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Entry  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 1 
    Reply  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 2, bm_send_event() 
       Reply  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 3, rpc_send_event() 
          Reply  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 4, reading from event buffer 
             Reply  02 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 5, bm_read_buffer() 
                Reply  02 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 6, reading events through the mserver 
                   Reply  03 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 7, event buffer polling frequencies 
                      Reply  03 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 8, writer and reader communications 
                         Reply  10 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 8, writer and reader communications 
Message ID: 1432     Entry time: 03 Jan 2019     In reply to: 1431     Reply to this: 1433
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: note on the midas event buffer code, part 7, event buffer polling frequencies 
> > > > > In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> > > > > we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.
> > > > > bm_send_event() does this ...
> > > > rpc_send_event() does this ...
> > > > mserver rpc_server_receive() does this ...
> > bm_read_buffer() does this ...
> > bm_dispatch_event() does this ...
> > - bm_push_event(buffer name) ...
> > - bm_check_buffers() - call bm_push_event() for all open buffers ...
> > - bm_receive_event() ...
> > - bm_receive_event_alloc() ...
> remote client: cm_yield() -> bm_poll_event() -> bm_receive_event() -> bm_dispatch_event()
> remote client: ss_suspend() -> receive MSG_BM -> rpc_client_dispatch() -> bm_poll_event() -> ...
> mserver: cm_dispatch_ipc -> bm_notify_client() -> send MSG_BM

We now understand that cm_yield() polls the data buffers for new events, adding to buffer lock congestion. What is the
polling frequency in different programs:

mlogger, no run: 1000 ms cm_yield() split by firing of cm_watchdog() (average sleep time is 500ms), poll frequency 2 Hz
mlogger, when running at high data rate: most time is spent looping inside bm_check_buffers(), poll frequency is ~1 Hz
mdump: same thing, 1000 ms cm_yield() is split by cm_watchdog(), poll frequency is 2 Hz
odbedit: 100 ms cm_yield(), poll frequency is 10 Hz, normally it polls just the SYSMSG buffer.
mfe.c frontend: 100 ms cm_yield(), but it makes no event requests, so no polling of event buffers
mhttpd: 0 ms (!!!) cm_yield(), period 10 ms (there is a 10 ms ss_suspend() somewhere there), polls SYSMSG at crazy frequency of 100 Hz.
mserver: 5000 ms cm_yield() no polling for events

hmm... perhaps the logic of cm_yield() should be changed to only poll for new events once per second -
as for rare events we receive them through the "B" messages from the buffer writer, for high rate
messages we process them in a batch via the read cache and the loop in bm_check_buffer().

Next is to write down the communication between buffer writers and buffer readers.

to be continued,
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