ID |
Date |
Author |
Topic |
Subject |
07 Dec 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | Midas Holiday Update | Dear beloved MIDAS users,
I'm happy to announce a "holiday update" for MIDAS. In countless hours, Zaher from
PSI worked hard to introduce syntax highlighting in the midas script editor. In
addition, there are additional features like a cleaner user interface, the option
to see all variables also in non-debug mode and more. Have a look at the picture
below, doesn't it beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
We have tested this quite a bit and went through many iterations, but no guarantee
that it's flawless. So please report any issue here.
I wish you all a happy holiday season,
Stefan |
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-12-08_at_08.19.48.png
04 Dec 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | > [that was not obvious from the documentation on MIDAS wiki, and adding a couple of clarifying
> sentences there would go long ways]
I added a sentence there. Please have a look. If you like more info, please write it yourself and send it to me.
It's always better if that comes from users than from me.
> 2. if a script produces an ascii file with a known name, for example, 'a.odb', with the following two lines:
Use $SCRIPT_RESULT as described before.
Stefan |
04 Dec 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | > - how does one communicate with an external shell script from MSL ? I looked at the MIDAS Sequencer page
> and didn't find an immediately obvious candidate among the MSL commands.
> The closest seems to be
> 'SCRIPT script [, a, b, c, ...]'
> but I couldn't easily figure how to propagate the output of the script back to MIDAS.
> Let say, the script creates an ASCII file with the next run number. What is the easiest
> way to import the run number into ODB? - Should an external script spawn a [short-lived]
> MIDAS client ? - That would work, but I'm almost sure there is a more straightforward solution.
The output of the SCRTIP command is stored in the variable $SCRIPT_RESULT. Please pull midas to get this
new functionality.
Stefan |
03 Dec 2023 |
Pavel Murat | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | > - how does one communicate with an external shell script from MSL ?
trying to answer my own question, as I didn't find a clear answer in the forum archive :
1. one could have a MSL script with a 'SCRIPT ./' command in it -
that would run a shell script named ''
[that was not obvious from the documentation on MIDAS wiki, and adding a couple of clarifying
sentences there would go long ways]
2. if a script produces an ascii file with a known name, for example, 'a.odb', with the following two lines:
--------------------------------------- a.odb
Run number = INT32 : 105
--------------------------------------- end a.odb
one can use the 'odbload' MSL command :
odbload a.odb
and get the run number set to 105. It works, but I'm curious if that is the right (envisaged)
way of interacting with the shell scripts, or one could do better than that.
-- thanks, regards, Pasha |
02 Dec 2023 |
Pavel Murat | Forum | MIDAS state machine : how to get around w/o 'configured' state? | > - To start a run, we start a special sequencer script. We have different scripts for
> calibration runs, data runs, special runs.
a sequencer-based way sounds like a very good solution, which provides all needed functionality
and even more flexibility than a state machine transition. Will give it a try.
-- thanks again, regards, Pasha |
02 Dec 2023 |
Pavel Murat | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | >
> If you go in this direction, there is an alternative to what Ben wrote: Use the sequencer to start a run.
> The sequencer script can obtain a new run number from a central instance (e.g. by calling a shell script
> like 'curl ...' to obtain the new run number, then put it into /Runinfo/Run number as Ben wrote. This has
> the advantage that the run is _started_ already with the correct number, so the history system is fine.
Hi Stefan, this sounds like a perfect solution - thanks! - and leads to another, more technical, question:
- how does one communicate with an external shell script from MSL ? I looked at the MIDAS Sequencer page
and didn't find an immediately obvious candidate among the MSL commands.
The closest seems to be
'SCRIPT script [, a, b, c, ...]'
but I couldn't easily figure how to propagate the output of the script back to MIDAS.
Let say, the script creates an ASCII file with the next run number. What is the easiest
way to import the run number into ODB? - Should an external script spawn a [short-lived]
MIDAS client ? - That would work, but I'm almost sure there is a more straightforward solution.
Of course, the assumption that the 'SCRIPT' command provides the solution could be wrong.
-- thanks again, regards, Pasha |
02 Dec 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | MIDAS state machine : how to get around w/o 'configured' state? | > The MIDAS state machine doesn't seem to have a state in between 'initialized' and
> 'running'.
> In a larger detectors with multiple subsystems, the DAQ systems often have one more state:
> after ending a previous run and before starting a new one from the 'stopped' state,
> one needs to make sure that all subdetectors are ready, or 'configured' for the new run.
> So theat calls for a 'configure' step during which the detector (all subsystems in
> parallel, to save the time) transitions from 'initialized'/'stopped' to 'configured' state,
> from which it transitions to the 'running' state.
> If one of the subdetectors fails to get configured, it could be excluded from the run
> configuration and another attempt to reconfigure the system could be made without
> starting a new run. Or an attempt could be made to troubleshoot and configure the
> failed subsytem individually , with the rest subsystems waiting in a 'configured' state.
> How does the logic of configuring the detector for the new run is implemented in MIDAS?
> - it is a fairly common operational procedure, so I'm sure there should be a way
> of doing that.
We have a similar requirement in our MEG experiment. Configuring your subdetectors can
be quite complex and therefore it's almost impossible to define a 'configure' step in
the run transition system to accommodate all corner cases.
Instead of a new state, we do everything through the sequencer:
- To start a run, we start a special sequencer script. We have different scripts for
calibration runs, data runs, special runs.
- When the user starts the script, they are asked for certain parameters, like number
of events, number of runs to take, how to configure the subdetectors, which subdetectors
to read out etc.
- The script then configures the whole experiment by setting everything in the ODB for
each equipment.
- The frontends connected to their equipment get a hotlink from the ODB and start the
configuration of the trigger etc. based on the parameters from the ODB
- The progress of the configuration is indicated by the frontend by writing back the
progress (like 0...100) into the ODB
- The script now waits for the progress to reach 100. It shows the current progress
on the sequencer page, so you see exactly where we are.
- If we have several subdetectors, each of them can publish a progress, and the script
can wait for an AND of all progress, or exclude one if it fails etc. Any logic is
possible there.
- Once all progresses are at 100, the run is finally started.
- If the mechanics of configuration become more elaborate, one can 'hide' it in
sub-modules of the script.
This scheme allows us to configure very different run modes, we use it in MEG since
many years (about 0.5M runs) and it works very nice.
Attached is our main script to start a full data run. You don't have to understand
all details, but it can give you a glimpse of what it's possible with the sequencer.
The function "ApplySettings" is the one waiting for the configuration flag in the ODB
(we simply use a boolean flag there). The code is:
SUBROUTINE ApplySettings
ODBSET "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/Reload all", y, 1
WAIT seconds, 2
WAIT ODBValue, "/Equipment/Trigger/Variables/Config busy", ==, y
Stefan |
Attachment 1: muegamma.msl
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/lib/WDAQPMT
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/lib/WDAQMPPC
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/lib/WDAQTC
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/lib/WDAQCDCH
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/lib/WDAQSystem
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/run23/setswzerosuppression
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/run23/xec/subscripts/ledcontrol
INCLUDE /home/meg/online/sequencer/run23/cdch/dcmon
PARAM enableDCMON, "enable DCMON readout", true, false
# Run parameters
SET Nevent, 5000
SET Nrun, infinite
# LXe Thresholds
# QH: 43.5 MeV
SET QHEnergy, 43.5
# QL: 39 MeV
SET QLEnergy, 39
# QC: 90 MeV
SET VetoEnergy, 90
# Time Window
# Narrow +-8 ns
Set NarrowThreshold, 10
# Wide +-25 ns
Set WideThreshold, 32
# Time Offset
Set TimeOffset, 8
#make sure "Physics" is set
ODBSET "/Experiment/Run Parameters/Physics", 1, 1
#reload all default settings
CALL ReloadAll
CALL ApplySettings
#Apply Zero Suppression
CALL SetZeroSuppression
CALL SetLEDAmpl, 0.7, 4
# Trigger setting
CALL DisableAllTriggers
# 12.5 Hz of MEG trigger (12.5 Hz)
CALL EnableTrigger, 0, 1, 0
# 0.14 Hz of MEG LowQ (31 Hz)
CALL EnableTrigger, 1, 217, 0
# 0.14 Hz of MEG WideAngle (57 Hz)
CALL EnableTrigger, 2, 401, 0
# 0.14 Hz of MEG WideTime (36 Hz)
CALL EnableTrigger, 3, 253, 0
# 0.42 Hz of QH (1600 Hz)
CALL EnableTrigger, 10, 3755, 0
# 0.14 Hz of QL (3850 Hz)
CALL EnableTrigger, 11, 27100, 0
# 0.3 Hz of Cosmics (168 Hz)
CALL EnableTrigger, 15, 560, 0
# 0.1 Hz of LEDs
CALL EnableTrigger, 13, 100, 21
# 0.42 Hz of TCTrack
CALL EnableTrigger, 20, 6000000, 9
# 1 Hz of TCSingle
#CALL EnableTrigger, 21, 1800000, 12
# 0.5Hz of Pedestal
CALL EnableTrigger, 63, 100000, 0
CALL SetHighThreshold, $QHEnergy
CALL SetLowThreshold, $QLEnergy
CALL SetVetoThreshold, $VetoEnergy
ODBGET "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/WaveDAQ/TRG/MASTER/XecHighThreshold", QHThreshold
ODBGET "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/WaveDAQ/TRG/MASTER/XecLowThreshold", QLThreshold
ODBGET "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/WaveDAQ/TRG/MASTER/XecVetoThreshold", VetoThreshold
ODBSET "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/WaveDAQ/TRG/MASTER/TimeNarrowThreshold", $NarrowThreshold
ODBSET "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/WaveDAQ/TRG/MASTER/TimeWideThreshold", $WideThreshold
ODBSET "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/WaveDAQ/TRG/MASTER/TcTimeOffset", $timeOffset
# Reload and wait for configuration
CALL ApplySettings
# Set "XXX Data" flags
CALL UpdateDataFlags
# Loop for runs
LOOP $Nrun
# Set Run description
CAT description, "MEG run. QH: " $QHThreshold, ", QL: " $QLThreshold, ", QC: " $VetoThreshold, ", TimeNarrow: ", $NarrowThreshold, ", TimeWide: ", $WideThreshold, ", Offset: ", $timeOffset
ODBSET "/Experiment/Run Parameters/Run Description", $description, 1
CALL dcmon, $enableDCMON
WAIT events, $Nevent
#reload settings
CALL ReloadAll
02 Dec 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | > Stefan, I don't think we're talking 'mis-use' - rather different subdetectors being commisisoned
> at different locations, on an uncorrelated schedule, using independent run control (RC) instances.
> At this point in time, we can't use a common RC instance.
> The collected data, however, are written back into a common storage, and we need to avoid two
> subdetectors using the same run number. As all RC instances can connect to the same database and request a
> run number from there, an external DB serving run numbers to multiple clients looks as a reasonable solution,
> which provides unique run numbers for everyone. Of course, the run number gets incremented (although on the DB
> server side), and of course different susbystems are assigned different subsystem types.
> So, in essense, it is about _where_ the run number is incremented - the RC vs the DB.
> If there were a good strategy to implement a DB-based solution that w/o violating
> first principles of Midas:), I'd be happy to contribute. It looks like a legitimate use case.
Ok, maybe attitude comes from the fact that I never used such a scheme in the last 30 years with midas.
If you go in this direction, there is an alternative to what Ben wrote: Use the sequencer to start a run.
The sequencer script can obtain a new run number from a central instance (e.g. by calling a shell script
like 'curl ...' to obtain the new run number, then put it into /Runinfo/Run number as Ben wrote. This has
the advantage that the run is _started_ already with the correct number, so the history system is fine.
The script can then wait for n events, then stop the run etc. A sequencer script will also be necessary if
you want to configure your electronics (see next answer...)
Stefan |
01 Dec 2023 |
Pavel Murat | Forum | MIDAS state machine : how to get around w/o 'configured' state? | I have one more question, though I understand that it could be somewhat border-line.
The MIDAS state machine doesn't seem to have a state in between 'initialized' and
In a larger detectors with multiple subsystems, the DAQ systems often have one more state:
after ending a previous run and before starting a new one from the 'stopped' state,
one needs to make sure that all subdetectors are ready, or 'configured' for the new run.
So theat calls for a 'configure' step during which the detector (all subsystems in
parallel, to save the time) transitions from 'initialized'/'stopped' to 'configured' state,
from which it transitions to the 'running' state.
If one of the subdetectors fails to get configured, it could be excluded from the run
configuration and another attempt to reconfigure the system could be made without
starting a new run. Or an attempt could be made to troubleshoot and configure the
failed subsytem individually , with the rest subsystems waiting in a 'configured' state.
How does the logic of configuring the detector for the new run is implemented in MIDAS?
- it is a fairly common operational procedure, so I'm sure there should be a way
of doing that.
-- thanks again, Pasha |
01 Dec 2023 |
Pavel Murat | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | > > - multiple subdetectors are taking test data during early commissioning
> > - a postgres db is a single sorce of run numbers.
> > - test runs taken by different subsystems are assigned different [unique] run numbers and
> > the data taken by the subsystem are identified not by the run number/dataset name , but
> > by the run type, different for different susbsystems.
> For that purpose I would not "mis-use" run numbers. Run number are meant to be incremented
> sequentially, like if you have a time-stamp in seconds since 1.1.1970 (Unix time). Intead, I
> would add additional attributes under /Experiment/Run Parameters like "Subsystem type", "Run
> mode (production/commissioning)" etc. You have much more freedom in choosing any number of
> attributes there. Then, send this attributes to your postgred db via "/Logger/Runlog/SQL/Links
> BOR". Then you can query your database to give you all runs of a certain subtype or mode.
> See
> Stefan
Ben, Stefan - thanks much for your suggestions!(and apologies for the thanks being delayed)
Stefan, I don't think we're talking 'mis-use' - rather different subdetectors being commisisoned
at different locations, on an uncorrelated schedule, using independent run control (RC) instances.
At this point in time, we can't use a common RC instance.
The collected data, however, are written back into a common storage, and we need to avoid two
subdetectors using the same run number. As all RC instances can connect to the same database and request a
run number from there, an external DB serving run numbers to multiple clients looks as a reasonable solution,
which provides unique run numbers for everyone. Of course, the run number gets incremented (although on the DB
server side), and of course different susbystems are assigned different subsystem types.
So, in essense, it is about _where_ the run number is incremented - the RC vs the DB.
If there were a good strategy to implement a DB-based solution that w/o violating
first principles of Midas:), I'd be happy to contribute. It looks like a legitimate use case.
-- let me know, regards, Pasha |
22 Nov 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | > - multiple subdetectors are taking test data during early commissioning
> - a postgres db is a single sorce of run numbers.
> - test runs taken by different subsystems are assigned different [unique] run numbers and
> the data taken by the subsystem are identified not by the run number/dataset name , but
> by the run type, different for different susbsystems.
For that purpose I would not "mis-use" run numbers. Run number are meant to be incremented
sequentially, like if you have a time-stamp in seconds since 1.1.1970 (Unix time). Intead, I
would add additional attributes under /Experiment/Run Parameters like "Subsystem type", "Run
mode (production/commissioning)" etc. You have much more freedom in choosing any number of
attributes there. Then, send this attributes to your postgred db via "/Logger/Runlog/SQL/Links
BOR". Then you can query your database to give you all runs of a certain subtype or mode.
Stefan |
22 Nov 2023 |
Ben Smith | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | > I wonder if there is a non-intrusive way to have an external (wrt MIDAS)*SQL database
> serving as a primary source of the run number information for a MIDAS-based DAQ system?
> - like a plugin with a getNextRunNumber() function, for example, or a special client?
One of my experiments has special rules for run numbering as well. I created a client that registers a begin-of-run transition handler with sequence 1 (so it's the first client to handle the begin-of-run transition). That client updates "/Runinfo/Run number" in the ODB.
This mostly works. mlogger will create .mid files based on the new run number, the ODB dumps within those files show the new run number etc.
But there are 2 quirks. Let's say your client changed the number from 11 to 400. The message log will say "Run #11 started" and "Run #400 stopped". And the history system will record the start/stop times the same way. That only matters for when you're viewing history plots on the webpage and zoom in far enough to see the run transitions (represented by green and red vertical dashed lines) - the green line will be labelled 11 and the red line 400.
Depending on the exact logic you need, you may be able to avoid these quirks by also recomputing the run number before the user even tries to start a run (e.g. after the end of the previous run, or when the user changes an important setting in the ODB). If you're changing the run number between runs, make sure to set it to "desired number - 1", as midas will increment the run number automatically before handling the next start run request. |
22 Nov 2023 |
Pavel Murat | Forum | run number from an external (*SQL) db? | Dear MIDAQ developers,
I wonder if there is a non-intrusive way to have an external (wrt MIDAS)*SQL database
serving as a primary source of the run number information for a MIDAS-based DAQ system?
- like a plugin with a getNextRunNumber() function, for example, or a special client?
Here is the use case:
- multiple subdetectors are taking test data during early commissioning
- a postgres db is a single sorce of run numbers.
- test runs taken by different subsystems are assigned different [unique] run numbers and
the data taken by the subsystem are identified not by the run number/dataset name , but
by the run type, different for different susbsystems.
-- many thanks, regards, Pasha |
22 Nov 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | Polled frontend writes data to ODB without RO_ODB | I cannot confirm that. I just tried myself with examples/experiment/frontend.cxx, removed the RO_ODB, and the trigger events did NOT get copied to the ODB.
Actually you can debug the code yourself. The relevant line is in mfe.cxx:2075:
/* send event to ODB */
if (pevent->data_size && (eq_info->read_on & RO_ODB)) {
if (actual_millitime - eq->last_called > ODB_UPDATE_TIME) {
eq->last_called = actual_millitime;
update_odb(pevent, eq->hkey_variables, eq->format);
so if read_on is equal 1, the function update_odb should never be called.
So the problem must be on your side.
Stefan |
21 Nov 2023 |
Ivo Schulthess | Forum | Polled frontend writes data to ODB without RO_ODB | Good morning,
In our setup, we have a neutron detector that creates up to 16 MB of polled (EQ_POLLED) data in one event (event limit = 1) that we do not want to have saved into the ODB. Nevertheless, I cannot disable it. The equipment has only the read-on-flag RO_RUNNING, and the read-on value in the ODB is 1. The data are also not saved to the history. I also tried with a minimal example frontend with the same settings, but also those "data" get written to the ODB. For now, I increased the size of the ODB to 40 MB (50% for keys and 50% for data is automatic), but in principle, I do not want it to be saved to the ODB at all. Is there something I am missing?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Ivo |
15 Nov 2023 |
Ivo Schulthess | Forum | mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT | > No, I'm not aware of this problem, but I suspect that your events somehow got corrupted. You can try the mdump utility
> or the "Event Dump" web page to peek into your events, maybe you see an issue there. To give you more detailed information,
> I would have to reproduce your problem, which is probably hard without your hardware.
> Stefan
Hi Stefan,
So I did a few things:
- I checked with mdump online, the data stream looks good, and I can see the bank name properly
- I checked with mdump offline the .mid files, the banks are there, and the data look good
- I removed the creating of the bank MSRD in the class driver. This stopped the writing of the data in the midas/root file but kept the stream to the history files. In principle, this is a quick and dirty fix because we still have all the data in the history files. Do you see any bigger problem with that solution?
- I tried to run the multi-threaded slow-control frontend with the generic class driver (generic.cxx) and the nulldev device driver (nulldev.cxx). This produces the DMND and MSRD bank with and also produces the error in the with the logger when trying to save in the root format (received unknown bank "DMND" in event #8). This means it is not related to the devices (maybe some other part of my user code of course).
Ivo |
14 Nov 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT | No, I'm not aware of this problem, but I suspect that your events somehow got corrupted. You can try the mdump utility
or the "Event Dump" web page to peek into your events, maybe you see an issue there. To give you more detailed information,
I would have to reproduce your problem, which is probably hard without your hardware.
Stefan |
14 Nov 2023 |
Ivo Schulthess | Forum | mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT | > Stefan is right. I forgot this. As solution to our troubles, mlogger is built without root support. use rmlogger instead.
> K.O.
Thanks, Stefan and Konstantin, for your feedback.
So I checked the cmake file, and already the existence of the rmlogger shows that HAVE_ROOT was set. It was really only the problem of not being aware of rmlogger. This now works, and it produces root files that are readable.
However, we encountered a new problem not that it does not find a bank that is produced by a multi-threaded slow-control frontend. The logger triggers the error "mlogger.cxx:3328:root_book_bank,ERROR] received unknown bank 'MSRD' in event #8". After this, we get a segmentation violation, but I guess this is then coming from the error. If we run only the polled FE, it works fine. If we run the polled and the multi-threaded FE with only the logger saving mid files, it works fine as well. Are you aware of issues with multi-threaded slow-control frontends and saving their banks in root format?
Ivo |
14 Nov 2023 |
Konstantin Olchanski | Forum | mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT | > Finally, make sure you start "rmlogger" and not "mlogger". Only "rmlogger" contains the ROOT binding.
Stefan is right. I forgot this. As solution to our troubles, mlogger is built without root support. use rmlogger instead.
K.O. |
13 Nov 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Forum | mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT | When you do "cmake .." in the build directory, you will see
-- MIDAS: Found ROOT version xxx in yyy
which will tell you that ROOT has been found. Then you should check if it has been turned off manually by doing\
ccmake ..
in the build directory. You will then see all the control variables. Make sure NO_ROOT is turned OFF (meaning ROOT is enabled).
Finally, make sure you start "rmlogger" and not "mlogger". Only "rmlogger" contains the ROOT binding.
Stefan |