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  2017   20 Nov 2020 Joseph McKennaForumHistory plot consuming too much memory
Poking at the behavior of this, its fairly clear the slow response is from the data 
being loaded off an HDD, when we upgrade this system we will allocate enough SSD 
storage for the histories.

Using Firefox has resolved this issue for the user's project here

Taking this down a tangent, I have a mild concern that a user could temporarily 
flood our gigabit network if we do have faster disks to read the history data. Have 
there been any plans or thoughts on limiting the bandwidth users can pull from 
mhttpd? I do not see this as a critical item as I can plan the future network 
infrastructure at the same time as the next system upgrade (putting critical data 
taking traffic on a separate physical network).

> Of course one can only
> load that specific window, but when the user then scrolls right, one has to
> append new data to the "right side" of the array stored in the browser. If the
> user jumps to another location, then the browser has to keep track of which 
> windows are loaded and which windows not, making the history code much more 
> complicated. Therefore I'm only willing to spend a few days of solid work
> if this really becomes a problem. 

For now the user here has retrieved all the data they need, and I can direct others 
towards mhist in the near future. Being able to load just a specific window would be 
very useful in the future, but I comprehend how it would be a spike in complexity.
  2018   20 Nov 2020 Stefan RittForumHistory plot consuming too much memory
 > Taking this down a tangent, I have a mild concern that a user could temporarily 
> flood our gigabit network if we do have faster disks to read the history data. Have 
> there been any plans or thoughts on limiting the bandwidth users can pull from 
> mhttpd?

I guess this will not be network limiting but CPU limiting of the mhttpd process. But I'm 
not 100% sure, depends on the actual hardware. But even if we improve the history 
retrieval to "window only", the user could request all data form 2010 to 2020. So one 
would need some code which estimates the amount of data, then tell the user "do you really 
want that?". But still, a novice user can simply click "yes" without much of a thought. So 
in conclusion I believe proper user training is better than software limits. Like the 
other guy "I did 'rm -rf /', and now nothing works any more, can you help?".

  2028   27 Nov 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHistory plot consuming too much memory
> Tested with midas-2020-08-a up until the HEAD of develop

Just so you know, it took myself and Stefan quite a bit of effort
to improve memory and data handling in the new history plots
to be able to plot 1 year of data without bogging down too much. I got
to learn the google-chrome javascript cpu profiler, memory profiler
and the intricacies of javascript shift() and unshift() operators.

Before midas-2020-08-a, pressing the zoom-out button you would never
reach the javascript memory limit, the code would go into "100% cpu use"
and the browser tab will become progressively unresponsive well before
running out of memory. With the original code, our alpha-g history plots
could go back a few weeks at most, with the current code, we can go back
about 11 months. Compared to the old "C" history plots that can
do "last 10 years", no problem.

Loading all the history data into the browser is a design choice.

It has benefits and downsides.

The main benefit is that looking at immediate live data is much easier.

The main downside is that "plot last 10 years" becomes impossible.

As they say "appetite comes during eating", we have learned about these
downsides as we developed the new system. When we started, we did not
know much about javascript memory limits, cpu limits, etc. We did learn
a lot, though.

With the current code, we are limited to loading history data up to 50% of
the javascript memory limit. I know how to change the code to get up to 100%,
but I think it is not worth it, it still does not get as to plot "last 10 year".

We think the solution to recovering "last 10 years" capability is to use
binned data (which the history system can already deliver to javascript).
With binned data, the data volume in Mbytes remains constant, javascript
memory use has an upper-bound (we never use more memory than X Mbytes)
and data movement over the network is reduced.

Another way to look at this - typical display has only 1000-4000 vertical pixels,
it cannot physically display a bigger number of data points (no more
then 1 data point per pixel). So why load 1000000 data points when we only
can plot 1000-4000 of them?

So all the infrastructure for plotting binned data is already there,
but the javascript code still needs to be written. I think the biggest
challenge will be in blending or combining binned and unbinned data
on the same plot or in seamlessly switching the plot between binned and
unbinned data.

  2029   27 Nov 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHistory plot consuming too much memory
> With the current code, we are limited to loading history data up to 50% of
> the javascript memory limit.

The javascript memory limit itself seems to be a moving target. (google javascript 
memory limit, and good luck!).

Historically, javascript did not have any memory or cpu use limits, but with
the raise of abusive web sites, bitcoin miners, etc, I see browsers clamp down
on allowed/allocated CPU use (inactive tabs are throttled down). memory use
is already clamped down severely, on a 64 GB computer, a browser tab
can only allocate a handful of GBs.

This throttling of browser tabs is already intrusive enough that we need
to be careful in programming midas web pages. for examples throttled events
are not firing at the same rate or in the same order as in active tabs.

One logical conclusion of these restrictions could be that, eventually,
google-chrome permits only just enough cpu and memory to run gmail.

  2030   27 Nov 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHistory plot consuming too much memory
> Are you sure that the delay comes from the browser or actually from mhttpd
> digging through GBytes of history data?

I think we will need to address this question "head-on". The history plot
will need to display the following information:

"time to load data from disk: N seconds, time to transfer data to javascript: M 
seconds, time to make the plot: Q seconds".

The second and third items are already available, the first one will need
to be computed in mhttpd and passed to javascript.

  2031   27 Nov 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHistory plot consuming too much memory
> Taking this down a tangent, I have a mild concern that a user could temporarily 
> flood our gigabit network if we do have faster disks to read the history data.

By my measurements, right now our javascript code can reach 30-50-70% of Gige ethernet
bandwidth, so, no, we cannot flood the network just by making history plots.

(we cannot reach 100% because javascript code is not multithreaded,
it cycles through "request new data" and "decode javascript, make plot" states,
and the network is idle in this second state).

> Have there been any plans or thoughts on limiting the bandwidth users can pull from 
> mhttpd?

10gige networking is here (and 5 and 2.5 Gige, too). I would not worry too much
about saturating 1gige network interfaces.

> I do not see this as a critical item as I can plan the future network 
> infrastructure at the same time as the next system upgrade (putting critical data 
> taking traffic on a separate physical network).

10gige network between all computers, everything on SSD ZFS arrays, except
bulk data on ZFS HDD arrays (only for cost reasons $$$/TB).

  1445   07 Feb 2019 Stefan RittInfoHistory panels in custom pages
A new tag has been implemented to display history panels in custom pages, integrated in the 
new custom page design from 2017. The full documentation can be found at

Attached is a simple example of such a panel and the result. You have to rename triggerrate.txt to triggerrate.html if you want to use it (can't do it here since otherwise the browser wants to render it which does not work outside of midas).

  1446   08 Feb 2019 Thomas LindnerInfoHistory panels in custom pages
> A new tag has been implemented to display history panels in custom pages, integrated in the 
> new custom page design from 2017. The full documentation can be found at 

As part of consolidating/cleaning the MIDAS Wiki documentation, the "New Custom Pages" was folded into the main "Custom Page".  So to see a
description of Stefan's new functionality please go to
  1682   12 Sep 2019 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoHistory panels in custom pages
> > A new tag has been implemented to display history panels in custom pages, integrated in the
> > new custom page design from 2017. The full documentation can be found at
> >
> As part of consolidating/cleaning the MIDAS Wiki documentation, the "New Custom Pages" was folded into the main "Custom Page". So to see a
> description of Stefan's new functionality please go to


I am trying to use the new mhistory panels in the WAGASCI slow control custom page, but I cannot get them to work.
All I get is an empty frame. Anyway, in the History tab I can see the history plots correctly.

Here is a minimal example:
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="midas.css">
   <script src="controls.js"></script>
   <script src="midas.js"></script>
   <script src="mhttpd.js"></script>
<body class="mcss" onload="mhttpd_init('Test');">

<div id="mheader"></div>
<div id="msidenav"></div>

<div id="mmain">
  <div name="mhistory" data-group="Test" data-panel="Test" data-scale="1m" style="width:600px;border:1px solid black;"></div>

Of course, the "Test" group and "Test" panel exist in the ODB and are correctly shown in the History tab. No error is shown in the console of the web browser.
I am using the latest version of MIDAS as of September 12.

Can you confirm that this feature is working in the latest MIDAS? If yes, how can I troubleshoot the problem?

  1683   12 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoHistory panels in custom pages
Indeed there was a bug in some JavaScript code, which I fixed here:

Note that your code will bring you the "old style" history panels (with GIF images). If you want the new style (interactive canvas panels), you need the following:

1) Add

<script src="mhistory.js"></Script>

to the top of your custom page

2) Add "mhistory_init();" to the "onload" function of your page, like

<body class="mcss" onloas="mhttpd_init('Example');mhistory_init();">

3) Change the class of the panel from "mhistory" to "mjhistory", like

<div class="mjshistory" data-group=...>

Best regards,
  1684   13 Sep 2019 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoHistory panels in custom pages
Dear Stefan,
thank you very much for the prompt reply. Your suggestions worked wonderfully. Now I can display all the plots that I want where I want.
The new JavaScript history plots are really a huge improvement over the old ones.
Thank you again

Stefan Ritt wrote:
Indeed there was a bug in some JavaScript code, which I fixed here:

Note that your code will bring you the "old style" history panels (with GIF images). If you want the new style (interactive canvas panels), you need the following:

1) Add

<script src="mhistory.js"></Script>

to the top of your custom page

2) Add "mhistory_init();" to the "onload" function of your page, like

<body class="mcss" onloas="mhttpd_init('Example');mhistory_init();">

3) Change the class of the panel from "mhistory" to "mjhistory", like

<div class="mjshistory" data-group=...>

Best regards,
  2166   12 May 2021 Pierre GorelBug ReportHistory formula not correctly managed
OS: OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
MIDAS: Downloaded from repo on April 2021.

I have a slow control frontend doing the command/readout of a MPOD HV/LV. Since I am reading out the current that are in nA (after updating snmp), I wanted to multiply the number by 1e9.

I noticed the new "Formula" field (introduced in 2019 it seems) instead of the "Factor/Offset" I was used to. None of my entries seems to be accepted (after hitting save, when coming back thee field is empty).

Looking in ODB in "/History/Display/MPOD/HV (Current)/", the field "Formula" is a string of size 32 (even if I have multiple plots in that display). I noticed that the fields "Factor" and "Offset" are still existing and they are arrays with the correct size. However, changing the values does not seem to do anything.

Deleting "Formula" by hand and creating a new field as an array of string (of correct length) seems to do the trick: the formula is displayed in the History display config, and correctly used.
  2201   02 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportHistory formula not correctly managed
> OS: OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
> MIDAS: Downloaded from repo on April 2021.
> I have a slow control frontend doing the command/readout of a MPOD HV/LV. Since I am reading out the current that are in nA (after updating snmp), I wanted to multiply the number by 1e9.
> I noticed the new "Formula" field (introduced in 2019 it seems) instead of the "Factor/Offset" I was used to. None of my entries seems to be accepted (after hitting save, when coming back thee field is empty).
> Looking in ODB in "/History/Display/MPOD/HV (Current)/", the field "Formula" is a string of size 32 (even if I have multiple plots in that display). I noticed that the fields "Factor" and "Offset" are still existing and they are arrays with the correct size. However, changing the values does not seem to do anything.
> Deleting "Formula" by hand and creating a new field as an array of string (of correct length) seems to do the trick: the formula is displayed in the History display config, and correctly used.

I see this, too. Problem is that the history plot code must be compatible with both
the old scheme (factor/offset) and the new scheme (formula). But something goes wrong somewhere.


- new code cannot to "3 year" plots, old code has no problem with it
- old experiments (alpha1, etc) have only the old-style history plot definitions,
and both old and new plotting code should be able to show them (there is nobody
to convert this old stuff to the "new way", but we still desire to be able to look at it!)

  1719   06 Oct 2019 Nik BergerBug ReportHistory data size mismatch
Logging a list of variables to the history via links in the history ODB subtree,
we get messages as follows at every run start:

19:43:24.009 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2676:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch: expected 412 bytes, got 416 bytes

19:43:24.008 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2676:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch: expected 412 bytes, got 416 bytes

19:43:23.850 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:455:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch count: 25, expected 412 bytes, hs_write_event() called with as much as 416 bytes

19:43:23.850 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:455:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch count: 25, expected 412 bytes, hs_write_event() called with as much as 416 bytes

The history calculates the size of a record from the size of the individual variables, (history_schema.cxx, L2666 ff), whereas the ODB delivers the data aligned/padded to the size of the largest value in the record.
In our history, a long list of doubles (64 Bit) fas followed by three floats (32 bit), leading to a padded response from the ODB, 4 byte longer than the history expects.
Quick fix: Add another 32 bit dummy variable to the history. Gets rid of the error messages...
Should probably be fixed at a deeper level...
  1720   06 Oct 2019 Stefan RittBug ReportHistory data size mismatch
I wonder why do you this via ODB links. The "standard" way of writing to the history should be to create events for an equipment and flag this equipment as being written to the
history. All variables under /Equipment/<name>/Variables then automatically go into the history and you don't have to worry about ODB links. Only variables not fitting the
equipment/variables scheme should be dealt with via ODB links, like variables under equipment/statistics or parameters in another ODB tree. In a typical midas experiment, only
very few variables typically go into the 'System' event. This is however probably not a solution to your problem. If you have a similar structure (doubles plus an odd number of floats)
under 'variables', you might get the same error. I'n in contact with KO to fix this problem at the root level.


> Logging a list of variables to the history via links in the history ODB subtree,
> we get messages as follows at every run start:
> 19:43:24.009 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2676:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch: expected 412 bytes, got 416 bytes
> 19:43:24.008 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2676:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch: expected 412 bytes, got 416 bytes
> 19:43:23.850 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:455:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch count: 25, expected 412 bytes, hs_write_event() called with as much as 416 bytes
> 19:43:23.850 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:455:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch count: 25, expected 412 bytes, hs_write_event() called with as much as 416 bytes
> The history calculates the size of a record from the size of the individual variables, (history_schema.cxx, L2666 ff), whereas the ODB delivers the data aligned/padded to the size of the largest value in the record.
> In our history, a long list of doubles (64 Bit) fas followed by three floats (32 bit), leading to a padded response from the ODB, 4 byte longer than the history expects.
> Quick fix: Add another 32 bit dummy variable to the history. Gets rid of the error messages...
> Should probably be fixed at a deeper level...
  1721   10 Oct 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportHistory data size mismatch
> In our history, a long list of doubles (64 Bit) fas followed by three floats (32 bit)

Padding trouble, mixing "double" and "float" trouble. Ouch.

Best wisdom I received on this: never use "float", always use "double".

I was burned by "float" with following code, which produced the same result from
analyzing 100 files as from analyzing 1000 files. (why did we take data for 10 weeks
instead of 1 week?). Hint: "float" overflows way too quickly, after overflow sum+=1 does not change
the value of "sum". The actual code used ROOT TH1F. Lesson: always use TH1D.

float sum = 0; // should always be "double" !!!
foreach data_file {
    foreach data from current data file {
        sum += data;
print sum;

  1722   10 Oct 2019 Nik BergerBug ReportHistory data size mismatch
>I wonder why do you this via ODB links. The "standard" way of writing to the history should be to create events for an equipment and flag this equipment as being written to the
>history. All variables under /Equipment/<name>/Variables then automatically go into the history and you don't have to worry about ODB links. Only variables not fitting the
>equipment/variables scheme should be dealt with via ODB links, like variables under equipment/statistics or parameters in another ODB tree. In a typical midas experiment, only
>very few variables typically go into the 'System' event. This is however probably not a solution to your problem. If you have a similar structure (doubles plus an odd number of floats)
>under 'variables', you might get the same error.

> In our history, a long list of doubles (64 Bit) fas followed by three floats (32 bit)

We do this in the MuX DAQ and mix things that come directly from MIDAS (the MIDAS trigger rate) and things from the
analyzer (rates in the self-triggering detectors) and some temperatures from yet somewhere else. Yes, we could have
kept that apart, yes, in this case a double would also work (and not break things), but a bug is a bug...
I could think of senisble use cases where doubles and ints are mixed and I also know quite a few areas where it makes
sense to use floats...

  1723   10 Oct 2019 Stefan RittBug ReportHistory data size mismatch
> Yes, we could have
> kept that apart, yes, in this case a double would also work (and not break things), but a bug is a bug...
> I could think of senisble use cases where doubles and ints are mixed and I also know quite a few areas where it makes
> sense to use floats...

I agree with Nik that we should fix this on the midas level. Since it happens in history_schema.cxx which was written by KO, maybe he can have a look.

  473   23 Mar 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoHistory SQL database poll: MySQL, PgSQL, ODBC?
I would like to hear from potential users on which SQL database would be
preferable for storage of MIDAS history data.

My current preference is to use the ODBC interface, leaving the choice of
database engine to the user. While ODBC is not pretty, it appears to be adequate
for the job, permits "funny" databases (i.e. flat files) and I already have
prototype implementations for reading (mhttpd) and writing (mhdump/mlogger)
history data using ODBC.

In practice, MySQL and PgSQL are the main two viable choices for using with the
MIDAS history system. We tested both (no change in code - just tell ODBC which
driver to use) and both provide comparable performance and disk space use. We
were glad to see that the disk space use by both SQL databases is very
efficient, only slightly worse than uncompressed MIDAS history files.

At TRIUMF, for T2K/ND280, we now decided to use MySQL - it provides a better
match to MIDAS data types (has 1-byte and 2-byte integers, etc) and appears to
have working database replication (required for our use).

With mlogger already including support for MySQL, and MySQL being a better match
for MIDAS data, this gives them a slight edge and I think it would be reasonable
choice to only implement support for MySQL.

So I see 3 alternatives:

1) use ODBC (my preference)
2) use MySQL exclusively
3) implement a "midas odbc layer" supporting either MySQL or PgSQL.

Before jumping either way, I would like to hear from you folks.

  Draft   20 Jun 2017 Richard LonglandForumHigh Rate
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