28 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
> Is this maybe related to what Stefan said about the run start - so that odbedit needs some time to load the bigger ODB?
At the run start mlogger writes the ODB to the .mid file. This needs conversion (binary ODB -> XML ASCII) which can take time.
02 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Problem with running midas odbxx frontends on a remote machine using the -h option
> Shall I create a pull request for the additional RPC argument or will you just fix this on the fly?
08 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Scrript in sequencer
> I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to
> be empty, what could be the problem?
10 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Scrript in sequencer
> Thanks. It works perfect.
> Another question is:
> Is it possible to run .msl seqscript from bash cmd?
10 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Make sequencer more compatible with mobile devices
[quote="Lukas Gerritzen"]When trying to select a run script on an iPad or other mobile device, you cannot enter subdirectories. This is caused by the following
10 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Desktop notifications for messages
[quote="Lukas Gerritzen"]It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.[/quote]
There are certainly dozens of people who do "I don't like pop-up windows all the time". So this has to come with a switch in the config page to turn it |
11 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Desktop notifications for messages
Ok, I implemented desktop notifications. In the MIDAS config page, you can now enable browser notifications for the different types of messages. Not sure
this works perfectly, but a staring point. So please let me know if there is any issue.
12 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Info, New environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
A new environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME has been introduced. This must be
used for cases where people use MIDAS_DIR, and is then equivalent for the
experiment name and directory usually used in the exptab file. This fixes
16 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, excessive logging of http requests
Maybe you remember the problems we had with a custom page in Japan loading it from TRIUMF. It took almost one minute since each RPC request took
about 1s round-trip. This got fixed by the modb* scheme where the framework actually collects all ODB variables in a custom page and puts them
into ONE rpc request (making the path an actual array of paths). That reduced the requests from 100 to 1 in the above example. Maybe the same
12 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
> correction: ODB shared memory is saved to .ODB.SHM each time a client stops, this is db_close_database().
The original design of the midas shared memory (back in the 1990's) was that the ODB shared memory file gets
13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
> I remember the same, but I tracked it down in git to the very first commit, and there is no if() there,
> odb is saved to .ODB.SHM on every client shutdown, not just the last client. I guess we both misremebered.
13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Include subroutine through relative path in sequencer
> Hi, I would like to restructure our sequencer scripts and the paths. Until now many things are not generic at all. I would like to ask if it is possible
to include files through a relative path for example something like
> INCLUDE ../chip/global_basic_functions
13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
> small problem. build an experiment, start taking data, observe how ODB is never saved to disk because the "last client" never stops. as bonus, crash
13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
> are you sure? when/how often does "last midas program finishes" happen? it does not happen on a system crash, not on power loss, not on "shutdown -r
13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Include subroutine through relative path in sequencer
> when I did this job for MEG II we decided not to include relative paths and the ".." folder to avoid an exploit called "XML Entity Injection".
> In short is to avoid leaking files outside the sequencer folders like /etc/password or private SSH keys.
> I do not remember in this moment why we pushed for absolute paths instead but let's keep this in mind.
20 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Info, New environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
I just realized that we had already MIDAS_EXPT_NAME, and now people get confused with
23 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, deferred stop transition
Deferred transitions were only implemented with a single instance of a program deferring the
transition. To have several instances, MIDAS probably needs to be extended. Certainly this
was never tested, so it's not a surprise that we get a segmentation fault.
23 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, deferred stop transition
> I'm in the same situation ?
Yepp. |
26 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, deferred stop transition
> so, it seems that the issue is not related to different 'instances' of same frontend but
> that *at most* one frontend on whole MIDAS server can handle deferred transitions...
26 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, mserver and script execution
Indeed that could well be (and is certainly not intended like that). I checked the code
and found that "execute on start run" and "execute on stop run" are called inside
cm_transition(). That means they are executed on the computer which calls cm_transition().