28 Sep 2006, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Increase of maximum event size
[quote="K.O."]Now, we have per-buffer tunable size (see message
https://ladd00.triumf.ca/elog/Midas/283) and in the long run, I would prefer the
compiled-in limit to go away: already all memory is allocated dynamically and
28 Sep 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, mhttpd elog corruption via double-edit
> I do not know how to "properly" fix this bug without changing the indexing
> scheme to something similar to what is used by elogd- message numbers instead of
> file indices. In the existing scheme, message editing also breaks URLs shown in
16 Oct 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, "make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
> While executing "make install" under MacOS 10.4.7, you may encounter errors about "dio". It is the
> problem of "Makefile". I did some change to it and attach the diff file here.
16 Oct 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Build error with mana.c while using CERNLIB, svn 3366
Committed, thanks. |
08 Jan 2007, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Access to out_info from mana.c
I changed out_info into a global structure definition ANA_OUTPUT_INFO and put it into
midas.h, so it can be accessed easily from the user analyzer source code.
11 Jan 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Shared memory problems
> Hello,
> Just did a fresh install of MIDAS from the SVN repository under CentOS and
11 Jan 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Shared memory problems
That sounds like you mix versions: You have an old executable (maybe your mlogger) which
has been linked against the old midas version, but you create the ODB with the new
odbedit or frontend. The new version complains if it finds an ODB from a previous version
22 Jan 2007, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, buffer bugs
[quote="Denis Bilenko"]1. Blocking calls to midas api aren't usable when client is connected through mserver. This is true at least for bm_receive_event,
but seems to be a more general problem - midas application has call cm_yield within 10 seconds (or whatever timeout is set) to remain alive.
That not the case when RPC is not used.[/quote]
23 Jan 2007, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, buffer bugs
[quote="Denis Bilenko"]1 & 3 - thanks for the fix and the explanation, as for 2 - I've tried consume and produce
and still has a problem[/quote]
24 Jan 2007, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, buffer bugs
I tried again and could [U]not[/U] reproduce the problem. Last time I was probably confused by some old mserver.exe executable I had lying around. I updated
to the most recent version (3516) and did a [B]C:\midas> nmake -f makefile.nt[/B]. Last time I was also confused about the low rate, but that was caused
by a mserver.exe executable which was not compiled with optimization. For small event sizes (such as 10 bytes) there is a big difference between optimized |
30 Jan 2007, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Large files under Windows XP
We have problems analyzing large files under Windows XP. For small file sizes,
06 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, wrong version in include/midas.h?
> The present .../include/midas.h contains
> [alpha@laddvme06 ~/online]$ grep 1.9.5 /home/alpha/packages/midas/include/*
> /home/alpha/packages/midas/include/midas.h:#define MIDAS_VERSION "1.9.5"
06 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Problem solved by Re-define _syscall0(...)
[quote="Exaos Lee"]Maybe it's not the perfect way, but it works. :-)[/quote]
I changed it to:
06 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, segmentation violation of analyzer on a x86_64
> Hello,
> When I connect to analyzer on a x86_64 processor(with Roody),
26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, RFC- history system improvements
I agree to what you propose. I'm pretty sure you are right in getting a significant improvement in readout speed
of the history system. So far there was no big request for improving the history system, since the performance in
the experiments I was involved in was good. In MEG for example, we have ~20MB of history data per day, and all
26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, RFC- support for writing to removable hard disk storage
In the MEG experiment, we simply installed 100TB of RAID disks and don't need to change anything ;)
But seriously, you are right that such a system might be beneficial. I propose to extend the current logger code to switch disks. In the current tr_start() |
26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Usage of event channel for improved throughput
Starting from SVN revision 3642, sending events from the front-end has been revised.
Since long time ago, there is a special TCP socket established between any front-end and the mserver which can be used to bypass the midas RPC layer completely |
26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Fragmented polled events
Fragmented polled events have been implemented in SVN revision 3625.
Fragmentation is a method of breaking down large (>MB) events into smaller
pieces and send them through the shared memory buffers, reassembling them at the
27 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, event builder scalability
> Hi there:
> I have a question if there's anybody out there running MIDAS with event builder
> that assembles events from more that just a few front ends (say on the order of
27 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, event builder scalability
> Our bottle neck is (a) compactPCI backplane reading data from waveform digitizers
> to the frontend CPUs and (b) CPU power on the frontend CPUs to analyzer the waveforms.