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ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown Text Attachments
  1293   16 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()Suddenly the mhttpd odb inline editor is truncating
the odb string entries to the actual length
of the 
  1295   31 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()> What a mess.

The mess with db_get_record() and db_open_record()
  1296   31 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()> 2) replace all uses of db_open_record(MODE_READ)
with db_watch() in conjunction with db_get_record1().
  1297   02 Jun 2017 Stefan RittBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()That all makes sense to me. 

  1298   06 Jun 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()> Done to all in-tree programs, except for
mana.c (not using it), sequencer.cxx (cannot
test it) and a few places where watching
  1216   24 Oct 2016 Tim GorringeBug Reportproblem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinksHi Midas forum,

I'm having a problem with odb hotlinks after
  1218   25 Oct 2016 Tim GorringeBug Reportproblem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinksoOne additional comment. I was able to trace
the setting of the error code DB_NO_MEMORY
  Draft   04 Nov 2016 Thomas LindnerBug Reportproblem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinksHi Tim,

I reproduced your problem and then managed
  1220   04 Nov 2016 Thomas LindnerBug Reportproblem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinksHi Tim,

I reproduced your problem and then managed
  1221   25 Nov 2016 Thomas LindnerBug Reportproblem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinksThe procedure I wrote seemed to work for Tim
too, so I added a page to the wiki about
it here:
  434   18 Feb 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportpotential memory corruption in odb,c:extract_key()It looks like ODB function extract_key() will
overwrite the array pointed to by "key_name"
if given an odb 
  444   21 Feb 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportpotential memory corruption in odb,c:extract_key()> It looks like ODB function extract_key()
will overwrite the array pointed to by "key_name"
if given an odb 
  2071   13 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumpoll_event() is very slow.Hi all,

I'm currently trying to see if I can speed
  2072   13 Jan 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumpoll_event() is very slow.
> I'm currently trying to see if I can speed
up polling in a frontend I'm testing. 
  Draft   13 Jan 2021 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumpoll_event() is very slow.> Hi all,

> I'm currently trying to see if I can speed
  2074   13 Jan 2021 Stefan RittForumpoll_event() is very slow.Something must be wrong on your side. If you
take the example frontend under
  2075   14 Jan 2021 Pintaudi GiorgioForumpoll_event() is very slow.> Something must be wrong on your side. If
you take the example frontend under
  2076   14 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumpoll_event() is very slow.> Something must be wrong on your side. If
you take the example frontend under
  2077   15 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumpoll_event() is very slow.> > 
> > I'm currently trying to see if I can
speed up polling in a frontend I'm testing.
  2084   08 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumpoll_event() is very slow.> I should mention that I was using midas/examples/Triumf/c++/fevme.cxx

this is correct, the fevme frontend is written
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