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  2510   10 May 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages

Lukas Gerritzen wrote:
It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.

There are certainly dozens of people who do "I don't like pop-up windows all the time". So this has to come with a switch in the config page to turn it off. If there is a switch "allow pop-up windows", then we have the other fraction of people using Edge/Chrome/Safari/Opera saying "it's not working on my specific browser on version x.y.z". So I'm only willing to add that feature if we are sure it's a standard things working in most environments.

  2513   11 May 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages
Ok, I implemented desktop notifications. In the MIDAS config page, you can now enable browser notifications for the different types of messages. Not sure this works perfectly, but a staring point. So please let me know if there is any issue.

  2514   12 May 2023 Stefan RittInfoNew environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
A new environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME has been introduced. This must be
used for cases where people use MIDAS_DIR, and is then equivalent for the
experiment name and directory usually used in the exptab file. This fixes
and issue with creating and deleting shared memory in midas as described in

The documentation has been updated at

  2518   16 May 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportexcessive logging of http requests
Maybe you remember the problems we had with a custom page in Japan loading it from TRIUMF. It took almost one minute since each RPC request took 
about 1s round-trip. This got fixed by the modb* scheme where the framework actually collects all ODB variables in a custom page and puts them 
into ONE rpc request (making the path an actual array of paths). That reduced the requests from 100 to 1 in the above example. Maybe the same 
could be done in your current case. Pulling one ODB variable at a time is not very efficient.

  2527   12 Jun 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionMaximum ODB size
> correction: ODB shared memory is saved to .ODB.SHM each time a client stops, this is db_close_database().

The original design of the midas shared memory (back in the 1990's) was that the ODB shared memory file gets
only saved into the .ODB.SHM when the *last* client exits. This ensures to keep the ODB persistent when the
shared memory gets deleted. I vaguely remember I put something in like:

  destroy_flag = (pheader->num_clients == 0);

  if (destroy_flag)
     ss_shm_flush(pheader->name, pdb->shm_adr, pdb->shm_size, pdb->shm_handle);

Now I see that the "if (destory_flag)" is missing. Not sure if it was removed once, or if it actually never
was there. But I see no point in flushing the ODB when a client ends. We need the flushing only before the
shared memory gets deleted. We we have to ensure that the share memory and the binary dump file stay in sync
(like if all midas clients die at the same time), we could add some code to flush the ODB like once per minute,
but not attach it to db_close_database(). I know several experiments using "odbedit -c xxx" in vast quantities,
so all these experiments would then benefit.

Note: Mu3e at PSI also uses 100 MB ODB, and they really need it.

Thoughts and opinions?

  2529   13 Jun 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionMaximum ODB size
> I remember the same, but I tracked it down in git to the very first commit, and there is no if() there,
> odb is saved to .ODB.SHM on every client shutdown, not just the last client. I guess we both misremebered.

I confirm. Really strange how your mind can trick you. I'm absolutely sure I had this planned originally (1995?), but it got never implemented.

Well, never too late. So I added the "if" and committed to develop. I did a quick test and things seem to work fine here. Actually programs stop 
a bit faster now. So please everybody give it a try and report back here.

BTW, how do I resize the ODB. I remember we discussed this some time ago, and concluded that odbedit needs a resize flag. Has this even been 
done? If not, what is the "official" way to resize the ODB. We had some documentation about that some time ago, but I can't find it anymore.

  2532   13 Jun 2023 Stefan RittForumInclude subroutine through relative path in sequencer
> Hi, I would like to restructure our sequencer scripts and the paths. Until now many things are not generic at all. I would like to ask if it is possible to include files through a relative path for example something like 
> INCLUDE ../chip/global_basic_functions
> Maybe I just did not found how to do it.

It was not there. I implemented it in the last commit.

  2537   13 Jun 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionMaximum ODB size
> small problem. build an experiment, start taking data, observe how ODB is never saved to disk because the "last client" never stops. as bonus, crash 
> the computer, observe how all changes to ODB are now lost. if mlogger is configured to save odb.json at the end of run, and to write ODB dumps at 
> begin and end of every data file, you can recover some of the lost 

The new behavior is not much worse than before. Assume 10 programs running happily for days, computer crashes, all ODB changes lost. 
So indeed a periodic flush without holding the lock might be best. Use a semaphore to prevent all programs flushing at the same time, or put
the flush only in the logger after an end of run.

  2539   13 Jun 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionMaximum ODB size
> are you sure? when/how often does "last midas program finishes" happen? it does not happen on a system crash, not on power loss, not on "shutdown -r now" 
> (I am pretty sure). In the experiments you run, how often do you shut down all programs (and check that you did not forget one somehow)?

Indeed this is almost never the case, maybe once per months. On the other hand, we have a complete crash of the os maybe once a year. Most of the time the programs 
run continuously (we do not need odbedit), so our timestamp is typically one or two days old, so not good either.

> my vote is to undo this change, it is dangerous because it causes odb to be saved to ODB.SHM never.

My vote is to flush the odb either periodically or after each run.

  2540   13 Jun 2023 Stefan RittForumInclude subroutine through relative path in sequencer
> when I did this job for MEG II we decided not to include relative paths and the ".." folder to avoid an exploit called "XML Entity Injection".
> In short is to avoid leaking files outside the sequencer folders like  /etc/password or private SSH keys.
> I do not remember in this moment why we pushed for absolute paths instead but let's keep this in mind.

I thought about that. But before we had absolute paths in the sequencer INCLUDE statement. So having "../../../etc/passwd" is as bad as the
absolute path "/etc/passwd". So nothing really changed. What we really should prevent is to LOAD files into the sequencer from outside the
sequence subdirectory. And this is prevented by the file loader. Actually we will soon replace the file loaded with a modern JS dialog, and
the code restricts all operations to within the experiment directory and below.

  2542   20 Jun 2023 Stefan RittInfoNew environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
I just realized that we had already MIDAS_EXPT_NAME, and now people get confused with


In trying to fix this confusion, I changed the name of the second variable to MIDAS_EXPT_NAME as well, 
so we only have one variable now. If this causes any problems please report here.

  2545   23 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transition
Deferred transitions were only implemented with a single instance of a program deferring the 
transition. To have several instances, MIDAS probably needs to be extended. Certainly this 
was never tested, so it's not a surprise that we get a segmentation fault.

  2547   23 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transition
> I'm in the same situation ?

  2549   26 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transition
> so, it seems that the issue is not related to different 'instances' of same frontend but
> that *at most* one frontend on whole MIDAS server can handle deferred transitions...
> is this the case ?


- Stefan
  2550   26 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportmserver and script execution
Indeed that could well be (and is certainly not intended like that). I checked the code
and found that "execute on start run" and "execute on stop run" are called inside
cm_transition(). That means they are executed on the computer which calls cm_transition().
If you use mhttpd and start a run through the web interface, then mhttpd runs on your
server and "execute on start run" gets executed on your server. If you stop the run
by your frontend running on the client machine (like if a certain number of events 
is reached), then "execute on stop run" gets executed on your client.

An easy way around would not to use "/Equipment/Trigger/Common/Event limit" which
gets check by your frontend and therefore on the client computer, but use 
"/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Event limit" which gets checked by the logger and
therefore executed on the server computer.

Getting a consistent behaviour (like always executing scripts on the server) would
require a major rework of the run transition framework with probably many undesired
side-effects, so lots of debugging work.

  2552   27 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportmserver and script execution
> btw I did some tests and I understand that this issue is related to 'deferred transition'
> on frontend. Indeed I disabled deferred transition on frontend side and now script
> execution is carried out always on MIDAS server;

Ah, that's clear now. In a deferred transition, the frontend finally stops the run (after the 
condition is given to finish). Since the client calls cm_transition(), the script gets executed on 
the client. Changing that would be a rather large rework of the code. So maybe better call a 
script which executes another script via ssh on the server.

  2563   28 Jul 2023 Stefan RittForumpull request for PostgreSQL support
The compilation of midas was broken by the last modification. The reason is that 

   Pgsql *fPgsql = NULL;

was not protected by 


So I put all PGSQL code under a big #ifdef and now it compiles again. You might want to double check my modification at

  2564   28 Jul 2023 Stefan RittInfoNew environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
Concerning naming of shared memories I went one step further due to some requirement of a local experiment. 
The experiment needs to change the experiment name shown on the web status page depending on the exact 
configuration, but we do not want to change the whole midas experiment each time.

So I simple removed the check that the experiment name coming from the environment and used for the shared 
memory gets checked against the experiment name in the ODB. The only connection there is that the ODB name 
gets set to the environment name is it does not exist or is empty, just to have some default value. So for 
most people nothing should change. If one changes however the name in the ODB (under /Experiment/Name), 
nothing will change internally, just the web display via mhttpd changes its title.

I hope this has no bad side-effects, so please have a look if you see any issue in your experiment.

  2565   28 Jul 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionMaximum ODB size
> RFE filed:

Implemented and closed:

  2569   02 Aug 2023 Stefan RittBug ReportError accessing history files
We sporadically (like once per few hours) have an error message when we access the 
history plots through mhttpd:

07:21:35.109 2023/08/03 [mhttpd,ERROR] 
[history_schema.cxx:2345:FileHistory::read_data,ERROR] Cannot read 
'/data2/history/mhf_1690890685_20230801_dc_hv.dat', read() errno 2 (No such file 
or directory)

When I log in to the machine, I properly see the file and also can access it

[meg@megon02 history]$ ls -l mhf_1690890685_20230801_dc_hv.dat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 meg meg 34176312 Aug  3 07:23 mhf_1690890685_20230801_dc_hv.dat

and I also can dump that file. 

When I try again with mhttpd, I properly see that file. 

Now in principle this is not a problem, but the error message is annoying, since this 
is the only error we get in 24 hours. I attached a 24h log to see what I mean. If this 
is an OS issue, I wonder if we should add code to retry the file access in case we get 
that error.

Anybody seen a similar thing?

Attachment 1: log.txt
07:22:54.488 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536882 started
07:22:50.710 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536881 stopped
07:21:35.109 2023/08/03 [mhttpd,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2345:FileHistory::read_data,ERROR] Cannot read '/data2/history/mhf_1690890685_20230801_dc_hv.dat', read() errno 2 (No such file or directory)
07:16:44.351 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536881 started
07:16:40.513 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536880 stopped
07:10:34.581 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536880 started
07:10:30.594 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536879 stopped
07:04:23.783 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536879 started
07:04:19.864 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536878 stopped
06:57:55.055 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536878 started
06:57:50.991 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536877 stopped
06:51:41.184 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536877 started
06:51:37.611 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536876 stopped
06:44:56.595 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536876 started
06:44:52.834 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536875 stopped
06:38:28.422 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536875 started
06:38:24.945 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536874 stopped
06:32:08.153 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536874 started
06:32:04.586 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536873 stopped
06:25:23.687 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536873 started
06:25:20.318 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536872 stopped
06:19:15.480 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536872 started
06:19:11.305 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536871 stopped
06:12:52.689 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536871 started
06:12:49.075 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536870 stopped
06:06:42.901 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536870 started
06:06:39.033 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536869 stopped
06:00:25.953 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536869 started
06:00:22.384 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536868 stopped
05:54:13.589 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536868 started
05:54:09.719 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536867 stopped
05:47:49.328 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536867 started
05:47:45.429 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536866 stopped
05:41:39.018 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536866 started
05:41:35.248 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536865 stopped
05:35:25.122 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536865 started
05:35:21.542 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536864 stopped
05:29:14.937 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536864 started
05:29:11.320 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536863 stopped
05:22:46.524 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536863 started
05:22:42.746 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536862 stopped
05:16:33.997 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536862 started
05:16:30.422 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536861 stopped
05:10:30.602 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536861 started
05:10:26.922 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536860 stopped
05:04:14.734 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536860 started
05:04:10.964 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536859 stopped
04:57:48.773 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536859 started
04:57:44.994 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536858 stopped
04:51:29.976 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536858 started
04:51:26.224 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536857 stopped
04:44:46.298 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536857 started
04:44:41.832 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536856 stopped
04:38:32.283 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536856 started
04:38:28.513 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536855 stopped
04:32:15.707 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536855 started
04:32:12.185 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536854 stopped
04:26:08.980 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536854 started
04:26:05.406 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536853 stopped
04:19:55.754 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536853 started
04:19:51.976 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536852 stopped
04:13:45.140 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536852 started
04:13:41.465 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536851 stopped
04:06:45.891 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536851 started
04:06:42.253 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536850 stopped
04:00:28.915 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536850 started
04:00:25.300 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536849 stopped
03:54:15.851 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536849 started
03:54:12.372 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536848 stopped
03:47:53.825 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536848 started
03:47:50.240 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536847 stopped
03:41:50.429 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536847 started
03:41:46.892 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536846 stopped
03:35:41.247 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536846 started
03:35:37.480 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536845 stopped
03:29:33.930 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536845 started
03:29:30.453 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536844 stopped
03:23:07.931 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536844 started
03:23:04.214 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536843 stopped
03:17:01.227 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536843 started
03:16:57.611 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536842 stopped
03:10:48.030 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536842 started
03:10:44.255 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536841 stopped
03:04:32.608 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536841 started
03:04:28.881 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536840 stopped
02:58:22.218 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536840 started
02:58:18.228 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536839 stopped
02:51:50.716 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536839 started
02:51:46.287 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536838 stopped
02:45:31.191 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536838 started
02:45:27.463 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536837 stopped
02:39:24.271 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536837 started
02:39:20.694 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536836 stopped
02:33:08.324 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536836 started
02:33:04.757 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536835 stopped
02:27:03.014 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536835 started
02:26:58.734 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536834 stopped
02:20:27.209 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536834 started
02:20:23.695 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536833 stopped
02:14:14.607 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536833 started
02:14:11.131 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536832 stopped
02:07:43.853 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536832 started
02:07:40.091 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536831 stopped
02:01:05.642 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536831 started
02:01:01.975 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536830 stopped
01:54:55.768 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536830 started
01:54:51.901 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536829 stopped
01:48:43.247 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536829 started
01:48:39.525 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536828 stopped
01:42:26.066 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536828 started
01:42:22.294 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536827 stopped
01:36:10.218 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536827 started
01:36:06.352 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536826 stopped
01:30:03.121 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536826 started
01:29:59.558 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536825 stopped
01:23:50.397 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536825 started
01:23:46.823 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536824 stopped
01:17:28.309 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536824 started
01:17:24.641 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536823 stopped
01:11:11.245 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536823 started
01:11:07.680 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536822 stopped
01:04:57.774 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536822 started
01:04:54.143 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536821 stopped
00:58:52.150 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536821 started
00:58:48.569 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536820 stopped
00:52:19.523 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536820 started
00:52:15.857 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536819 stopped
00:45:33.032 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536819 started
00:45:29.201 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536818 stopped
00:39:19.076 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536818 started
00:39:15.510 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536817 stopped
00:32:50.593 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536817 started
00:32:47.035 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536816 stopped
00:26:09.730 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536816 started
00:26:05.862 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536815 stopped
00:19:57.831 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536815 started
00:19:53.408 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536814 stopped
00:13:41.084 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536814 started
00:13:37.504 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536813 stopped
00:07:24.877 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536813 started
00:07:21.339 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536812 stopped
00:01:18.670 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536812 started
00:01:14.751 2023/08/03 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536811 stopped
23:55:12.073 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536811 started
23:55:08.493 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536810 stopped
23:53:35.294 2023/08/02 [mhttpd,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2345:FileHistory::read_data,ERROR] Cannot read '/data2/history/mhf_1690890685_20230801_dc_hv.dat', read() errno 2 (No such file or directory)
23:48:55.498 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536810 started
23:48:51.817 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536809 stopped
23:42:30.422 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536809 started
23:42:26.677 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536808 stopped
23:36:23.171 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536808 started
23:36:19.592 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536807 stopped
23:30:19.344 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536807 started
23:30:15.672 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536806 stopped
23:24:03.697 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536806 started
23:23:59.570 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536805 stopped
23:17:33.870 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536805 started
23:17:30.488 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536804 stopped
23:11:21.650 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536804 started
23:11:18.176 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536803 stopped
23:05:00.652 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536803 started
23:04:56.880 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536802 stopped
22:58:59.679 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536802 started
22:58:56.249 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536801 stopped
22:52:43.033 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536801 started
22:52:39.452 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536800 stopped
22:46:37.568 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536800 started
22:46:33.953 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536799 stopped
22:40:28.270 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536799 started
22:40:24.906 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536798 stopped
22:33:53.886 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536798 started
22:33:50.529 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536797 stopped
22:27:35.712 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536797 started
22:27:32.270 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536796 stopped
22:21:26.568 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536796 started
22:21:23.007 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536795 stopped
22:15:25.397 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536795 started
22:15:21.933 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536794 stopped
22:09:18.390 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536794 started
22:09:14.976 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536793 stopped
22:02:59.421 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536793 started
22:02:56.075 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536792 stopped
21:56:39.940 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536792 started
21:56:36.518 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536791 stopped
21:50:39.308 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536791 started
21:50:35.893 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536790 stopped
21:44:27.002 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536790 started
21:44:23.435 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536789 stopped
21:38:23.480 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536789 started
21:38:20.087 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536788 stopped
21:31:57.894 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536788 started
21:31:54.508 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536787 stopped
21:26:00.453 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536787 started
21:25:57.011 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536786 stopped
21:20:00.772 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536786 started
21:19:57.301 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536785 stopped
21:13:46.342 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536785 started
21:13:42.774 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536784 stopped
21:07:24.345 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536784 started
21:07:20.974 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536783 stopped
21:00:34.335 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536783 started
21:00:30.962 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536782 stopped
20:54:26.725 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536782 started
20:54:23.260 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536781 stopped
20:48:17.056 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536781 started
20:48:13.680 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536780 stopped
20:41:54.420 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536780 started
20:41:51.061 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536779 stopped
20:35:50.859 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536779 started
20:35:47.280 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536778 stopped
20:29:51.914 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536778 started
20:29:48.259 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536777 stopped
20:23:41.311 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536777 started
20:23:37.784 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536776 stopped
20:17:25.427 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536776 started
20:17:21.759 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536775 stopped
20:11:15.119 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536775 started
20:11:11.604 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536774 stopped
20:05:05.195 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536774 started
20:05:01.833 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536773 stopped
19:59:04.956 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536773 started
19:59:01.477 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536772 stopped
19:52:59.175 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536772 started
19:52:55.092 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536771 stopped
19:46:40.384 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536771 started
19:46:36.999 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536770 stopped
19:40:31.744 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536770 started
19:40:28.278 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536769 stopped
19:34:17.986 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536769 started
19:34:14.533 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536768 stopped
19:28:11.473 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536768 started
19:28:08.058 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536767 stopped
19:22:01.786 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536767 started
19:21:58.413 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536766 stopped
19:15:54.577 2023/08/02 [Sequencer,INFO] Run #536766 started
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5