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ID Date Author Topic Subject
  1960   28 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd https support openssl -> mbedtls
To add. Using https with either openssl or mbedtls requires obtaining an https certificate. This can be self-
signed, or signed by a higher authority, or issued by the "let's encrypt" project.

mhttpd is looking for this certificate in the file ssl_cert.pem.

If this file does not exist, mhttpd will print the instructions for creating it using openssl (self-signed) or 
using certbot (instantaneously and automatically issued let's encrypt certificate).

The certbot route is recommended:

1) (as root) setup certbot (i.e. see my CentOS and Ubuntu instructions on DAQWiki)
2) (as root) copy /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOME/fullchain.pem and privkey.pem to $MIDASSYS
3) cat fullchain.pem privkey.pem > ssl_cert.pem
4) start mhttpd, watch the first few lines it prints to confirm it found the right certificate file.

The only missing piece for using this in production is lack of integration
with certbot automatic certificate renewal:

- a script has to run for steps (2) and (3) above
- mhttpd has to tell openssl/mbedtls to reload the certificate file (alternative is to automatically restart 
mhttpd, bad!).

As an alternative, we can wait for the mongoose web server library and for the mbedtls crypto library to "grow" 
certbot-style automatic certificate renewal features. (unavoidable, in my view).

  1959   28 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd https support openssl -> mbedtls
For password protection of midas web pages, https is required, good old http 
with passwords transmitted in-the-clear is no longer considered secure. Latest 
recommendation is to run mhttpd behind an industry-standard https proxy, for 
example apache httpd. These proxies provide built-in password protection and 
have integration with certbot to provide automatic renewal of https 

That said, for a long time now mhttpd provides native https support through the 
mongoose web server library and the openssl cryptography library.

Unfortunately, for years now, we have been running into trouble with the midas 
build process bombing out due to inconsistent versions and locations of system-
provided and user-installed openssl libraries. Despite our best efforts (and 
through the switch to cmake!) these problems keep coming back and coming back.

Luckily, latest versions of mongoose support the mbedtls cryptography library. I 
have tested it and it works well enough for me to switch the MIDAS default build 
from "openssl if found" to "mbedtls if-asked-for-by-user".

Starting with commit e7b02f9, cmake builds do not look for and do not try to use 
openssl. mhttpd is built without support for https. This is consistent with the 
recommendation to run it behind an apache httpd password protected https proxy.

To enable https support using mbedtls, run "make mbedtls". This will "git clone" 
the mbedtls library and add it to the midas build. mhttpd will be built with 
https support enabled.

To disable mbedtls support, use "make cmake NO_MBEDTLS=1" or run "make 
clean_mbedtls" (this will remove the mbedtls sources from the midas build).

To restore previous use of openssl, set the cmake variable "USE_OPENSSL".

In my test, mhttpd with https through mbedtls and a letsencrypt certificate gain 
a score of "A" from SSLlabs. (very good).

(you have to use progs/mtcproxy to run this test - SSLlabs only probe port 443 
and mtcproxy will forward it to mhttpd port 8443. to build, run "make 


  1958   24 Jun 2020 Stefan RittInfoNew image history system available
I'm happy to report that the Corona Lockdown in Europe also had some positive side 
effects: Finally I found time to implement an image history system in midas, 
something I wanted to do since many years, but never found time for that.

The idea is that you can incorporate any network-connected WebCam into the midas 
history system. You specify an update interval (like one minute) and the logger 
fetches regularly images from that webcam. The images are stored as raw files in 
the midas history directory, and can be retrieved via the web browser similarly to 
the "normal" history. Attached is an image from the MEG Experiment at PSI to give 
you some idea.

The cool thing now is that you can go "backwards" in time and browse all stored 
images. The buttons at each image allow you to step backward, forward, and play a 
movie of images, forward or backward. You can query for a certain date/time and 
download a specific image to your local disk. You can even synchronize all time 
axes, drag left and right on each image to see your experiment from different 
cameras at the same time stamps. You see a blue ribbon below each image which shows 
time stamps for which an image is available. 

Initially, only the most recent image is loaded to speed up loading time. As soon 
as you click on the image or one of the arrow buttons, previous images are loaded 
progressively, which you can see in the ribbon bar becoming blue. For slow internet 
connections this can take some time. For typical webcams and one minute update 
period you get typically a few GB per week.

To make this happen, you define a new ODB subtree 

  Name:          Name of Camera
  Enabled:       Boolean to enable readout of camera
  URL            URL to fetch an image from the camera
  Period         Time period in seconds to fetch a new image
  Storage hours  Number of hours to store the images (0 for infinite)
  Extension      Image file extension, usually ".jpg" or ".png"
  Timescale      Initial horizontal time scale (like 8h)

The tricky part is to obtain the URL from your camera. For some cameras you can get 
that from the manual, others you have to "hack": Display an image in your browser 
using the camera's internal web interface, inspect the source code of your web page 
and you get the URL. For AXIS cameras I use, the URL is typically


For the Netatmo cameras I have at home (which I used during development in my home 
office), the procedure is more complicated, but you can google it. The logger is 
now linked against the CURL library to fetch images, so it also support https://. 
If libcurl is not installed on your system, the image history functionality will be 

I tested the system for a few days now and it seem stable, which however does not 
mean that it is bug-free. So please report back any issue. The change is committed 
to the current develop branch.

I hope this extension helps all those people who are forced to do more remote 
monitoring of experiment during these times.

  1957   24 Jun 2020 Marius KoeppelSuggestionODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation
Hi Stefan,

now everything works well (Tested on: OpenSuse and Arch Linux) :) 

Thank you for the fix.


> Hi Marius,
> thanks for your help, you identified the problematic location. I changed that to
>    u_odb(bool v) : m_tid{TID_BOOL}, m_parent_odb{nullptr} {m_string = nullptr; m_bool = v;};
> which should initialize the full 8 bytes of the u_odb union. I committed to develop. Can you 
> please give it a try?
> Best,
> Stefan
> > and looking at 
> > 
> > odbxx.h:
> >         u_odb(bool v) : m_bool{v}, m_tid{TID_BOOL}, m_parent_odb{nullptr} {};   
> > 
> > only m_bool is set for this instance meaning that only the first byte gets a value 
> > (still having only 1 byte for bool in c++). If I check m_string inside the u_odb::get function
> >  of this instance I am getting for a bool (I set false) stuff like 0x7f6633f67a00 and for an int 
> > (I set the int to 1000) 0x7f66000003e8. Since the size of BOOL is larger I am getting the 
> > wrong value. I checked this also on openSUSE having the same behavior.
  1956   23 Jun 2020 Stefan RittSuggestionODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation
Hi Marius,

thanks for your help, you identified the problematic location. I changed that to

   u_odb(bool v) : m_tid{TID_BOOL}, m_parent_odb{nullptr} {m_string = nullptr; m_bool = v;};

which should initialize the full 8 bytes of the u_odb union. I committed to develop. Can you 
please give it a try?


> and looking at 
> odbxx.h:
>         u_odb(bool v) : m_bool{v}, m_tid{TID_BOOL}, m_parent_odb{nullptr} {};   
> only m_bool is set for this instance meaning that only the first byte gets a value 
> (still having only 1 byte for bool in c++). If I check m_string inside the u_odb::get function
>  of this instance I am getting for a bool (I set false) stuff like 0x7f6633f67a00 and for an int 
> (I set the int to 1000) 0x7f66000003e8. Since the size of BOOL is larger I am getting the 
> wrong value. I checked this also on openSUSE having the same behavior.
  1955   19 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie-BoulayInfoBuilding/running a Frontend Task
To build a frontend task, the user code and system code are compiled and linked 
together with the required libraries, by running a Makefile (e.g. 
../midas/examples/experiment/Makefile in the MIDAS package).

I tried building the CAMAC example frontend and I get this error:

g++: error: /home/rcmp/packages/midas/drivers/camac/ces8210.c: No such file or 
g++: error: /home/rcmp/packages/midas/linux/lib/libmidas.a: No such file or 
make: *** [camac_init.exe] Error 1

Obviously, I'm running the "make all" command from the camac directory. Why 
would I get this "no such file" error? Do I need to download the MIDAS packages 
inside my experiment directory?

Thanks for helping me out.

  1954   18 Jun 2020 Stefan RittForumODB key length
No. But if you need more than 32 characters, you do something wrong. The 
information you want to put into the ODB key name should probably be stored in 
another string key or so.


> Hello,
> I have a question about length of the name of ODB key.
> Is it possible to create an ODB key containing more than 32 characters?
> Thanks.
> Ruslan
  1953   18 Jun 2020 Ruslan PodviianiukForumODB key length

I have a question about length of the name of ODB key.
Is it possible to create an ODB key containing more than 32 characters?

  1951   16 Jun 2020 Marius KoeppelSuggestionODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation
Hi Stefan,

I played around with the code a bit more and I found out that if I do:

midas::odb test_settings = {{"Enable", false}};
test_settings.connect("/Equipment/Test/Test", true);

The correct value ends up in the odb. In this case an u_odb instance is created
with a clean m_string. But if I run the other code an odb instanceo is created and
the values of m_data are set in

        odb(std::initializer_list<std::pair<const char *, midas::odb>> list) : odb() {...

This values are comming from u_odb instances since the code does:

        auto o = new midas::odb(element.second);

and then

        odb(T v):odb() {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
           m_num_values = 1;                                                                                                                                                                                                             
           m_data = new u_odb[1]{v};                                                                                                                                                                                                                
           m_tid = m_data[0].get_tid();                                                            

and looking at 

        u_odb(bool v) : m_bool{v}, m_tid{TID_BOOL}, m_parent_odb{nullptr} {};   

only m_bool is set for this instance meaning that only the first byte gets a value 
(still having only 1 byte for bool in c++). If I check m_string inside the u_odb::get function
 of this instance I am getting for a bool (I set false) stuff like 0x7f6633f67a00 and for an int 
(I set the int to 1000) 0x7f66000003e8. Since the size of BOOL is larger I am getting the 
wrong value. I checked this also on openSUSE having the same behavior.

Like you I am not getting this problem on my Mac. What compiler flags do you use on your Mac?

  1950   15 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportKilling and ODB - Removed ODB client because process pid does not exists
Hey everyone,

When I run mhttpd I get the following error message:

[mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1720:db_open_database,ERROR] Removed ODB client 
'mhttpd', index 0 because process pid 4531 does not exists
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/RPC 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/RPC 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Sequencer/State"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Sequencer/State"
[mhttpd,INFO] Corrected 3 ODB entries
[mhttpd,INFO] Deleted entry '/System/Clients/4531' for client 'mhttpd' because 
it is not connected to ODB
[mhttpd,INFO] Client 'mhttpd' on buffer 'SYSMSG' removed by bm_open_buffer 
because process pid 4531 does not exist
Mongoose web server will not use password protection
mongoose web server is listening on the HTTP port 8080

So mhttpd works as I have access to it through my browser but mlogger does not 
work when I try running it (Alarm: Program Logger is not running). I've 
managed to get mlogger working before and I think that the problem might be 
from maybe having another instance of ODB running without me knowing. 

Has anyone ever had this issue?

Thanks so much for your time.

  1949   15 Jun 2020 Stefan RittBug Reportdeprecated function stime()
The function stime() has been replaced by clock_settime() on Feb. 2020:

Please always pull before submitting bug reports.

  1948   15 Jun 2020 Martin MuellerBug Reportdeprecated function stime()

I had a problem with the compilation of midas after an OS update to the recent version of OpenSuse tumbleweed. The function stime() in system.cxx:3196 is no longer available. 

In the documentation it is also marked as deprecated with the suggestion to use clock_settime instead:

replacing system.cxx:3196 with the clock_settime - method in system.cxx:3200 - 3204 also for OS_UNIX seems to solve the problem, but i'm not sure if this will cause problems on older OS's.

  1947   12 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoPreparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers.
> Hi, if you are not using any VME hardware, then you have no VME address jumpers to 
> set.
> K.O.

Hi thanks for taking the time to help me out. I am using a VME-MWS in this experiment.

Let me know what you think.

  1946   12 Jun 2020 Ivo SchulthessForumslow-control equipment crashes when running multi-threaded on a remote machine
Thanks you two once again for the very fast answers. I tested the example on the local machine and it works perfectly fine. In the meantime I also created two new drivers for our devices 
and everything works with them, the improvement in time is significant and I will create drivers for all our devices where possible. If they are in a working state I can also provide 
them to add to the Midas drivers. Of course if it would be possible to run the front-end also on our remote machines this would be even better. I am not experienced in any multi-threaded 
programming but if I can provide any help or input, please let me know. 

Have a great weekend,
  1945   10 Jun 2020 Stefan RittForumslow-control equipment crashes when running multi-threaded on a remote machine
Few comments:

- As KO write, we might need semaphores also on a remote front-end, in case several programs share the same hardware. So it should work and cm_get_path() should not just exit

- When I wrote the multi-threaded device drivers, I did use semaphores instead of mutexes, but I forgot why. Might be that midas semaphores have a timeout and mutexes not, or 
something along those lines.

- I do need either semaphores or mutexes since in a multi-threaded slow-control font-end (too many dashes...) several threads have to access an internal data exchange buffer, which 
needs protection for multi-threaded environments.

So we can how either fix cm_get_path() or replace all semaphores in with mutexes in midas/src/device_driver.cxx. I have kind of a feeling that we should do both. And what about 
switching to c++ std::mutex instead of pthread mutexes?

  1944   10 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumslow-control equipment crashes when running multi-threaded on a remote machine
Yes, it is supposed to crash. On a remote frontend, cm_get_path() cannot be used
(we are on a different computer, all filesystems maybe no the same!) and is actually not set and
triggers a trap if something tries to use it. (this is the crash you see).

The caller to cm_get_path() is a MIDAS semaphore function.

And I think there is a mistake here. It is unusual for the driver framework to use a semaphore. For multithreaded
protection inside the frontend, a mutex would normally be used. (and mutexes do not use cm_get_path(), so
all is good). But if a semaphore is used, than all frontends running on the same computer become
serialized across the locked section. This is the right thing to do if you have multiple frontends
sharing the same hardware, i.e. a /dev/ttyUSB serial line, but why would a generic framework function
do this. I am not sure, I will have to take a look at why there is a semaphore and what it is locking/protecting.

(In midas, semaphores are normally used to protect global memory, such as ODB, or global resources, such as alarms,
against concurrent access by multiple programs, but of course that does not work for remote frontends,
they are on a different computer! semaphores only work locally, do not work across the network!)


> scfe: /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:1569: INT cm_get_path(char*, int): Assertion `_path_name.length() > 0' failed.
> Running the frontend with GDB and set a breakpoint at the exit leads to the following: 
> (gdb) where
> #0  0x00007ffff68d599f in raise () from /lib64/
> #1  0x00007ffff68bfcf5 in abort () from /lib64/
> #2  0x00007ffff68bfbc9 in __assert_fail_base.cold.0 () from /lib64/
> #3  0x00007ffff68cde56 in __assert_fail () from /lib64/
> #4  0x000000000041efbf in cm_get_path (path=0x7fffffffd060 "P\373g", path_size=256)
>     at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:1563
> #5  cm_get_path (path=path@entry=0x7fffffffd060 "P\373g", path_size=path_size@entry=256)
>     at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:1563
> #6  0x0000000000453dd8 in ss_semaphore_create (name=name@entry=0x7fffffffd2c0 "DD_Input", 
>     semaphore_handle=semaphore_handle@entry=0x67f700 <multi_driver+96>)
>     at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/system.cxx:2340
> #7  0x0000000000451d25 in device_driver (device_drv=0x67f6a0 <multi_driver>, cmd=<optimized out>)
>     at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/device_driver.cxx:155
> #8  0x00000000004175f8 in multi_init(eqpmnt*) ()
> #9  0x00000000004185c8 in cd_multi(int, eqpmnt*) ()
> #10 0x000000000041c20c in initialize_equipment () at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:827
> #11 0x000000000040da60 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffda48)
>     at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:2757
> I also tried to use the generic class driver which results in the same. I am not sure if this is a problem of the multi-threaded frontend running on a remote machine or is it 
> something of our system which is not properly set up. Anyway I am running out of ideas how to solve this and would appreciate any input. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Ivo
  1943   10 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoPreparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers.
Hi, if you are not using any VME hardware, then you have no VME address jumpers to 

  1942   10 Jun 2020 Ivo SchulthessForumslow-control equipment crashes when running multi-threaded on a remote machine
Dear all

To reduce the time needed by Midas between runs, we want to change some of our periodic equipment to multi-threaded slow-control equipment. To do that I wanted to start from 
the slowcont with the multi/hv class driver and the nulldev device driver and null bus driver. The example runs fine as it is on the local midas machine and also on remote 
machines. When adding the DF_MULTITHREAD flag to the device driver list, it does not run anymore on remote machines but aborts with the following assertion:

scfe: /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:1569: INT cm_get_path(char*, int): Assertion `_path_name.length() > 0' failed.

Running the frontend with GDB and set a breakpoint at the exit leads to the following: 

(gdb) where
#0  0x00007ffff68d599f in raise () from /lib64/
#1  0x00007ffff68bfcf5 in abort () from /lib64/
#2  0x00007ffff68bfbc9 in __assert_fail_base.cold.0 () from /lib64/
#3  0x00007ffff68cde56 in __assert_fail () from /lib64/
#4  0x000000000041efbf in cm_get_path (path=0x7fffffffd060 "P\373g", path_size=256)
    at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:1563
#5  cm_get_path (path=path@entry=0x7fffffffd060 "P\373g", path_size=path_size@entry=256)
    at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:1563
#6  0x0000000000453dd8 in ss_semaphore_create (name=name@entry=0x7fffffffd2c0 "DD_Input", 
    semaphore_handle=semaphore_handle@entry=0x67f700 <multi_driver+96>)
    at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/system.cxx:2340
#7  0x0000000000451d25 in device_driver (device_drv=0x67f6a0 <multi_driver>, cmd=<optimized out>)
    at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/device_driver.cxx:155
#8  0x00000000004175f8 in multi_init(eqpmnt*) ()
#9  0x00000000004185c8 in cd_multi(int, eqpmnt*) ()
#10 0x000000000041c20c in initialize_equipment () at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:827
#11 0x000000000040da60 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffda48)
    at /home/neutron/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:2757

I also tried to use the generic class driver which results in the same. I am not sure if this is a problem of the multi-threaded frontend running on a remote machine or is it 
something of our system which is not properly set up. Anyway I am running out of ideas how to solve this and would appreciate any input. 

Thanks in advance,
  1941   09 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoPreparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers.
Hey folks,

I'm currently working on setting up a MIDAS experiment and I am following the 
"Setup MIDAS experiment at Triumf" page on 

The 3rd line of the hardware checklist under the "Prepare VME hardware section" 
has a link to a page that doesn't exit anymore, I'm trying to figure out how to 
setup the VME address jumpers on the VME modules.

Does anyone know how to setup the VME modules? Or, can anyone send me a link to 

Thanks a lot for your time.

  1940   08 Jun 2020 Marius KoeppelSuggestionODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation
Hi Stefan,

I agree with your explanation about the size of BOOL and bool. 

I checked the program also on my Raspberry and there the old code works like on your mac. I don't really understand 
why the behavior is different for my system. The initializing of the union should also work for my system. 

At the moment I am using:

Arch Linux
Linux office 5.4.42-1-lts #1 SMP Wed, 20 May 2020 20:42:53 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
gcc version 10.1.0 (GCC)

One thing which makes me a bit suspicious is that if I do:

u_odb u = m_data[index];
char dest[rpc_tid_size(m_tid)];
memcpy(dest, &u, rpc_tid_size(m_tid));

Clion tells me "Clang-Tidy: Undefined behavior, source object type 'midas::u_odb' is not TriviallyCopyable". 

I am not sure if this is the problem since I am not so familiar with this TriviallyCopyable. I need to further investigate here.

So fare the update from my side.


> Hi Marius,
> your fix is good. Thanks for digging out this deep-lying issue, which would have haunted us if we would not fix it. 
> The problem is that in midas, the "BOOL" type is 4 Bytes long, actually modelled after MS Windows. Now I realized
> that in c++, the "bool" type is only 1 Byte wide. So if we do the memcopy from a "c++ bool" to a "MIDAS BOOL", we
> always copy four bytes, meaning that we copy three Bytes beyond the one-byte value of the c++ bool. So your fix
> is absolutely correct, and I added it in one more space where we deal with bool arrays, where we need the same.
> What I don't understand however is the fact why this fails for you. The ODB values are stored in the C union under
> union {
>   ...
>   bool m_bool;
>   double m_double;
>   std::string *m_string;
>   ...
> }
> Now the C compiler puts all values at the lowest address, so m_bool is at offset zero, and the string pointer reaches
> over all eight bytes (we are on 64-bit OS).
> Now when I initialize this union in odbxx.h:66, I zero the string pointer which is the widest object:
>   u_odb() : m_string{} {};
> which (at least on my Mac) sets all eight bytes to zero. If I then use the wrong code to set the bool value to the ODB 
> in odbxx.cxx:756, I do 
>   db_set_data_index(... &u, rpc_tid_size(m_tid), ...);
> so it copies four bytes (=rpc_tid_size(TID_BOOL)) to the ODB. The first byte should be the c++ bool value (0 or 1),
> and the other three bytes should be zero from the initialization above. Apparently on your system, this is not
> the case, and I would like you to double check it. Maybe there is another underlying problem which I don't understand
> at the moment but which we better fix.
> Otherwise the change is committed and your code should work. But we should not stop here! I really want to understand
> why this is not working for you, maybe I miss something.
> Best,
> Stefan
> > Hi Stefan,
> > 
> > your test program was only working for me after I changed the following lines inside the odbxx.cpp
> > 
> > diff --git a/src/odbxx.cxx b/src/odbxx.cxx
> > index 24b5a135..48edfd15 100644
> > --- a/src/odbxx.cxx
> > +++ b/src/odbxx.cxx
> > @@ -753,7 +753,12 @@ namespace midas {
> >           }
> >        } else {
> >           u_odb u = m_data[index];
> > -         status = db_set_data_index(m_hDB, m_hKey, &u, rpc_tid_size(m_tid), index, m_tid);
> > +         if (m_tid == TID_BOOL) {
> > +             BOOL ss = bool(u);
> > +             status = db_set_data_index(m_hDB, m_hKey, &ss, rpc_tid_size(m_tid), index, m_tid);
> > +         } else {
> > +             status = db_set_data_index(m_hDB, m_hKey, &u, rpc_tid_size(m_tid), index, m_tid);
> > +         }
> >           if (m_debug) {
> >              std::string s;
> >              u.get(s);
> > 
> > Likely not the best fix but otherwise I was always getting after running the test program:
> > 
> > [ODBEdit,INFO] Program ODBEdit on host localhost started
> > [local:Default:S]/>cd Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/
> > key not found
> > makoeppe@office ~/mu3e/online/online (git)-[odb++_api] % test_connect
> > Created ODB key /Equipment/Test/Settings
> > Created ODB key /Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api
> > Created ODB key /Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Divider
> > Set ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Divider" = 1000
> > Created ODB key /Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Enable
> > Set ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Enable" = false
> > Get definition for ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api"
> > Get definition for ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Divider"
> > Get ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Divider": 1000
> > Get definition for ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Enable"
> > Get ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Enable": false
> > Get definition for ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Divider"
> > Get ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Divider": 1000
> > Get definition for ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Enable"
> > Get ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Enable": false
> > Datagenerator Enable is Get ODB key "/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/Enable": false
> > false
> > makoeppe@office ~/mu3e/online/online (git)-[odb++_api] % odbedit
> > [ODBEdit,INFO] Program ODBEdit on host localhost started
> > [local:Default:S]/>cd Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api/
> > [local:Default:S]Test_odb_api>ls
> > Divider                         1000
> > Enable                          y 
> > 
> > > > I am getting back false. Which looks nice but when I look into the odb via the browser the value is actually "y" meaning true which is stange. 
> > > > I added my frontend where I cleaned all function leaving only the frontend_init() one where I create this key. Its a cuda program but since 
> > > > I clean everything no cuda function is called anymore.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5