28 Jan 2016, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, script command limited to 256 characters; remove limit?
Using low-level memory allocation routines in higher-level programs like mhttpd makes me nervous.
We could use vector arrays to allow variable-sized allocation, and use the data() member function to access the char* needed for functions like strlcat,
08 Sep 2016, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, control characters not sanitized by json_write - can cause JSON.parse of mhttpd result to fail
I've recently run into issues when using JSON.parse on ODB keys containing
8-bit data.
09 Sep 2016, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, AJAX jmsg "get messages since t" ability - add to docs?
I recently needed to watch the Midas messages for a particular error - and
thus needed a command to "get all the messages since a time t".
16 Feb 2018, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, respect capitalization option in db_get_values mjsonrpc method?
I'd like to use the mjsonrpc db_get_values method, but (as indicated in the
documentation) it returns all ODB keys as lowercase.
17 Feb 2018, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, respect capitalization option in db_get_values mjsonrpc method?
It appears I needed to read the documentation more closely - the method db_save
does respect key-name capitalization and solves my problem.
28 Jan 2020, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, MIDAS tested with MariaDB?
We're using the History Logger MIDAS feature and writing to mySQL tables, but
in some cases have run into issues installing mySQL on centos7 systems.
29 Sep 2020, Amy Roberts, Forum, using python client to start and stop run
I'm using a python client to start and stop runs, and the following code *appears*
to set the MIDAS state to "Run"
24 Nov 2020, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, ODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer files
I'm interested in using the matching feature for ODBSET explained on
https://midas.triumf.ca/MidasWiki/index.php/Sequencer for settings that are in an
array, like:
25 Nov 2020, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, ODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer files
The following all fail with "Cannot find ODB key "<key>""
ODBSET "/Detectors/Det*/Settings/Charge/Bias (V)[*]" 0
25 Nov 2020, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, ODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer files
I think the issue may be the version of MIDAS I'm using. Mine is current as of February 4, 2020.
But since then there have been changes to the sequencer code, specifically parts that handle indexing.
17 Dec 2020, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, Improving variable functionality in Sequencer?
We're using the sequencer to manage runs, and this typically looks something like:
1. save ODB keys to variables via ODBGET
05 Jan 2021, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, Improving variable functionality in Sequencer?
Hello, just wanted to re-ping on this question now that folks are starting to get back from
the holidays. |
14 Oct 2021, Amy Roberts, Suggestion, Adding (or improving discoverability) of TID for odbset
Creating an ODB key requires users to know the Type ID that are defined in
https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/src/develop/include/midas.h starting at line 320.
07 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver. As far as I
know there are minimal changes between this and the MIDAS branch, but Ben Smith
08 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> > We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
> > Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver. As far as I
> > know there are minimal changes between this and the MIDAS branch, but Ben Smith
08 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> > We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
> > Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver.
> >
10 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> > I've uploaded the current core dump at: https://gitlab.com/det-lab/coredumps#.
> I cannot read the core dump without the corresponding executable (and likely all it's shared libraries).
16 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> Thank you for the stack trace, I fixed the buglet that cause midas programs to crash twice,
> once on failure to lock ODB, then call exit() -> atexit() handlers -> cm_check_connect() -> crash on ODB lock
> failure is the cm_msg() codes.
28 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> Now for each timeout it will print detailed syscall and timing information, if time goes backwards, it should catch it.
It appears that time is moving forward:
06 Nov 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
After following Konstantin's debugging suggestions, I thought I would try to replicate
the issue on my own computer. My hope was that I could provide instructions for
replicating the bug so that the MIDAS team could try debugging things more easily.