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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  2176   27 May 2021 Nick HastingsBug ReportWrong location for mysql.h on our Linux systems

> with the recent fix of the CMakeLists.txt, it seems like another bug 
> In midas/progs/mlogger.cxx:48/49, the mysql header files are included without 
> prefix. However, mysql.h and mysqld_error.h are in a subdirectory, so for our 
> systems, the lines should be
>   48 #include <mysql/mysql.h>
>   49 #include <mysql/mysqld_error.h>
> This is the case with MariaDB 10.5.5 on OpenSuse Leap 15.2, MariaDB 10.5.5 on 
> Fedora Workstation 34 and MySQL 5.5.60 on Raspbian 10.
> If this problem occurs for other Linux/MySQL versions as well, it should be 
> fixed in mlogger.cxx and midas/src/history_schema.cxx.
> If this problem only occurs on some distributions or MySQL versions, it needs 
> some more differentiation than #ifdef OS_UNIX.

What does "mariadb_config --cflags" or "mysql_config --cflags" return on 
these systems? For mariadb 10.3.27 on Debian 10 it returns both paths:

% mariadb_config --cflags
-I/usr/include/mariadb -I/usr/include/mariadb/mysql

Note also that mysql.h and mysqld_error.h reside in /usr/include/mariadb *not* 
/usr/include/mariadb/mysql so using "#include <mysql/mysql.h>" would not work.

On CentOS 7 with mariadb  5.5.68:

%  mysql_config --include
% ls -l /usr/include/mysql/mysql*.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 38516 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 76949 Oct  2  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysqld_ername.h
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 28805 Oct  2  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysqld_error.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 24717 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_com.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  1167 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_embed.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  2143 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_time.h
-r--r--r--. 1 root root   938 Oct  2  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_version.h

So this seems to be the correct setup for both Debian and RHEL. If this is to 
be worked around in Midas I would think it would be better to do it at the 
cmake level than by putting another #ifdef in the code.


  2561   24 Jul 2023 Nick HastingsBug ReportIncompatible data types with mysql odbc interface

I have recently set up a midas-2022-05-c instance and have been trying to configure
it to use the mysql odbc interface. Tables are being created for it but
the logger is issuing errors that some of the column types are incorrect. For example
in the log I see:

14:22:12.689 2023/07/25 [Logger,ERROR] [history_odbc.cxx:1531:hs_define_event,ERROR] Error: History event 'Run transitions': Incompatible data type for tag 'State' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'state' type 'INT UNSIGNED'
14:22:12.689 2023/07/25 [Logger,ERROR] [history_odbc.cxx:1531:hs_define_event,ERROR] Error: History event 'Run transitions': Incompatible data type for tag 'Run number' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'run_number' type 'INT UNSIGNED'

Checking the table in the database I see:

MariaDB [t2kgscND280]> describe run_transitions;
| Field      | Type             | Null | Key | Default             | Extra                         |
| _t_time    | timestamp        | NO   | MUL | current_timestamp() | on update current_timestamp() |
| _i_time    | int(11)          | NO   | MUL | NULL                |                               |
| state      | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL                |                               |
| run_number | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL                |                               |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)

Please note that this is not the only history variable that has this problem. There are multiple variables
for which:

Incompatible data type for tag 'Foo Bar' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'foo_bar' type 'INT UNSIGNED'

Checking history_odbc.cxx, I see:

static const char *sql_type_mysql[] = {
   "tinyint unsigned",  // TID_UINT8
   "tinyint",           // TID_INT8
   "char",              // TID_CHAR
   "smallint unsigned", // TID_UINT16
   "smallint",          // TID_INT16
   "integer unsigned",  // TID_UINT32
   "integer",           // TID_INT32
   "tinyint",           // TID_BOOL
   "float",             // TID_FLOAT
   "double",            // TID_DOUBLE
   "tinyint unsigned",  // TID_BITFIELD
   "VARCHAR",           // TID_STRING

So it seems that unsigned int should map to UINT32.

The database is:
Server version: 10.5.16-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Please let me know if more information is needed.

Note that the choice of using the odbc interface is because we
plan to import an old database that was created using the odbc interface
with a previous version of midas (yes this is your old friend T2K/ND280).


  2562   25 Jul 2023 Nick HastingsBug ReportIncompatible data types with mysql odbc interface

wanted add few things:

1. I see the same problem for INT32
2. For now I've worked around these problems with
3. I'm using mariadb-connector-odbc-3.1.12-3.el9.x86_64 (System is AlmaLinux 9)


  2595   08 Sep 2023 Nick HastingsForumHide start and stop buttons
The wiki documents an odb variable to enable the hiding of the Start and Stop buttons on the mhttpd status page

However mhttpd states this option is obsolete. See commit:

I note that that commit also made mhttpd report that the "Pause-Resume Buttons" variable is also obsolete, however that code seems to have since been removed.

Is there now some other mechanism to hide the start and stop buttons?
Note that this is for a pure slow control system that does not take runs.
  2596   08 Sep 2023 Nick HastingsForumHide start and stop buttons
> Is there now some other mechanism to hide the start and stop buttons?
> Note that this is for a pure slow control system that does not take runs.

Just wanted to add that I realize that this can be done by copying
status.html and/or midas.css to the experiment directory and then modifying
them/it, but wonder if the is some other preferred way.
  2600   13 Sep 2023 Nick HastingsForumHide start and stop buttons
Hi Stefan,

> Indeed the ODB settings are obsolete.

I just applied for an account for the wiki.
I'll try add a note regarding this change.

> Now that the status page is fully dynamic 
> (JavaScript), it's much more powerful to modify the status.html page directly. You 
> can not only hide the buttons, but also remove the run numbers, the running time, 
> and so on. This is much more flexible than steering things through the ODB.

Very true. Currently I copied the resources/midas.css into the experiment directory and appended:

#runNumberCell { display: none;}
#runStatusStartTime { display: none;}
#runStatusStopTime { display: none;}
#runStatusSequencer { display: none;}
#logChannel { display: none;}

See screenshot attached. :-)

But if feels a little clunky to copy the whole file just to add five lines.
It might be more elegant if status.html looked for a user css file in addition
to the default ones.

> If there is a general need for that, I can draft a "non-run" based status page, but 
> it's a bit hard to make a one-fits-all. Like some might even remove the logging 
> channels and the clients, but add certain things like if their slow control front-
> end is running etc.

The logging channels are easily removed with the css (see attachment), but it might be
nice if the string "Run Status" table title was also configurable by css. For this
slow control system I'd probably change it to something like "GSC Status". Again
this is a minor thing, I could trivially do this by copying the resources/status.html
to the experiment directory and editing it.

Lots of fun new stuff migrating from circa 2012 midas to midas-2022-05-c :-)


Attachment 1: screenshot-20230914-085054.png
  2603   14 Sep 2023 Nick HastingsForumHide start and stop buttons

> > > Indeed the ODB settings are obsolete.
> > 
> > I just applied for an account for the wiki.
> > I'll try add a note regarding this change.
> Please coordinate with Ben Smith at TRIUMF <>, who coordinates the documentation. 

I will tread lightly. 

> I would not go to change the CSS file. You only can hide some tables. But in a while I'm sure you
> want to ADD new things, which you only can do by editing the status.html file. You don't have to
> change midas/resources/status.html, but can make your own "custom status", name it differently, and
> link /Custom/Default in the ODB to it. This way it does not get overwritten if you pull midas.

We have *many* custom pages. The submenus on the status page:

&#9656; FGD
&#9656; TPC
&#9656; TRIPt

hide custom pages with all sorts of good stuff.

> > The logging channels are easily removed with the css (see attachment), but it might be
> > nice if the string "Run Status" table title was also configurable by css. For this
> > slow control system I'd probably change it to something like "GSC Status". Again
> > this is a minor thing, I could trivially do this by copying the resources/status.html
> > to the experiment directory and editing it.
> See above. I agree that the status.html file is a bit complicated and not so easy to understand
> as the CSS file, but you can do much more by editing it.

I may end up doing this since the events and data columns do not provide particularly
useful information in this instance. But for now, the css route seems like a quick and
fairly clean way to remove irrelevant stuff from a prominent place at the top of the page.
> > Lots of fun new stuff migrating from circa 2012 midas to midas-2022-05-c :-)
> I always advise people to frequently pull, they benefit from the newest features and avoid the
> huge amount of work to migrate from a 10 year old version.

The long delay was not my choice. The group responsible for the system departed in 2018, and
and were not replaced by the experiment management. Lack of personnel/expertise resulted in
a "if it's not broken then don't fix it" situation. Eventually, the need to update the PCs/OSs
and the imminent introduction of new sub-detectors resulted people agreeing to the update. 


  2684   23 Jan 2024 Nick HastingsBug ReportWarnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years

> What's the best way to make these messages go away? 
> - Change the logic in db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() to not worry if keys are 10+ years old? 
> - Write a script to "touch" all the old keys so they've been modified recently?
> - Something else?

I wondered about this just under a year ago, and Konstantin forwarded my query here:

I am now of the opinion that 2 is not a good approach since it removes potentially
useful information.

I think some version of 1. is the correct choice. Whatever it fix is, I think it
should not care that timestamps of when variables are set are "old" (or at least
it should be user configurable via some odb setting).

  2785   04 Jul 2024 Nick HastingsForummfe.cxx with RO_STOPPED and EQ_POLLED
Dear Midas experts,

I noticed that a check was added to mfe.cxx in 1961af0d6:

+      /* check for consistent common settings */
+      if ((eq_info->read_on & RO_STOPPED) &&
+          (eq_info->eq_type == EQ_POLLED ||
+           eq_info->eq_type == EQ_INTERRUPT ||
+           eq_info->eq_type == EQ_MULTITHREAD ||
+           eq_info->eq_type == EQ_USER)) {
+         cm_msg(MERROR, "register_equipment", "Events \"%s\" cannot be read when run is stopped (RO_STOPPED flag)", equipment[idx].name);
+         return 0;
+      }

This commit was by Stefan in May 2022.

A commit few days later, 28d9c96bd, removed the "return 0;", and updated the
error message to:

"Equipment \"%s\" contains RO_STOPPED or RO_ALWAYS. This can lead to undesired side-effect and should be removed."

So such FEs can run but there is still an error at start up. The 
documentation at
states with RO_STOPPED "Readout Occurs" "Before stopping run".
Which seems to indicate that the removing the RO_STOPPED bit from a SC FE
would just result in an additional read not happening just prior to a run
stop. However reading scheduler() in mfe.cxx I see in the the main loop:

 if (run_state == STATE_STOPPED && (eq_info->read_on & RO_STOPPED) == 0) 

So it seems to me that the a EQ_PERIODIC equipment needs RO_STOPPED to be set
otherwise it will not read out data while there is no DAQ run.

Can someone explain the purpose of this check and error message? Perhaps it
was put in place with only DAQ FEs, not SC FEs in mind? And should the 
documentation in the wiki actually be "s/Before stopping run/While run is stopped/"?


  2786   04 Jul 2024 Nick HastingsBug ReportFail to build in the examples/experiment
I think this may only be an issue on the development branch.
Can you confirm that that is what you are using?

If so, I suggest you try the most recent stable tag 2022-05-c.

> Dear experts,
> I am a new user of MIDAS. I try to follow the instruction from 
> to install MIDAS in Fedora 39.
> When I try to have a try in the section of "Clients run on Localhost only"
> I get the error of "undefined reference to" several variables in the mfe.cxx. For example the variable "max_event_size_frag". May I know any idea about this issue? Thank you.
> Best,
> Terry
  Draft   04 Jul 2024 Nick HastingsForummfe.cxx with RO_STOPPED and EQ_POLLED
I just discovered

> Dear Midas experts,
> I noticed that a check was added to mfe.cxx in 1961af0d6:
> +      /* check for consistent common settings */
> +      if ((eq_info->read_on & RO_STOPPED) &&
> +          (eq_info->eq_type == EQ_POLLED ||
> +           eq_info->eq_type == EQ_INTERRUPT ||
> +           eq_info->eq_type == EQ_MULTITHREAD ||
> +           eq_info->eq_type == EQ_USER)) {
> +         cm_msg(MERROR, "register_equipment", "Events \"%s\" cannot be read when run is stopped (RO_STOPPED flag)", equipment[idx].name);
> +         return 0;
> +      }
> This commit was by Stefan in May 2022.
> A commit few days later, 28d9c96bd, removed the "return 0;", and updated the
> error message to:
> "Equipment \"%s\" contains RO_STOPPED or RO_ALWAYS. This can lead to undesired side-effect and should be removed."
> So such FEs can run but there is still an error at start up. The 
> documentation at
> states with RO_STOPPED "Readout Occurs" "Before stopping run".
> Which seems to indicate that the removing the RO_STOPPED bit from a SC FE
> would just result in an additional read not happening just prior to a run
> stop. However reading scheduler() in mfe.cxx I see in the the main loop:
>  if (run_state == STATE_STOPPED && (eq_info->read_on & RO_STOPPED) == 0) 
>     continue;
> So it seems to me that the a EQ_PERIODIC equipment needs RO_STOPPED to be set
> otherwise it will not read out data while there is no DAQ run.
> Can someone explain the purpose of this check and error message? Perhaps it
> was put in place with only DAQ FEs, not SC FEs in mind? And should the 
> documentation in the wiki actually be "s/Before stopping run/While run is stopped/"?
> Thanks,
> Nick.
  2904   26 Nov 2024 Nick HastingsBug ReportTMFE::Sleep() errors

I've noticed that SC FEs that use the TMFE class with midas-2022-05-c often report errors when calling TMFE:Sleep().
The error is :

[tmfe.cxx:1033:TMFE::Sleep,ERROR] select() returned -1, errno 22 (Invalid argument).

This seems to happen in two different ways:

1. Error being reported repeatedly
2. Occasional single errors being reported

When the first of these presents, we typically restart the FE to "solve" the problem.
Case 2. is typically ignored.

The code in question is:

void TMFE::Sleep(double time)
   int status;
   fd_set fdset;
   struct timeval timeout;
   timeout.tv_sec = time;
   timeout.tv_usec = (time-timeout.tv_sec)*1000000.0;

   while (1) {
      status = select(1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
#ifdef EINTR
      if (status < 0 && errno == EINTR) {
   if (status < 0) {
      TMFE::Instance()->Msg(MERROR, "TMFE::Sleep", "select() returned %d, errno %d (%s)", status, errno, strerror(errno));

So it looks like either file descriptor of the timeval struct must have a problem.
From some reading it seems that invalid timeval structs are often caused by one or both
of tv_sec or tv_usec not being set. In the code above we can see that both appear to be
correctly set initially.

From the select() man page I see:

       On success, select() and pselect() return the number of file descriptors contained in
       the three returned descriptor sets (that is, the total number of bits that are set in
       readfds,  writefds,  exceptfds).  The return value may be zero if the timeout expired
       before any file descriptors became ready.

       On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set to indicate the error; the file descriptor
       sets are unmodified, and timeout becomes undefined.

The second paragraph quoted from the man page above would indicate to me that perhaps the
timeout needs to be reset inside the if block. eg:

      if (status < 0 && errno == EINTR) {
         timeout.tv_sec = time;
         timeout.tv_usec = (time-timeout.tv_sec)*1000000.0;

Please note that I've only just briefly looked at this and was hoping someone more
familiar with using select() as a way to sleep() might be better able to understand
what is happening.

I wonder also if now that midas requires stricter/newer c++ standards if there maybe
some more straightforward method to sleep that is sufficiently robust and portable.


  1237   15 Feb 2017 NguyenMinhTruongBug Reportincrease event buffer size
Dear all,

I have problem in event buffer size.

When run MIDAS, I got error "total event size (1307072) larger than buffer size
(1048576)", so I guess that the EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE is small.

I change EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE in midas.h from 0x100000 to 0x200000. After compiling
and run MIDAS, I got other error "Shared memory segment with key 0x4d040761
already exists, please remove it manually: ipcrm -M 0x4d040761 size0x204a3c" in

I check the shmget() function in system.C and it is said that error come from
Shared memory segments larger than 16,773,120 bytes and create teraspace shared
memory segments

Anyone has this problem before?
Thanks for your help

  1238   15 Feb 2017 NguyenMinhTruongBug Reportincrease event buffer size
Dear all,

I have problem in event buffer size.

When run MIDAS, I got error "total event size (1307072) larger than buffer size
(1048576)", so I guess that the EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE is small.

I change EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE in midas.h from 0x100000 to 0x200000. After compiling
and run MIDAS, I got other error "Shared memory segment with key 0x4d040761
already exists, please remove it manually: ipcrm -M 0x4d040761 size0x204a3c" in

I check the shmget() function in system.C and it is said that error come from
Shared memory segments larger than 16,773,120 bytes and create teraspace shared
memory segments

Anyone has this problem before?
Thanks for your help

  Draft   19 Feb 2017 NguyenMinhTruongBug Reportincrease event buffer size

I am sorry for my late reply memory in my PC is 16 GB I check the contents of .SHM_TYPE.TXT and it is "POSIXv2_SHM". But there is no buffer sizes in "/Experiment" After run "ipcrm -M 0x4d040761 size0x204a3c", remove .SYSTEM.SHM and run MIDAS again, I still get error "Shared memory segment with key 0x4d040761 already exists, please remove it manually: ipcrm -M 0x4d040761 size0x204a3c" M.T

  1241   20 Feb 2017 NguyenMinhTruongBug Reportincrease event buffer size
I am sorry for my late reply 

memory in my PC is 16 GB 

I check the contents of .SHM_TYPE.TXT and it is "POSIXv2_SHM". 
But there is no buffer sizes in "/Experiment" 

After run "ipcrm -M 0x4d040761 size0x204a3c", remove .SYSTEM.SHM and run MIDAS again, I still get error "Shared memory segment
with key 0x4d040761 already exists, please remove it manually: ipcrm -M 0x4d040761 size0x204a3c" M.T
  851   04 Jan 2013 Nabin PoudyalSuggestionhow to start using midas
Please, tell me how to choose a value of a "key" like DCM, pulser period,
presamples, upper thresholds to run a experiment? where can I find the related
  2740   29 Apr 2024 Musaab Al-BakryForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
Hello there,

I am working on a task that involves some ODB changes that happen within 20-500 
ms. The wait command for Midas Sequencer only works for > 1 second. As a 
workaround, I tried calling a python script that has a time.sleep() command, but 
the sequencer doesn't wait for the python script to terminate before moving to the 
next command. Obviously, I could just move the entire script to python, but that 
would cause further issues to us. Is there a way to have a wait that has precision 
in order of milliseconds from within the Midas Sequencer? If there is no Midas-
native methods for doing this, what workaround will you suggest to get this to 
  2759   05 May 2024 Musaab Al-BakryForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
> > Ok, I implemented the float second wait function. Internally it works in ms, so the maximum resolution is 0.001 s.
> > 
> > Best,
> > Stefan
> Thank you, we will test this soon and let you know if we see any issues (but we're not expecting any).

Hello Stefan,

Thank you for the help you provided for us so far. I tried your code changes on our midas fork. Now, I notice that any 
wait command takes at least 0.2 seconds to run. 

For example, when I use the following script:
SCRIPT source scripts/
WAIT Seconds, 0.1
SCRIPT source scripts/
WAIT Seconds, 0.1
SCRIPT source scripts/

The script prints time segments separated by almost exactly 0.2 seconds. Same goes for when I use 0.01 
second waits.

However, when I use 0.2 seconds wait, then I get time segments separated by 0.3 seconds. I also tried something like 
SCRIPT source scripts/
WAIT Seconds, 0.2
WAIT Seconds, 0.2
SCRIPT source scripts/
WAIT Seconds, 0.2
WAIT Seconds, 0.2
SCRIPT source scripts/

This script results in time segements of 0.6 seconds difference. It is not immidiately clear to me from the sequencer 
code what causes this effect. The code as it stands is a lot better than what we had before the changes, but I am 
wondering if this can be reduced to the order of 1ms or 10ms.

Best regards,
Musaab Faozi
  2762   07 May 2024 Musaab Al-BakryForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
> Actually I realized that a 1ms wait still works, so I reduced it to that.
> Stefan

Thank you so much, Stefan. I have tested your changes, and it seems like this does 
the job for our purposes. Very appreciated!

Best regards,
Musaab Faozi
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5