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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  09 Jun 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, ChangeableClassFile in Definition XML removed 
We removed the <ChangeableClassFile> under <Task> in the project definition XML file. ROME will always make a user editable class file.

This change does not affect your project.

You may get errors when validating the xml file. This can simply be fixed by removing all <ChangeableClassFile> tags under <Task> in your project definition file.
    Reply  04 Jul 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Forum, ROME analyzer crashes on reading midas file.  
From the error message I don't see where the problem is.
Are you sure that your midas file is ok?

You can send me the xml definition file, all source files of your project and the midas file. Then I will take a look at it.


Steven Sheets wrote:

So I'm stuck on this problem. The ROME based analyzer I use crashes everytime it attempts to open a midas file giving me this error:

Reading Midas-File /home/sheets4/run04750.mid.gz

*** Break *** segmentation violation
Generating stack trace...
0x00002b93efa9cd5c in gzread + 0xfc from /home/sheets4/root/lib/
0x00000000004c47d9 in ROMEMidasDAQ::Event(long long) + 0x165 from ./danceanalyzer.exe
0x00000000004c452e in ROMEMidasDAQ::BeginOfRun() + 0x534 from ./danceanalyzer.exe
0x00000000004bf3da in ROMEDAQSystem::BeginOfRunDAQ() + 0x32 from ./danceanalyzer.exe
0x00000000004c1555 in ROMEEventLoop::DAQBeginOfRun(long long) + 0x15d from ./danceanalyzer.exe
0x00000000004c0721 in ROMEEventLoop::ExecuteTask(char const*) + 0x2d5 from ./danceanalyzer.exe
0x00000000004bb395 in ROMEAnalyzer::Start(int, char**) + 0x35d from ./danceanalyzer.exe
0x00000000005d121d in main + 0x2b1 from ./danceanalyzer.exe
0x000000363331c4bb in __libc_start_main + 0xdb from /lib64/tls/
0x00000000004b2e1a in TApplicationImp::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector&, char*) + 0x82 from ./danceanalyzer.exe

I'd guess the problem is connected with ROOT but I'm not sure how to fix it.

I run ROOT v5.10.00
ROME v2.4
on a machine with Dual AMD opterons, 64 Bit with Red Hat Enterprise.

Any help would be appreciated.

Entry  20 Nov 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Info, *** Important *** : Format of configuration file changed 
The format of the configuration file has changed starting with rev. 1545. The
configuration files produced by an older version of rome are not anymore
compatible with the new versions of rome.

Please convert your configuration files with the converter program added under

    Reply  23 Feb 2007, Matthias Schneebeli, Forum, Duplicate header file 
> I just started using Rome v2.7 and Root v5.14.00. I have run into a rather
> interesting issue trying to compile my analyzer. I tracked the problem to the
> fact that both Root and Rome are loading their own version of a header file
> called TArrayL64.h. The content of the two files are essentially identical. I
> solved the problem by changing the conditional at the start of the file
> $ROMESYS/include/TArrayL64.h from
> #ifndef TArrayL64_H
> #define TArrayL64_H
> to
> #ifndef ROOT_TArrayL64
> #define ROOT_TArrayL64
> The latter is what I found in the Root version of the file. Now it only gets
> loaded once. I looked at the svn sources that I just updated and it also uses
> TArrayL64_H.
> Question, why are there two copies.
> UPDATE 2-21-07:
> It seems that Root was the cause of this. Rome has used this header for some
> time, but earlier versions of Root did not include it.

As you already mentioned the older root version didn't include this header. But we
needed to include it in rome earlier. Now we still have it in the rome
distribution to be compatible with the older root versions.

There should not be any problem with this header in the current rome version. If
you have compilation problems do a  make distclean  and try again.
    Reply  08 Jun 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Unable to run rome analyzer from crontab 
(sorry for top-reply- I am trying to avoid elcode garbling my answer)

In the past, I have seen problems like yours, there are at least two issues:

1) "non interactive" ROOT running from cron or some other incomplete user
environment (no DISPLAY, no tty, no user)- a hello world script runs, but large
app does not, because some silly class somewhere requires an X11 connection. I
once had to fake it by running Xvnc and telling the cron jobs to use it as a
DISPLAY. I know ROOT now have a "dummy" graphics module exactly for this
purpose. I do not know how to activate it from the Rome environement, but I am
sure it is documented somewhere on the ROOT web site.

2) some programs coming from the MIDAS family assume existance of a keyboard and
display. Sometimes they can be faked by using "program < /dev/null", sometimes
not, I do not know what Rome does.


[quote="Todd Bredeweg"]I would like to use a bash script run from cron to
analyze new midas event files automatically. Below is an abbreviated example
script to test the way ROOT and ROME handle true batch mode

#! /bin/bash

BASEDIR=/data/0/PostRunQA		# Base directory for output files
ROMEDIR=${BASEDIR}/dance-rome		# Location of danceanalyzer


# Set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH for correct versions of ...
# This also sets up the *SYS variables
source /opt/wnr/new/bin/newVersion --new root rome wnr

cd ${ROMEDIR};

# Check that ROOT works correctly
echo " Running ROOT batch mode test ";
root -b -q ../jmodScript.C

# Check that ROME works correctly
echo " Running danceanalyzer batch mode test ";
./danceanalyzer.exe -b -ns -q -i ${ROMECFG} -r ${NRUN}

The results for the ROOT section are the same when the script is run from the
command line (full interactive environment) or when using at or crontab

 Running ROOT batch mode test
  *                                         *
  *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  *                                         *
  *   Version   5.10/00      1 March 2006   *
  *                                         *
  *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
  *            *
  *                                         *
Compiled on 3 April 2006 for linux with thread support.
CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.16.8, February 9, 2006
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
 Executing rootlogon.C (31-MAY-2006)...  Finished setup
Processing ../jmodScript.C...
hello world
This is the end of ROOT -- Goodbye

jmodScript.C is merely a classic "hello world" script. The ROME test, on the
other hand, returns quite different results for the two cases. When run from the
command line it works as expected

 Running danceanalyzer batch mode test
 Executing rootlogon.C (31-MAY-2006)...  Finished setup
reading configuration from romeConfig_Continuous.xml
[bredeweg@enlil PostRunQA]$

but when run from at or crontab we get 

[CODE] Running danceanalyzer batch mode test
 Executing rootlogon.C (31-MAY-2006)...  Finished setup
 *** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
 0x081ec18b in main + 0x21b from ./danceanalyzer.exe
 0x0734678a in __libc_start_main + 0xda from /lib/tls/
 0x080dcd31 in TFile::TFile(char const*, char const*, char const*, int) + 0x51
from ./danceanalyzer.exe
/bin/bash: line 22: 28096 Aborted                 ./danceanalyzer.exe -b -ns -q
-i ${ROMECFG} -r ${NRUN}[/CODE]

One question that we have been unable to answer as yet is whether rome is
requiring a real TTY, which I do not believe is provided by cron.

We are using the following setup:
    Redhat Enterprise Linux v3
    ROOT v5.10.00
    ROME RELEASE_2_4_R1004

I can provide additional information if needed.

Thanks in advance.

    Reply  23 Feb 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Duplicate header file 
> > I just started using Rome v2.7 and Root v5.14.00. I have run into a rather
> > interesting issue trying to compile my analyzer. I tracked the problem to the
> > fact that both Root and Rome are loading their own version of a header file
> > called TArrayL64.h.

I have just run into the TArrayL64.h problem myself. I recommend that we resolve
the clashing header files. We could ask Rene Brun to rename his file or we could
rename the clashing file in Rome.

    Reply  11 Jun 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
> I have succesfully written a ROME application ...

For the record, at TRIUMF we have moved away from ROME towards the ROOTANA ROOT-based analyzer 
package which has some simple C++ classes for reading midas raw data, some simple classes and examples for 
working with midas data in ROOT, and some fairly advanced graphical example applications.

    Reply  26 Oct 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, ROME / Argus crashing between runs with MIDAS 
> I'm running ROME+Argus as an online analyzer and display for a MIDAS DAQ system.
>  In our set up there is generally a few seconds between MIDAS runs.  ROME
> handles the first run just fine, but always crashes when runs are taken in quick
> succession like this.  When running in a slower mode, letting ROME finish
> whatever run of end task exist, the online analyzer does not have this problem.
>  I've suppressed writing all output files while in the online mode and I don't
> have any end of run operations in any of the tasks.  What is happening at the
> end of running that is causing ROME to crash?
> Thanks for any help.

You have to provide a stack trace from your crash. RTFM the gdb command "where".

Entry  23 Oct 2015, Joe Grange, Forum, Running ROME in online mode Screen_Shot_2015-10-23_at_11.56.12_AM.png
Hi folks,

I've been a happy and successful user of rome in the offline mode for some time,
and now when I try and connect it to a current run the analyzer does not find
the current file.  I attach a screenshot - you can see when I run the analyzer
instead of reporting a successful connection to a midas file it says it starts Run
#-1.  I use a file path specified in romeConfig.xml which is successful when I run
in offline mode but not in online mode, even when I specify the file path with the
run-time argument -pi.  Any ideas what may be the trouble? 

I did verify that my romeConfig.xml file specifies the online mode run configuration. 

Thanks very much,
    Reply  05 Nov 2015, Joe Grange, Forum, Running ROME in online mode 
Dear Ryu,

Thanks for your response.  Unfortunately setting these parameters in the XML file does not change the apparent
behavior and I still cannot connect to the experiment in online mode.  I also notice that other colleagues
working with independent experiments successfully run ROME in the online mode without setting the parameters
in the <online> section of the XML file.    

Can you tell me how I can verify the system is ready to accept the connection with the odbedit command?  I can
verify all basic information such as experiment name, run number, are as expected but I wonder if you mean
something more specific.

Thank you,
    Reply  16 Nov 2015, Joe Grange, Forum, Running ROME in online mode 
Dear Ryu,

Thanks very much, indeed it was user error and I did not set -midas option at the compilation stage.


Ryu Sawada wrote:
Dear Joe,

Did you run ROMEBuilder for your application with -midas option ?
With this option, MIDAS library is linked to the application for communicating with MIDAS experiments.

Actual connection is done with using a function implemented in the MIDAS library.
This is the code where a ROME application connects to MIDAS.
(You can see this in $ROMESYS/src/ROMEMidasDAQ.cpp)
cm_connect_experiment is implemented in $MIDASSYS/src/midas.c
Bool_t ROMEMidasDAQ::ConnectExperiment(ROMEMidasDAQ *localThis)
   // Connect to the experiment
#if defined( HAVE_MIDAS )
   if (cm_connect_experiment(const_cast<char*>(gROME->GetOnlineHost()),
                             const_cast<char*>(gROME->GetOnlineAnalyzerName()), 0) != SUCCESS) {
      ROMEPrint::Error("\nCan not connect to experiment\n");
      return kFALSE;

Can you check if this function is called by adding
before the 'if' line and compile your application ?
If you didn't use -midas option when you run ROMEBuilder, HAVE_MIDAS will not be defined and cm_connect_experiment will not be called.

When nothing is written in <online> section of XML, I think the application tries to connect to the localhost with the experiment name defined in /etc/exptab.

I didn't mean anything specific about odbedit.
I guess if you can connect the MIDAS system with odbedit, then the system is ready to accept analyzer too.
But you could ask also MIDAS experts about this issue.


> Dear Ryu,
> Thanks for your response. Unfortunately setting these parameters in the XML file does not change the apparent
> behavior and I still cannot connect to the experiment in online mode. I also notice that other colleagues
> working with independent experiments successfully run ROME in the online mode without setting the parameters
> in the <online> section of the XML file.
> Can you tell me how I can verify the system is ready to accept the connection with the odbedit command? I can
> verify all basic information such as experiment name, run number, are as expected but I wonder if you mean
> something more specific.
> Thank you,
> Joe
Entry  18 Feb 2016, Joe Grange, Forum, Online mode issue 
Hello all,

I'm having an issue with getting rome to run in online mode in some cases only.
 That is, when I run the analyzer that accesses the INPT bank (standard for PSI
slow control buses) the online mode works just fine.  But when I access other
banks, when I run in online mode only blank canvases are updated and no data

I can run all of these analyzers in offline mode and they all work as expected
so this eliminates many common user bugs.  Any ideas how I might debug further?
 I also tried printing the data in the various tasks and indeed in online mode
no data is being accessed.

Entry  05 Oct 2004, Jan Wouters, Suggestion, xml and ROME DANCESchema.xmlROME.xsd
After looking at the example xml document for the MEG detector I would like to make the following suggestion.  
Only a small portion of the power of XML is used with the MEG example i.e., the ability to express the data as a  
hierarchical tree.  Missing is the powerful feature of XML to establish a schema for the XML document specific 
to ROME that enforces a valid structure.

XML uses the XML Schema language, which is in turn based on XML, to define a schema for a document.  I 
propose that a ROME schema be developed that defines an XML document that the ROME builder can read 
and process.  By having such a schema, general purpose XML editors can validate the XML document prior to 
invoking the ROME builder.  Thus the schema greatly simplifies a user's task of developing a ROME xml 
document describing their experiment.  In addition, a good XML editor uses the schema to indicate to the user 
the elements available at any particular point in the document so that the user doesn't have to remember all the 
entries, which are required or optional to describe an experiment.

With this e-mail I include two documents.  The first is an example schema for ROME.  This schema is 
incomplete, but  illustrates the major concepts of using a schema to specify the acceptable  format of the XML 
document and providing help to the user for building the document.  The second is an example XML document 
built using the ROME sample schema.  It is for an experiment currently in production at the Los Alamos 
National Laboratory.

To get this example to work you will have to change the second line of DANCESchema.xml so that it properly 
points to the ROME.xsd document.  For this example I used the Java based XML editor Oxygen.

Notes on Schema:
1) Every element in the schema has a fixed name.  All experimental data is included as either xml data or an 
xml attribute.
2) Based on the suggestion by attributes are used sparingly or 
not at all.  Instead data is specified as XML data e.g. <data>the actual data</data>.

If you have any questions concerning this example please e-mail
Entry  22 Feb 2006, Giovanni Signorelli, Suggestion, Text database suggestion 
This is maybe a bug report that happens reading long lines in a text database.
I am currently handling large data base files for linear fit analysis, basically I have to handle a 828 x 828 
matrix. Writing in the text db 828 lines containing each 828 comma separated values with a single 
new-line at the end does not work, maybe the read buffer is too large. 
So I propose the following modification to ROMETextDataBase.cpp:
Suppose you have a field named "coefficients" which is declared "array", say of four numbers,  in the 
xml file. In the text data base it appears as:


One should be able to write the same code as follows:

four                  <----- note there is NO COMMA here!



In this way I can write a single column of (comma separated) values. Can somebody (Ryu?) take care of 
this (I hope simple) modification?

Entry  08 Mar 2006, Giovanni Signorelli, Bug Report, gAnalyzer->GetEventID() fails if EventID>127-48 
This bug happened when reading a .MID file containing events with event_id=99.
The ReadMidas task is not able to read the event because it is not recognized.
This event_id, when recovered with GetEventID() method was transformed to a negative value. This probably happened because there is a +48 addition at some place (in SetEventID) and a -48 on GetEventID. This casuses the unsigned char to be recovered as a signed number (lots of FFFF in front of it).

Furthermore it is not writtenanywhere that EventID<0xFF.

I could solve the problem
1) by setting EventID = 16, for instance
2) by modifying ROMEAnalyzer.h as follows
// Event ID
Int_t GetEventID() { return (fEventID-48)&0xFF; }
char GetEventIDChar() { return (fEventID)&0xFF; }
Entry  28 Feb 2018, Francesco Renga, Forum, DB path 
Dear all,
           I need to perform a DB query in ROME, where I have to select an array of 
Entry  09 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
Dear Colleagues,

I have succesfully written a ROME application for monitoring MIDAS events and 
understand that the appearance of a new MIDAS event record triggers the calling 
of the event method in the Fill Histogram task.

My two questions are however about the example in $ROMESYS/example/histoGUI - 

1) In this example there is no MIDAS event nor event record - what then is 
triggering the calling of the event method 

2) Is it possible to regulate the frequency that the event method is called in 
this example ?

best wishes
Farrukh Azfar
Entry  09 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Bug Report, Problems with programming tabs when using TGraph 
Dear Colleagues,
I have been using the ROME framework and have succesfully implemented a program 
to run on MIDAS input and plot histograms.

Not satisfied with the default settings of the Canvas, pads and text sizes etc I 
consulted Ryu who kindly showed me how to implement the event and init and update 
methods in the Tabs to bring the display closer to what I needed.

This has worked fine with histograms. However not with TGraphs:

I noticed that if I implemented the plotting of the TGraphs in the tab class then 
after setting points in the TGraph in the Fill tasks the Tab classes plot was 
empty -> is there something peculiar about TGraph ? Any tips would be great !

many thanks
Farrukh Azfar
    Reply  13 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Info, ROME examples : histoGUI 
Dear Ryu,

many thanks for your reply that's very useful.

For my knowledge and for the sake of understanding the basics.

1) Its the line : gSystem->ProcessEvents(); that calls all the event methods in the Fill classes and the Tabs classes yes ?

2) This way I am controlling the filling of the tabs at an interval regulated by "sleep" then what has happened to the program itself calling ProcessEvents ? Have I overriden that call by calling ProcessEvents or will it continue to be called - perhaps I just set the <UpdateFrequency> 0</UpdateFrequency> to disable the programs own calling and only use mine ?

I hope I've been clear. Thanks very much for your continued help.


Ryu Sawada wrote:
Dear Farrukh

If you want to control the frequency of update of all tabs, maybe, you could use the same method (namely using 'none' DAQ') for calling event methods of tasks and tabs also for non-event based
You may add a task in which you only call 'sleep' function for controlling the frequency.
For allowing you to use GUI buttons also during the sleep, you need to call the sleep function like following.
ProcessEvents function allows you to use GUI parts also during the sleep.
   Int_t sec = GetSP()->GetSleepTime();

   if (sec > 0) {
      struct timespec req, rem;
      req.tv_sec = 0;
      req.tv_nsec = 100000000; // sleep time in loop

      struct timeval endTime, currentTime;
      gettimeofday(&currentTime, 0);
      endTime.tv_sec = currentTime.tv_sec + sec;
      endTime.tv_usec = currentTime.tv_usec;

      int ret;

      while(1) {
         memset(&rem, 0, sizeof(rem));
         ret = nanosleep(&req, &rem);

         gettimeofday(&currentTime, 0);
         if (currentTime.tv_sec > endTime.tv_sec ||
             (currentTime.tv_sec == endTime.tv_sec && currentTime.tv_usec > endTime.tv_usec)) {


gettimeofday is defined in sys/time.h header file in UNIX-like OS.
gSystem is in TSystem.h

For controlling the frequency, in this example, I added a new steering parameter for the task, which is defined like,
  ... other definition of tasks ...
            <SPFieldComment>Sleep time in sec</SPFieldComment>

Best regards,


> Dear Farrukh
> The 'histoGUI' example was prepared as an example for displaying histograms.
> And the data are generated randomly in FillHisto task instead of reading from an input file.
> So the example is using 'none' DAQ as written in romeConfig.xml in the example; the DAQ class is
> implemented in include/ROMENoDAQSystem.h, and it actually does nothing.
> With 'none' DAQ, the program simply call Event method continuously without any control of the frequency.
> When you run the example, the frequency is not so fast because the CPU is used for updating the display.
> If you change <UpdateFrequency>, for example, to 10000, you will find the frequency of events through
> the task is increased because you update the display with a less frequency (thus lower CPU power is
> needed).
> If you are going to use ROME for non-event based application, there are two ways to call some functions
> defined in tabs.
> 1) With GUI parts, like buttons, menus, sliders and so on
> 2) With calling a function periodically.
> 1) is suitable if you want to actively control the GUI; a user needs to, for example, click a button for
> operate the tab.
> 2) is suitable if you want to update the display without any operations.
> You can see examples/argus/timer/ and examples/argus/thread as examples.
> Best regards,
> Ryu
> > Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > I have succesfully written a ROME application for monitoring MIDAS events and
> > understand that the appearance of a new MIDAS event record triggers the calling
> > of the event method in the Fill Histogram task.
> >
> > My two questions are however about the example in $ROMESYS/example/histoGUI -
> >
> > 1) In this example there is no MIDAS event nor event record - what then is
> > triggering the calling of the event method
> >
> > 2) Is it possible to regulate the frequency that the event method is called in
> > this example ?
> >
> > best wishes
> > Farrukh Azfar
    Reply  13 Jun 2015, Farrukh Azfar, Bug Report, Problems with programming tabs when using TGraph 
Hi Ryu,

thanks for your reply. yes I am(was) using it.

Ryu Sawada wrote:
Dear Farrukh

I presume you implemented your tab which draws the graph.
Which option do you use for Draw function of the graph ?
I am afraid you might forget to add 'A' in the option.
For example, you need to use 'A' like,

Best regards,


> Dear Colleagues,
> I have been using the ROME framework and have succesfully implemented a program
> to run on MIDAS input and plot histograms.
> Not satisfied with the default settings of the Canvas, pads and text sizes etc I
> consulted Ryu who kindly showed me how to implement the event and init and update
> methods in the Tabs to bring the display closer to what I needed.
> This has worked fine with histograms. However not with TGraphs:
> I noticed that if I implemented the plotting of the TGraphs in the tab class then
> after setting points in the TGraph in the Fill tasks the Tab classes plot was
> empty -> is there something peculiar about TGraph ? Any tips would be great !
> many thanks
> Farrukh Azfar
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5