27 Feb 2007, Piotr Zolnierczuk, Forum, event builder scalability
Hi there:
I have a question if there's anybody out there running MIDAS with event builder
that assembles events from more that just a few front ends (say on the order of
27 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, event builder scalability
> Hi there:
> I have a question if there's anybody out there running MIDAS with event builder
> that assembles events from more that just a few front ends (say on the order of
27 Feb 2007, John M O'Donnell, Forum, event builder scalability
At Los Alamos, we have 15+1 frontends - the 15 between them read about 2 or 3
TB/hour and reduce it to 1 to 5 GB/hour which is then sent to the mevb on a 17th
computer. The 16th frontend handles deadtime issues and scalers (small data rate).
27 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, event builder scalability
> Our bottle neck is (a) compactPCI backplane reading data from waveform digitizers
> to the frontend CPUs and (b) CPU power on the frontend CPUs to analyzer the waveforms.
02 Mar 2007, Kevin Lynch, Forum, event builder scalability
> Hi there:
> I have a question if there's anybody out there running MIDAS with event builder
> that assembles events from more that just a few front ends (say on the order of
03 Mar 2007, Piotr Zolnierczuk, Forum, event builder scalability
Hi all,
thank you for all responses.
03 Mar 2007, Stefan Ritt, Forum, event builder scalability
> It seems that there's no problem running MIDAS with event builder assembling
> data from ~10 front-ends. How about ~100? One possible solution is to have a
> multi-tiered architecture.
21 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, error handling is hard
Happy summer to everybody.
When programming in general, and when programming MIDAS, there is always a struggle
29 Jul 2015, Javier Praena, Forum, error
Hello, I am new in the forum. We are running an experiment for a week with no
problems. Now we add a detector a we found an error. Even we come back to our
previous configuration the error continues appearing. Please, may someone help
29 Jul 2015, Wes Gohn, Forum, error
SIGSEGV is a segmentation fault. Most often it means some ODB parameter is out of bounds or there is
an invalid memcpy somewhere in your code.
29 Jul 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, error
> Hello, I am new in the forum. We are running an experiment for a week with no
> problems. Now we add a detector a we found an error. Even we come back to our
> previous configuration the error continues appearing. Please, may someone help
30 Mar 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, erroneous removal of odb clients, fixed
commit https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/commits/b1fe21445109774be3f059c2124727b414abf835
made on 2022-02-21 fixed a serious bug in ODB.
19 Sep 2023, Frederik Wauters, Bug Report, epics fe "Start Command"
The epics frontend overwrites the "start command" odb after each start:
// set start command in ODB
20 Sep 2023, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, epics fe "Start Command"
Thanks for reporting this problem. It has been fixed today, so the start command is only written if it's emtpy.
Stefan |
17 May 2018, Zaher Salman, Forum, embedding history in SVG
I am embedding histories into a custom page within an SVG,
<image x="21000" y="1000" width="6000" height="6000"
10 Mar 2021, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, embed modbvalue in SVG
Is it possible to embed modbvalue in an SVG for use within a custom page?
thanks. |
10 Mar 2021, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, embed modbvalue in SVG
You can't really embed it, but you can overlay it. You tag the SVG with a
"relative" position and then move the modbvalue with an "absolute" position over
26 Apr 2021, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, embed modbvalue in SVG
I found a way to embed modbvalue into a SVG:
<text x="100" y="100" font-size="30rem">
22 Mar 2016, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, emacs web-mode.el
For those who use emacs to edit web pages - the built-in CSS and Javascript modes seem to work
just fine for editing files.css and files.js, but the built-in html modes fall flat on modern web pages
which contain a mix of html, javascript inside <script> tags and javascript inside button "onclick"
30 Mar 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, , elog fixes
I am about to commit the mhttpd Elog fixes we have been using in TWIST since
about October. The infamous Elog "last N days" problem is fixed, sundry
memory overruns are caught and assert()ed.