi not found
-- Setting default build type to "RelWithDebInfo"
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.21.1 (Apple Git-122.3)") 
-- MIDAS example/experiment: MIDAS in-tree-build
-- MIDAS: Found ZLIB version 1.2.11
-- MIDAS example/experiment: Found ROOT version 6.18/04
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/betacage/packages/midas/build

Unfortunately running make VERBOSE=1 the compilation crashes, with the following error 

[ 39%] Linking CXX executable mhttpd
cd /Users/betacage/packages/midas/build/progs && /Applications/ -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt 
/Applications/  -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -isysroot 
/Applications/ -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-
headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose6.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd  ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz 
ld: cannot link directly with dylib/framework, your binary is not an allowed client of /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [progs/mhttpd] Error 1
make[1]: *** [progs/CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Libcrypto seems to be part of the OpenSSL, so I am back to the original problem again. I did install OpenSSL via MacPorts. 

I have found this tread regarding this problem. But have to go and pick up my kids from school, so I don't have time to investigate today.

Thanks again for staying with me and for responding so promptly. 

                                  Reply  13 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
Now you are stuck with openssl, which is optional for mhttpd. If you only use mhttpd locally, you maybe don't need SSL support. In that case you can jus do

[midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..

To disable that. If you do need SSL, maybe you can try to install openssl11 via mac ports.

                                     Reply  13 Feb 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> Now you are stuck with openssl, which is optional for mhttpd. If you only use mhttpd locally, you maybe don't need SSL support. In that case you can jus do
> [midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..
> To disable that. If you do need SSL, maybe you can try to install openssl11 via mac ports.
> Stefan

Thanks Stefan. 
If I run the compilation with the flag NO_SSL it works just fine. Still I think that Mhttpd is going to be important for us in the future as we may want to control the experiment remotely, so I will keep trying. But at least I 
can get started.


                                        Reply  28 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
> > [midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..
> If I run the compilation with the flag NO_SSL it works just fine. ...

FYI, the mongoose616 branch now has support for using the mbedtls https library,
this library seems to build easily from sources and removes our dependency
on where/how/which openssl library is installed. I hope to have this included
in the next release of midas.

                                           Reply  03 Mar 2020, Berta Beltran, Bug Report, Compiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina  
Thanks Konstantin,

I will keep an eye for the next release so that I can update my Midas to include ssl libraries.


> > > [midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..
> > If I run the compilation with the flag NO_SSL it works just fine. ...
> FYI, the mongoose616 branch now has support for using the mbedtls https library,
> this library seems to build easily from sources and removes our dependency
> on where/how/which openssl library is installed. I hope to have this included
> in the next release of midas.
> K.O.
Entry  13 Feb 2020, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
Dear all,

we creating Midas events directly inside a FPGA and send them off via DMA into the PC RAM. For reading out this RAM via Midas the FPGA sends as a pointer where it has written the last 4kB of data. We use this pointer for telling the ring buffer of midas where the new events are. The buffer looks something like:

// event 1
dma_buf[0] = 0x00000001; // Trigger and Event ID
dma_buf[1] = 0x00000001; // Serial number
dma_buf[2] = TIME; // time
dma_buf[3] = 18*4-4*4; // event size
dma_buf[4] = 18*4-6*4; // all bank size
dma_buf[5] = 0x11; // flags
// bank 0
dma_buf[6] = 0x46454230; // bank name
dma_buf[7] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
dma_buf[8] = 0x3*4; // data size
dma_buf[9] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
dma_buf[10] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
dma_buf[11] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
// bank 1
dma_buf[12] = 0x1; // bank name
dma_buf[12] = 0x46454231; // bank name
dma_buf[13] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
dma_buf[14] = 0x3*4; // data size
dma_buf[15] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
dma_buf[16] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
dma_buf[17] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data

// event 2

dma_buf[fpga_pointer] = 0xXXXXXXXX;

And we do something like:

   // obtain buffer space
   status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
   fpga_pointer = fpga.read_last_data_add();

   wlen = last_fpga_pointer - fpga_pointer; \\ in 32 bit words
   copy_n(&dma_buf[last_fpga_pointer], wlen, pdata);
   rb_status = rb_increment_wp(rbh, wlen * 4); \\ in byte

   last_fpga_pointer = fpga_pointer;

Leaving the case out where the dma_buf wrap around this works fine for a small data rate. But if we increase the rate the fpga_pointer also increases really fast and wlen gets quite big. Actually it gets bigger then max_event_size which is checked in rb_increment_wp leading to an error. 

The problem now is that the event size is actually not to big but since we have multi events in the buffer which are read by midas in one step. So we think in this case the function rb_increment_wp is comparing actually the wrong thing. Also increasing the max_event_size does not help.

Remark: dma_buf is volatile so memcpy is not possible here.

    Reply  13 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
The rb_xxx function are (thoroughly tested!) robust against high data rate given that you use them as intended:

1) Once you create the ring buffer via rb_create(), specify the maximum event size (overall event size, not bank size!). Later there is no protection any more, so if you obtain pdata from rb_get_wp, you can of course write 4GB to pdata, overwriting everything in your memory, causing a total crash. It's your responsibility to not write more bytes into pdata then 
what you specified as max event size in rb_create()

2) Once you obtain a write pointer to the ring buffer via rb_get_wp, this function might fail when the receiving side reads data slower than the producing side, simply because the buffer is full. In that case the producing side has to wait until space is freed up in the buffer by the receiving side. If your call to rb_get_wp returns DB_TIMEOUT, it means that the 
function did not obtain enough free space for the next event. In that case you have to wait (like ss_sleep(10)) and try again, until you succeed. Only when rb_get_wp() returns DB_SUCCESS, you are allowed to write into pdata, up to the maximum event size specified in rb_create of course. I don't see this behaviour in your code. You would need something 

do {
   status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
   if (status == DB_TIMEOUT)
   } while (status == DB_TIMEOUT);


> Dear all,
> we creating Midas events directly inside a FPGA and send them off via DMA into the PC RAM. For reading out this RAM via Midas the FPGA sends as a pointer where it has written the last 4kB of data. We use this pointer for telling the ring buffer of midas where the new events are. The buffer looks something like:
> // event 1
> dma_buf[0] = 0x00000001; // Trigger and Event ID
> dma_buf[1] = 0x00000001; // Serial number
> dma_buf[2] = TIME; // time
> dma_buf[3] = 18*4-4*4; // event size
> dma_buf[4] = 18*4-6*4; // all bank size
> dma_buf[5] = 0x11; // flags
> // bank 0
> dma_buf[6] = 0x46454230; // bank name
> dma_buf[7] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> dma_buf[8] = 0x3*4; // data size
> dma_buf[9] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> dma_buf[10] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> dma_buf[11] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> // bank 1
> dma_buf[12] = 0x1; // bank name
> dma_buf[12] = 0x46454231; // bank name
> dma_buf[13] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> dma_buf[14] = 0x3*4; // data size
> dma_buf[15] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> dma_buf[16] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> dma_buf[17] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> // event 2
> .....
> dma_buf[fpga_pointer] = 0xXXXXXXXX;
> And we do something like:
> while{true}
>    // obtain buffer space
>    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
>    fpga_pointer = fpga.read_last_data_add();
>    wlen = last_fpga_pointer - fpga_pointer; \\ in 32 bit words
>    copy_n(&dma_buf[last_fpga_pointer], wlen, pdata);
>    rb_status = rb_increment_wp(rbh, wlen * 4); \\ in byte
>    last_fpga_pointer = fpga_pointer;
> Leaving the case out where the dma_buf wrap around this works fine for a small data rate. But if we increase the rate the fpga_pointer also increases really fast and wlen gets quite big. Actually it gets bigger then max_event_size which is checked in rb_increment_wp leading to an error. 
> The problem now is that the event size is actually not to big but since we have multi events in the buffer which are read by midas in one step. So we think in this case the function rb_increment_wp is comparing actually the wrong thing. Also increasing the max_event_size does not help.
> Remark: dma_buf is volatile so memcpy is not possible here.
> Cheers,
> Marius
       Reply  14 Feb 2020, Konrad Briggl, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
Hello Stefan,
is there a difference for the later data processing (after writing the ring buffer blocks)
if we write single events or multiple in one rb_get_wp - memcopy - rb_increment_wp cycle?
Both Marius and me have seen some inconsistencies in the number of events produced that is reported in the status page when writing multiple events in one go,
so I was wondering if this is due to us treating the buffer badly or the way midas handles the events after that.

Given that we produce the full event in our (FPGA) domain, an option would be to always copy one event from the dma to the midas-system buffer in a loop.
The question is if there is a difference (for midas) between
[pseudo code, much simplified]

while(dma_read_index < last_dma_write_index){
  copy_n(dma_buffer, pdata, event_size);


while(dma_read_index < last_dma_write_index){
  copy_n(dma_buffer, pdata, total_size);


> The rb_xxx function are (thoroughly tested!) robust against high data rate given that you use them as intended:
> 1) Once you create the ring buffer via rb_create(), specify the maximum event size (overall event size, not bank size!). Later there is no protection any more, so if you obtain pdata from rb_get_wp, you can of course write 4GB to pdata, overwriting everything in your memory, causing a total crash. It's your responsibility to not write more bytes into pdata then 
> what you specified as max event size in rb_create()
> 2) Once you obtain a write pointer to the ring buffer via rb_get_wp, this function might fail when the receiving side reads data slower than the producing side, simply because the buffer is full. In that case the producing side has to wait until space is freed up in the buffer by the receiving side. If your call to rb_get_wp returns DB_TIMEOUT, it means that the 
> function did not obtain enough free space for the next event. In that case you have to wait (like ss_sleep(10)) and try again, until you succeed. Only when rb_get_wp() returns DB_SUCCESS, you are allowed to write into pdata, up to the maximum event size specified in rb_create of course. I don't see this behaviour in your code. You would need something 
> like
> do {
>    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
>    if (status == DB_TIMEOUT)
>       ss_sleep(10);
>    } while (status == DB_TIMEOUT);
> Best,
> Stefan
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > we creating Midas events directly inside a FPGA and send them off via DMA into the PC RAM. For reading out this RAM via Midas the FPGA sends as a pointer where it has written the last 4kB of data. We use this pointer for telling the ring buffer of midas where the new events are. The buffer looks something like:
> > 
> > // event 1
> > dma_buf[0] = 0x00000001; // Trigger and Event ID
> > dma_buf[1] = 0x00000001; // Serial number
> > dma_buf[2] = TIME; // time
> > dma_buf[3] = 18*4-4*4; // event size
> > dma_buf[4] = 18*4-6*4; // all bank size
> > dma_buf[5] = 0x11; // flags
> > // bank 0
> > dma_buf[6] = 0x46454230; // bank name
> > dma_buf[7] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> > dma_buf[8] = 0x3*4; // data size
> > dma_buf[9] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[10] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[11] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > // bank 1
> > dma_buf[12] = 0x1; // bank name
> > dma_buf[12] = 0x46454231; // bank name
> > dma_buf[13] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> > dma_buf[14] = 0x3*4; // data size
> > dma_buf[15] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[16] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > dma_buf[17] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > 
> > // event 2
> > .....
> > 
> > dma_buf[fpga_pointer] = 0xXXXXXXXX;
> > 
> > 
> > And we do something like:
> > 
> > while{true}
> >    // obtain buffer space
> >    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
> >    fpga_pointer = fpga.read_last_data_add();
> > 
> >    wlen = last_fpga_pointer - fpga_pointer; \\ in 32 bit words
> >    copy_n(&dma_buf[last_fpga_pointer], wlen, pdata);
> >    rb_status = rb_increment_wp(rbh, wlen * 4); \\ in byte
> > 
> >    last_fpga_pointer = fpga_pointer;
> > 
> > Leaving the case out where the dma_buf wrap around this works fine for a small data rate. But if we increase the rate the fpga_pointer also increases really fast and wlen gets quite big. Actually it gets bigger then max_event_size which is checked in rb_increment_wp leading to an error. 
> > 
> > The problem now is that the event size is actually not to big but since we have multi events in the buffer which are read by midas in one step. So we think in this case the function rb_increment_wp is comparing actually the wrong thing. Also increasing the max_event_size does not help.
> > 
> > Remark: dma_buf is volatile so memcpy is not possible here.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Marius
          Reply  14 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
rb_xxx functions are midas event agnostic. The receiving side in mfe.cxx (lines 1418 in receive_trigger_event) however pulls one event at a time. If you 
have some inconsistency I would put some debugging code there.


> Hello Stefan,
> is there a difference for the later data processing (after writing the ring buffer blocks)
> if we write single events or multiple in one rb_get_wp - memcopy - rb_increment_wp cycle?
> Both Marius and me have seen some inconsistencies in the number of events produced that is reported in the status page when writing multiple 
events in one go,
> so I was wondering if this is due to us treating the buffer badly or the way midas handles the events after that.
> Given that we produce the full event in our (FPGA) domain, an option would be to always copy one event from the dma to the midas-system buffer 
in a loop.
> The question is if there is a difference (for midas) between
> [pseudo code, much simplified]
> while(dma_read_index < last_dma_write_index){
>   if(rb_get_wp(pdata)!=SUCCESS){
>     dma_read_index+=event_size;
>     continue;   
>   }
>   copy_n(dma_buffer, pdata, event_size);
>   rb_increment_wp(event_size);
>   dma_read_index+=event_size;
> } 
> and
> while(dma_read_index < last_dma_write_index){
>   if(rb_get_wp(pdata)!=SUCCESS){
>      ...
>   };
>   total_size=max_n_events_that_fit_in_rb_block();
>   copy_n(dma_buffer, pdata, total_size);
>   rb_increment_wp(total_size);
>   dma_read_index+=total_size;
> }
> Cheers,
> Konrad
> > The rb_xxx function are (thoroughly tested!) robust against high data rate given that you use them as intended:
> > 
> > 1) Once you create the ring buffer via rb_create(), specify the maximum event size (overall event size, not bank size!). Later there is no protection 
any more, so if you obtain pdata from rb_get_wp, you can of course write 4GB to pdata, overwriting everything in your memory, causing a total crash. 
It's your responsibility to not write more bytes into pdata then 
> > what you specified as max event size in rb_create()
> > 
> > 2) Once you obtain a write pointer to the ring buffer via rb_get_wp, this function might fail when the receiving side reads data slower than the 
producing side, simply because the buffer is full. In that case the producing side has to wait until space is freed up in the buffer by the receiving side. 
If your call to rb_get_wp returns DB_TIMEOUT, it means that the 
> > function did not obtain enough free space for the next event. In that case you have to wait (like ss_sleep(10)) and try again, until you succeed. 
Only when rb_get_wp() returns DB_SUCCESS, you are allowed to write into pdata, up to the maximum event size specified in rb_create of course. I 
don't see this behaviour in your code. You would need something 
> > like
> > 
> > do {
> >    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
> >    if (status == DB_TIMEOUT)
> >       ss_sleep(10);
> >    } while (status == DB_TIMEOUT);
> > 
> > Best,
> > Stefan
> > 
> > 
> > > Dear all,
> > > 
> > > we creating Midas events directly inside a FPGA and send them off via DMA into the PC RAM. For reading out this RAM via Midas the FPGA 
sends as a pointer where it has written the last 4kB of data. We use this pointer for telling the ring buffer of midas where the new events are. The 
buffer looks something like:
> > > 
> > > // event 1
> > > dma_buf[0] = 0x00000001; // Trigger and Event ID
> > > dma_buf[1] = 0x00000001; // Serial number
> > > dma_buf[2] = TIME; // time
> > > dma_buf[3] = 18*4-4*4; // event size
> > > dma_buf[4] = 18*4-6*4; // all bank size
> > > dma_buf[5] = 0x11; // flags
> > > // bank 0
> > > dma_buf[6] = 0x46454230; // bank name
> > > dma_buf[7] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> > > dma_buf[8] = 0x3*4; // data size
> > > dma_buf[9] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > > dma_buf[10] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > > dma_buf[11] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > > // bank 1
> > > dma_buf[12] = 0x1; // bank name
> > > dma_buf[12] = 0x46454231; // bank name
> > > dma_buf[13] = 0x6; // bank type TID_DWORD
> > > dma_buf[14] = 0x3*4; // data size
> > > dma_buf[15] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > > dma_buf[16] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > > dma_buf[17] = 0xAFFEAFFE; // data
> > > 
> > > // event 2
> > > .....
> > > 
> > > dma_buf[fpga_pointer] = 0xXXXXXXXX;
> > > 
> > > 
> > > And we do something like:
> > > 
> > > while{true}
> > >    // obtain buffer space
> > >    status = rb_get_wp(rbh, (void **)&pdata, 10);
> > >    fpga_pointer = fpga.read_last_data_add();
> > > 
> > >    wlen = last_fpga_pointer - fpga_pointer; \\ in 32 bit words
> > >    copy_n(&dma_buf[last_fpga_pointer], wlen, pdata);
> > >    rb_status = rb_increment_wp(rbh, wlen * 4); \\ in byte
> > > 
> > >    last_fpga_pointer = fpga_pointer;
> > > 
> > > Leaving the case out where the dma_buf wrap around this works fine for a small data rate. But if we increase the rate the fpga_pointer also 
increases really fast and wlen gets quite big. Actually it gets bigger then max_event_size which is checked in rb_increment_wp leading to an error. 
> > > 
> > > The problem now is that the event size is actually not to big but since we have multi events in the buffer which are read by midas in one step. 
So we think in this case the function rb_increment_wp is comparing actually the wrong thing. Also increasing the max_event_size does not help.
> > > 
> > > Remark: dma_buf is volatile so memcpy is not possible here.
> > > 
> > > Cheers,
> > > Marius
             Reply  20 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
> rb_xxx functions are midas event agnostic. The receiving side in mfe.cxx (lines 1418 in receive_trigger_event) however pulls one event at a time. If you 
> have some inconsistency I would put some debugging code there.

I agree with Stefan, I do not think there is any bugs in the ring buffer code.

But. I do not think we ever did DMA the data directly into the ring buffer. Hmm...

I just checked, this is what we do (and this worked in the ALPHA Si-strip DAQ system for 10 years now):

- mfe.cxx multithread equipment
- mfe readout thread grabs pointer from ring buffer
- mfe creates event headers, etc
- calls our read_event() function
- creates data bank
- DMA data into the data bank (this is the DMA from VME block reads, using DMA controller inside the UniverseII and tsi148 VME-to-PCI bridges)
- close data bank
- return to mfe
- mfe readout thread increments the ring buffer
- mfe main thread grabs events from ring buffer, sends them to the mserver

So there could be trouble:
a) the ring buffer code does not have the required "volatile" (ahem, "atomic") annotations, so DMA may have a bad interaction with compiler optimizations (values stored in registers 
instead of in memory, etc)
b) the DMA driver must doctor the memory settings to (1) mark the DMA target memory uncachable or (1b) invalidate the cache after DMA completes, (2) mark the DMA target 
memory unswappable.

So I see possibilities for the ring buffer to malfunction.

But now I am curious, which DMA controller you use? The Altera or Xilinx PCIe block with the vendor supplied DMA driver? Or you do DMA on an ARM SoC FPGA? (no PCI/PCIe, 
different DMA controller, different DMA driver).

I am curious because we will be implementing pretty much what you do on ARM SoC FPGAs pretty soon, so good to know
if there is trouble to expect.

But I will probably use the tmfe.h c++ frontend and a "pure c++" ring buffer instead of mfe.cxx and the midas "rb" ring buffer.

(I did not look at your code at all, there could be a bug right there, this ring buffer stuff is tricky. With luck there is no bug
in your dma driver. The dma drivers for our vme bridges did do have bugs).

                Reply  20 Feb 2020, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
We also agree and found the problem now. Since we build everything (MIDAS Event Header, Bank Header, Banks etc.) in the FPGA we had some struggle with the MIDAS data format ( We thought that only the MIDAS Event needs to be aligned to 64 bit but as it turned out also the bank data (Stefan updated the wiki page already) needs to be aligned. Since we are using the BANK32 it was a bit unclear for us since the bank header is not 64 bit aligned. But we managed this now by adding empty data and the system is running now.

Our setup looks like this:

- mfe.cxx multithread equipment
- mfe readout thread grabs pointer from dma ring buffer 
- since the dma buffer is volatile we do copy_n for transforming the data to MIDAS 
- the data is already in the MIDAS format so done from our side :)
- mfe readout thread increments the ring buffer
- mfe main thread grabs events from ring buffer, sends them to the mserver

- Arria 10 development board
- Altera PCIe block
- Own DMA engine since we are doing burst writing DMA with PCIe 3.0. 
- Own device driver
- no interrupts 

If you have more questions fell free to ask.
                   Reply  20 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
Actually the cause of all of the is a real bug in the midas functions. We want each bank 8-byte aligned, so there is code in bk_close like:

     ((BANK_HEADER *) event)->data_size += sizeof(BANK32) + ALIGN8(pbk32->data_size);

While the old sizeof(BANK)=8, the extended sizeof(BANK32)=12, so not 8-byte aligned. This code should rather be:

     ((BANK_HEADER *) event)->data_size += ALIGN8(sizeof(BANK32) +pbk32->data_size);

But if we change that, it would break every midas data file on this planet!

The only chance I see is to use the "flags" in the BANK_HEADER to distinguish a current bank from a "correct" bank. 
So we could introduce a flag BANK_FORMAT_ALIGNED which distinguishes between the two pieces of code above. 
Then bk_iterate32 would look at that flag and do the right thing.

Any thoughts?

                      Reply  21 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
Hi, Stefan - is this our famous 64-bit misalignement? Where we have each alternating bank aligned and misaligned at 64 bits? Without changing the data
format, one can always store data in 64-bit aligned banks by inserting a dummy banks between real banks:

event header
bank header
bank1 --- 64-bit aligned --- with data
bank2 --- misaligned, no data
bank3 --- 64-bit aligned --- with data
bank4 --- misaligned, no data

for sure, wastes space for bank2, bank4, etc, but at 12 bytes per bank, maybe this is negligible overhead compared to total event size.

BTW, aligned-to-64-bit is old news. The the PWB FPGA, I have 128-bit data paths to DDR RAM, the data has to be aligned to 128 bits, or else!


> Actually the cause of all of the is a real bug in the midas functions. We want each bank 8-byte aligned, so there is code in bk_close like:
> midas.cxx:14788:
>      ((BANK_HEADER *) event)->data_size += sizeof(BANK32) + ALIGN8(pbk32->data_size);
> While the old sizeof(BANK)=8, the extended sizeof(BANK32)=12, so not 8-byte aligned. This code should rather be:
>      ((BANK_HEADER *) event)->data_size += ALIGN8(sizeof(BANK32) +pbk32->data_size);
> But if we change that, it would break every midas data file on this planet!
> The only chance I see is to use the "flags" in the BANK_HEADER to distinguish a current bank from a "correct" bank. 
> So we could introduce a flag BANK_FORMAT_ALIGNED which distinguishes between the two pieces of code above. 
> Then bk_iterate32 would look at that flag and do the right thing.
> Any thoughts?
> Best,
> Stefan
                         Reply  21 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
> Hi, Stefan - is this our famous 64-bit misalignement? Where we have each alternating bank aligned and misaligned at 64 bits? Without changing the data
> format, one can always store data in 64-bit aligned banks by inserting a dummy banks between real banks:
> event header
> bank header
> bank1 --- 64-bit aligned --- with data
> bank2 --- misaligned, no data
> bank3 --- 64-bit aligned --- with data
> bank4 --- misaligned, no data
> ...
> for sure, wastes space for bank2, bank4, etc, but at 12 bytes per bank, maybe this is negligible overhead compared to total event size.
> BTW, aligned-to-64-bit is old news. The the PWB FPGA, I have 128-bit data paths to DDR RAM, the data has to be aligned to 128 bits, or else!

Ok, so what about the following: When we do a bk_init32, we add a parameter "alignment", which might be 1,4,8,16 and "old". We store this alignment in the bank header, so the 
decoding works correctly. Now "old" means the current encoding, which is screwed up and produces the results you mention above, but we have to keep it (actually make it the 
default!) for backward compatibility. But then we can ask for 64-bit alignment or even 128-bit alignment if that helps the DAQ speed.

The only problem I see is if one writes data with the new library using 128-bit alignment for example, and wants to read it back with old code. Then it would explode. So if we 
make this modification, we have to announce it carefully and also adjust all ROOTANA & Co libraries to read back any midas data.

                   Reply  21 Feb 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs 
> We also agree and found the problem now.

Good. what was wrong?

> - Own DMA engine since we are doing burst writing DMA with PCIe 3.0. 
> - Own device driver

Scary stuff.

> - no interrupts 

Right. Best I can tell, interrupts no longer useful in Linux - interrupt handler cannot do any real work, has to hand off to a kernel thread, resulting
in so much latency and overhead that one might as well poll for the data... And for DMA data transfers, the data rate is well known,
so easy to predict how long the DMA will run for and sleep for that amount of time instead of waiting for an interrupt.

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