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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  609   03 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumHow to distinguish the status and value returned from "mvme_read_value(...)"
The definition of mvme_read_value is as the following:
unsigned int EXPRT mvme_read_value(MVME_INTERFACE * vme, mvme_addr_t vme_addr);

Read single data from VME bus. Useful for register access. See example in

    	*vme 	  VME structure
    	vme_addr  source address (VME location).


Question: How to distinguish the status and value returned? Should the definition be something like
int EXPRT mvme_read_value(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, mvme_addr_t vme_addr, unsigned int *var);
  612   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumVME-related codes contribution
Hi, all

I have some codes while using MIDAS. I upload them here. They are tested with
SIS3100. I haven't other VME controllers, so I don't know whether they work with
other controllers. I just hope that they are helpful. You may find information
from the file "00README.txt" in the package My English is limited, I just hope
that you may catch my ideas. Smile

All my best.

Exaos Lee
  613   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumScripts to handle MIDAS sessions
Hi, all again

I have some scripts in "bash" and "Python" to handle MIDAS sessions. Please see the attached I didn't write instructions in detail of how to use them. But I think they are very simple. You may find how to use them by reading the codes and example files.

Best wishes.

Exaos Lee
  614   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumAbout python interface
Coding in Python is faster than in C (but running slower). So, some python interfaces are useful for testing purpose. I hope you may like the PyMVME module for VME bus testing.
  615   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumThe contents of the attachment
As requested from K.O., I paste the "00README.txt" as the following:
#-*- mode: outline -*-
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
#AUTHOR: Exaos Lee <Exaos DOT Lee AT gmail DOT com>

* Directories
  +--> 00README.txt : This file
  +--> bustester : Directory contains utilities for VME bus testing
  +--> modules   : APIs to handle VME modules
  +--> pyutil    : Uitilies in Python, including PyMVME
  +--> sis3100   : Provide lib_sis3100mvme.a/so using with "mvmestd.h"

* Utilities in Python

** PyMVME module

   The module "PyMVME" provides the following stuff:
      a. class StdVME
      	 -- contains standard VME informations.
      b. class MVME_INTERFACE
      	 -- the C structure MVME_INTERFACE wrapped in Python
      c. dict MVME_STATUS
      	 -- the return information defined in "mvmestd.h"
      d. the related useful aliases from "mvmestd.h"
      	 -- including "mvme_addr_t", "mvme_locaddr_t", "mvme_size_t"
      e. class MvmeDev
      	 -- the major class which provides methods to access VME bus.

   You may find examples of how to use module "PyMVME" from "" or
   scripts in dir "test". All of the examples are using "".
   You may find information later in this introduction.


   The script to find VME modules from CAEN. Now, it is still in test status
   and can only find ADCs, TDCs or QDCs.

* SIS3100 library to be used togather with "mvmestd.h"

  The directory "sis3100" contains sources to build libraries as the following:
  a. lib_sis3100.a     -- APIs declared in "sis3100_vme_calls.h"
  b. lib_sis3100mvme.a -- APIs declared in "mvmestd.h". It also contains the
     		       	  same APIs from lib_sis3100.a

  If you want to use shared libraries, especially when you are using utilities
  wrote in Python, you may rebuild the libraries as the following:

    $ cd sis3100
    $ make shared

* APIs to handle VME modules

** vadc_caen.h/c

   Provides APIs to handle ADC-type modules from CAEN, including:
      a. ADCs --- V785, V785N
      b. TDCs --- V775, V775N
      c. QDCs --- V792, V792N

* VME bus testers

  Still under development.

  619   21 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumLink error of "mcnaf"
The "utils/mcnaf.c" uses "camop()",
180:         printf("camop\n");
181:         camop();
But "drivers/camac/camacrpc.c" provides "cam_op()":
void cam_op()

If you compile each source into an object, you may encounter a link error as
mcnaf.c:(.text+0x3b1): undefined reference to `camop'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
The "mcstd.h" provides "camop". So, we need to change "camacrpc.c" to match the definition and fix the link error.
  621   29 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumAt last, I'm here again!
I always got a 503 server error while I tried to connect this log book the latest 
weeks. I don't know why. I hope it is not due to the network censorship because 
of the coming National Day of China. Anyway, good luck to me when I want to paste 
something here.
  622   31 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumLink error of "mcnaf"
I repeated the link error again. I also found the almost all sources located in "driver/camac/" using "cam_op()" but not "camop()". Please see the grep result below:
drivers/camac/camaclx.c:760:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/camacnul.c:200:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/camacrpc.c:563:void cam_op()
drivers/camac/cc7700pci.c:744:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/ces2117.c:227:void cam_op()
drivers/camac/ces8210.c:553:void cam_op(void)
drivers/camac/ces8210.c:576:    cam_op();
drivers/camac/ces8210.c:625:    cam_op();
drivers/camac/dsp004.c:692:void cam_op()
drivers/camac/hyt1331.c:1125:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/jorway73a.c:563:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/kcs2926.c:618:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/kcs2927.c:677:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/wecc32.c:554:INLINE void cam_op()

I also found why the default Makefile can pass away this problem. I found the "make" using the following command to compile the "mcnaf":
cc -g -O3 -Wall -Wuninitialized -Iinclude -Idrivers -I../mxml -Llinux/lib -DINCLUDE_FTPLIB   -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DHAVE_MYSQL -I/usr/include/mysql -DHAVE_ODBC -DHAVE_ZLIB -DOS_LINUX -fPIC -Wno-unused-function -o linux/bin/mcnaf utils/mcnaf.c drivers/camac/camacrpc.c linux/lib/libmidas.a -lutil -lpthread -lodbc -lz
I try to re-implement the link error again. So I wrote some test code.

1. anullf.h
#ifndef _ANULLF_H_
#define _ANULLF_H_ 1

#define EXTERNAL extern

#if defined( _MSC_VER )
#define INLINE __inline
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define INLINE __inline__
#define INLINE
/* make functions under WinNT dll exportable */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(MIDAS_DLL)
#define EXPRT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPRT

EXTERNAL INLINE void EXPRT camop() {  };


2. ma_1.c
#include "anullf.h"

void cam_op() {}

3. ma.c
#include "anullf.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)

Then, only compiling as below can pass:
$ gcc -O -o ma ma_1.c ma.c
If you remove the option "-O", compiling immediately fails in a link error. Whether you compile into objects then link them or just compile them together, you can pass with option "-O" or the similar options. It is because the compile could solve linking to a dummy function automatically with option "-O".

Anyway, we should fix this no matter changing the "mcstd.h" or codes located in "driver/camac/".
  623   31 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumWhy should we use "INLINE" here?
There are many "INLINE" definitions in "include/*.h". Both GNU C and C99 permit using inline functions. I still wonder why. Smile
  628   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportPrompt problem about odbedit
I tried to use odbedit to set the "/System/Prompt" to "%h:%e:%s %p> " and got a
problem: pressing "Return" doesn't work any more. But "[%h:%e:%s]%p> " works fine.
Please see the attachment.
  629   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionBuilding MIDAS using CMake
I write some configure file to build MIDAS using CMake. The usage is simple:
1. Unzip the attachment, copy "CMakeLists.txt" and directory "cmake" into the
midas source tree.
   $ cp -rp CMakeLists.txt cmake/  <PATH-TO-MIDAS>/
2. make a separate directory, such as "build". It's a good habit to build a
project without polluting the source tree. :-)
   $ mkdir build
3. Executing cmake
   $ cd build && cmake <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
4. Make
   $ make

Or, you can generate Xcode project files:
  $ cmake -G Xcode <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
or using visual studio
  $ cmake -G "Visual Studio" <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
(I havn't Visual Studio and windows, so the above command is not tested.)
or using other IDEs, such as KDevelop3, Eclipse, etc, just type:
  $ cmake -G "KDevelop3" <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
  $ cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4" <PATH-TO-MIDAS>

I test the configure file with GNU make and CMake 2.6.4 on Debian Lenny. I
havn't add installation commands now. Maybe later. If anyone interests in it, I
may check it again. Anyway, I'm using it.
  630   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionSome screenshot using CMake with MIDAS
I didn't add optimization flags to compile, so I got link error while generating mcnaf as I reported before.
The screen-shots show that the configure files works because I have modified the "driver/camac/camacrpc.c".
  633   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportDelete key "/A_Str" problem
Another problem while using odbedit.
I tried the batch mode of "odbedit". I created a key as "/A_Str" by mistake and 
wanted to delete it. Then "odbedit" failed to accept the "Return" key. Please see 
the screen-shot attached. :-(
  634   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionCould not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command
> Ok, I added a command
> odbedit -c "create STRING Test[8][40]"
> which works now. Please update to SVN revision 4555 of odbedit.c
> - Stefan

If I want to create only one string, should I write like this:

  odbedit -c "create STRING Test[] [256]"

OK. I need it. I will try the new odbedit.
  635   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportCompiling error of "src/history_odbc.cxx"
Version svn-r4556, I got a compiling error as below:
/opt/DAQ/bot/midas/src/history_odbc.cxx: In member function 'virtual int 
/opt/DAQ/bot/midas/src/history_odbc.cxx:589: error: cannot convert 'SQLINTEGER*' 
to 'long int*' for argument '2' to 'SQLRETURN SQLRowCount(void*, long int*)'
/opt/DAQ/bot/midas/src/history_odbc.cxx: In member function 'virtual const char* 
/opt/DAQ/bot/midas/src/history_odbc.cxx:638: error: cannot convert 'SQLINTEGER*' 
to 'long int*' for argument '6' to 'SQLRETURN SQLGetData(void*, SQLUSMALLINT, 
SQLSMALLINT, void*, long int, long int*)'
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/midas-static.dir/src/history_odbc.cxx.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/DAQ/bot/midas/build'
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/midas-static.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/DAQ/bot/midas/build'

The detail error log is attached. I used my CMake script without any optimization flags. I will try the default Makefile again.
  636   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportCompiling error of "src/history_odbc.cxx"

Exaos Lee wrote:
Version svn-r4556, I got a compiling error as below:
The detail error log is attached. I used my CMake script without any optimization flags. I will try the default Makefile again.

BUG is confirmed using the default "Makefile".
  637   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug FixMaybe a fix
Changing "SQLINTEGER" to "SQLLEN" maybe let the compiling pass. See the attached diff.

But I failed in another error. It was the problem in CMakeLists.txt. (FIXED)
  638   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionUpdated "CMakeLists.txt"
Add installation commands. Please see the attachment.
  639   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportDelete key "/A_Str" problem
> Another problem while using odbedit.
> I tried the batch mode of "odbedit". I created a key as "/A_Str" by mistake and 
> wanted to delete it. Then "odbedit" failed to accept the "Return" key. Please see 
> the screen-shot attached. :-(

This bug has been fixed in the latest repository.
I encountered it in svn-r4488.
  640   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionCould not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command
> > Ok, I added a command
> > 
> > odbedit -c "create STRING Test[8][40]"
> > 
> > which works now. Please update to SVN revision 4555 of odbedit.c
> > 
> > - Stefan
> If I want to create only one string, should I write like this:
>   odbedit -c "create STRING Test[] [256]"
> OK. I need it. I will try the new odbedit.

"create STRING test[1][256]" works.
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