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    Reply  19 Feb 2024, Pavel Murat, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
> > Hmm... is there any use case where you want to know the number of directory entries, but you will not iterate 
> > over them later?
> I agree. 

here comes the use case: 

I have a slow control frontend which monitors several DAQ components - software processes. 
The components are listed in the system configuration stored in ODB, a subkey per component.

Each component has its own driver, so the length of the driver list, defined by the number of components, 
needs to be determined at run time.

I calculate the number of components by iterating over the list of component subkeys in the system configuration, 
allocate space for the driver list, and store the pointer to the driver list in the equipment record.

The approach works, but it does require pre-calculating the number of subkeys of a given key.

-- regards, Pasha
Entry  29 Sep 2021, Richard Longland, Bug Report, nstall clash between MIDAS 2020-08 and mscb 
Thank you, Stefan.

I found these instructions under
1) The changelog:
2) Konstantin's elog announcements (e.g.

I do see reference to updating the submodules under the TRIUMF install 
all_MIDAS) although perhaps it can be clarified.

    Reply  29 Sep 2021, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, nstall clash between MIDAS 2020-08 and mscb 
> Thank you, Stefan.
> I found these instructions under
> 1) The changelog:
> 2) Konstantin's elog announcements (e.g.
> I do see reference to updating the submodules under the TRIUMF install 
> instructions 
> (
> all_MIDAS) although perhaps it can be clarified.
> Cheers,
> Richard

Hi Richard,

I updated the documentation at

by putting the submodule update command everywhere.

    Reply  03 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 8, writer and reader communications 
> > > > > > In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code

Event buffer readers and writers need to communicate following information:

- writer to reader: when new events are written to the buffer, send a message to wakeup any readers that have matching requests
- reader to writer: when buffer is full and we are waiting for free space, readers need to send us a message after they free up some space

Writer to reader path:
writer - bm_send_event() -> bm_wake_up_client_locked() -> for all readers with matching requests -> if "read_wait" is set, send "B" message
reader - ... -> bm_read_buffer() -> bm_wait_for_more_events() -> set "read_wait" to TRUE -> ss_suspend(1000, MSG_BM) - wait for "B" message, also poll the 
buffer every 1000 msec -> when new event is received, clear "read_wait".

Reader to writer path:
writer - bm_send_event() -> bm_wait_for_free_space() -> set "write_wait" to the amount of free space requested -> ss_suspend(1000, MSG_BM) - wait for "B" 
message, also poll every 1000 msec -> clear "write_wait" to zero.
reader - ... -> bm_read_buffer() -> (also via bm_fill_read_cache() -> bm_wakeup_producers_locked() -> if we are a GET_ALL reader -> if buffer is 50% empty -> 
if write_wait < free_space -> send "B" message.

N.B.1. There is a fly in the ointment for the writer-to-reader path: a function called
bm_mark_read_waiting() is called from several places to set and clear the reader "read_wait" flag.
I think this causes several logic errors: "read_wait" is mistakenly set for buffers where we have
not requested anything; and "read_wait" is forcibly cleared when we are actually waiting
for a "B" message, with "read_wait" cleared, this message will not be sent. But because we  also
poll for new events (nominally every 1000 msec, with cm_watchdog() cutting it down to average 500 msec),
we will not see this fault unless we look carefully for any extra delays between sending and receiving events.

N.B.2. There is a mistake in bm_wakeup_producers(), it should not send "B" messages to clients with zero "write_wait". (fixed in the new code).

and that's all she wrote,
    Reply  10 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 8, writer and reader communications 
> > > > > > > In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> Event buffer readers and writers need to communicate following information:
> N.B.1. There is a fly in the ointment for the writer-to-reader path: a function called
> bm_mark_read_waiting() is called from several places to set and clear the reader "read_wait" flag.
> I think this causes several logic errors...

bm_mark_read_waiting() is removed in the new code, it is unnecessary. This uncovered a number of problems
in the writer-to-reader communications, fixed in the new code:

- bm_poll_event() did not poll anything because internal flags were not set right
- reader "read_wait" now means "I am waiting for new data, please send me a notification "B" message".
- writer sends a notification "B" message and clears "read_wait" to stop sending more notifications until the reader asks for more data.
- for remote clients, there is interplay between the 500 ms sec blank-off in sending BM_MSG notifications from the mserver and the 1000 ms timeout in the loop of bm_poll_event(). Do not 
change one of them without thinking how it will affect the other one and how they interact.

    Reply  03 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 7, event buffer polling frequencies 
> > > > > In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> > > > > we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.
> > > > > bm_send_event() does this ...
> > > > rpc_send_event() does this ...
> > > > mserver rpc_server_receive() does this ...
> > bm_read_buffer() does this ...
> > bm_dispatch_event() does this ...
> > - bm_push_event(buffer name) ...
> > - bm_check_buffers() - call bm_push_event() for all open buffers ...
> > - bm_receive_event() ...
> > - bm_receive_event_alloc() ...
> remote client: cm_yield() -> bm_poll_event() -> bm_receive_event() -> bm_dispatch_event()
> remote client: ss_suspend() -> receive MSG_BM -> rpc_client_dispatch() -> bm_poll_event() -> ...
> mserver: cm_dispatch_ipc -> bm_notify_client() -> send MSG_BM

We now understand that cm_yield() polls the data buffers for new events, adding to buffer lock congestion. What is the
polling frequency in different programs:

mlogger, no run: 1000 ms cm_yield() split by firing of cm_watchdog() (average sleep time is 500ms), poll frequency 2 Hz
mlogger, when running at high data rate: most time is spent looping inside bm_check_buffers(), poll frequency is ~1 Hz
mdump: same thing, 1000 ms cm_yield() is split by cm_watchdog(), poll frequency is 2 Hz
odbedit: 100 ms cm_yield(), poll frequency is 10 Hz, normally it polls just the SYSMSG buffer.
mfe.c frontend: 100 ms cm_yield(), but it makes no event requests, so no polling of event buffers
mhttpd: 0 ms (!!!) cm_yield(), period 10 ms (there is a 10 ms ss_suspend() somewhere there), polls SYSMSG at crazy frequency of 100 Hz.
mserver: 5000 ms cm_yield() no polling for events

hmm... perhaps the logic of cm_yield() should be changed to only poll for new events once per second -
as for rare events we receive them through the "B" messages from the buffer writer, for high rate
messages we process them in a batch via the read cache and the loop in bm_check_buffer().

Next is to write down the communication between buffer writers and buffer readers.

to be continued,
    Reply  02 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 6, reading events through the mserver 
> > > > In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> > > > we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.
> > > > bm_send_event() does this ...
> > > rpc_send_event() does this ...
> > > mserver rpc_server_receive() does this ...
> bm_read_buffer() does this ...
> bm_dispatch_event() does this ...
> - bm_push_event(buffer name) ...
> - bm_check_buffers() - call bm_push_event() for all open buffers ...
> - bm_receive_event() ...
> - bm_receive_event_alloc() ...

There is only one path for midas programs (analyzers, mdumps, etc) connected remotely
through the mserver to receive event data - by using bm_receive_event(). Unlike the mfe
frontend where two paths are possible for sending data - bm_send_event() and rpc_send_event() -
there is no "rpc_recieve_event" alternate data path for receiving data.
Event data can only travel through the RPC_BM_RECEIVE_EVENT RPC call.

So how do the event request callbacks work in a remote-connected client?

a) cm_yield() always calls bm_poll_event() which loops over all requests, calls bm_receive_event() and bm_dispatch_event().
b) ss_suspend() calls rpc_client_dispatch() to receive an MSG_BM message from the mserver and call bm_poll_event(), then as above.

So new events can show up at the user event handler each time we call cm_yield() (poll bm_receive_event()) and
each time we call ss_suspend() (check for MSG_BM message from mserver).

This is how does the mserver generates the MSG_BM messages:
- cm_dispatch_ipc receives a "B" message (from the writer to the event buffer)
- calls bm_notify_client(buffer name) (instead of calling bm_push_event() for a normal direct-attached client)
- bm_notify_client() sends the MSG_BM message to the remote client, unless:
-- the remote client did not specify and event handler callbacks (pbuf->callback is false) (they poll for data)
-- previous MSG_BM message was sent less than 500 ms ago.

The best I understand, at the end, this scheme works like this:

- low frequency events (< 1/sec) will always generate an MSG_BM message and cause
the remote client to receive and dispatch this event almost immediately (as soon as they
do the next cm_yield() or ss_suspend().

- high frequency events (> 2/sec) will have the MSG_BM messages throttled by the 500 ms blank-off
in bm_notify_client() and will be processed almost exclusively by polling via cm_yield().

Additional gotchas.

a) polling for events via bm_receive_event() without BM_NO_WAIT will cause serious problems. Because
internally, bm_receive_event() does not have a timeout, it will wait for new data forever, stalling
the RPC_BM_RECEIVE_EVENT request. Normally, rpc_call(RPC_BM_RECEIVE_EVENT) will timeout,
but the bm_receive_event() function disables this timeout, so for the remotely connected client,
the rpc call will hang forever. This creates two problems:
a1) if this is a multithreaded client and from another thread, it tries to do another RPC call (i.e. access odb, etc), there will be a crash on waiting for the RPC mutex (timeout is 10 sec, see 
rpc_call(), in this case, rpc_timeout is zero)
a2) if a run stop is attempted, the RPC call from cm_transition() will timeout and cause this client to be killed. This is because while waiting for an RPC reply, we do not listen for and process 
incoming RPC requests. (waiting is done inside ss_socket_wait() through recv_tcp2() and ss_recv_net_command()).
aa) because of this, clients connected remotely should always call bm_receive_event() with BM_NO_WAIT.

All of the above applies only to clients connected remotely via the mserver.

to be continued,
    Reply  02 Jan 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 5, bm_read_buffer() 
> > > In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> > > we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.
> > > bm_send_event() does this ...
> > rpc_send_event() does this ...
> > mserver rpc_server_receive() does this ...
> There are two ways to read data from an event buffer.
> The first way is to specify an event request without an event handler callback function and use bm_receive_event() to poll for new events.
> The second way is to specify an even handler callback function and rely on midas internal event notifications
> and polling to receive events via the callback function. The mlogger and mdump utilities use this method.

The two ways of reading events from the event buffer are/were implemented by bm_receive_event() and bm_push_event(). The code
in these two functions is/was identical (the best I can tell) except that the first one copied the event data into a user buffer,
while the second one invoked the user event request callback function via bm_dispatch_event().

In the new code, I have consolidated both functions into one, called bm_read_buffer().

bm_read_buffer() does this:
- if read cache is enabled:
- read events from read cache
- if read cache is empty, fill it from the event buffer shared memory via bm_fill_read_cache()
- if the next event in the event buffer shared memory does not fit into the read cache, filling of the read cache stops
- then events are read from the read cache until it is empty, then we fall through to:
- if the read cache is disabled or next event in the event buffer does not fit into the read cache,
- read the next event directly from the event buffer (at this point, the read cache is empty).

Through out this activity, all events from the event buffer shared memory that do not match any
event request are skipped. Only events that match an event request are copied into the read cache.

bm_dispatch_event() does this:
- calls some code for event defragmentation (I do not know if this code is used or if it works)
- loop over all event requests, for matching request, call the user event handler function (buffer handle, request id, event header, event data)
- if multiple requests match an event, the user event handler will be called multiple times (once per matching request).

Following functions are now available to the users to read the event buffer:
- bm_push_event(buffer name) - dispatch next event from the read cache or poll the event buffer for new events, fill the read cache and dispatch the next event (via 
- bm_check_buffers() - call bm_push_event() for all open buffers in a loop for about 1000 ms.
- bm_receive_event() - read the next event into the supplied buffer (buffer should be big enough to fit event of maximum size, see ODB /Experiment/MAX_EVENT_SIZE.
- bm_receive_event_alloc() - read the next event into an automatically allocated buffer of correct size to fit the event. this buffer should be free()ed after use.

This is it for the code internals that deal directly with the event data buffers shared memory.

Next to explore is the reading of events through the mserver, the polling of buffers in various programs and the communication between buffer readers and writers.

to be continued,
    Reply  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 4, reading from event buffer 
> > In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> > we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.
> > bm_send_event() does this ...
> rpc_send_event() does this ...
> mserver rpc_server_receive() does this ...

There are two ways to read data from an event buffer.

The first way is to specify an event request without an event handler callback function and use bm_receive_event() to poll for new events.

The second way is to specify an even handler callback function and rely on midas internal event notifications
and polling to receive events via the callback function. The mlogger and mdump utilities use this method.

The third part to this involves delivering event notifications to remote midas clients connected via the mserver.
They cannot receive event buffer notifications - the UDP datagrams are sent on the localhost interface
and are received by the mserver which has to forward them to the remote client.

In addition, there is an event buffer read cache, which works similar to the write cache to reduce the number
of buffer lock operations and so reduce the locking overhead and the lock contention.

to be continued,
    Reply  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 3, rpc_send_event() 
> In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.
> bm_send_event() does this ...

When connecting to midas remotely via the mserver, bm_send_event() works as expected through

MIDAS RPC does a lot of work encoding and decoding the data, so for extra efficiency,
mfe-based frontends, use rpc_send_event().

rpc_send_event() does this:
- if we are connected locally, call bm_send_event()
- if rpc_mode==0, an RPC_BM_SEND_EVENT request is constructed "by hand" and sent to the mserver, result is same as calling 
bm_send_event() but overhead is reduced because we avoid calling the generic rpc_call().
- if rpc_mode!=0, event data is sent to the mserver by writing it into the event tcp connection (_server_connection.event_sock).
- there is a small (8kbyte) cache for batching tcp writes, probably not useful for modern tcp implementation, but it makes 
rpc_send_event() non thread-safe.

rpc_send_event() is NOT thread safe.

mserver receives event data in rpc_server_receive():
- read the data from the event tcp connection (_server_acception[idx].event_sock) via recv_event_server()
- decode the buffer handle and call bm_send_event(BM_WAIT)
- this is done in a loop for a maximum of 500 msec or until there is no more data in the event tcp connection
- maximum event size that can be received is set by ODB /Experiment/MAX_EVENT_SIZE.

This data path is the most efficient way for sending data from a remote client into midas.

- rpc_send_event() is not thread safe because
a) it uses a small and probably unnecessary data cache and
b) the communication protocol requires 2 syscalls to send an event (1st syscall to send 2 bytes of buffer handle, 2nd syscall to send the 
event data).
- rpc_server_receive() cannot receive arbitrary large events because recv_event_server() does not know how to allocate memory (it does 
know the event size).
to be continued,
    Reply  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 2, bm_send_event() 
> In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code
> we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.

The data ingress part of the event buffer code is very simple, events are sent to the event buffer via the one 
function bm_send_event(). There is no other way to inject data into an event buffer.

bm_send_event() does this:
= if the write cache is active:
- the new event is written into the local write cache
- if the write cache is full, it is flushed into the event buffer via bm_flush_cache()
- if the new event does not fit into the write cache, the write cache is flushed and the event is written into the 
event buffer (preserving the event ordering).
= if the write cache is inactive, new events are written directly into the event buffer.
= to write an event into the event buffer:
- wait for free space via bm_wait_for_free_space()
- lock buffer semaphore
- copy data into buffer shared memory
- update write pointer
- unlock buffer semaphore
- notify all readers waiting for this event

bm_flush_cache() does this:
- wait for free space via bm_wait_for_free_space()
- lock buffer semaphore
- copy events from write cache to buffer shared memory
- at the same time keep track of readers that wait for these events
- update write pointer
- unlock buffer semaphore
- notify all readers waiting for previous cached events

bm_wait_for_free_space() does this:
= if buffer is full and sync_flag==BM_NO_WAIT
- return BM_ASYNC_RETURN immediately
- causing bm_send_event() to immediately return BM_ASYNC_RETURN without writing anything to the event 
= if buffer is full,
- sleep using ss_suspend(1000, MSG_BM), then check again
- there is no timeout, bm_wait_for_free_space() will wait forever

The most expensive operation when writing to the event buffer is the locking,
we must wait until all readers finish their reading and all other writers finish their writing
and unlock the buffer for us. (read on "lock fairness and starvation"). In general, the less
locking we do, the better.

To reduce lock contention the event buffer code has a write cache. In theory, when we write
a large number of small events, it is more efficient to "batch" them together, significantly
reducing the number of locking operations "per event". Even if the events are large, if there
is significant lock contention from multiple writers and multiple readers, batching the writes
is still a good idea. The downside of this is the cost of an extra memcpy(). instead of one memcpy() from
user buffer to the shared memory, we do 2 memcpy() - from user buffer to write cache, then from
write cache to the shared memory. Today's typical PC-type machines have very fast RAM,
so memcpy() is inexpensive. However embedded and low power machines (ARM SoCs, FPGA based SoCs,
etc) tend to have pretty slow memory, so extra memcpy() can be expensive.

The bottom line is that the write cache size should be tuned to the actual use case,
but in general it is less useful at low data rates (hardly any contention for the event buffer locks),
and more useful at high data rates especially with very small event sizes (high overhead from
locking on each event).

Right now the write cache is always enabled for mfe-based frontends:
bm_set_cache_size(..., 0, SERVER_CACHE_SIZE); // 100000 bytes
(perhaps the cache size should be made configurable via ODB /Eq/xxx/Common).

To ensure that events do not sit in the write cache for too long,
mfe-based frontends call bm_flush_cache() about once per second.
(see mfe.c, good luck!)

to be continued,
Entry  28 Dec 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on the midas event buffer code, part 1 
In this technical note, I write down the workings of the midas event buffer code, the path 
that events travel from the frontend to the SYSTEM buffer to mlogger (and to disk).

The event buffer code has worked well in the past, but more recently we see a few 
problems. There is the event buffer shared memory corruption problem in the alpha-g 
detector daq. There is difficulties with GET_RECENT. There is timeouts in bm_receive_event 
RPC path in ROME. There is the 2Gbyte size limit on the event buffer size (limiting 
maximum event size to about 1Gbyte), due to the 32-bit-ness of the event buffer size code. 
In the day of 10gige networkwing (1Gbyte/sec) and >1Gbyte/sec storage arrays, 2Gbyte 
buffer size is just about sufficient. There is lack of multithread safety in the event buffer 
code. There is the lack of bm_receive_event() where I do not have to guess the maximum 
event size (making event truncation impossible).

I have been looking at the event buffer code for many years. It is extremely very well 
but it is also probably the oldest code inside midas and it's age shows. Good code from 
1998 is just very hard to read and follow 20 years later in 2018. We no longer do "goto", we 
are not afraid of using malloc(), we declare variables as we are about to use them (instead 
of at the beginning of a function). The list goes on and on.

So after looking at this code for many years, I finally decided to bite the bullet and 
rewrite/modernize it. To my surprise the code took very well to this. I only had to rewrite 
the parts that use difficult to follow "goto" logic, the rest of the code almost refactored 
itself. I think this is a very good thing to happen as the basic logic remains the same and 
people already familiar with old code (Stefan, myself, etc) will find that while things moved 
around, the basic logic remained the same.

But first, we need to understand and write down how the event buffer code works.

to be continued,
    Reply  24 Aug 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on midas history 
> *
    Reply  01 Sep 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, note on midas history 
Entry  05 Apr 2017, Andreas Suter, Suggestion, nicer header?! 
We use the customHeader to display some useful information. Currently I do not
like its style. What about to make it more alike the footer?

I just changed in resources/mhttpd.css

diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.css b/resources/mhttpd.css
index fb0070d..f3264c8 100644
--- a/resources/mhttpd.css
+++ b/resources/mhttpd.css
@@ -280,6 +280,15 @@ table.headerTable td{
        border: none;
+       background-color: #6F6F6F;
+       text-align: center;
+       padding:1em;
+       color:#EEEEEE;
+       border-bottom:1px solid #000000;
+       height:3em;
        background-color: #808080;
        text-align: center;


diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.js b/resources/mhttpd.js
index de8bc6c..972c261 100644
--- a/resources/mhttpd.js
+++ b/resources/mhttpd.js
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function mhttpd_goto_page(page) {
 function mhttpd_navigation_bar(current_page, path)
-   document.write("<div id=\"customHeader\">\n");
+   document.write("<div class=\"headerDiv\" id=\"customHeader\">\n");
    document.write("<div class=\"mnavcss\">\n");

What do you think?
    Reply  05 Apr 2017, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, nicer header?! 
In my opinion this makes sense. If KO agrees, you should commit your change.


> We use the customHeader to display some useful information. Currently I do not
> like its style. What about to make it more alike the footer?
> I just changed in resources/mhttpd.css
> diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.css b/resources/mhttpd.css
> index fb0070d..f3264c8 100644
> --- a/resources/mhttpd.css
> +++ b/resources/mhttpd.css
> @@ -280,6 +280,15 @@ table.headerTable td{
>         border: none;
>  }
> +div.headerDiv{
> +       background-color: #6F6F6F;
> +       text-align: center;
> +       padding:1em;
> +       color:#EEEEEE;
> +       border-bottom:1px solid #000000;
> +       height:3em;
> +}
> +
>  div.footerDiv{
>         background-color: #808080;
>         text-align: center;
> and
> diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.js b/resources/mhttpd.js
> index de8bc6c..972c261 100644
> --- a/resources/mhttpd.js
> +++ b/resources/mhttpd.js
> @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function mhttpd_goto_page(page) {
>  function mhttpd_navigation_bar(current_page, path)
>  {
> -   document.write("<div id=\"customHeader\">\n");
> +   document.write("<div class=\"headerDiv\" id=\"customHeader\">\n");
>     document.write("</div>\n");
>     document.write("<div class=\"mnavcss\">\n");
> What do you think?
    Reply  15 Apr 2017, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, nicer header?! 
> In my opinion this makes sense. If KO agrees, you should commit your change.

Please go ahead (sorry for slow reply). I have no idea what this change does. A screenshot of "before" 
and "after" would be nice. The reason I ask is:

note that I am getting rid of the css hell in mhttpd.css. all the new pages will be using the simplified css 
rules in midas.css.

the main change is: the new css rules only change the appearance of html elements that request the 
"midas look" and one can still use the normal html formatting if desired. The old css changed all (and I 
do mean *all*) html elements, making it impossible to write custom web pages using common examples 
from the web - the insane formatting from mhttpd.css was applied to everything indiscriminantly, i.e. h1, 
h2, h3 all look the same.


> Stefan
> > We use the customHeader to display some useful information. Currently I do not
> > like its style. What about to make it more alike the footer?
> > 
> > I just changed in resources/mhttpd.css
> > 
> > diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.css b/resources/mhttpd.css
> > index fb0070d..f3264c8 100644
> > --- a/resources/mhttpd.css
> > +++ b/resources/mhttpd.css
> > @@ -280,6 +280,15 @@ table.headerTable td{
> >         border: none;
> >  }
> >  
> > +div.headerDiv{
> > +       background-color: #6F6F6F;
> > +       text-align: center;
> > +       padding:1em;
> > +       color:#EEEEEE;
> > +       border-bottom:1px solid #000000;
> > +       height:3em;
> > +}
> > +
> >  div.footerDiv{
> >         background-color: #808080;
> >         text-align: center;
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > diff --git a/resources/mhttpd.js b/resources/mhttpd.js
> > index de8bc6c..972c261 100644
> > --- a/resources/mhttpd.js
> > +++ b/resources/mhttpd.js
> > @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function mhttpd_goto_page(page) {
> >  
> >  function mhttpd_navigation_bar(current_page, path)
> >  {
> > -   document.write("<div id=\"customHeader\">\n");
> > +   document.write("<div class=\"headerDiv\" id=\"customHeader\">\n");
> >     document.write("</div>\n");
> >  
> >     document.write("<div class=\"mnavcss\">\n");
> > 
> > What do you think?
Entry  13 Oct 2016, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, new odbinit utility 
odbinit is a new utility program to initialize new ODB and to recover from corrupted ODB.

Right now, midas odb has some strange properties different from typical behavior of other 
database packages:

a) a new odb of default size is automatically create run running *any* midas program (surprise: now 
way to specify the size of odb).
b) the size of ODB is not saved anywhere. If your experiment requires an ODB of big size, one 
always forgets to use "odbedit -s" when recovering from odb corruption, leading to massive 
confusion: nothing works, odb is corrupted? (maybe not), recreate odb (of default size instead of 
large size), reload odb, (reload fails, odb is too small), now really for sure nothing works. Been 
there, done that myself 100 times. Tired.
c) there is no midas tool to automatically recover from odb corruption (or any generic ODB 
malfunction, such as stuck ODB semaphore): shared memory has to be deleted, old .ODB.SHM 
has to be deleted, old semaphore has to be deleted. Some of these steps are different on Linux 
and MacOS (hello Apple, where is MacOS "ls -l /dev/shm"?!?).

The new odbinit tool corrects these problems:

1) ODB size is saved to .ODB_SIZE.TXT, then is used to recreate ODB after corruption recovery
2) "odbinit -s different_size_from_saved_size" will ask "are you sure?". No way to unintentionally 
change size of ODB.
3) if you already have an ODB, it will insist that you say "odbinit --cleanup"
4) there is a "-n" mode, to report what will be done, but "do nothing"
5) "odbinit --cleanup" tries very hard to recover from any and all possible ODB problems.
6) old .ODB.SHM is never deleted, always renamed to .ODB.SHM.timestamp
7) if "odbinit" gets to "Done!", you have a working ODB, 100% guaranteed, for sure.
8) output of "odbinit" is very verbose for pasting into this forum here to make it possible to debug 
your problem. (in the unlikely case odbinit fails).

Next step will be to remove the automatic creation of ODB (and event buffers) and require running 
"odbinit" to create a new experiment. ("odbedit -s nnn" will be removed).

But not today, as all that requires changes to the midas internal APIs: ss_shm_open() needs to 
return the size of connected shared memory, there needs to be ss_shm_create() and 
db_create_database(), etc.

This will make ODB to work more like a normal database: with a tool to create a new database and 
a tool to recover from corruption/malfunction.

Entry  23 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, new mvmestd api 
For some time now, we have been thinking of updating the programming interface
for the VME bus interface drivers- mvmestd.h.

Until recently, we only had one type of vme interface- the PowerPC and
Universe-II based Motorolla MVME230x single board computers running VxWorks, and
that is the only VME interface supported by the present mvmestd.h & co in the
midas cvs.

Now we also have the Intel-PC and Universe-II based VMIC-VME single board
computers running Linux (RHL9 and RHEL4). They come with their own VME drivers
and interface library (from VMIC), and we (Pierre and myself) wrote a simplified
MIDAS-style library for using it with our ADC and TDC drivers.

After working with the VMIC-VME based systems this Summer, I am about to commit
our VME ADC and TDC drivers to MIDAS CVS. Since they use our VMIC-VME library, I
was inspired to integrate our library with the existing MIDAS VME API.

Both VME interfaces we use, MVME230x and VMIC-VME, use the same Universe-II
PCI-to-VME bridge. This brodge (+ OS drivers) provides memory mapped access to
VME directly from user memory space. Other VME interfaces require more
complicated interfacing and I tried to accomodate them in my design.

Note that this design is incomplete, it only has the VME features that we
currently use. I expect that the missing features (interrupts, DMA) will be
added to the "MIDAS VME API" as we start using them. Alternatively, they may be
implemented as interface-dependant "extensions".

So here goes:

void* mvme_getHandleA16(int crate,mvme_addr_t vmeA16addr,int numbytes,int vmeamod);
void* mvme_getHandleA24(int crate,mvme_addr_t vmeA24addr,int numbytes,int vmeamod);
void* mvme_getHandleA32(int crate,mvme_addr_t vmeA32addr,int numbytes,int vmeamod);

void mvme_writeD8(void* handle,int offset,int data);
void mvme_writeD16(void* handle,int offset,int data);
void mvme_writeD32(void* handle,int offset,int data);

int  mvme_readD8(void* handle,int offset);
int  mvme_readD16(void* handle,int offset);
int  mvme_readD32(void* handle,int offset);

The "getHandle" methods return a handle for accessing the required VME address
space. For Universe-II based drivers with direct memory mapping, the handle is a
pointer to the vme-mapped memory and can be directly dereferenced (after casting
from void*). For other drivers, it may be a pointer to an internal data
structure or whatever.

The "readDnn" and "writeDnn" methods implement the single-word vme transfers. It
is intended that directly mapped interfaces (Universe-II) can implement them as
"extern inline" (RTFM C docs) for maximum efficiency.

I am still struggling with a specification for vme block transfers. How does one
specify chained transfers? (mimic "man readv" using "struct iovec"?) How to
specify when the transfers stop (on word count, on BERR, etc). How to specify
FIFO modes (where the vme address is not incremented, all data is read from the
same address. The Universe-II bridge does not have this mode, others do). How to
decode whether to use DMA or not? (The VMIC-VME DMA driver has high startup
overhead, short transfers are faster using PIO more).

Anyhow, I do not need those advanced features immediately, so I omit them.

An implementation of this new interface will be commited to
midas/drivers/bus/vmicvme.{c,h} (and eventually I will modify vxVME.c to
conform). Drivers for sundry CAEN VME modules that use the new interface will be
commited to midas/drivers/divers (where I see drivers for other VME stuff).

Feedback is most welcome. I will try to get the stuff commited within the next
few days, plus a few days to shake down any bugs introduced during midasification.

    Reply  01 Sep 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, new mvmestd api 
Good that you brought up the MIDAS VME API again, since this is still not complete, but
has to be completed soon.

Let me summarize the goals:

- have a single set of functions which can be used with all VME CPUs/Interfaces at our
institutes. Using this technique, one can change the interface or CPU and still keep
the same frontend source code. This was already successfully done with the MIDAS CAMAC
standard (as defined in mcstd.h)

- base any ADC/TDC driver we write on that API, so these modules can be used with any
CPU/Interface without changing the driver

- have a simple and easy to understand set of functions

- "cover" any specialities from the drivers, like memory mapping. 

Especially this point is very delicate. If one explicitely uses memory mapping in the
API, one cannot use interfaces which do not support this (like the Struck SIS3100). So
one should only use explicity vme_read/vme_write functions. Now people might argue that
going for each single access through a function is an overhead as compared to a memory
mapped operation. This might be true (even with inline functions of modern C
compilers), but it should be small on fast computers. Typically a single VME operation
take ~1us, while a function call takes much less.

Regarding the API implementation, I see now three "philosophies":

1) Handle oriented. One obtains a handle for each VME crate for each addressing mode,
then uses this handle for subsequent operation. This is the way the proposal from K.O.
is written.

2) Parameter oriented. There is no handle visible to the user code. All parameters are
passed in each call, like

mvme_read(crate, address_mode, vme_amod, source_addr, destination_addr, num_bytes);

3) ioctl() based. Same as 2), but the parameters like the address mode only get changed
via ioctl() when needed, like

vme_ioctl(request, parameter)   such as
   vme_ioctl(SET_CRATE, 1);
   vme_ioctl(MVME_AMOD, A24);
   mvme_read(source_addr, destination_addr, num_bytes);

This is how the current mvmestd.h is defined and how the
midas\drivers\bus\sis3100\sis3100.c is implemented.

Now the question is: should we implement 1), 2) or 3) ?

I had already lots of discussions with Pierre, and he convinced me that the ioctl() way
is not very nice. The advantage is that there is only one function to change
everything, so the complete API would be only 5 functions (init, exit, read, write,
ioctl), but of course there are many parameters to the ioctl() function. 

On the other hand I do not like the option 1). If you have five crates on a single PC
(and that's what we will have in our MEG experiment), you need 5x3 handles. If you use
many nested subroutines in your event readout, you have to pass lots of handles around.
I do not like option 2) as well, beacause each VME call contains many parmeters, which
make it hard to read.

So I would propose the following: We implement something like 3), but with explicit

  mvme_set_crate()   each funciton has a _get_ partner, like mvme_get_crate()
  mvme_set_fifomode()             // speciality of the SIS3100 interface, write a
                                  // block of data to the same address

  mvme_read(vme_address, dest_addr, num_bytes);
  mvme_write(src_addr, vme_address, num_bytes);

It might look unfamiliar to have to set the address mode explicitely, but in practice
one typically has a few configuration calls in A16 mode, then the data readout in A32
mode. So omitting the address mode in the vme_read/write calls saves typing effort.

Since one does not use explicit handles, they have to stored internally in the driver.
I did this in the sis3100.c, and found that this overhead is negligible. The
implementation if of course not thread save, but does anybody use threads in the
experiment? I guess not.

Now I would like to hear anybody's comments. If we agree on this method, we have to
define a complete set of functions mvme_set_xxx. If we get a new interface in the
future which has new functionality (like 2eVME block transfers), we have to change the
API each time (while with the ioctl() we only would have to add one parameter). Or
maybe we can make a more generic mvme_set_vme_mode(mode), where mode could be fifomode,
2eVME mode, chained block transfer mode and so on.

Now there might be experiments which require the last bit of performance at the
frontend. They can decide to use the MIDAS API with some performance overhead, or they
can call directly the native driver API, but then be locked to the API. So everybody
has to decide himself.

I meet with Pierre end of September, and would like to finalize the API at that time.
So please give it a thought and let me know.

Best regards,

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5