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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Datedown Author Topic Subject
  1083   29 Jul 2015 Wes GohnForumerror
SIGSEGV is a segmentation fault. Most often it means some ODB parameter is out of bounds or there is 
an invalid memcpy somewhere in your code.

> Hello, I am new in the forum. We are running an experiment for a week with no
> problems. Now we add a detector a we found an error. Even we come back to our
> previous configuration the error continues appearing. Please, may someone help
> us? You can find the error in the attachment. Thanks!
  1082   29 Jul 2015 Stefan RittBug Reportjset/ODBSet using true/false for booleans
See bitbucket for the solution.
  1081   29 Jul 2015 Javier PraenaForumerror
Hello, I am new in the forum. We are running an experiment for a week with no
problems. Now we add a detector a we found an error. Even we come back to our
previous configuration the error continues appearing. Please, may someone help
us? You can find the error in the attachment. Thanks!
Attachment 1: sigsegv-error.jpg
  1080   28 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoPlans for improving midas network security
New git branch "feature/rpcsecurity" implements  these security features:

- all UDP ports are bound to the localhost interface - connections from outside are not possible
- by default out of the box MIDAS RPC TCP ports are bound to the localhost interface - connections from the outside are not possible.

This configuration is suitable for testing MIDAS on a laptop and for running a simple experiment where all programs run on one machine.

This configuration is secure (connections from the outside are not possible).

This configuration makes corporate security people happy - MIDAS ports do not show up on network port scans (nmap & etc). (except for the mhttpd 
web ports).

The change in binding UDP ports is incompatible with previous versions of MIDAS (except on MacOS, where UDP ports were always bound to localhost). 
All MIDAS programs should be rebuild and restarted, otherwise ODB hotlinks and some other stuff will not work. If rebuilding all MIDAS programs is 
impossible (for example I have one magic MIDAS frontend that cannot be rebuilt), one can force the old (insecure) behavior by creating a file 
.UDP_BIND_HOSTNAME in the experiment directory (next to .ODB.SHM).

The mserver will still work in this localhost-restricted configuration - one should use "odbedit -h localhost" to connect. Multiple mserver instances on 
the same machine - using different TCP ports via "-p" and ODB "/Experiment/midas server port" - are still supported.

To run MIDAS programs on remote machines, one should change the ODB setting "/Experiment/Security/Enable non-localhost RPC" to "yes" and 
add the hostnames of all remote machines that will run MIDAS programs to the MIDAS RPC access control list in ODB "/Experiment/Security/RPC hosts".

To avoid "guessing" the host names expected by MIDAS, do this: set "enable non-localhost rpc" to "yes" and restart the mserver. Then go to the remote 
machine and try to start the MIDAS program, i.e. "odbedit -h daq06". This will bomb and there will be a message in the midas log file saying - rejecting 
connection from unallowed host ''. Add this host to "/Experiment/Security/RPC hosts". After you add this hostname to "RPC hosts" and 
restart the mserver, the connection should be successful. When "RPC hosts" is fully populated, one should restart all midas programs - the access 
control list is only loaded at program startup.

If MIDAS clients have to connect from random hosts (i.e. dynamically assigned random DHCP addresses), one can disable the host name checks by 
setting ODB "/experiment/security/Disable RPC hosts check" to "yes". This configuration is insecure and should only be done on a private network 
behind a firewall.

After some more testing this branch will be merged into the main midas.

  1079   24 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoPlans for improving midas network security
There is a number of problems with network security in midas. (as separate from 
web/http/https security).

1) too many network sockets are unnecessarily bound to the external network interface 
instead of localhost (UDP ports are already bound to localhost on MacOS).
2) by default the RPC ports of each midas program accept connections and RPC commands 
from anywhere in the world (an access control list is already implemented via 
/Experiment/Security/Rpc Hosts, but not active by default)
3) mserver also has an access control list but it is not integrated with the access control list 
for the RPC ports.
4) it is difficult to run midas in the presence of firewalls (midas programs listen on random 
network ports - cannot be easily added to firewall rules)

There is a new git branch "feature/rpcsecurity" where I am addressing some of these 

1) UDP sockets are only used for internal communications (hotlinks & etc) within one 
machine, so they should be bound to the localhost address and become invisible to external 
machines. This change breaks binary compatibility from old clients - they are have to be 
relinked with the new midas library or hotlinks & etc will stop working. If some clients cannot 
be rebuild (I have one like this), I am preserving the old way by checking for a special file in 
the experiment directory (same place as ODB.SHM). (done)

2) if one runs on a single machine, does not use the mserver and does not have clients 
running on other machines, then all the RPC ports can be bound to localhost. (this kills the 
MacOS popups about "odbedit wants to connect to the Internet"). (partially done)

This (2) will become the new default - out of the box, midas will not listen to any external 
network connections - making it very secure.

To use the mserver, one will have to change the ODB setting "/Experiment/Security/Enable 
external RPC connections" and restart all midas programs (I am looking for a better name for 
this odb setting).

3) the out-of-the-box default access control list for RPC connections will be set to 
"localhost", which will reject all external connections, even when they are enabled by (2). One 
will be required to enter the names of all machines that will run midas clients in 
"/Experiment/Security/Rpc hosts". (already implemented in main midas, but default access 
control list is empty meaning everybody is permitted)

4) the mserver will be required to attach to some experiment and will use this same access 
control list to restrict access to the main mserver listener port. Right now the mserver listens 
on this port without attaching to any experiment and accepts the access control list via 
command line arguments. I think after this change a single mserver will still be able to service 
multiple experiments (TBD).

5) I am adding an option to fix TCP port numbers for MIDAS programs via 
"/Experiment/Security/Rpc ports/fename = (int)5555". Once a remote frontend is bound to a 
fixed port, appropriate openings can be made in the firewall, etc. Default port number value 
will be 0 meaning "use random port", same as now.

One problem remains with initial connecting to the mserver. The client connects to the main 
mserver listener port (easy to firewall), but then the mserver connects back to the client - this 
reverse connection is difficult to firewall and this handshaking is difficult to fix in the midas 
sources. It will probably remain unresolved for now.

  Draft   24 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoPlans for improving midas network security
There is a number of problems with network security in midas. (as separate from web/http/https security).

1) too many network sockets are unnecessarily bound to the external network interface instead of localhost (UDP ports are already bound to localhost on MacOS).
2) by default the RPC ports of each midas program accept connections and RPC commands from anywhere in the world (an access control list is already implemented via /Experiment/Security/Rpc Hosts, but not active by default)
3) mserver also has an access control list but it is not integrated with the access control list for the RPC ports.
4) it is difficult to run midas in the presence of firewalls (midas programs listen on random network ports - cannot be easily added to firewall rules)

There is a new git branch "feature/rpcsecurity" where I am addressing some of these problems:

1) UDP sockets are only used for internal communications (hotlinks & etc) within one machine, so they should be bound to the localhost address and become invisible to external machines. This change breaks binary compatibility from old clients - they are have to be relinked with the new midas library or hotlinks & etc will stop working. If some clients cannot be rebuild (I have one like this), I am preserving the old way by checking for a special file in the experiment directory (same place as ODB.SHM). (done)

2) if one runs on a single machine, does not use the mserver and does not have clients running on other machines, then all the RPC ports can be bound to localhost. (this kills the MacOS popups about "odbedit wants to connect to the Internet"). (partially done)

This (2) will become the new default - out of the box, midas will not listen to any external network connections - making it very secure.

To use the mserver, one will have to change the ODB setting "/Experiment/Security/Enable external RPC connections" and restart all midas programs (I am looking for a better name for this odb setting).

3) the out-of-the-box default access control list for RPC connections will be set to "localhost", which will reject all external connections, even when they are enabled by (2). One will be required to enter the names of all machines that will run midas clients in "/Experiment/Security/Rpc hosts". (already implemented in main midas, but default access control list is empty meaning everybody is permitted)

4) the mserver will be required to attach to some experiment and will use this same access control list to restrict access to the main mserver listener port. Right now the mserver listens on this port without attaching to any experiment and accepts the access control list via command line arguments. I think after this change a single mserver will still be able to service multiple experiments (TBD).

5) I am adding an option to fix TCP port numbers for MIDAS programs via "/Experiment/Security/Rpc ports/fename = (int)5555". Once a remote frontend is bound to a fixed port, appropriate openings can be made in the firewall, etc. Default port number value will be 0 meaning "use random port", same as now.

One problem remains with initial connecting to the mserver. The client connects to the main mserver listener port (easy to firewall), but then the mserver connects back to the client - this reverse connection is difficult to firewall and this handshaking is difficult to fix in the midas sources. It will probably remain unresolved for now.

  1077   24 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMAX_EVENT_SIZE removed
The define for MAX_EVENT_SIZE was removed from midas.h.

Replacing it is DEFAULT_MAX_EVENT_SIZE set to 4 MiBytes and DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 
set to 32 MiBytes.

For a long time now MIDAS does not have hardcoded maximum event size and buffer size 
and this change merely renames the define to reflect it's current function.

The actual maximum event size is set by ODB /Experiment/MAX_EVENT_SIZE.

The actual event buffer sizes are set by ODB "/Experiment/Buffer sizes/SYSTEM" & co

  1076   23 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomlogger improvements
> A set of improvements to mlogger is in:
> The current test version implements the following selections of "compression":
> 80 - ROOT output through the new driver (use rmlogger executable)
> ...

Additional output modes through the new output drivers:

81 - FTP output
82 - FTP output with LZ4 compression

The format of the "Channels/xxx/Settings/Filename" for FTP output is like this:
"/localhost, 5555, ftpuser, ftppwd, ., run%05dsub%05d.mid"

- the leading slash is required (for now)
- localhost is the FTP server hostname
- 5555 is the FTP server port number
- ftpuser and ftppwd are the FTP login. password is stored and transmitted in clear text for extra security
- "." is the output directory on the FTP server
- the rest is the file name in the usual format.

For testing this driver, I run the ftp server like this:

# vsftpd -olisten=YES -obackground=no -olisten_port=5555 -olisten_address= -oport_promiscuous=yes -oconnect_from_port_20=no -oftp_data_port=6666

  1075   23 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInforootana lz4 support, mlogger improvements
> A set of improvements to mlogger is in:
> b) test version of LZ4 high speed compression, support for bzip2 and pbzip2

rootana TMidasFile now supports reading .mid.lz4 compressed files via pipe through the "lz4" utility ("yum install lz4", "apt-get install liblz4-tool").

In MIDAS, the lz4 libraries are included with the MIDAS distribution, we are considering the same for ROOTANA.

(Support for reading mid.bz2 files via pipe through the bzip2 utility existed for a very long time).

  1074   22 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoROOT support in flux
> > ROOT support in MIDAS is being reworked:
> >
> > c) Makefile inconsistency between use of ROOTSYS and use of root-config has been identified,
> MIDAS Makefile was corrected to use root-config exclusively to find and use ROOT. This makes us more consistent
> with the ROOT-recommended use of the thisroot.{sh,csh} scripts.

The updated ROOT instructions on DAQwiki
now explain how to use "thisroot" to select the right version of the package.

The preliminary version of the .bashrc blurb looks like this
(a couple of flaws:
1) identification of CentOS7 is incomplete - please send me a patch
2) there should be a check for root-config already in the PATH, as on Ubuntu, the ROOT package may be installed in /usr and root-
config may be already in the path - please send me patch).

if [ `uname -i` == "i386" ]; then 
    . /daq/daqshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.34.01_SL62_32/bin/ 
elif [ `lsb_release -r -s` == "7.1.1503" ]; then 
    #. /daq/daqshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.34.32_SL66_64/bin/ 
     . /daq/daqshare/olchansk/root/root_v5.34.32_SL66_64/bin/ 

  1073   22 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoROOT support in flux
> ROOT support in MIDAS is being reworked:
> c) Makefile inconsistency between use of ROOTSYS and use of root-config has been identified,

MIDAS Makefile was corrected to use root-config exclusively to find and use ROOT. This makes us more consistent
with the ROOT-recommended use of the thisroot.{sh,csh} scripts.

In other words, if root-config is in the PATH, ROOT support will be enabled, rmlogger and rmana.o will be built.

To explicitly disable ROOT, say "make NO_ROOT=1"

  1072   16 Jul 2015 Thomas LindnerBug Reportjset/ODBSet using true/false for booleans
MIDAS does not seem to be consistent (or at least convenient) with how it
handles booleans in AJAX functions.

When you request an ODB value that is a boolean with AJAX call like

then you get

{ "Hidden/last_written" : 1437065425, "Hidden" : false }

This seems correct, since the JSON convention has booleans encoded as true/false.

But this convention does not work when trying to set the boolean value. For instance

does not set the variable to true. To make this work you need to use the
characters y/n

I tested this with ajax/jset, but the same problem seems to occur when using the
javascript function ODBSet. The documentation doesn't say what sort of encoding
to use when using these functions, so I guess the idea is that these functions
use MIDAS encoding for booleans. But it seems to me that it would be more
convenient if jset/ODBSet allowed the option to use json/javascript encoding for
boolean values; or at least had that as a format option for jset/ODBSet.  That
way my javascript could look like

var mybool = true;
URI_command =
"?cmd=jset&odb=/Equipment/DCRC/Common/Hidden&format=json-nokeys&value=" + mybool;

instead of

var mybool = true;
URI_command = ""
  URI_command =
  URI_command =

Cross-posting from bitbucket issue tracker:
  1071   15 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixcompiler warnings cleaned up
Latest C/C++ compilers (MacOS 10.10, GCC on RHEL7 and Ubuntu) generate a large number of new 
warnings about unused variables, unused functions, dead code, failure to check return values of system 
calls, etc.

Some of these warnings catch real bugs so we do not want to turn them off.

Most of these warnings have been cleaned out in the latest MIDAS code. On MacOS and RHEL6 Linux MIDA 
S compiles without any warnings. On RHEL7 and Ubuntu Linux there are some warnings from a few 
problematic files, history.c being the worst (it will be eventually cleaned out).

  1070   15 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoROOT support in flux
ROOT support in MIDAS is being reworked:

a) ROOT support moved from midas.h to rmidas.h
b) default mlogger is built without ROOT support, use rmlogger if you need ROOT output
c) Makefile inconsistency between use of ROOTSYS and use of root-config has been identified, but not yet 
fixed. the plan is to use root-config to detect and use the ROOT package.
d) cross compilation will not support ROOT (same as now. "make linux32", "make linux64", "make 
linuxarm" disable most optional packages. To build full featured midas with ROOT & etc please compile 
natively on the ARM machine).
e) histogram servers in MIDAS and ROOTANA will be switched to use the new ROOT Web server classes 
(based on "civet", a fork of the mongoose web server).

  1069   15 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd HTTPS/SSL server updated
> > mhttpd uses the latest release of mongoose 4.2

mhttpd is now explicitly linked with OpenSSL to provide secure https connections via the mongoose web server.

a) google chrome reports "Your connection to ... is encrypted with modern cryptography." via TLS 1.2 and ECDHE ciphers
b) we believe there are no Linux systems that require running mhttpd and lack OpenSSL, but building mhttpd without OpenSSL is supported, see the cross 
compilation section in the Makefile.
c) MacOS comes with a very old version of OpenSSL. mhttpd will build, https will work, but with a complaint about "obsolete cryptography". Please install an up-to-
date OpenSSL package via macports.
d) security of OpenSSL itself is quite problematic, please keep an eye open on OpenSSL security advisories, update OpenSSL and restart/rebuild mhttpd promptly. I 
expect the mongoose project to eventually switch from OpenSSL to one of the new-generation TLS libraries, such as PolarSSL (embed_tls) and we will follow their 

  1068   15 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomlogger improvements
A set of improvements to mlogger is in:

a) event buffer (SYSTEM) size up to 2GB
b) test version of LZ4 high speed compression, support for bzip2 and pbzip2


a) previously contents of shared memory buffers (SYSTEM, SYSMSG, etc) were periodically saved to disk 
files SYSTEM.SHM, SYSMSG.SHM, etc. This was not workable for large event buffers - reading/writing 2GB 
of data takes quite some time. We have decided that saving buffer contents to disk is no longer necessary 
and ss_shm_close() no longer writes SYSTEM.SHM, SYSMSG.SHM, etc. From now on you will still see these 
files created, but size will be 0. The file ODB.SHM is not affected by this - ODB contents is saved to 
ODB.SHM via ss_shm_flush().

b) as a rework of mlogger file output drivers (using chainable c++ classes), test versions of new 
compression algorithms have been added. In the present test version, they are controlled by the value of 

The plan is to ultimately have following outputs from the mlogger:

- ROOT output - save as before, but you have to use rmlogger executable
- FTP output - for high speed write over the network
- .mid output for uncompressed data
- .mid.gz - gzip1 compressed data - best compromise between compression ratio and speed - will be the 
new default
- .mid.bz2 via pbzip2 (parallel bzip2) - maximum compression ratio
- .mid.lz4 - lz4 compression for high speed data taking - maximum compression speed

The current test version implements the following selections of "compression":

80 - ROOT output through the new driver (use rmlogger executable)
98 - null output (no file written)
99 - uncompressed disk output
100 - lz4 comression
200 - piped bzip2 compression
201 - piped pbzip2 compression
300 - gzip compression
301 - gzip1 compression
309 - gzip9 compression

in addition the old selections are still available:
0 - uncompressed output
1 - gzip1 compression
9 - gzip9 compression

The final implementation will include a better way to configure the mlogger output channels.

  1067   08 Jul 2015 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumMidas seminar
Dear Midas users,

For the upcoming "Midas Seminar" on the July 15th, you can find the necessary 
information here:

The talks will be available for download prior the beginning of the seminar.

Cheers, PAA
  1066   07 Jul 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd HTTPS/SSL server updated
> mhttpd uses the latest release of mongoose 4.2 which is no longer supported by 
> author. Latest version of mongoose is 5.x which has a severely improved API, but removed automatic 
> multithreading.

The exact version of mongoose 4.2 included with MIDAS is git revision 607651a3ffce43ef424530b22c7b1d22381de02d from 11 
November 2013.

Documentation for this version of mongoose is committed to midas git repository .../midas/doc/mongoose.

  1065   10 Jun 2015 Stefan RittForumMidas-MSCB SCS2000 integration
> If anyone has any ideas or has had previous work with the SCS2000 and knows how to read back the 
> internal values please let me know. 

The current MIDAS distribution contains a file /midas/examples/slowcont/mscb_fe.c which contains example code of how to read some MSCB devices.

  1064   09 Jun 2015 Michael McEvoyForumMidas-MSCB SCS2000 integration
I am using the MSCB SCS2000 to monitor slow control variables (temperatures, voltages, etc). I am trying to 
get it set up at fermilab as a test stand in the MC1 building and was wondering if anyone has integrated 
Midas with a MSCB SCS2000 before. We have two systems at fermilab, one system that is currently running 
in the g-2 experimental hall, but running an out of date version of midas. The second test stand I am 
setting up is working with the current version of midas. I believe we will easily be able to figure out the 
external probes for temperatures and voltages just fine. But the MSCB SCS2000 box itself has 1 
temperature value, 1 current value, and 5 voltages internally that we also need to monitor. If I use the msc 
command I can read back the external values through the daughter cards I have installed on the SCS2000 
box but has no way of reading back the internal values that I need. I also have been looking through the 
MIDAS files trying to find a possible way to read these out to no avail.

If anyone has any ideas or has had previous work with the SCS2000 and knows how to read back the 
internal values please let me know. 


Michael McEvoy
NIU Graduate Student
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5