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    Reply  18 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, odbedit load into the wrong place 
Taht's strange. I always was under the impression that .odb files are loaded relatively to the current location in 
the ODB. The behaviour should not be different for different data formats, so I agree to change the .odb loading to 
behave like the .xml and .json save/load.

Entry  21 May 2024, Nikolay, Bug Report, experiment from midas/examples analyzer.jpg
There are 2 bugs in midas/examples/experiment:

1) In fronted bank named "PRDC" is created for scaler event. But in analyzer 
module scaler.cxx the bank named "SCLR" is searched for the same event.

2) In mana.cxx linked from analyzer.cxx is "Invalid name "/Analyzer/Tests/Always 
true/Rate [Hz]" passed to db_create_key: should not contain "["". 
Looks like ODB doesn't like '[', ']' characters.
    Reply  21 May 2024, Thomas Senger, Bug Report, Params not initialized when starting sequencer 
Hi all,
On develop, the issue seems to be still there and is not fixed.
The parameters are currently "never" correctly initialized, only as "empty". Tried several times.
    Reply  21 May 2024, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, Params not initialized when starting sequencer 
I traced the problem to a mjsonrpc_db_ls call where I read /Sequencer/Param... . It seems that this sometimes returns a status 312 (DB_NO_KEY) although I am sure all keys are there in the ODB.
I am still trying to solve this but I may need some help on the mjsonrpc.cxx code.


Thomas Senger wrote:
Hi all,
On develop, the issue seems to be still there and is not fixed.
The parameters are currently "never" correctly initialized, only as "empty". Tried several times.
    Reply  21 May 2024, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, Params not initialized when starting sequencer 
Hi Thomas,
I have a fix for the issue and I would be happy with testers if you are willing. Simply "git checkout newfeature_ZS" and give it a go. No need to recompile anything.

A change in /Sequencer/Param triggers a save of the values which is then used to produce the parameter dialog. This allows us to bypass the slow response in mjsonrpc calls just before the dialog.


Thomas Senger wrote:
Hi all,
On develop, the issue seems to be still there and is not fixed.
The parameters are currently "never" correctly initialized, only as "empty". Tried several times.
    Reply  22 May 2024, Thomas Senger, Bug Report, Params not initialized when starting sequencer 
Hi Zaher,
thanks for your help.
I just tried the bug fix, but it still seems not to work properly.
It seems that if the script is short, it will work, but if many SUBROUTINES are integrated, it does not work and the parameter are initialized empty.
Best regards,
Entry  22 Oct 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mhttpd message colouring 
I commited a fix to mhttpd logic that decides which messages should be shown in
"red" colour- before, any message with square brackets and colons would be
highlighted in red. Now only messages matching the pattern [...:...] are
highlighted. The decision logic was moved into a function message_red(). K.O.
Entry  09 Nov 2004, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Bug Fix, New transition scheme 
If cm_set_transition_sequence() is used for changing the sequence number, the 
command odbedit> start/stop/resume/pause -v report the propre sequence but the
action on the client side is actually not performed!

Local transition table updated in midas.c (1.226)

The transition number under /system/clients/<pid>/transition...
is used internally. Changing it won't have any effect on the client action
if sequence number is not registered.
Entry  25 Feb 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fixed: double free in FORMAT_MIDAS ybos.c causing lazylogger crashes 
We stumbled upon and fixed a "double free" bug in src/ybos.c causing crashes in
lazylogger writing .mid files in the FORMAT_MIDAS format (why does it use
ybos.c? Pierre says- for generic file i/o). Why this code had ever worked before
remains a mystery. K.O.
Entry  05 May 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix: minor bit rot in the example experiment 
I fixed some minor bit rot in the example experiment: a few minor Makefile
problems, make the analyzer use the current histogram creation macros, etc. I
also added startup and shutdown scripts. These will be documented as we work
through them with our Summer student. K.O.
Entry  02 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix odb corruption when running analzer for the first time 
I have been plagued by ODB corruption when I run the analyzer for the first time
after setting up the new experiment. Some time ago, I traced this to
mana.c::book_ttree() and now I found and fixed the bug, fix now commited to
midas cvs. In book_ttree(), db_find("/Analyzer/Bank switches") was returning an
error and setting hkey to zero. Then we called db_open_record() with hkey==0,
which cased ODB corruption later on. The normal db_validate_hkey() did not catch
this because it considers hkey==0 to be valid (when most likely it is not). K.O.
Entry  18 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix race condition between clients on run start/stop, pause/resume 
It turns out that the new priority sequencing of run state transitions had a
flaw: the frontends, the analyzer and the logger all registered at priority 500
and were invoked in essentially a random order. For example the frontend could
get a begin-run transition before the logger and so start sending data before
the logger opened the output file. Same for the analyzer and same for the end of
run. Also the sequencing for pause/resume run and begin/end run was different
when the two pairs ought to have identical sequencing.

I now commited changes to mana.c and mlogger.c changing their transition sequencing:

start and resume:
200 - logger (mlogger.c, no change)
300 - analyzer (mana.c, was 500)
500 - frontends (mfe.c, no change)

stop and pause:
500 - frontends (mfe.c, no change)
700 - analyzer (mana.c, was 500)
800 - mlogger (mlogger.c, was 500)

P.S. However, even after this change, the TRIUMF ISAC/Dragon experiment still
see an anomaly in the analyzer, where it receives data events after the
end-of-run transition.

    Reply  01 Sep 2005, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, fix race condition between clients on run start/stop, pause/resume 
> It turns out that the new priority sequencing of run state transitions had a
> flaw: the frontends, the analyzer and the logger all registered at priority 500
> and were invoked in essentially a random order. For example the frontend could
> get a begin-run transition before the logger and so start sending data before
> the logger opened the output file. Same for the analyzer and same for the end of
> run. Also the sequencing for pause/resume run and begin/end run was different
> when the two pairs ought to have identical sequencing.
> I now commited changes to mana.c and mlogger.c changing their transition sequencing:
> start and resume:
> 200 - logger (mlogger.c, no change)
> 300 - analyzer (mana.c, was 500)
> 500 - frontends (mfe.c, no change)
> stop and pause:
> 500 - frontends (mfe.c, no change)
> 700 - analyzer (mana.c, was 500)
> 800 - mlogger (mlogger.c, was 500)
> P.S. However, even after this change, the TRIUMF ISAC/Dragon experiment still
> see an anomaly in the analyzer, where it receives data events after the
> end-of-run transition.
> K.O.

Thanks for fixing that bug. It happend because during the implementatoin of the priority
sequencing we have up the pre/post tansition, which took care of the proper sequence
between the logger, frontend and analyzer. The way you modified the sequence is
absolutely correct. It is important to have >10 numbers "around" the frontends (like
450...550) in case one has an experiment with >10 frontends which need to make a
transition in a certain sequence (like the DANCE experiment in Los Alamos).
Entry  17 Oct 2005, Exaos Lee, Bug Fix, "make install" error under MacOS X 
Under MacOS X, "make install" will cours an error like this:
install: darwin/bin/dio: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 71

This can be fixed as the following diff:
< $(BIN_DIR)/mcnaf: $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/camac/camacrpc.c
<       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OSFLAGS) -o $@ $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/camac/camacrpc.c $(LIB) $(LIBS)
> $(BIN_DIR)/mcnaf: $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/bus/camacrpc.c
>       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OSFLAGS) -o $@ $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/bus/camacrpc.c $(LIB) $(LIBS)
<       @for i in mserver mhttpd odbedit mlogger ; \
>       @for i in mserver mhttpd odbedit mlogger dio ; \
<       chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd
< ifeq ($(OSTYPE),linux)
<       install -v -m 755 $(BIN_DIR)/dio $(SYSBIN_DIR)
< endif
>       chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd
Entry  23 Nov 2005, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Endian swapping in mana.c 
It was reported that following code in mana.c :
  /* swap event header if in wrong format */
  if (pevent->serial_number > 0x1000000) {

does not work correctly for events having a true serial number above 16777216 (=0x10000000). After some considerations, I concluded that there is no good way to determine automatically the endian format of midas events, without adding another field in the header, which would break the compatibility with all recorded data up to date. I therefore changed the above code to
  /* swap event header if in wrong format */

So if one wants to analyze events with the midas analyzer on a PC system for example where the events come from a VxWorks system with the opposite endian encoding, one has to set the flag -DSWAP_EVENTS when compiling the analyzer for that type of analysis.
Entry  07 May 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, Update & add VME drivers 
I commited fixes for a few minor compilation errors in the VME drivers
(vmicvme.c, etc)
I also added new drivers for the v513 latch and v560 scaler that I wrote for

(Maybe I should mention that we also have drivers for the SIS 3820 multiscaler,
the v895 VME discriminator and a few more modules. Will commit them as they mature).

Entry  18 May 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, removed a few "//" comments to fix compilation on VxWorks 
Our VxWorks C compiler (gcc-2.8-something) does not like the "//" comments. Luckily, on VxWorks, we 
only compile a small subset of midas, so there is no point in banning all "//" comments. But I did have to 
convert a couple of them to /* commens */ in odb.c to make it compile. Changes to odb.c commited. K.O.
Entry  18 May 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Fixed problems with reload of custom pages 
We had a problem with custom pages and reloading of them. If they contain an ODB field which is editable, one can change the ODB value through the custom page. The URL then contains a "?cmd=Set&value=x&index=x" section, which stays in the browser's address bar after the ODB value has been updated. If the value changes later by some other means in the ODB, and one presses "reload" in the browser, the above URL gets executed again and the value gets changed back which is not wanted.

The problem has been fixed such that mhttpd redirects the browser after setting a variable to the URL not containing the "Set" command from above.
Entry  25 May 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix crash in xml odb load 
There is a crash in odbedit when loading some xml odb files: a missing check for NULL pointer when 
loading an array of strings and one of the array elements is blank. This check is present when loading 
other string values. Here is the diff:

-bash-3.00$ diff odb.c odb.c-new
<                db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, mxml_get_value(child), size, i, tid);
>                if (mxml_get_value(child) == NULL)
>                   db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, "", size, i, tid);
>                else
>                   db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, mxml_get_value(child), size, i, tid);

Entry  25 May 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Fixed compiler warnings with gcc 3.4.4 
I fixed a couple of compiler warning which came up with the new gcc 3.4.4. Seems like the compiler gets more and more picky. There a still warning left in ybos.c and in mcnaf.c, which I leave to the original author Wink
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