13 Jul 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, cmake question
> cmake check and mate in 1 move. please help.
> -std=c++11 and -std=c++14 collision...
14 Jul 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, cmake question
> > cmake check and mate in 1 move. please help.
> > -std=c++11 and -std=c++14 collision...
16 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> Complile including ROOT throws an error with ROOT 6.18/04 on Fedora 31 ...
> /usr/include/root/ROOT/RStringView.hxx:32:37: error: ‘experimental’ in namespace ‘std’ ...
17 Jan 2020, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11. |
17 Jan 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> > In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
> Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11.
17 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> > In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
> Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11.
17 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> > In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
> Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11.
13 Jan 2020, Peter Kunz, Forum, cmake complie issues
While upgrading to the latest MIDAS version
MIDAS version: 2.1 GIT revision: Tue Dec 31 17:40:14 2019 +0100 - midas-2019-09-i-1-gd93944ce-dirty on branch develop
ODB version: 3 |
13 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues
(please post messages in "plain" mode, they are much easier to answer)
- nvidia problems - this code was contributed by Joseph (I think?), with luck he will look into
13 Jan 2020, Peter Kunz, Forum, cmake complie issues
Re: ROOT problem
I looked into how my ROOT based MIDAS analyzer compiles. It is using the flag -std=c++14.
13 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues
Right. So the problem is mismatch in ROOT compile flags. The old Makefile build used CFLAGS from ROOT to build rmana and rmlogger, cmake uses some kind
of generic CFLAGS, so here we have it. No idea how to fix it.
14 Jan 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, cmake complie issues
Thanks for tracing the problem further down. Now I realized that the CMakeLists.txt for the ROOT analyzer did not contain the usual ROOT flags. I added
that and committed the change, so please try again. Here is the diff:
14 Jan 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, cmake complie issues
> In the past, one could use "make -k" to get past the errors caused by ROOT, everything will
> get built and installed, except for the code that failed to build.
06 Nov 2020, Alexandr Kozlinskiy, Suggestion, cmake build fixes
there are several problems with current cmake build files in midas:
27 Nov 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, cmake build fixes
Hi, Alexandr, thank you for making improvements to MIDAS. I have some question
about your suggestions:
07 May 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, cm_register_transition gyrations
I am debugging a Rome-based DAQ system setup by Pierre A. (the system does not
work because of bugs in Rome).
08 May 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, cm_register_transition gyrations
> I am debugging a Rome-based DAQ system setup by Pierre A. (the system does not
> work because of bugs in Rome).
16 Dec 2004, Jan Wouters, Forum, cm_msg
Could someone please explain to me how cm_msg, cm_msg1, etc. all work. The
documentation is very terse.
22 Dec 2004, Stefan Ritt, Forum, cm_msg
> Could someone please explain to me how cm_msg, cm_msg1, etc. all work. The
> documentation is very terse.
14 May 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, checksums for midas data files
I am adding LZ4 and LZO compression the mlogger and as part of this work, I would like to add
computation of checksums for the midas files.