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  2211   09 Jun 2021 Andreas SuterBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails
> > > > cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/midas
> > > > Is the cmake setup not relocatable? This is new and was working until recently:
> > > Not relocatable. This is because we do not install the header files.
> > 
> > We do it this way, since the lib and bin needs to be in a place where standard users have no access to. 
> hmm... i did not get this. "needs to be in a place where standard users have no access to". what do you
> mean by this? you install midas in a secret location to prevent somebody from linking to it?

This was a wrong wording from my side. We do not want the the users have write access to the midas installation libs and bins.
I have submitted the pull request which should resolve this without interfere with your usage.
Hope this will resolve the issue.
  2213   10 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails
> > > > > cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/midas
> > > > > Is the cmake setup not relocatable? This is new and was working until recently:
> > > > Not relocatable. This is because we do not install the header files.
> > > 
> > > We do it this way, since the lib and bin needs to be in a place where standard users have no access to. 
> > 
> > hmm... i did not get this. "needs to be in a place where standard users have no access to". what do you
> > mean by this? you install midas in a secret location to prevent somebody from linking to it?
> > 
> This was a wrong wording from my side. We do not want the the users have write access to the midas installation libs and bins.
> I have submitted the pull request which should resolve this without interfere with your usage.
> Hope this will resolve the issue.

Excellent. I think it is good to have midas "install" in a sane manner.

But I still struggle to understand what you do. Presumably you can "install" midas
in the "midas account", which is not writable by the experiment and user accounts.
Then it does not matter if you "install" it in it's build directory (like we do)
or in some other location (like you do now).

This does not work of course if you only have one account, so do you build midas
as root? or install it as root?

I do ask because in the current computing world, doing things as root requires
a certain amount of trust, which may not be there anymore, see the recent "supply side" attacks
against python packages, solar winds hack, linux kernel malicious patches from umn, etc.

Personally, I do not want to answer questions "is midas safe to run as root?",
"can I trust the midas install scripts to run as root?" and certainly I do not want to hear
about "I installed midas and 100 other packages as root and got hacked 7 days later".

(and running midas as root was never safe. neither mhttpd nor mserver will pass
a security audit).

Anyhow, looks like I will look at cmake again next week. Right now I have a major
breakthrough in the ALPHA-g experiment, my big 96-port Juniper switch suddenly
has working ethernet flow control and I can record data at 600 Mbytes/sec without
any UDP packet loss. Above that, my event builder explodes. I want to fix it and get
it up to 1000 Mbytes/sec, the limit of my 10gige network link. (In this system I do not
have the disk subsystem to record data at this rate, but I have build 8-disk ZFS arrays
that would sink it, no problem). And the day has come when I ran out of CPU cores.
The UDP packet receivers are multithreaded, the event builder is multithreaded and I am using
all 4 of the available cores (intel cpu). As soon as I can get a rackmounted AMD Ryzen
or Threadripper machine, we will likely upgrade. (need at least one more CPU core to run
the online analyzer!). Exciting.

  2214   10 Jun 2021 Andreas SuterBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails
> > > > > > cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/midas
> > > > > > Is the cmake setup not relocatable? This is new and was working until recently:
> > > > > Not relocatable. This is because we do not install the header files.
> > > > 
> > > > We do it this way, since the lib and bin needs to be in a place where standard users have no access to. 
> > > 
> > > hmm... i did not get this. "needs to be in a place where standard users have no access to". what do you
> > > mean by this? you install midas in a secret location to prevent somebody from linking to it?
> > > 
> > 
> > This was a wrong wording from my side. We do not want the the users have write access to the midas installation libs and bins.
> > I have submitted the pull request which should resolve this without interfere with your usage.
> > Hope this will resolve the issue.
> Excellent. I think it is good to have midas "install" in a sane manner.
> But I still struggle to understand what you do. Presumably you can "install" midas
> in the "midas account", which is not writable by the experiment and user accounts.
> Then it does not matter if you "install" it in it's build directory (like we do)
> or in some other location (like you do now).
> This does not work of course if you only have one account, so do you build midas
> as root? or install it as root?

We work the following way: there is a production Midas under let's say /usr/local/midas (make install as sudo/root). This is for the running experiment. Since we are doing muSR, we 
have experiments on a daily base, rather than month and years as it is the case for a particle physics experiment. Now, still we would like to test updates, new features of Midas on 
the same machine. For this we us the repo directly. If we are happy with the new feature, and fixes, we again do a 'make install' and hence freeze for the production a specific 
snapshot. Of course we could use various local copies of the Midas repo, but over the last years this approach was very convenient and productive. Hope this explains a bit better 
why we want to work with a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

  2221   18 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmy html modbvalue thing is not working?
I have a web page and I try to use modbvalue, but nothing happens. The best I can tell, I follow the documentation 

<td id=setv0><div class="modbvalue" data-odb-path="/Equipment/CAEN_hvps01/Settings/VSET[0]" data-odb-editable="1">(ch0)</div></td>

I suppose I could add debug logging to the javascript framework for modbvalue to find out why it is not seeing
or how it is not liking my web page.

But how would a non-expert user (or an expert user in a hurry) would debug this?

Should the modbvalue framework log more error messages to the javascrpt console ("I am ignoring your modbvalue entry because...")?

Should it have a debug mode where it reports to the javascript console all the tags it scanned, all the tags it found, etc
to give me some clue why it does not find my modbvalue tag?

Right now I am not even sure if this framework is activated, perhaps I did something wrong in how I load the page
and the modbvalue framework is not loaded. The documentation gives some magic incantations but does not explain
where and how this framework is loaded and activated. (But I do not see any differences between my page and
the example in the documentation. Except that I do not load control.js, I do not need all the thermometer bars, etc.
If I do load it, still my modbvalue does not work).

  2227   21 Jun 2021 Lars MartinBug ReportELog documentation inconsistency
The documentation fro the Elog ODB tree here:


The Built-in elog will ignore this key.

If using an Built-in Elog, this key must NOT be present.

I assume this is an artifact from amending the documentation, but it's unclear if 
the key has to be removed or not. I.e. if the key exists and is empty, will the 
built-in elog work? In what way will it break?
  2232   25 Jun 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmy html modbvalue thing is not working?
Can you post your complete page here so that I can have a look?

  2249   29 Jun 2021 Lukas GerritzenBug Reportmodbcheckbox behaves erroneous with UINT32 variables
For boolean and INT32 variables, modbcheckbox works as expected. You click, it 
sets the variable to true or 1, the checkbox stays checked until you click again 
and it's being set back to 0.

For UINT32 variables, you can turn the variable "on", but the checkbox visually 
becomes unchecked immediately. Clicking again does not set the variable to 
0/false and the tick visually appears for a fraction of a second, but vanishes 
  2250   30 Jun 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmodbcheckbox behaves erroneous with UINT32 variables
> For boolean and INT32 variables, modbcheckbox works as expected. You click, it 
> sets the variable to true or 1, the checkbox stays checked until you click again 
> and it's being set back to 0.
> For UINT32 variables, you can turn the variable "on", but the checkbox visually 
> becomes unchecked immediately. Clicking again does not set the variable to 
> 0/false and the tick visually appears for a fraction of a second, but vanishes 
> again.

Thanks for reporting that bug. Fixed in

  2252   30 Jun 2021 Lukas GerritzenBug Reportmodbcheckbox behaves erroneous with UINT32 variables
Thanks for the quick fix.
  2256   09 Jul 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportcmake question
cmake check and mate in 1 move. please help.

the midas cmake file has a typo in the ROOT_CXX_FLAGS, I fixed it and now I am dead in the 
water, need help from cmake experts and pushers.

On Ubuntu:
ROOT_CXX_FLAGS has -std=c++14
midas cmake defines -std=gnu++11 (never mind that I asked for c++11, not "c++11 with GNU 

the two compiler flags collide and the build explodes, the best I can tell c++11 prevails 
and ROOT header files blow up because they expect c++14.

if I remove the midas cmake request for c++11, -std=gnu++11 is gone, there is no conflict 
with ROOT C++14 request and the build works just fine.

but now it explodes on CentOS-7 because by default, c++11 is not enabled. (include <mutex> 
blows up).

what a mess.

  2260   11 Jul 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails
big thanks to Andreas S. for getting most of this figured out. I now understand
much better how cmake installs things and how it generates config files, both
find_package(midas) style and install(export) style.

with the latest updates, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should work correctly. I now understand how it works,
how to use it and how to test it, it should not break again.

for posterity, my commends to Andreas's pull request:

thank you for providing this code, it was very helpful. at the end I implemented things slightly differently. It took me a while to understand that I have to provide 2 “install” modes, for your case, I need to 
“install” the header files and everything works “the cmake way”, for our normal case, we use include files in-place and have to include all the git submodules to the include path. I am quite happy with the 
result. K.O.

  2263   13 Jul 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportcmake question
> cmake check and mate in 1 move. please help.
> -std=c++11 and -std=c++14 collision...

I have a solution implemented for this, I am not happy with it, Stefan is not happy with it. See 

  2264   14 Jul 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportcmake question
> > cmake check and mate in 1 move. please help.
> > -std=c++11 and -std=c++14 collision...
> I have a solution implemented for this, I am not happy with it, Stefan is not happy with it. See 
> discussion:

I figured it out, solution is to use:

target_compile_features(midas PUBLIC cxx_std_11)

this is how it works:

- centos-7 (g++ has c++11 off by default): -std=gnu++11 is added automatically (not -std=c++11, but 
probably correct, as some c++11 functions were available as gnu extensions)
- ubuntu-20.04 LTS without ROOT: nothing added (I guess correct, g++ has c++11 is enabled by default)
- ubuntu-20.04 LTS with -std=c++14 from ROOT: nothing added, c++14 as requested by ROOT is in affect.
- macos without ROOT: -std=gnu++11 is added automatically
- macos with -std=c++11 from ROOT: ditto, so both -std=c++11 and -std=gnu++11 are present in this order, 
wrong-ish, but works.

and good luck figuring this out just from cmake documentation:

  2267   31 Jul 2021 Peter KunzBug Reportss_shm_name: unsupported shared memory type, bye!
I ran into a problem trying to compile the latest MIDAS version on a Fedora 

mhttpd and odbedit return:
ss_shm_name: unsupported shared memory type, bye!

check_shm_type: preferred POSIXv4_SHM got SYSV_SHM

The check returns SYSV_SHM which doesn't seem to be supported in ss_shm_name.

Is there an easy solution for this?

  2268   02 Aug 2021 Andreas SuterBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails
Dear Konstantin,

I have tried your adopted version. You did already quite a job which is more consistent than what I was suggesting.
Yet, I still have a problem (git sha2 2d3872dfd31) when starting on a clean system (i.e. no midas present yet): 
Without CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set, everything is fine. 
However, when setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, I get the following error message on the build level (cmake --build ./ -- VERBOSE=1) from the manalyzer:

[ 32%] Building CXX object manalyzer/CMakeFiles/manalyzer.dir/manalyzer.cxx.o
cd /home/l_musr_tst/Tmp/midas/build/manalyzer && /usr/bin/c++  -DHAVE_FTPLIB -DHAVE_MIDAS -DHAVE_ROOT_HTTP -DHAVE_THTTP_SERVER -DHAVE_TMFE -DHAVE_ZLIB -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -I/home/l_musr_tst/Tmp/midas/manalyzer -I/usr/local/root/include  -O2 -g -Wall -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wuninitialized -Wno-unused-function -std=c++11 -pipe -fsigned-char -pthread -DHAVE_ROOT -std=gnu++11 -o CMakeFiles/manalyzer.dir/manalyzer.cxx.o -c /home/l_musr_tst/Tmp/midas/manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx
In file included from /home/l_musr_tst/Tmp/midas/manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx:14:0:
/home/l_musr_tst/Tmp/midas/manalyzer/manalyzer.h:13:21: fatal error: midasio.h: No such file or directory
 #include "midasio.h"
compilation terminated.

Obviously, still some include paths are missing. I tried quickly to see if an easy fix is possible, but I failed.

Question: is it possible to use manalyzer without midas? I am asking since the MIDAS_FOUND flag is confusing me.

> big thanks to Andreas S. for getting most of this figured out. I now understand
> much better how cmake installs things and how it generates config files, both
> find_package(midas) style and install(export) style.
> with the latest updates, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should work correctly. I now understand how it works,
> how to use it and how to test it, it should not break again.
> for posterity, my commends to Andreas's pull request:
> thank you for providing this code, it was very helpful. at the end I implemented things slightly differently. It took me a while to understand that I have to provide 2 “install” modes, for your case, I need to 
> “install” the header files and everything works “the cmake way”, for our normal case, we use include files in-place and have to include all the git submodules to the include path. I am quite happy with the 
> result. K.O.
> K.O.
  2269   05 Aug 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization
Well, we all see it here at PSI, so this is enough reason to turn this off by default. Shall 
I do it?
  2270   19 Aug 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportselect() FD_SETSIZE overrun
I am looking at the mlogger in the ALPHA anti-hydrogen experiment at CERN. It is 
mysteriously misbehaving during run start and stop.

The problem turns out to be with the select() system call.

The corresponding FD_SET(), FD_ISSET() & co operate on a an array of fixed size 
FD_SETSIZE, value 1024, in my case. But the socket number is 1409, so we overrun 
the FD_SET() array. Ouch.

I see that all uses of select() in midas have no protection against this.

(we should probably move away from select() to newer poll() or whatever it is)

Why does mlogger open so many file descriptors? The usual, scaling problems in the 
history. The old midas history does not reuse file descriptors, so opens the same 
3 history files (.hst, .idx, etc) for each history event. The new FILE history 
opens just one file per history event. But if the number of events is bigger than 
1024, we run into same trouble.

(BTW, the system limit on file descriptors is 4096 on the affected machine, 1024 
on some other machines, see "limit" or "ulimit -a").

  2271   20 Aug 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportselect() FD_SETSIZE overrun
> I am looking at the mlogger in the ALPHA anti-hydrogen experiment at CERN. It is 
> mysteriously misbehaving during run start and stop.
> The problem turns out to be with the select() system call.
> The corresponding FD_SET(), FD_ISSET() & co operate on a an array of fixed size 
> FD_SETSIZE, value 1024, in my case. But the socket number is 1409, so we overrun 
> the FD_SET() array. Ouch.
> I see that all uses of select() in midas have no protection against this.
> (we should probably move away from select() to newer poll() or whatever it is)
> Why does mlogger open so many file descriptors? The usual, scaling problems in the 
> history. The old midas history does not reuse file descriptors, so opens the same 
> 3 history files (.hst, .idx, etc) for each history event. The new FILE history 
> opens just one file per history event. But if the number of events is bigger than 
> 1024, we run into same trouble.
> (BTW, the system limit on file descriptors is 4096 on the affected machine, 1024 
> on some other machines, see "limit" or "ulimit -a").
> K.O.

I cannot imagine that you have more than 1024 different events in ALPHA. That wouldn't 
fit on your status page. 

I have some other suspicion: The logger opens a history file on access, then closes it 
again after writing to it. In the old days we had a case where we had a return from the 
write function BEFORE the file has been closed. This is kind of a memory leak, but with 
file descriptors. After some time of course you run out of file descriptors and crash. 
Now that bug has been fixed many years ago, but it sounds to me like there is another 
"fd leak" somewhere. You should add some debugging in the history code to print the 
file descriptors when you open a file and when you leave that routine. The leak could 
however also be somewhere else, like writing to the message file, ODB dump, ...

The right thing of course would be to rewrite everything with std::ofstream which 
closes automatically the file when the object gets out of scope.

  2278   28 Sep 2021 Richard LonglandBug ReportInstall clash between MIDAS 2020-08 and mscb

I am performing a fresh install of MIDAS on an Ubuntu linux box. I follow the 
usual installation procedure:

1) git clone --recursive
2) cd midas
3) git checkout release/midas-2020-08
4) mkdir build
5) cd build
6) cmake ..
7) make

Step 3 warns me that 
"warning: unable to rmdir 'manalyzer': Directory not empty" and 
"warning: unable to rmdir 'midasio': Directory not empty"

Step 7 fails.
Compilation fails with an mhttp error related to mscb:
mhttpd.cxx:8224:59: error: too few arguments to function 'int mscb_ping(int, 
short unsigned int, int, int)'
 8224 |             status = mscb_ping(fd, (unsigned short) ind, 1);

I was able to get around this by rolling mscb back to some old version (commit 
74468dd), but am extremely nervous about mix-and-matching the code this way.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2279   28 Sep 2021 Stefan RittBug ReportInstall clash between MIDAS 2020-08 and mscb
> 1) git clone --recursive
> 2) cd midas
> 3) git checkout release/midas-2020-08
> 4) mkdir build
> 5) cd build
> 6) cmake ..
> 7) make

When you do step 3), you get

~/tmp/midas$ git checkout release/midas-2020-08
warning: unable to rmdir 'manalyzer': Directory not empty
warning: unable to rmdir 'midasio': Directory not empty
M	mjson
M	mscb
M	mvodb
M	mxml

The 'M' in front of the submodules like mscb tell you that you
have an older version of midas (namely midas-2020-08), but the 
*current* submodules, which won't match. So you have to roll back
also the submodules with:

3.5) git submodule update --recursive

This fetched those versions of the submodules which match the
midas version 2020-08. See here for details:

From where did you get the command

git checkout release/xxxx ???

If you tell me the location of that documentation, I will take
care that it will be amended with the command

git submodule update --recursive

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