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Entry  04 Nov 2004, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, cvs commit 
To set the x-axis limits, right click anywhere on a histogram frame and choose
"XaxisLimits" from the popup context menu.  This brings up a dialog box where
you can enter the xmin and xmax values. Click "OK" and all pads within the
currently selected canvas will be redrawn with that x-axis scale.  To reset all
histograms so the x-axes are unzoomed, click "Unzoom".

Every overlayed histogram on a currently drawn histogram, will be drawn in a
different color (up to the max number of colors).

When choosing a new pad division for a canvas (from the "Zones" menu), all
currently drawn histograms on that canvas will be redrawn in the new zones. If
there are fewer pads in the new configuration, the extra histograms are not
drawn.  Overlays (with their color) and x-axis scaling are preserved in the new
Entry  08 Apr 2004, Joe, , context menu progress with TTriumfFileGUI 
PeakFind has been added to the context menu when right clicking on a drawn
histogram.  There are still problems to overcome:  the PeakFind panel needs
to communicate back to the gui that it has been deleted (to overcome a
segmentation violation error when the pointer is deleted a second time);
multiple PeakFind menu items appear when the canvas is split into multiple
pads (even though it is not added if already in the menu???); still no way
found to get a context menu for the folder icons (Files, Online, Groups);
need to figure out a way to let the user choose the active pad, so he/she
can pick any drawn histogram for peak finding (currently it only works with
the latest drawn histogram).  Also, Clear All online histograms has been
added to the main menu (it used to be a button).
    Reply  07 May 2004, Konstantin, , context menu progress with TTriumfFileGUI 
> There are still problems to overcome:
> - the PeakFind panel needs to communicate back to the gui that it has been
deleted (to overcome a segmentation violation error when the pointer is deleted
a second time);

problem confirmed.

> - multiple PeakFind menu items appear when the canvas is split into multiple
pads (even though it is not added if already in the menu???);

problem confirmed.

> - still no way found to get a context menu for the folder icons (Files,
Online, Groups);


> - need to figure out a way to let the user choose the active pad, so he/she
can pick any drawn histogram for peak finding (currently it only works with the
latest drawn histogram).

the current pad (gPad) is selected by clicking on it with the middle mouse
button. This has always worked and it still works (for me).

> - Clear All online histograms has been added to the main menu (it used to be
a button).


    Reply  07 May 2004, Konstantin, , context menu progress with TTriumfFileGUI 
> > There are still problems to overcome:
> > - the PeakFind panel needs to communicate back to the gui that it has been
> deleted (to overcome a segmentation violation error when the pointer is deleted
> a second time);

This is because you delete it twice- (1) after the users hits the "close" button,
(2) when the destructor is called from TTriumfFileGUI::PeakFind().

I think we should create the peak finder panel once and then hide and show it as
need. I will commit a fix shortly.

> > - multiple PeakFind menu items appear when the canvas is split into multiple
> pads (even though it is not added if already in the menu???);

This is because Joe's check for duplicate menu items is broken (uses the wrong
object name). I simplified this by adding the menu item to the "TH1" class context
menu exactly once in the TTriumfFileGUI constructor. Will commit shortly.
    Reply  07 May 2004, Konstantin, , context menu progress with TTriumfFileGUI 
> > There are still problems to overcome:
> > - the PeakFind panel needs to communicate back to the gui that it has been
> deleted (to overcome a segmentation violation error when the pointer is deleted
> a second time);

Fixed. The peak finder is created once, never destroyed. Window is opened and
closed as needed.

> > - multiple PeakFind menu items appear when the canvas is split into multiple
> pads (even though it is not added if already in the menu???);

Fixed. "PeakFind" menu item is added once in the viewer constructor.

> > - still no way found to get a context menu for the folder icons (Files,
> Online, Groups);

I am looking into it.

In the mean time, I copied&kludged code from TGFrame.cxx to make the popup menu pop
at the pointer position.

Also if histogram is plotted from context menu, the "plot in" menu setting is left

The other problem is multiple selection of histograms. Looking into it.

    Reply  07 May 2004, Konstantin, , context menu progress with TTriumfFileGUI 
> > > There are still problems to overcome:
> > > - still no way found to get a context menu for the folder icons (Files,
> > Online, Groups);

I do not understand the difficulty- context menus for all menu items work the same way,
so once we know how to implement contect menus for histograms, other context menus are
done the same way. As an example, I added context menus to all non-histogram list tree

> In the mean time, I copied&kludged code from TGFrame.cxx to make the popup menu pop
> at the pointer position.

RTFM of shows
how to correctly position the popup menu without kludging the event handler. Commited.

> The other problem is multiple selection of histograms.

Short answer: Multiple selection of list tree items cannot be done. The code in
TGListTree::HandleButton(Event_t *event) explicitely enforces single-selection by
always unconditionally unselecting all items. I will have to bring this up with the
ROOT team.

Entry  19 Jan 2004, Joe, , context menu for online histograms 
implemented context menu when right clicking on an online histogram in the
upper TreeView, also eliminated duplicate entries for online histograms in
the lower ListView.
Entry  18 Mar 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, context menu changes 
The group context menu options are changed to "Draw group", "Reset group" and
"Delete group", where "Reset group" means reset any online members of the group
and will only appear if there are online members in that group.  Multiple
selections (left click while holding down the control key) now have a context
menu (right click to open) but the context menu for multiple selections will
only display "New canvas", "Add to group" and, if there are online members,
"Reset", since the options "Current pad", "Overlay on pad" and "Next pad" are
not relevant to multiple selections.  Online folders now have a context menu
with "New canvas", "Add to group" and "Reset" options.
Entry  16 Jun 2004, Joe, , context menu additions for TTriumfFileGUI 
  right click on filename (under Offline) brings up "Close file" option;
  automatic creation of TEMP folder (under Offline);
  right click on Groups folder brings up "Make new group" option
    which brings up a text dialog requesting a group name, which must
    be a new name;
  right click on a group name brings up "Delete group" and "Draw" options,
    "Delete group" does just that, while "Draw" automatically creates a
    new canvas divided into #pads = #histograms in the group and draws 
    the histograms one per pad;
  right click on a histogram brings up the context menu with added option
    "Add to group", which in turn brings up the list of existing groups
Entry  15 Jan 2004, Joe, , context menu added, etc. 
Added context menu -- single right click on a data item in the upper
TreeView window and a context menu opens on the right, choose where to plot
the item.  This becomes the default plotting location if you later double
click on an item.

Items chosen to plot from upper TreeView window will only appear once in the
lower ListView window (checks name, title, source, and type).

Also, more code clean-up (the "this" pointer was being deleted on exit even
though "this" was created on the stack and not on the heap???).
Entry  19 Apr 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, commited: macosx Makefile bits 
The Makefile bits for building roody on MacOSX have been commited, tested on
MacOSX 10.3.9 with an unknown version of ROOT. Caveats: there is no support for
linking the roody shared library (volunteers are welcome!); there are warnings
about a double-include of libz when linking "roody" (ignore them). K.O.
Entry  20 Dec 2003, Joe, , cleanup by Joe 
Joe Chuma commited some code cleanup and sundry unknown changes. K.O.
Entry  31 Jan 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, changes to online connection and xml  
A timer has been added to check if the online socket remains valid.  If, say,
the analyzer has been stopped while running Roody, this will be detected and the
connection closed, then, every second, that connection will be attempted until
successful.  Also, the external dtd file, roody.dtd, has been eliminated in
favour of internal dtd verification. Please note that Roody is being linked with
Root version 4.00.08, as version 4.02.00 introduces problems, such as context
menu errors.
Entry  25 Jun 2004, Joe, , changes to TTriumfFileGUI 
Added:  current online host name is now displayed in dialog box
Fixed:  online histograms can now be added and displayed in groups
Entry  30 Sep 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, anoncvs account not working anymore 
anoncvs account is not working anymore.

Please fix that.


    Reply  30 Sep 2004, Pierre-André Amaudruz, Bug Report, anoncvs account not working anymore 
Access to Roody from anonymous is restored:

cvs -e ssh -d checkout roody
pwd: anoncvs
    Reply  30 Sep 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, anoncvs account not working anymore 
> Access to Roody from anonymous is restored:
> cvs -e ssh -d checkout roody
> pwd: anoncvs

What was the fix? I do not think it was ever broken, except for the name change from "miroodas" to "roody", which I could not document until Pierre restored this Elog forum 
a few hours ago. K.O.
Entry  04 Sep 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, added "make docs" 
I commited the missing images, fixed the doxygen config file and added the "make docs" target. Now 
"make docs" will generate the documentation and place it into the directory "html". K.O.
    Reply  17 May 2009, Randolf Pohl, Bug Fix, [PATCH] ROODY kills analyzer too!! 

I have fixed the bug:

diff roody_233/include/DataSourceTNetFolder.h roody_233_fixed/include/DataSourceTNetFolder.h
< uint32_t p = 0;
> uintptr_t p = 0;

(Both Exaos and I were/are using roody on 64 bit machines.)

Best regards,

    Reply  23 Jul 2009, Exaos Lee, Bug Fix, [PATCH] ROODY kills analyzer too!! 

Randolf Pohl wrote:

I have fixed the bug:

diff roody_233/include/DataSourceTNetFolder.h roody_233_fixed/include/DataSourceTNetFolder.h
< uint32_t p = 0;
> uintptr_t p = 0;

(Both Exaos and I were/are using roody on 64 bit machines.)

Best regards,


Oh, GOD! From Wednesday, I have took almost one day to find the BUG and fix it. Then I found your post here. Tongue
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