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ID Date Author Topicdown Subject Text Attachments
  1316   13 Aug 2017 Stefan RittSuggestionIncreasing Max Number of FrontendsThe type INT has been defined in 1989 when
I for the first time sent data between a
16-bit MS-DOS computer and a 32-bit VAX computer
  1321   15 Nov 2017 Andreas KnechtSuggestionFeature request: Separate ODB flag to show programs on "Programs page"Currently one has to set the required flag
in the ODB (e.g., /Programs/Logger/Required)
to "y" for the program 
  1322   17 Nov 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionFeature request: Separate ODB flag to show programs on "Programs page"> Currently one has to set the required flag
in the ODB (e.g., /Programs/Logger/Required)
to "y" for the program 
  1326   21 Nov 2017 Stefan RittSuggestionFeature request: Separate ODB flag to show programs on "Programs page"> > Currently one has to set the required
flag in the ODB (e.g., /Programs/Logger/Required)
to "y" for the program 
  1339   16 Feb 2018 Amy RobertsSuggestionrespect capitalization option in db_get_values mjsonrpc method?I'd like to use the mjsonrpc db_get_values
method, but (as indicated in the
documentation) it returns all ODB keys as
  1340   17 Feb 2018 Amy RobertsSuggestionrespect capitalization option in db_get_values mjsonrpc method?It appears I needed to read the documentation
more closely - the method db_save
does respect key-name capitalization and
  1341   19 Feb 2018 Thomas LindnerSuggestionRename sequencer program to msequencerHi Folks,

In last year's updates to MIDAS, the MIDAS
  1346   05 Mar 2018 Thomas LindnerSuggestionRename sequencer program to msequencerHearing no objections I changed the name of
the program to msequencer.  Wiki
documentation updated.
  Draft   05 Mar 2018  Suggestion     
  1348   08 Mar 2018 Thomas LindnerSuggestionrespect capitalization option in db_get_values mjsonrpc method?Hi Amy,

Let me start by explaining the reasoning
  1349   08 Mar 2018 Suzannah DavielSuggestionlink to an array element displays whole array in mhttpdA link to an array variable such as

[local:npet:Stopped]/>ls /rcparams/ControlVariables/
  1356   19 Mar 2018 Andreas SuterSuggestioncheck current ODB sizeA feature I always missed (or just missed
to find in the docu) is the following:
1) It would be nice to have a command in
  1357   19 Mar 2018 Stefan RittSuggestioncheck current ODB size> A feature I always missed (or just missed
to find in the docu) is the following:
> 1) It would be nice to have a command in
  1358   19 Mar 2018 Andreas SuterSuggestioncheck current ODB size> > A feature I always missed (or just missed
to find in the docu) is the following:
> > 1) It would be nice to have a command
  1359   19 Mar 2018 Stefan RittSuggestioncheck current ODB size> > > A feature I always missed (or just missed
to find in the docu) is the following:
> > > 1) It would be nice to have a command
  1397   24 Sep 2018 Lars MartinSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm classI was planning to use the alarm system to
display an information banner when a
certain valve is open, but I would like it
  1398   24 Sep 2018 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm classIf you run an external script anyway, you
can also call "odbedit -c alarm" to
reset all alarms. Or you could try to set
  1399   25 Sep 2018 Stefan RittSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class> If you run an external script anyway, you
can also call "odbedit -c alarm" to
> reset all alarms. Or you could try to set
  1400   25 Sep 2018 Stefan RittSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class> I was planning to use the alarm system to
display an information banner when a
> certain valve is open, but I would like
  1422   26 Dec 2018 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class> > If you run an external script anyway,
you can also call "odbedit -c alarm" to
> > reset all alarms. Or you could try to
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