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  2711   14 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixadded ubuntu-22 to nightly build on bitbucket, now need python!
> Are we running these tests as part of the nightly build on bitbucket? They would be part of 
> the "make test" target. Correct python dependancies may need to be added to the bitbucket OS 
> image in bitbucket-pipelines.yml. (This is a PITA to get right).

I added ubuntu-22 to the nightly builds.

but I notice the build says "no python" and I am not sure what packages I need to install for 
midas python to work.

Ben, can you help me with this?

  2710   13 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixstring --> int64 conversion in the python interface ?
> > The symptoms are consistent with a string --> int64 conversion not happening 
> > where it is needed. 
> Thanks for the report Pasha. Indeed I was missing a conversion in one place. Fixed now!

Are we running these tests as part of the nightly build on bitbucket? They would be part of 
the "make test" target. Correct python dependancies may need to be added to the bitbucket OS 
image in bitbucket-pipelines.yml. (This is a PITA to get right).

  2709   13 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForumforbidden equipment names ?
> equipment names are 'mu2edaq09:DTC0' and 'mu2edaq09:DTC1'

I think all names permitted for ODB keys are allowed as equipment names, any valid UTF-8,
forbidden chars are "/" (ODB path separator) and "\0" (C string terminator). Maximum length
is 31 byte (plus "\0" string terminator). (Fixed length 32-byte names with implied terminator
are no longer permitted).

The ":" character is used in history plot definitions and we are likely eventually change that,
history event names used to be pairs of "equipment_name:tag_name" but these days with per-variable
history, they are triplets "equipment_name,variable_name,tag_name". The history plot editor
and the corresponding ODB entries need to be updated for this. Then, ":" will again be a valid
equipment name.

I think if you disable the history for your equipments, MIDAS will stop complaining about ":" in the name.

  2708   13 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> > For ODB keys of type TID_KEY, the value num_values IS the number of subkeys. 
> this logic makes sense, however it doesn't seem to be consistent with the printout of the test example
> at the end of . The printout reports 
> key.num_values = 1, but the actual number of subkeys = 6, and all subkeys being of TID_KEY type
> I'm certain that the ODB subtree in question was not accessed concurrently during the test.

You are right, num_values is always 1 for TID_KEYS. The number of subkeys is stored in 

  ((KEYLIST *) ((char *)pheader + pkey->data))->num_keys

Maybe we should add a function to return this. But so far db_enum_key() was enough.

  2707   12 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS and ROOT 6.30
Starting around ROOT 6.30, there is a new dependency requirement for nlohmann-json3-dev from

If you use a Ubuntu-22 ROOT binary kit from, MIDAS build will bomb with errors: Could not find a package configuration file provided by "nlohmann_json"

Per install it:

apt install nlohmann-json3-dev

After this MIDAS builds ok.

  2706   11 Feb 2024 Pavel MuratForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> For ODB keys of type TID_KEY, the value num_values IS the number of subkeys. 

this logic makes sense, however it doesn't seem to be consistent with the printout of the test example
at the end of . The printout reports 

key.num_values = 1, but the actual number of subkeys = 6, and all subkeys being of TID_KEY type

I'm certain that the ODB subtree in question was not accessed concurrently during the test.

-- regards, Pasha
  2705   08 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> Konstantin is right: KEY.num_values is not the same as the number of subkeys (should it be ?)

For ODB keys of type TID_KEY, the value num_values IS the number of subkeys. The only issue here is 
what KO mentioned already. If you obtain num_values, start iterating, then someone else might 
change the number of subkeys, then your (old) num_values is off. Therefore it's always good to 
check the return status of all subkey accesses. To do a truely atomic access to a subtree, you need 
db_copy(), but then you have to parse the JSON yourself, and again you have no guarantee that the 
ODB hasn't changed in meantime.

  2704   05 Feb 2024 Pavel MuratForumforbidden equipment names ?
Dear MIDAS experts,

I have multiple daq nodes with two data receiving FPGAs on the PCIe bus each. 
The FPGAs come under the names of DTC0 and DTC1. Both FPGAs are managed by the same slow control frontend. 
To distinguish FPGAs of different nodes from each other, I included the hostname to the equipment name, 
so for node=mu2edaq09 the FPGA names are 'mu2edaq09:DTC0' and 'mu2edaq09:DTC1'. 

The history system didn't like the names, complaining that 

21:26:06.334 2024/02/05 [Logger,ERROR] [mlogger.cxx:5142:open_history,ERROR] Equipment name 'mu2edaq09:DTC1' 
contains characters ':', this may break the history system

So the question is : what are the safe equipment/driver naming rules and what characters 
are not allowed in them? - I think this is worth documenting, and the current MIDAS docs at 

don't say much about it.

-- many thanks, regards, Pasha
  2703   05 Feb 2024 Ben SmithBug Fixstring --> int64 conversion in the python interface ?
> The symptoms are consistent with a string --> int64 conversion not happening 
> where it is needed. 

Thanks for the report Pasha. Indeed I was missing a conversion in one place. Fixed now!

  2702   03 Feb 2024 Pavel MuratBug Reportstring --> int64 conversion in the python interface ?
Dear MIDAS experts,

I gave a try to the MIDAS python interface and ran all tests available in midas/python/tests.
Two Int64 tests from had failed (see below), everthong else - succeeded

I'm using a ~ 2.5 weeks-old commit and python 3.9 on SL7 Linux platform.

commit c19b4e696400ee437d8790b7d3819051f66da62d (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
Author: Zaher Salman <>
Date:   Sun Jan 14 13:18:48 2024 +0100

The symptoms are consistent with a string --> int64 conversion not happening 
where it is needed. 

Perhaps the issue have already been fixed? 

-- many thanks, regards, Pasha
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 178, in testInt64
    self.set_and_readback_from_parent_dir("/pytest", "int64_2", [123, 40000000000000000], midas.TID_INT64, True)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 130, in set_and_readback_from_parent_dir
    self.validate_readback(value, retval[key_name], expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 87, in validate_readback
    self.assert_equal(val, retval[i], expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 60, in assert_equal
    self.assertEqual(val1, val2)
AssertionError: 123 != '123'

with the test on line 178 commented out, the test on the next line fails in a similar way:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 179, in testInt64
    self.set_and_readback_from_parent_dir("/pytest", "int64_2", 37, midas.TID_INT64, True)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 130, in set_and_readback_from_parent_dir
    self.validate_readback(value, retval[key_name], expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 102, in validate_readback
    self.assert_equal(value, retval, expected_key_type)
  File "/home/mu2etrk/test_stand/pasha_020/midas/python/tests/", line 60, in assert_equal
    self.assertEqual(val1, val2)
AssertionError: 37 != '37'
  2701   03 Feb 2024 Pavel MuratForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
Konstantin is right: KEY.num_values is not the same as the number of subkeys (should it be ?)
For those looking for an example in the future, I attach a working piece of code converted 
from the ChatGPT example, together with its printout.

-- regards, Pasha
  2699   29 Jan 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForuma scroll option for "add history variables" window?
familiar situation, "too much data", you dice t or slice it, still too much. BTW, you can try to generate history 
plot ODB entries from your program instead of from the history plot editor. K.O.
  2698   29 Jan 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> Please note that you never can be 100% sure that the code from a LLM is correct

yup, it's wrong allright. it should be looping until db_enum_key() returns "no more keys",
not from 0 to N. this is same as iterating over unix filesystem directory entries, opendir(),
loop readdir() until it returns EOF, closedir().

  2697   29 Jan 2024 Pavel MuratForuma scroll option for "add history variables" window?
> If you have some ideas on how to better present 100500 history variables, please shout out!

let me share some thoughts. In a particular case which lead to the original posting, 
I was using a multi-threaded driver and monitoring several pieces of equipment with different device drivers.  
In fact, it was not even hardware, but processes running on different nodes of a distributed computer farm.
To reduce the number of frontends, I was combining together the output of what could've been implemented 
as multiple slow control drivers and got 100+ variables in the list - hence the scrolling experience.

At the same time, a list of control variables per driver could've been kept relatively short.

So if a list of control variables of a slow control frontend were split in a History GUI not only by the 
equipment piece, but within the equipment "folder", also by the driver, that might help improving 
the scalability of the graphical interface. 

May be that is already implemented and it is just a matter of me not finding the right base class / example 
in the MIDAS code

-- regards, Pasha
  2696   29 Jan 2024 Pavel MuratForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
Hi Stefan, Konstantin, 

thanks a lot for your responses - they are very teaching and it is good to have them archived in the forum.
Konstantin, as Stefan already noticed, in this particular case the race condition is not really a concern.

Stefan, the ChatGPT-generated code snippet is awesome! (teach a man how to fish ...)

-- regards, Pasha
  2695   28 Jan 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportWarnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years
> Please run "git blame" to find out who added that check.

OK ok, was me. But actually 2003. I hope that this being more than 20y ago excuses me not remembering it ;-)

> I think this age check should be removed, but there must be *some* check for invalid/bogus timestamps. Or 
> not, we should check if MIDAS cares about timestamps at all, if ODB functions never use/look at timestamp, 
> maybe we are okey with bogus timestamps. They may look funny in the odb editor, but that's it.

I changed the code to only check for timestamps more than 1h in the future and then complain. This should
avoid glitches when switching daylight savings time.

  2694   28 Jan 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
I guess you won't change your FPGA configuration just when you start a run, so I don't consider the race
condition very crucial (although KO is correct, it it there).

I guess rather than any pseudo code you want to see real working code (db_get_num_entries() does not exist!), right?

The easiest these day is to ask ChatGPT. MIDAS has been open source since a long time, so it has been used
to train modern Large Language Models. Attached is the result. Here is the direct link from where you can
copy the code:

Please note that you never can be 100% sure that the code from a LLM is correct, so always compile and debug it.
But nevertheless, it's always easier to start from some existing code, even if there is a danger that it's not perfect.

  2693   28 Jan 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForumthe logic of handling history variables ?
MIDAS history is very simple:

from your frontend, your write your history data to ODB /eq/xxx/variables (see below)
mlogger has a hotlink to all /eq/*/variables and it will "see" the new data, write it to history file (see below)
you should see the history file grow using "ls"

history web page in your browser sends a "give me more data" JSON-RPC request to mhttpd
mhttpd looks at the history file, if there is new data (file got bigger) it send it to the web page
web page shows the new data.

where things usually go wrong:

- mlogger only looks for new history variables on startup and on begin-of-run. if you add new stuff in your frontend, you 
will not see it until you restart mlogger or start a new run.
- mlogger only looks at history data if corresponding "/eq/xxx/common/log history" is non-zero. for best effect, set it to 
"1". (or "0" to turn history off).
- history file is not growing, likely mlogger does not "see" your new data
- timestamps of stuff in /eq/xxx/variables are not getting updated, likely frontend is not writing them, and there is no 
new data for mlogger to "see" and write to file.

Frontend has several ways of writing to /eq/xxx/variables:

- write to ODB directly using ODB API db_set_data(), mvodb->Wx(), etc. this is the most foolproof method. use in 
conjunction with a printf() statement to make sure you actually do write to ODB. Sometimes your frontend event loop fails 
to run, a bug/failure that has nothing to do with midas history.

- generate a midas event and set the per-equipment "write event to ODB" flag (RO_ODB for mfe.c frontends), the mfe/tmfe 
framework will write event data to ODB, each data bank will be written to /eq/xxx/variables/BANKNAME, data type is taken 
from the event data bank definition.

This second method sometimes malfunctions, typical problems are missing RO_ODB in the equipment table, equipment table in 
ODB overwriting the value in source code (this is confusing in mfe.c frontends).

Least likely failure is "/eq/xxx/common/log history" set to bogus value. Normal values are 0=history disabled, 1=history 
enabled, other values are only needed if you do not want mlogger to record history as often as you generate it, i.e. you 
update /eq/xxx/variables every 1/sec, but you want mlogger to only record it 1/minute.

I hope this helps.

P.S. I notice your equipment tables do not have RO_ODB, so if you use the 2nd method, write history via event data banks, 
it will not work.


> Dear MIDAS developers,
> I'm trying to understand handling of the history (slow control) variables in MIDAS,
> and it seems that the behavior I'm observing is somewhat counterintuitive. 
> Most likely, I just do not understand the implemented logic.
> As it it rather difficult to report on the behavior of the interactive program,
> I'll describe what I'm doing and illustrate the report with the series of attached 
> screenshots showing the history plots and the status of the run control at different 
> consecutive points in time.
> Starting with the landscape:
> - I'm running MIDAS, git commit=30a03c4c (the latest, as of today).
> - I have built the midas/examples/slowcont frontend with the following modifications.
>   (the diffs are enclosed below):
>   1) the frequency of the history updates is increased from 60sec/10sec to 6sec/1sec
>      and, in hope to have updates continuos, I replaced (RO_RUNNING | RO_TRANSITIONS)
>      with RO_ALWAYS.
>   2) for convenience of debugging, midas/drivers/nulldrv.cxx is replaced with its clone,
>      which instead of returning zeroes in each channel, generates a sine curve:
>                   V(t) = 100*sin(t/60)+10*channel
> - an active channel in /Logger/History is chosen to be FILE
> - /History/LoggerHistoryChannel is also set to FILE 
> - I'm running mlogger and modified, as described, 'scfe' frontend from midas/examples/slowcont
> - the attached history plots include three (0,4 and 7) HV:MEASURED channels
> Now, the observations:
> 1) the history plots are updated only when a new run starts, no matter how hard
>    I'm trying to update them by clicking on various buttons.
>    The attached screenshots show the timing sequence of the run control states
>    (with the times printed) and the corresponding history plots. 
>    The "measured voltages" change only when the next run starts - the voltage graphs 
>    break only at the times corresponding to the vertical green lines.
> 2) No matter for how long I wait within the run, the history updates are not happening.
> 3) if the time difference between the two run starts gets too large,
>    the plotted time dependence starts getting discontinuities
> 4) finally, if I switch the logging channel from FILE to MIDAS (activate the MIDAS
>    channel in /Logger/History and set /History/LoggerHistoryChannel to MIDAS),
>    the updates of the history plots simply stop.
> MIDAS feels as a great DAQ framework, so I would appreciate any suggestion on 
> what I could be doing wrong. I'd also be happy to give a demo in real time 
> (via ZOOM/SKYPE etc).
> -- much appreciate your time, thanks, regards, Pasha
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/examples/slowcont/scfe.cxx b/examples/slowcont/scfe.cxx
> index 11f09042..c98d37e8 100644
> --- a/examples/slowcont/scfe.cxx
> +++ b/examples/slowcont/scfe.cxx
> @@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
>  #include "mfe.h"
>  #include "class/hv.h"
>  #include "class/multi.h"
> -#include "device/nulldev.h"
>  #include "bus/null.h"
> +#include "nulldev.h"
> +
>  /*-- Globals -------------------------------------------------------*/
>  /* The frontend name (client name) as seen by other MIDAS clients   */
> @@ -74,11 +75,11 @@ EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {
>       0,                         /* event source */
>       "FIXED",                   /* format */
>       TRUE,                      /* enabled */
> -     RO_RUNNING | RO_TRANSITIONS,        /* read when running and on transitions */
> -     60000,                     /* read every 60 sec */
> +     RO_ALWAYS,        /* read when running and on transitions */
> +     6000,                     /* read every 6 sec */
>       0,                         /* stop run after this event limit */
>       0,                         /* number of sub events */
> -     10000,                     /* log history at most every ten seconds */
> +     1000,                     /* log history at most every one second */
>       "", "", ""} ,
>      cd_hv_read,                 /* readout routine */
>      cd_hv,                      /* class driver main routine */
> @@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {
>       0,                         /* event source */
>       "FIXED",                   /* format */
>       TRUE,                      /* enabled */
> -     RO_RUNNING | RO_TRANSITIONS,        /* read when running and on transitions */
> -     60000,                     /* read every 60 sec */
> +     RO_ALWAYS,        /* read when running and on transitions */
> +     6000,                     /* read every 6 sec */
>       0,                         /* stop run after this event limit */
>       0,                         /* number of sub events */
>       1,                         /* log history every event as often as it changes (max 1 Hz) */
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [test_001]$ diff ../midas/examples/slowcont/nulldev.cxx ../midas/drivers/device/nulldev.cxx 
> 13d12
> < #include <math.h>
> 150,154c149,150
> <    if (channel < info->num_channels) {
> <      // *pvalue = info->array[channel];
> <      time_t t = time(NULL);;
> <      *pvalue = 100*sin(M_PI*t/60)+10*channel;
> <    }
> ---
> >    if (channel < info->num_channels)
> >       *pvalue = info->array[channel];
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2692   28 Jan 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForumslow control frontends - how much do they sleep and how often their drivers are called?
> I have implemented a number of slow control frontends which are directed to update the 
> history once in every 10 sec, and they do just that. 

I suggest that you switch from the old mfe.c frontend framework to the new tmfe framework that was 
designed to solve exactly this type of problems.

Look at .../midas/progs/tmfe_example*.cxx

You have a choice of:
- single threaded frontend, most robust, no race conditions, but readout is interrupted during 
begin/end of run.
- two-threaded frontend, your periodic equipments run in one thread, midas loop and rpc run in a 
different thread, you have to handle locking yourself.
- you can run each of your equipments in it's own thread without help from the framework, it is 
obvious how to do it if you can program c++ threads, "new std::thread" to create/start a thread, 
stop threads using a binary flag, thread->join() to reap them at the end (or thread sanitizer will 

  2691   28 Jan 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForumdump history FILE files
$ cat mhf_1697445335_20231016_run_transitions.dat
event name: [Run transitions], time [1697445335]
tag: tag: /DWORD 1 4 /timestamp
tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 State
tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 Run number
record size: 12, data offset: 1024

data is in fixed-length record format. from the file header, you read "record size" is 12 and data starts at offset 1024.

the 12 bytes of the data record are described by the tags:
4 bytes of timestamp (DWORD, unix time)
4 bytes of State (UINT32)
4 bytes of "Run number" (UINT32)

endianess is "local endian", which means "little endian" as we have no big-endian hardware anymore to test endian conversions.

file format is designed for reading using read() or mmap().

and you are right mhdump, does not work on these files, I guess I can write another utility that does what I just described and spews the numbers to stdout.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5