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ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown
  352   26 Feb 2007 Stefan RittInfoFragmented polled events
Fragmented polled events have been implemented in SVN revision 3625.
Fragmentation is a method of breaking down large (>MB) events into smaller
pieces and send them through the shared memory buffers, reassembling them at the
output. In the past this was only possible for periodic events (such as large
histograms read out once every few seconds), but now this is also possible for
polled events.
  300   05 Sep 2006 Konstantin OlchanskiForumForums moved from to
For the record, the MIDAS (& co) forums have been physically moved from to our new server machine This change
should be transparent to all users, but if anything stops working, please let me
know at olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca. K.O.
  1799   29 Jan 2020 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
As you know, the generic MIDAS frontend has a class driver, device driver, bus driver
structure. Assuming a slow device frontend, its class driver should have a routine of type
INT idle (EQUIPMENT * pequipment)
This routine is called with a rate controlled by the
"/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event limit" parameter.
The idle routine usually reads one channel of the frontend and stores the results
in the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables" ODB folder.

My question is: it is possible to force (from the code) the frontend to call the idle routine at a
certain point. This is because I need to update the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables"
variables inside the "begin_of_run" routine, at a very specific time.

One dirty solution would be to increase a lot the reading rate ... but I need this
increased reading rate only during the run start while I need a low reading rate
during the run. So the question: is it possible to increase and decrease the reading
rate (event limit) of a frontend without stopping and restarting it?

If you need more info, please let me know.
Thank you
  1802   02 Feb 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Hi, Giorgio - I think you encountered a fundamental problem with what to do at the begin of 
run. There are two ways of thinking about it.

Some experiments want to start the run as quickly as possible, so they do not want 
begin_of_run() to do too much stuff.

Other experiments want to record all the current settings and conditions before starting a 
run, their begin_of_run() will read all the slow controls, interrogate all the power supplies, 
read all the voltages, temperatures, pressures, etc. By necessity this will slow down the 
starting of the run quite significantly.

The best I understand the midas class driver structure, it is more geared for the first case - 
fast starting of runs.

The thinking behind this choice considers the nature of most slow control data in typical 
physics experiments:
- if the data does not change quickly (say, room temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc), 
and you read it say every 1 minute, then you do not need to read it again at begin run time - 
the 1 minute old measurement is still good enough - nothing changed much since then
- if the opposite is true, the data changes wildly (i.e. detector high voltage current goes up 
and down in response to the quickly changing beam current), measuring it at the start of 
the run does us no good - by the time the first event comes around, it has already changed 

Hopefully Stefan can help you with your specific problem, he has better understanding of 
the midas class drivers.


[quote="Pintaudi Giorgio"]Hello!
As you know, the generic MIDAS frontend has a class driver, device driver, bus driver
structure. Assuming a slow device frontend, its class driver should have a routine of type   
[CODE]INT idle (EQUIPMENT * pequipment)[/CODE]
This routine is called with a rate controlled by the 
"[I]/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event limit[/I]" parameter.
The idle routine usually reads one channel of the frontend and stores the results
in the "[I]/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables[/I]" ODB folder.

[B]My question is: it is possible to force (from the code) the frontend to call the idle routine 
at a 
certain point. This is because I need to update the "[I]/Equipment/<frontend 
variables inside the "[I]begin_of_run[/I]" routine, at a very specific time.[/B]

One dirty solution would be to increase a lot the reading rate ... but I need this
increased reading rate only during the run start while I need a low reading rate
during the run. So the question: is it possible to increase and decrease the reading
rate (event limit) of a frontend without stopping and restarting it?

If you need more info, please let me know.
Thank you
  1805   02 Feb 2020 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Dear Konstantin,
thank you very much for the explanation. I already have an idea of how to solve my problem by bypassing the class driver altogether or by slightly modifying the mfe.cxx frontend.
But either way is not very elegant. If there was a way to do what I need easily and without writing much code, I would obviously choose that.
So let us wait for Stefan opinion!
Thanks again

> Hi, Giorgio - I think you encountered a fundamental problem with what to do at the begin of
> run. There are two ways of thinking about it.
> Some experiments want to start the run as quickly as possible, so they do not want
> begin_of_run() to do too much stuff.
> Other experiments want to record all the current settings and conditions before starting a
> run, their begin_of_run() will read all the slow controls, interrogate all the power supplies,
> read all the voltages, temperatures, pressures, etc. By necessity this will slow down the
> starting of the run quite significantly.
> The best I understand the midas class driver structure, it is more geared for the first case -
> fast starting of runs.
> The thinking behind this choice considers the nature of most slow control data in typical
> physics experiments:
> - if the data does not change quickly (say, room temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc),
> and you read it say every 1 minute, then you do not need to read it again at begin run time -
> the 1 minute old measurement is still good enough - nothing changed much since then
> - if the opposite is true, the data changes wildly (i.e. detector high voltage current goes up
> and down in response to the quickly changing beam current), measuring it at the start of
> the run does us no good - by the time the first event comes around, it has already changed
> completely.
> Hopefully Stefan can help you with your specific problem, he has better understanding of
> the midas class drivers.
> K.O.
  1806   03 Feb 2020 Stefan RittInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
It is important to note that slow control readout and sending of midas events are two separate things. Readout is done as fast as possible, even multi-threaded if selected. On fast devices this can be 100 Hz readout rate and even more. This data is stored in an internal buffer. When one of the values changes by more than the update threshold, then the ODB gets updated. The midas events are composed from this internal buffer when a new event has to be sent. This is typically periodic (like every 10 seconds or so), or during run transitions. If you specify this in the equipment list with the RO_xxx flags. If you want an event at the begin-of-run, just add there RO_BOR. It should be noted however that this then creates and event during BOR from the last values in the internal buffer, which - depending on the readout speed - can be a few ms "old". I would recommend that you test the readout speed of your variables and then check if this delay is acceptable.


Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
As you know, the generic MIDAS frontend has a class driver, device driver, bus driver
structure. Assuming a slow device frontend, its class driver should have a routine of type
INT idle (EQUIPMENT * pequipment)
This routine is called with a rate controlled by the
"/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event limit" parameter.
The idle routine usually reads one channel of the frontend and stores the results
in the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables" ODB folder.

My question is: it is possible to force (from the code) the frontend to call the idle routine at a
certain point. This is because I need to update the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables"
variables inside the "begin_of_run" routine, at a very specific time.

One dirty solution would be to increase a lot the reading rate ... but I need this
increased reading rate only during the run start while I need a low reading rate
during the run. So the question: is it possible to increase and decrease the reading
rate (event limit) of a frontend without stopping and restarting it?

If you need more info, please let me know.
Thank you
  1808   04 Feb 2020 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Dear Stefan,
thank you very much for the clarification. I knew about the DF_XXX flags and I am making good use of them in all my frontends. Anyway, what I really needed was to change the readout rate depending on the run status (in particular DF_RUNNING or DF_TRANSITION).

Moreover, currently, I am not using the MIDAS events framework at all. For the real DAQ, we have our way of acquiring and saving the raw data using the Pyrame software. For the slow control devices, we just use the information that MIDAS automatically saves in the history files .hst (very handy). But I am going to use the MIDAS events at some point in the future, so your explanation is very welcome.

However, I was able to solve my problem by slightly modifying the mfe.cxx file in this way:
@@ -411,6 +411,17 @@ static INT register_equipment(void)
             return 0;
+         status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, eq_info, sizeof(EQUIPMENT), MODE_READ,
+                                 nullptr, nullptr);
+         if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
+            printf("ERROR: Cannot open hotlink with equipment record \"%s\", db_open_record() status %d\n",
+                   str, status);
+            cm_disconnect_experiment();
+            ss_sleep(3000);
+            return 0;
+         }
       } else if (status == DB_STRUCT_MISMATCH) {
          cm_msg(MINFO, "register_equipment", "Correcting \"%s\", db_check_record() status %d", str, status);
          db_create_record(hDB, 0, str, EQUIPMENT_COMMON_STR);

I was quite surprised that I could get things done by just opening a hotlink to the EQUIPMENT eq_info struct. That way I can change dynamically the readout rate (the rate at which the idle routine of a slow device frontend is called is tuned by the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event Limit" variable). I change this variable temporarily during a transition to increase the reading rate. I have done some testing and it seems to have no collateral effect.
There is only one caveat.
  • Every change to the equipment "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common" is instantaneously applied (and might crash the frontend?)

Just to give you an example of a situation where all of this might be useful, think about the ramping-up of the high voltage applied to APD or MPPC. When ramping up from 0 to X volts, you want to read out the voltage and current frequently (let's say once every second) to check for overcurrent and stuff. But as soon as the voltage is up and stable you do not need to monitor it every second and a reading every minute might be more than enough. In our case, the HV power supplies are connected through a serial bus (a nightmare to get it working) and once in a while, we have a transitory connection error. If we kept the reading rate very high continuously the log would be flooded with these innocuous errors (but every new shifter would panic every time he/she notices them). Anyway, this is just an example.

Stefan Ritt wrote:
It is important to note that slow control readout and sending of midas events are two separate things. Readout is done as fast as possible, even multi-threaded if selected. On fast devices this can be 100 Hz readout rate and even more. This data is stored in an internal buffer. When one of the values changes by more than the update threshold, then the ODB gets updated. The midas events are composed from this internal buffer when a new event has to be sent. This is typically periodic (like every 10 seconds or so), or during run transitions. If you specify this in the equipment list with the RO_xxx flags. If you want an event at the begin-of-run, just add there RO_BOR. It should be noted however that this then creates and event during BOR from the last values in the internal buffer, which - depending on the readout speed - can be a few ms "old". I would recommend that you test the readout speed of your variables and then check if this delay is acceptable.


Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
As you know, the generic MIDAS frontend has a class driver, device driver, bus driver
structure. Assuming a slow device frontend, its class driver should have a routine of type
INT idle (EQUIPMENT * pequipment)
This routine is called with a rate controlled by the
"/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event limit" parameter.
The idle routine usually reads one channel of the frontend and stores the results
in the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables" ODB folder.

My question is: it is possible to force (from the code) the frontend to call the idle routine at a
certain point. This is because I need to update the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables"
variables inside the "begin_of_run" routine, at a very specific time.

One dirty solution would be to increase a lot the reading rate ... but I need this
increased reading rate only during the run start while I need a low reading rate
during the run. So the question: is it possible to increase and decrease the reading
rate (event limit) of a frontend without stopping and restarting it?

If you need more info, please let me know.
Thank you
  1811   07 Feb 2020 Stefan RittInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Dear Giorgio,

ok, now I'm slowly getting your point.

Dynamically changing the slow control readout rate is possible with your modification, but I consider this badd practice.

You mentioned the case of your HV over a quirky serial line. I had the same some years ago. Rather than reducing the readout rate to reduce the number of errors, I modified my device driver. If the connection is broken, the driver tries silently to reconnect. Only if the reconnect fails for more than a given period (like 1 min), then an error is produced. Otherwise the driver reads as fast as possible. Imagine you have some instabilities in your HV, which only last for a few seconds. If you read only once per minute, you might miss that. We worked hard to make the slow control system multi-threaded, so a slow many-times-retrying-to-reconnect driver does not slow any other equipment. On the other hand, if the re-connect fails for a minute, then you know that your HV unit really has a problem the shifter should follow up.

  1812   07 Feb 2020 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Dear Stefan,
Thank you for the advice. I will try to modify the driver as you say. As for the dynamical change of readout rate, basically you are telling me that is not achievable without dirty hacks like mine and it is better to find a way to avoid it.
Best regards

Stefan Ritt wrote:
Dear Giorgio,

ok, now I'm slowly getting your point.

Dynamically changing the slow control readout rate is possible with your modification, but I consider this badd practice.

You mentioned the case of your HV over a quirky serial line. I had the same some years ago. Rather than reducing the readout rate to reduce the number of errors, I modified my device driver. If the connection is broken, the driver tries silently to reconnect. Only if the reconnect fails for more than a given period (like 1 min), then an error is produced. Otherwise the driver reads as fast as possible. Imagine you have some instabilities in your HV, which only last for a few seconds. If you read only once per minute, you might miss that. We worked hard to make the slow control system multi-threaded, so a slow many-times-retrying-to-reconnect driver does not slow any other equipment. On the other hand, if the re-connect fails for a minute, then you know that your HV unit really has a problem the shifter should follow up.

  1813   09 Feb 2020 Stefan RittInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
You dirty hacks will probably work, but what you REALLY want is to read out your HV always as fast as possible, not only during run transitions or ramping. We had a case where a detector produced electrostatic discharges which only lasted for a second or so, and we were happy to detect this in spikes in the HV current. With measurements of only one per minute we would not have realized that so quicky.


Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
Dear Stefan,
Thank you for the advice. I will try to modify the driver as you say. As for the dynamical change of readout rate, basically you are telling me that is not achievable without dirty hacks like mine and it is better to find a way to avoid it.
  1816   10 Feb 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
> We had a case where a detector produced electrostatic discharges which only lasted for a second or so
> and we were happy to detect this in spikes in the HV current. With measurements of only one per minute
> we would not have realized that so quicky.

For the T2K/ND280 TPC we implemented something similar. The TPC uses MicroMegas detector which sparks during 
normal operation. We asked Wiener/ISEG to implement a "spark counting mode" for us (and they did). In this mode,
high voltage over-current (a micromegas spark) sets a special flag (does not trip the high voltage). Our midas frontend
reads this flag at rate about 1/min, if flag is set, clears it, increments the software spark counter, reads the flag again,
if the flag is still set (failed to clear), it means this was not a normal spark but a high voltage breakdown
and the offending channel is shut down. I believe this mode is still part of the ISEG normal firmware.

Because the Wiener/ISEG interface uses SNMP to "read all data in one operation", the MIDAS "device driver" structure
was not useful, the readout was a simple loop, the readout frequency was easy to control, and indeed,
we read the high voltage with increased frequency during ramping. This was easy to implement because we
did not have to fight the MIDAS "device driver" framework.

If you want a similar solution, talk to the device, interpret the data, record values to odb and history, generate
midas events - all without hand holding from (arm wrestling with the rest of) midas - I recommend
the new tmfe.h/tmfe.cxx c++ frontend - see the two examples in midas/progs/fetest_tmfe.cxx
and fetest_tmfe_thread.cxx (single-threaded and multi-threaded).

  1821   12 Feb 2020 Stefan RittInfoForce triggering of idle routine of a frontend
I had a look again at the issue. If you sett the event limit to zero in the EQUIPMENT list, then the idle() routine of your class driver is called as often as possible. Typically with 100 Hz. It's then up to you what to do in the class driver. The hv_idle() routine of the HV class driver shipped in the distribution for example read a channel more often if it has been changed recently. Look at the lines

/* additionally read channel recently updated if not multithreaded */
if (!(hv_info->driver[hv_info->last_channel]->flags & DF_MULTITHREAD)) {

act_time = ss_millitime();

act = (hv_info->last_channel_updated + 1) % hv_info->num_channels;
while (!(act_time - hv_info->last_change[act] < 10000)) {
act = (act + 1) % hv_info->num_channels;
if (act == hv_info->last_channel_updated) {
/* non found, so return */
return status;

/* updated channel found, so read it additionally */
status = hv_read(pequipment, act);
hv_info->last_channel_updated = act;

You can do similar things there like if you are ramping. On an end-of-run, the class drivers cd_xx_read() routine is called from the framework, which in turn sends a full midas event down the stream, but getting the current slow control values from its local cache, not from the actual device (otherwise stopping a run could be very slow). So if you want all values at the end of the run with good precision, you have to read them DURING the run as fast as possible. That's why I posted my comment about fixing dropped serial connections automatically and reading as fast as possible.


Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
Dear Stefan,
Thank you for the advice. I will try to modify the driver as you say. As for the dynamical change of readout rate, basically you are telling me that is not achievable without dirty hacks like mine and it is better to find a way to avoid it.
  885   10 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFixed: crash if alarm "write elog message" is enabled
If the MIDAS Alarm property "write elog message" is enabled, an uninitialized variable "tag" is passed to 
el_submit() and depending on your luck, cause a crash. "tag" is supposed to be and is now a NUL-
terminated string. The only other use of el_submit() is in mhttpd.cxx and mserver.c, where it is called 

alarm.c svn rev 5361
  948   15 Jan 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFixed spurious symlinks to midas.log
In some experiments (i.e. DEAP), we see spurious symlinks to midas.log scattered just about everywhere. I 
now traced this to an uninitialized variable in cm_msg_log() and it should be fixed now. K.O.
  118   30 Oct 2003 Stefan Ritt Fixed several potential problems for ODB corruption
I just realized that db_set_value, db_set_data, db_set_num_values and 
db_merge_data do not check for num_values == 0. With such a parameter the 
ODB can become corrupted, since zero length ODB entries are not allowed. I 
fixed the according places in odb.c and committed the changes. Everyone 
with ODB corruption problems should update that code.
  257   18 May 2006 Stefan RittBug FixFixed problems with reload of custom pages
We had a problem with custom pages and reloading of them. If they contain an ODB field which is editable, one can change the ODB value through the custom page. The URL then contains a "?cmd=Set&value=x&index=x" section, which stays in the browser's address bar after the ODB value has been updated. If the value changes later by some other means in the ODB, and one presses "reload" in the browser, the above URL gets executed again and the value gets changed back which is not wanted.

The problem has been fixed such that mhttpd redirects the browser after setting a variable to the URL not containing the "Set" command from above.
  573   07 May 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFixed mlogger run start and stop
Fixed problems with mlogger starting and stopping runs.

Basic difficulty was with the mlogger using ASYNC transitions, which did not implement proper 
transition sequencing according to transition sequence numbers. Basically all clients were called at the 
same time, regardless of how long they took to process the transitions.

Switching from ASYNC to SYNC transitions introduces a deadlock between mlogger (not reading data 
from SYSTEM buffer while inside cm_transition) and any program trying to write into the SYSTEM buffer 
(buffer is full, does not listen for transition requests while waiting for mlogger which tries to call it's 
transition handler).

Then we invented the mtransition helper program. In the original implemtation for t2k it was spawned 
directly from the mlogger to stop the run (avoiding the deadlock). Then cm_transition(DETACHED) was 
introduced, but the mlogger start/stop/restart run logic became broken. One problem was with when 
auto restart delay is zero, mtransition tries to restart the run before previous run is stopped (instead, 
mlogger should restart the run from it's tr_stop() handler). Another problem was with the auto restart 
delay counting from the time when we start stopping the run - because stopping the run can take an 
unpredictable time, depending on when various frontends have to do - it is impossible to have a 
predictable delay between runs (again this is fixed by restarting the run from mlogger.c::tr_stop()).

All this has been straightened out by svn revision 4484. Basically the old run stop/restart logic was 
restored in mlogger.c, using cm_transition(DETACH) to avoid the deadlocks.

To remind all, these are the present controls for transitions initiated by mlogger:

/experiment/transition debug flag - set to "2" to capture transition sequences into midas.log
/experiment/transition timeout and transition connect timeout - one can change default timeouts as 
needed to accommodate non cooperative frontends.
/logger/async transitions - do not use mtransition - do ASYNC transitions, as before.
/logger/auto restart delay - delay between stopping the run (mlogger.c::tr_stop) and starting the next 

svn rev 4484
  1319   02 Nov 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFixed mlogger memory corruption, updated mxml
I the agdaq system I see memory corruption in the mlogger. There were at least two bugs: one 
memory allocation error in mxml and one incorrect memset() in mlogger.cxx. The mxml bug is fixed 
in the mxml repository, mlogger.cxx bug is fixed in the midas-2017-10 branch.

I suggest that all update mxml to the latest version: (without waiting for the new midas release)

  535   27 Nov 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoFixed mlogger crash, was Per-variable history implementation in the mlogger
> revision 4142+4143 are minor fixes, refactoring (switch the code to use helper
> functions) and implementation of history for structured banks

The implementation of "history for structured banks" had a bug - tags inside
structured banks were counted incorrectly, leading to memory overwrites and mlogger
crash in open_history().

This is problem is now fixed (plus added assert() checks to crash-out if overwrite of
tags[] array is detected).

svn revision 4398.
  259   25 May 2006 Stefan RittBug FixFixed compiler warnings with gcc 3.4.4
I fixed a couple of compiler warning which came up with the new gcc 3.4.4. Seems like the compiler gets more and more picky. There a still warning left in ybos.c and in mcnaf.c, which I leave to the original author Wink
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5