22 Sep 2015, Zaher Salman, Forum, Starting program from custom page
Just in case anyone needs this in the future I am adding a comment about this issue. After a few months of working
with this solution we noticed that when using
17 May 2018, Zaher Salman, Forum, embedding history in SVG
I am embedding histories into a custom page within an SVG,
<image x="21000" y="1000" width="6000" height="6000"
08 Sep 2020, Zaher Salman, Forum, json parser error
I am getting the following error alert in a custom page whenever a run starts
json parser exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 985, batch request: method: "db_get_values", params: [object Object], id: 1598691925697 |
24 Feb 2021, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, history reload
I have a history that is embedded in a custom page using
<div class="mjshistory" data-group="SampleCryo" data-panel="SampleTemp" data-scale="30m" style="'+size+' position: relative;left: 640px;top: -205px;"></div>
10 Mar 2021, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, embed modbvalue in SVG
Is it possible to embed modbvalue in an SVG for use within a custom page?
thanks. |
26 Apr 2021, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, embed modbvalue in SVG
I found a way to embed modbvalue into a SVG:
<text x="100" y="100" font-size="30rem">
05 May 2021, Zaher Salman, Forum, m is not defined error
We had the same issue here, which comes from mhttpd.js line 2395 on the current git version. This seems to happen mostly when there is an alarm triggered
or when there is an error message.
07 May 2021, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, modbselect trigget hotlink
It seems that a modbselect triggers a "change" in an ODB which has a hot link. This happens onload (or whenever the custom page is reloaded) and otherwise
it behaves as expected, i.e. no change unless the modbselect is actually changed. Is this the intended behaviour? can this be modified? |
16 Dec 2021, Zaher Salman, Forum, Device driver for modbus
Dear all, does anyone have an example of for a device driver using modbus or modbus tcp to communicate with a device and willing to share it? Thanks. |
15 Aug 2022, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, firefox hangs due to mhistory
Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following
message in the console
16 Aug 2022, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, firefox hangs due to mhistory
> > Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following
message in the console
> >
16 Aug 2022, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, firefox hangs due to mhistory
I found the bug. The problem is triggered by changing the firefox window. This calls a function that is supposed to change the size of the history plot
and it works well when the history plots are visible but not if the history plots are hidden in a javascript tab (not another firefox tab).
17 Aug 2022, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, firefox hangs due to mhistory
> The problem lies in your function mhistory_init_one() in Mudas.js:1965. You can only call "new MhistoryGraph(e)" with an element "e" which is something
10 Oct 2022, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, JSON-RPC function to read files
Hello ,
The midas sequencer uses the function js_seq_list_files to get a list of files in the /Sequencer/State/Path with extension *.msl. It would be nice to generalize |
05 Nov 2022, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, histories capture 'ruy'
The histories capture key events from 'r' 'u' 'y' and 'Escape' for various functions like rescaling etc. However, this also means that if we include an
editable modbvalue and a history in the same custom page then changing the modbvalue to something that includes 'ruy' is not possible.
09 Feb 2023, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, histories capture 'ruy'
I agree with you, option 2 is better and works well.
The only problem is that if you are showing multiple histograms in the same window the keyDown even will affect all of the histories in the window.
This may be the intended behaviour, but I think that if we can find a way to have the event affecting only the intended history (focused element for example) |
19 Jul 2023, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, access to filesystem through mhttpd
Have you actually been able to read /etc/passwd this way? I tested this on a few of our servers and it does not work. As far as I know, there is access
to files in resources, custom pages etc.
12 Dec 2023, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, Compilation error on RPi
Since commit bc227a8a34def271a598c0200ca30d73223c3373 I've been getting the compilation error below (on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev
1.3). |
14 Dec 2023, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, Compilation error on RPi
This issue was resolved thanks to Konstantin and Stefan. I simply had to update submodules:
git submodule update
10 Mar 2024, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, Autostart program
Hello everyone,
It seems that if a frontend is started automatically by using Program->Auto start then the status page does not show it as started. This is since the FE |