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IDdown Date Author Topic Subject
  2516   16 May 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportexcessive logging of http requests
Our default configuration of apache httpd logs every request. MIDAS custom web pages can easily make a huge number of RPC calls creating a 
huge log file and filling system disk to 100% capacity

this example has around 100 RPC requests per second. reasonable/unreasonable? available hardware can handle it (web browser, network 
httpd, mhttpd, etc), so we should try to get this to work. perhaps filter the apache httpd logs to exclude mjsonrpc requests? of course we 
can ask the affected experiment why they make so many RPC calls, is there a bug?

[14/May/2023:03:49:01 -0700] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "POST /?mjsonrpc HTTP/1.1" 299
[14/May/2023:03:49:01 -0700] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "POST /?mjsonrpc HTTP/1.1" 299
[14/May/2023:03:49:01 -0700] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "POST /?mjsonrpc HTTP/1.1" 299
[14/May/2023:03:49:01 -0700] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "POST /?mjsonrpc HTTP/1.1" 299
[14/May/2023:03:49:01 -0700] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "POST /?mjsonrpc HTTP/1.1" 299

  2515   12 May 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoNew environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
> A new environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME has been introduced [to be used together with 

This is fixes an important buglet. If experiment uses MIDAS_DIR instead of exptab, at the time 
of connecting to ODB, we do not know the experiment name and use name "Default" to create ODB 
shared memory, instead of actual experiment name.

This creates an inconsistency, if some MIDAS programs in the same experiment use MIDAS_DIR while 
others use exptab (this would be unusual, but not impossible) they would connect to two 
different ODB shared memories, former using name "Default", latter using actual experiment name.

As an indication that something is not right, when stopping MIDAS programs, there is an error 
message about failure to delete shared ODB shared memory (because it was created using name 
"Default" and delete using the correct experiment name fails).

Also it can cause co-mingling between two different experiments, depending on the type of shared 
memory used by MIDAS (see $MIDAS_DIR/.SHM_TYPE.TXT):
POSIX - (usually not used) not affected (experiment name is not used)
POSIXv2 - (usually not used) affected (shm name is "$EXP_NAME_ODB")
POSIXv3 - used on MacOS - affected (shm name is "$UID_$EXP_NAME_ODB" so "$UID_Default_ODB" will 
POSIXv4 - used on Linux - not affected (shm name includes $MIDAS_DIR which is different for 
different experiments)

  2514   12 May 2023 Stefan RittInfoNew environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
A new environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME has been introduced. This must be
used for cases where people use MIDAS_DIR, and is then equivalent for the
experiment name and directory usually used in the exptab file. This fixes
and issue with creating and deleting shared memory in midas as described in

The documentation has been updated at

  2513   11 May 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages
Ok, I implemented desktop notifications. In the MIDAS config page, you can now enable browser notifications for the different types of messages. Not sure this works perfectly, but a staring point. So please let me know if there is any issue.

  2512   10 May 2023 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages

Stefan Ritt wrote:

people using Edge/Chrome/Safari/Opera saying "it's not working on my specific browser on version x.y.z". So I'm only willing to add that feature if we are sure it's a standard things working in most environments.

[The API looks pretty standard to me. Firefox, Chrome, Opera have been supporting it for about 9 years, Safari for almost 6. I didn't find out when Edge 14 was released, but they're at version 112 now.

Since browsers don't want to annoy their users, many don't allow websites to ask for permissions without user interaction. So the workflow would be something like: The user has to press a button "please ask for permission", then the browser opens a dialog "do you want to grant this website permission to show notifications?" and only then it works. So I don't think it's an annoying popup-mess, especially since system notifications don't capture the focus and typically vanish after a few seconds. If that feature is hidden behind a button on the config page, it shouldn't lead to surprises. Especially since users can always revoke that permission.
  2510   10 May 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages

Lukas Gerritzen wrote:
It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.

There are certainly dozens of people who do "I don't like pop-up windows all the time". So this has to come with a switch in the config page to turn it off. If there is a switch "allow pop-up windows", then we have the other fraction of people using Edge/Chrome/Safari/Opera saying "it's not working on my specific browser on version x.y.z". So I'm only willing to add that feature if we are sure it's a standard things working in most environments.

  2509   10 May 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionMake sequencer more compatible with mobile devices

Lukas Gerritzen wrote:
When trying to select a run script on an iPad or other mobile device, you cannot enter subdirectories. This is caused by the following part:

We are working right now on a general file picker, which will replace also the file picker for the sequencer. So please wait until the new thing is out and then test it there.

  2508   10 May 2023 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionMake sequencer more compatible with mobile devices
When trying to select a run script on an iPad or other mobile device, you cannot enter subdirectories. This is caused by the following part:
if (script.substring(0, 1) === "[") {
   // refuse to load script if the selected a subdirectory

and the fact that the <option> elements are listening for double click events, which seem to be impossible on a mobile device.

The following modification allows browsing the directories without changing the double click behaviour on a desktop:
diff --git a/resources/load_script.html b/resources/load_script.html
index 41bfdccd..36caa57f 100644
--- a/resources/load_script.html
+++ b/resources/load_script.html
@@ -59,6 +59,28 @@

+   document.getElementById("msg_sel").onchange = function() {
+      script = this.value;
+      button = document.getElementById("load_button");
+      if (script.substring(0, 4) === "[..]") {
+         // Change button to go back
+         enable_button_by_id("load_button");
+         button.innerHTML = "Back";
+         button.onclick = up_subdir;
+      } else if (script.substring(0, 1) === "[") {
+         // Change button to load subdirectory
+         enable_button_by_id("load_button");
+         button.innerHTML = "Enter subdirectory";
+         button.onclick = load_subdir;
+      } else {
+         // Change button to load script
+         enable_button_by_id("load_button");
+         button = document.getElementById("load_button");
+         button.innerHTML = "Load script";
+         button.onclick = load_script;
+      }
+   }
 function set_if_changed(id, value)
    var e = document.getElementById(id);

This makes the code quoted above redundant, so the check can actually be omitted.
  2507   10 May 2023 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages
It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.

To get enable this myself, I hijacked the speech synthesis and I added the following to mhttpd_speak_now(text) inside mhttpd.js:
let notification = new Notification('MIDAS Message', {
    body: text,

I couldn't ask for the permission for notifications here, as Firefox threw the error "The Notification permission may only be requested from inside a short running user-generated event handler". Therefore, I added a button to config.html:
<button class="mbutton" onclick="Notification.requestPermission()">Request notification permission</button>

There might be a more elegant solution to request the permission.
  2506   10 May 2023 Stefan RittForumScrript in sequencer
> Thanks. It works perfect.
> Another question is:
> Is it possible to run .msl seqscript from bash cmd?
> Maybe it's easier then
> 1 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load filename" filename.msl'
> 2 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load new file" TRUE'
> 3 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/start script" TRUE'

That will work.

> What is the best way to have a button starting sequencer
> from  /script (or /alias )?

Have a look at

where I put the necessary information.

  2505   09 May 2023 Alexey KalininForumScrript in sequencer
Thanks. It works perfect.
Another question is:
Is it possible to run .msl seqscript from bash cmd?
Maybe it's easier then
1 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load filename" filename.msl'
2 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/load new file" TRUE'
3 odbedit -c 'set "/sequencer/start script" TRUE'

What is the best way to have a button starting sequencer
from  /script (or /alias )?


> > I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to 
> > be empty, what could be the problem?
> Indeed there was a bug in the sequencer with parameter passing to scripts. I fixed it
> and committed the changes to the develop branch.
> Stefan
  2504   08 May 2023 Stefan RittForumScrript in sequencer
> I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to 
> be empty, what could be the problem?

Indeed there was a bug in the sequencer with parameter passing to scripts. I fixed it
and committed the changes to the develop branch.

  2503   08 May 2023 Alexey KalininForumScrript in sequencer

I tried different ways to pass parameters to bash script, but there are seems to 
be empty, what could be the problem?

We have seuqencer like

ODBGET "/Runinfo/runnumber", firstrun
LOOP n,10
#changing HV
WAIT seconds,300
ODBGET "/Runinfo/runnumber", lastrun
SCRIPT /.../ ,$firstrun ,$lastrun

and like

Thanks. Alexey.
  2502   02 May 2023 Stefan RittForumProblem with running midas odbxx frontends on a remote machine using the -h option

>  Shall I create a pull request for the additional RPC argument or will you just fix this on the fly?

Just fix it in the fly yourself. It’s an obvious bug, so please commit to develop.

  2501   02 May 2023 Niklaus BergerForumProblem with running midas odbxx frontends on a remote machine using the -h option
And now we also fixed the client segfault, odb.cxx L8992 also needs to know about the header:
if (rpc_is_remote())
      return rpc_call(RPC_DB_COPY_XML, hDB, hKey, buffer, buffer_size, header);

(last argument was missing before).
  2500   02 May 2023 Niklaus BergerForumProblem with running midas odbxx frontends on a remote machine using the -h option
Thanks for all the helpful hints. When finally managing to evade all timeouts and attach the debugger in just the right moment, we find that we get a segfault in mserver at L827:
   case RPC_DB_COPY_XML:
      status = db_copy_xml(CHNDLE(0), CHNDLE(1), CSTRING(2), CPINT(3), CBOOL(4));
Some printf debugging then pointed us to the fact that the culprit is the pointer de-referencing in CBOOL(4). This in turn can be traced back to mrpc.cxx L282 ff, where the line with the arrow was missing:
  {RPC_DB_COPY_XML, "db_copy_xml",
    {{TID_INT32, RPC_IN},
     {TID_INT32, RPC_IN},
     {TID_INT32, RPC_IN | RPC_OUT},
 ->  {TID_BOOL, RPC_IN},

If we put that in, the mserver process completes peacfully and we get a segfault in the client ("Wrong key type in XML file") which we will attempt to debug next. Shall I create a pull request for the additional RPC argument or will you just fix this on the fly?
  2499   01 May 2023 Giovanni MazzitelliBug Reportpython issue with mathplot lib vs odb query
> > Looks like a localisation issue. Your floats are formatted as "6,6584e+01", whereas the JSON decoder expects "6.6584e+01".
> This should be fixed in the latest commit to the midas develop branch. The JSON specification requires a dot for the decimal separator, so we must ignore the user's locale when formatting floats/doubles for JSON.
> I've tested the fix on my machine by manually changing the locale, and also added an automated test in the python directory.

Thanks very macth Ben,
so if I understand correctly we have to update MIDAS to latest develop branch available? can you sand me the link to be sure of install the right update. 
can you also tell me how you fix manually? we are restarting and then well be difficult install and makes updete.
thank you again, regards, Giovanni
  2498   01 May 2023 Ben SmithBug Reportpython issue with mathplot lib vs odb query
> Looks like a localisation issue. Your floats are formatted as "6,6584e+01", whereas the JSON decoder expects "6.6584e+01".

This should be fixed in the latest commit to the midas develop branch. The JSON specification requires a dot for the decimal separator, so we must ignore the user's locale when formatting floats/doubles for JSON.

I've tested the fix on my machine by manually changing the locale, and also added an automated test in the python directory.
  2497   01 May 2023 Ben SmithBug Reportpython issue with mathplot lib vs odb query
Looks like a localisation issue. Your floats are formatted as "6,6584e+01", whereas the JSON decoder expects "6.6584e+01".

Can you run the following few lines please? Then I'll be able to write a test using the same setup as you:

import locale
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  2496   01 May 2023 Giovanni MazzitelliBug Reportpython issue with mathplot lib vs odb query
> > it seams that there is a difference between the to way of use the code, and that 
> > is sufficient the call to matplotlib to corrupt in some way the odb. any ideas?
> I can't reproduce this on my machines, so this is going to be fun to debug!
> Can you try running the program below please? It takes the important bits from odb_get() but prints out the string before we try to parse it as JSON. Feel free to send me the output via email ( if you don't want to post your entire ODB dump in the elog.

Thank you!
if I added the matplotlib as follow:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import os
import time
import midas
import midas.client
import ctypes
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def debug_get(client):
    c_path = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b"/")
    hKey = ctypes.c_int()
    client.lib.c_db_find_key(client.hDB, 0, c_path, ctypes.byref(hKey))

    buf = ctypes.c_char_p()
    bufsize = ctypes.c_int()
    bufend = ctypes.c_int()

    client.lib.c_db_copy_json_save(client.hDB, hKey, ctypes.byref(buf), ctypes.byref(bufsize), ctypes.byref(bufend))

    print("-" * 80)
    print("FULL DUMP")
    print("-" * 80)
    print("-" * 80)
    print("Chars 17000-18000")
    print("-" * 80)
    print("-" * 80)

    as_dict = midas.safe_to_json(buf.value, use_ordered_dict=True)


    return as_dict

def main(verbose=False):
    client = midas.client.MidasClient("middleware")
    buffer_handle = client.open_event_buffer("SYSTEM",None,1000000000)
    request_id = client.register_event_request(buffer_handle, sampling_type = 2)

    fpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))

    while True:
        # odb = client.odb_get("/")
        odb = debug_get(client)

        if verbose:
        start1 = time.time()


    client.deregister_event_request(buffer_handle, request_id)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog\t ')
    parser.add_option('-v','--verbose', dest='verbose', action="store_true", default=False, help='verbose output;');
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

then tested the code in interactive mode without any error. as soon as I submit as midas "Program" I get the attached output.
thank you again, Giovanni
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5