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    Reply  22 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, midas-2020-03-a 
> midas-2020-03-a is here.
> checkout the top of branch release/midas-2020-03 (recommended) or
> checkout the tag midas-2020-03-a.

Since the release of midas-2020-03, we are in a cycle of rapid development of midas,
with many changes made daily.

For production use, unless you rely on latest changes and/or bug fixes, please use the midas-2020-03 release branch.

Some of the recent changes broke compatibility with ROOTANA.

The current ROOTANA release 2020-03 is meant to work with and is compatible with midas-2020-03. Going forward
we will try to keep releases of midas and rootana in "lock step".

Entry  24 Aug 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, midas-2020-12 
midas-2020-12-a is here.

new features and notable updates since midas-2020-03:

- new C++ ODB interface odbxx.h
- image history
- much improved history plots
- new sequencer pages
- UTF-8 clean ODB (complains if any TID_STRING is invalid UTF-8)
- mhttpd update to mongoose 6.16 with much improved mulththreading
- mhttpd update to use MBEDTLS in preference to problematic OpenSSL
- MidasConfig.cmake contributed by Mathieu Guigue

plans for next development: major update of mlogger to simplify channel 
configuration in odb, improvements to mhttpd multithreading, new history plot 
configuration page, more c++ification.

To obtain this release, either checkout the top of branch release/midas-2020-08 
(recommended) or checkout the tag midas-2020-08-a.

Entry  10 Feb 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, midas-2020-12-a 
midas-2020-12-a is here, see

notable change from previous midas releases:

Use of ODB "Common" by mfe.c frontends has changed. New preferred behaviour
is to have the values defined in the equipment structure in the source code
to always overwrite values in ODB /Equipment/Foo/Common, except for the value
of "Common/enabled" (equipment_common_overwrite set to TRUE).

All mfe.c frontends will need to be modified for this change:

- for old behaviour (use ODB "Common"), add: BOOL equipment_common_overwrite = false;
- for new behaviour (use equipment values in the source code), add: BOOL equipment_common_overwrite = true;

The TMFE C++ frontend does not implement this change yet, it uses all "Common" values from ODB
and there is no way to overwrite things like the MIDAS event buffer name from C++ code. This may
change with the next version.

notable updates since midas-2020-08:

- new ODB variable /Experiment/Enable sound can be used to globally prevent mhttpd from playing sounds.
- Lazylogger now supports writing data over SFTP.
- odbvalue elements on custom pages now support an onload() callback as well as onchange(). Most elements now also 
support a data-validate callback.
- custom pages can now tie a select drop-down box to an ODB value using modbselect.
- ability to choose whether the code or the current ODB values take precendence for the "Common" settings of an 
equipment when starting a frontend. See elog thread 2014 for more details, and the "Upgrade guide" below for 
- minor improvements to mdump program - support for 64-bit data types and ability to load larger events if needed.
- minor improvements to History plots and Buffers webpage.
- bug fixes

plans for next development: major update of mlogger to simplify channel 
configuration in odb, improvements to mhttpd multithreading, new history plot 
configuration page, more c++ification.

To obtain this release, either checkout the top of branch release/midas-2020-12 
(recommended) or checkout the tag midas-2020-12-a.

Entry  18 Jul 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, midas-2022-05 
There is a release branch for midas-2022-05 and corresponding git tag midas-2022-
05-b. This branch is known to be stable and is working well for the ALPHA 
experiment at CERN. Latest update to this branch fixes two problems in the 
mserver (rpc timeout and a use-after-free internal error).
Entry  19 Aug 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, kernel-module-universe updated to -KO7 
The linux kernel driver for the Universe-II VME to PCI bridge is updated to 
version -KO7. It now builds and runs with Debian-12 stock kernel 6.1.0-22-686.

I pxe boot (isolinux/pxelinux) the linux kernel and NFS-mount the stock 32-bit 
Debian-12 userland. Userland tarball is available by request. PXE and NFS-Root 
configuration is written up on the wiki at, example config files 
are available on request.

The Debian-11 kernel also works (use -KO6 driver is -KO7 bombs), but Debian-11 
kernel with Debian-12 userland and Ubuntu-22 NFS server fails with "file too 
big" errors, the best I can tell this has to do with old 32-bit kernels getting 
unhappy about 64-bit NFS inode numbers.

Cross-compilation from 64-bit Ubuntu-22 to 32-bit VME processors running 32-bit 
Debian-12 is written up here:

To cross-build 32-bit MIDAS for 32-bit VME processor use "make linux32" or build 
natively (pretty slow on 1 GHz Pentium-III).

    Reply  19 Aug 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, kernel-module-universe updated to -KO7 
> The linux kernel driver for the Universe-II VME to PCI bridge is updated to 
> version -KO7. It now builds and runs with Debian-12 stock kernel 6.1.0-22-686.

I have a report that this driver might work on 64-bit VME CPUs (minus a bug in the 
MIDAS VME library). I do not have such hardware, cannot test, cannot confirm. (All our 
64-bit VME CPUs have the tsi148 bridge and run Ubuntu kernels and userland).

    Reply  19 Aug 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, kernel-module-universe updated to -KO7 
> > The linux kernel driver for the Universe-II VME to PCI bridge is updated to 
> > version -KO7. It now builds and runs with Debian-12 stock kernel 6.1.0-22-686.

Ahem, and the location is:

git clone

Entry  29 Sep 2004, Stefan Ritt, Info, Increased number of clients in midas.h, important! 
Due to some request several limitations like the maximal number of clients to the ODB have 
been increased in midas.h and committed to CVS. It is important to note that clients compiled
with the old limits cannot coexist with clients compiled with the new limits. You will get
ODB corruption notifications and everything will crash, and you wonder where this comes from.

So once you CVS update midas.h, revision 1.139, please make sure to recompile *ALL* your
midas applications with the new midas.h.

Entry  03 Oct 2004, Stefan Ritt, Info, Introduction of new transition scheme 
A new transition scheme has been implemented and committed. Previously, one had the
possibility to register for PRE/POST transitions, which was necessary in order to first
stop the frontends, then stop the logger to close the data file. While this scheme
long time has proven to be successful, it was now concluded that three levels
(PRESTROP/STOP/POSTSTOP for example) are not suffucient in some cases. Therefore,
a true sequence-based scheme has been introduced, implemented and committed.

The PRE/POST transition have been removed and an extra parameter "sequence_number"
has been added to cm_register_transition. If clients register with different
sequence numbers, their RPC transition function is executed according to their
sequnce number, smaller numbers being executed prior to larger numbers.

The frontends register at sequence number 500 for example, while the logger
registers with 200 for start and 800 for stop, making sure it's called after the
frontend(s) when stopping a run. The default numbers can be changed from within
the user code with the new function cm_set_transition_sequence(). This way, it is
for example possible to have all frontends being called in a certain sequence
when starting and stopping runs.

The modification will (hopefully) not have any influence of existing experiemnts,
as long as they don't call cm_register_transition directly. If so however, one has
to add the additional parameter to this function.
    Reply  03 Oct 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Increased number of clients in midas.h, important! 
> It is important to note that clients compiled
> with the old limits cannot coexist with clients compiled with the new limits. You will get
> ODB corruption notifications and everything will crash, and you wonder where this comes from.
> So once you CVS update midas.h, revision 1.139, please make sure to recompile *ALL* your
> midas applications with the new midas.h.

Stefan, to avoid confusion from crashes caused by incompatible ODBs would it be possible to add a "version number" to ODB, together with a check and an error message 
saying "oops... incompatible ODB, please rebuild your programs"? We tend to have different versions of midas floating around and users have old executables stashed away, 
and all this makes it rather difficult to manually keep track on what ODB is compatible with what midas.

Entry  03 Oct 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mscb usb support for macosx 
After a felicitous confuence of stellar bodies (Stefan, myself, some mscb hardware
and a mac laptop all in the same room for a few days), I wrote some MacOSX
code to support the MSCB-USB dongle using the native IoKit USB API. During testing,
I was able to communicate with an MSCB High voltage regulator module. I am now
commiting this code to CVS, warts and all (we can clean it up when somebody actually
uses it). Tested compilation on Linux (with libusb) and MacOSX (native
IoKit. MacOSX+libusb is possible but untested), Win32 should be unaffected by my changes,
but I could not test it.
    Reply  03 Oct 2004, Stefan Ritt, Info, Increased number of clients in midas.h, important! 
> Stefan, to avoid confusion from crashes caused by incompatible ODBs would it be possible to add a "version number" to ODB,
together with a check and an error message 
> saying "oops... incompatible ODB, please rebuild your programs"? We tend to have different versions of midas floating around and
users have old executables stashed away, 
> and all this makes it rather difficult to manually keep track on what ODB is compatible with what midas.

I fully agree that a version number in ODB is a good thing, and I certainly will put one there, but this won't help for old
applications. If I add new code which checks in cm_connect_experiment() if the version number matches, this will only help for new
applications connecting to old ODBs. If old applications (prior to invention of the version number) connect to a new ODB, they still
will crash.

However, we are planning to make a new release 1.9.5 soon (next week), so can can people tell not to "mix" 1.9.5 with pre-1.9.5
    Reply  03 Oct 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Increased number of clients in midas.h, important! 
> However, we are planning to make a new release 1.9.5 soon (next week), so can can people tell not to "mix" 1.9.5 with pre-1.9.5 programs.

Right. We cannot fix the past, but we should fix the future. BTW, "do not mix versions" is hard to enforce and mismatches did, do and
will happen. For one thing, looking at a given midas-using executable, how do I tell what version of midas it has inside?

    Reply  04 Oct 2004, Stefan Ritt, Info, Increased number of clients in midas.h, important! 
> Right. We cannot fix the past, but we should fix the future. BTW, "do not mix versions" is hard to enforce and mismatches did, do and
> will happen

For remote connections (through mserver), there is already a version check. If the minor version differs, you get a warning, if the major
versions differ (1.>>9<<.4), the client won't start. So at least for remote connection you get a clue.

> For one thing, looking at a given midas-using executable, how do I tell what version of midas it has inside?

Ther is a function cm_get_version() returning the version. As for the executable, all you can do is a

strings <executable> | grep 1.9
    Reply  08 Oct 2004, chris pearson, Info, Increased number of clients in midas.h, important! 
> > For one thing, looking at a given midas-using executable, how do I tell what version of midas it has inside?
> Ther is a function cm_get_version() returning the version. As for the executable, all you can do is a
> strings <executable> | grep 1.9

   A lot of programs have a commandline option, such as "--version", where they return the program version number then exit.  As well as the
program version number, the version number of the midas library it's linked with could also be returned (There can be more than one on a system and this would show which one was currently being linked)

   Something I would find useful would be for the version number to identify precisely which version you have, i.e. not to have different
versions of midas given the same version number.  I've had problems earlier this year due to midas-1.9.3 changing several times between
January and July, while keeping the same number.  I think if "in-between" versions of midas are to be made available, they should contain a
revision number or date or something in the version number to identify them.

> For remote connections (through mserver), there is already a version check. If the minor version differs, you get a warning, if the major
> versions differ (1.>>9<<.4), the client won't start. So at least for remote connection you get a clue.

   Safety measures like these can sometimes get in the way, if you know what you're doing.  So unless there is absolutely no possibility of
success, I think checks such as this one should be overrideable (by a client option).

    Reply  08 Oct 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Increased number of clients in midas.h, important! 
>    A lot of programs have a commandline option, such as "--version", where they return the program version number then exit.  As well as the
> program version number, the version number of the midas library it's linked with could also be returned (There can be more than one
> on a system and this would show which one was currently being linked)

This would solve the versioning problem for midas built from versionned tarballs, and I am considering a similar scheme for midas installed from
RPMs. But what do I do for midas built from CVS?!? K.O.
Entry  02 Nov 2004, Renee Poutissou, Info, Event Builder info in mhttpd Status page 
Information about the Event Builder statistics has been removed from the 
Status page in mhttpd.  I heard from Pierre that this information might 
be redundant when using the new Event Builder format??? 
For the TWIST experiment, we are running and cannot change on the fly
to a new format Event Builder.  It is very important for us to show the users
the rates and statistics coming out of the EventBuilder.  I had  to put this
piece of code back in mhttpd.  
Can I put it back in the distribution? or do I have to put a special TWIST flag? 
or do I have to keep reinserting this every time there is an update to mhttpd.c? 
At the moment, TWIST is generating a couple of updates/week to mhttpd.c
Entry  24 Nov 2004, chris pearson, Info, midas on 64bit opteron 
   Midas, version 1.9.5 of 7th October, was installed, with a few changes, on a
64 bit opteron computer, running linux.  For this processor, as for the alpha
processor, long integers and addresses are 64 bits.  We added a new flag in the

> ARCH   = $(shell uname -m)
> ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
> OSFLAGS := $(OSFLAGS) -DX86_64
> endif

and extended the alpha-specific definitions, of DWORD and PTYPE, in midas.h to
include this case,

< #ifdef __alpha
> #if defined(__alpha) || defined(X86_64)
< #ifdef __alpha
> #if defined(__alpha) || defined(X86_64)

apart from this, there are a large number of cases where pointers are cast to
integers, without using the PTYPE definition.  These all need to be changed by
hand, although these conversions should probably be removed anyway - in almost
all cases they are unnecessary, as just differences are being calculated.

There were also a number of warnings, which we ignored, where printf format
strings specified long integers, but the argument was not a long integer.  Casts
should probably be added in all cases where the type of the argument can vary
depending on the machine.

A midas analyser was made, which was able to successfully replay some data, but
this was all that was tested.

Entry  14 Dec 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Commit local TWIST modifications 
I am commiting MIDAS modification accumulated during the last few months of running TWIST:
1) system.c::ss_shm_open() fail if trying to map a file that is smaller than we expect.
2) midas.c::bm_lock_buffer(), el_submit(), el_delete_message(): do not wait for mutexes forever, use a 5 
minute timeout. If we can't get the lock, cm_msg()/abort().
The above helps dealing with complete midas freezes. I also have code to keep track of "who locked
the mutex *and* is still holding it?!?" but it is way too ugly to commit. I wish we had a "lockedByPid"
entry for all lockable objects.
    Reply  14 Dec 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Commit local TWIST modifications 
> I am commiting MIDAS modification accumulated during the last few months of running TWIST:

- mfe.c: in error messages "cannot find statistics record", also print
  the name of the record we are looking for.
- mlogger.c: in warning message "Write operation took N ms", report the name
  of the offending data stream.
- system.c: do not chdir("/") in ss_daemon_init()- it prevents us from ever
  getting core dumps from midas daemons. The old behaviour is trivially
  restored by "cd /" before starting the daemon; or by "limit coredumpsize 0".
- odb.c: db_validate_db() detect and break infinite looping on free list corruption.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5