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IDdown Date Author Topic Subject
  2565   28 Jul 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionMaximum ODB size
> RFE filed:

Implemented and closed:

  2564   28 Jul 2023 Stefan RittInfoNew environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME
Concerning naming of shared memories I went one step further due to some requirement of a local experiment. 
The experiment needs to change the experiment name shown on the web status page depending on the exact 
configuration, but we do not want to change the whole midas experiment each time.

So I simple removed the check that the experiment name coming from the environment and used for the shared 
memory gets checked against the experiment name in the ODB. The only connection there is that the ODB name 
gets set to the environment name is it does not exist or is empty, just to have some default value. So for 
most people nothing should change. If one changes however the name in the ODB (under /Experiment/Name), 
nothing will change internally, just the web display via mhttpd changes its title.

I hope this has no bad side-effects, so please have a look if you see any issue in your experiment.

  2563   28 Jul 2023 Stefan RittForumpull request for PostgreSQL support
The compilation of midas was broken by the last modification. The reason is that 

   Pgsql *fPgsql = NULL;

was not protected by 


So I put all PGSQL code under a big #ifdef and now it compiles again. You might want to double check my modification at

  2562   25 Jul 2023 Nick HastingsBug ReportIncompatible data types with mysql odbc interface

wanted add few things:

1. I see the same problem for INT32
2. For now I've worked around these problems with
3. I'm using mariadb-connector-odbc-3.1.12-3.el9.x86_64 (System is AlmaLinux 9)


  2561   24 Jul 2023 Nick HastingsBug ReportIncompatible data types with mysql odbc interface

I have recently set up a midas-2022-05-c instance and have been trying to configure
it to use the mysql odbc interface. Tables are being created for it but
the logger is issuing errors that some of the column types are incorrect. For example
in the log I see:

14:22:12.689 2023/07/25 [Logger,ERROR] [history_odbc.cxx:1531:hs_define_event,ERROR] Error: History event 'Run transitions': Incompatible data type for tag 'State' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'state' type 'INT UNSIGNED'
14:22:12.689 2023/07/25 [Logger,ERROR] [history_odbc.cxx:1531:hs_define_event,ERROR] Error: History event 'Run transitions': Incompatible data type for tag 'Run number' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'run_number' type 'INT UNSIGNED'

Checking the table in the database I see:

MariaDB [t2kgscND280]> describe run_transitions;
| Field      | Type             | Null | Key | Default             | Extra                         |
| _t_time    | timestamp        | NO   | MUL | current_timestamp() | on update current_timestamp() |
| _i_time    | int(11)          | NO   | MUL | NULL                |                               |
| state      | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL                |                               |
| run_number | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL                |                               |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)

Please note that this is not the only history variable that has this problem. There are multiple variables
for which:

Incompatible data type for tag 'Foo Bar' type 'UINT32', SQL column 'foo_bar' type 'INT UNSIGNED'

Checking history_odbc.cxx, I see:

static const char *sql_type_mysql[] = {
   "tinyint unsigned",  // TID_UINT8
   "tinyint",           // TID_INT8
   "char",              // TID_CHAR
   "smallint unsigned", // TID_UINT16
   "smallint",          // TID_INT16
   "integer unsigned",  // TID_UINT32
   "integer",           // TID_INT32
   "tinyint",           // TID_BOOL
   "float",             // TID_FLOAT
   "double",            // TID_DOUBLE
   "tinyint unsigned",  // TID_BITFIELD
   "VARCHAR",           // TID_STRING

So it seems that unsigned int should map to UINT32.

The database is:
Server version: 10.5.16-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Please let me know if more information is needed.

Note that the choice of using the odbc interface is because we
plan to import an old database that was created using the odbc interface
with a previous version of midas (yes this is your old friend T2K/ND280).


  2560   21 Jul 2023 Gennaro TortoneForumpull request for PostgreSQL support

Hi Konstantin,

thanks a lot for your work on PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB integration...
and sorry for unrelated changes on source code !

I will return on this task at end of this year (maybe October or November) because
I'm working on different tasks... but I will keep in mind your suggestions in order
to provide good source code.


> I merged the PgSql bits by hand - the automatic tools make a dog's breakfast from the history_schema.cxx diffs. Ouch.
> history_schema.cxx merged pretty much cleanly, but I have one question about CreateSqlColumn() with sql_strict set to "true". Can you say 
> more why this is needed? Should this also be made the default for MySQL? The best I can tell the default values are only needed if we write 
> to SQL but forget to provide values that should not be NULL? But our code never does this? Or this is for reading from SQL, where NULL values 
> are replaced with the default values? I do not have time to look into this right now, I hope you can clarify it for me?
> Also notice the fDownsample is set to zero and cannot be changed. I recommend we set it through the MakeMidasHistoryPgsql() factory method.
> Please pull, merge, retest, update the pull request, check that there is no unrelated changes (changes in mlogger.cxx is a direct red flag!) 
> and we should be able to merge the rest of your stuff pronto.
> K.O.
> commit e85bb6d37c85f02fc4895cae340ba71ab36de906 (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
> Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
> Date:   Fri Jul 21 09:45:08 2023 -0700
>     merge PQSQL history in history_schema.cxx
> commit f254ebd60a23c6ee2d4870f3b6b5e8e95a8f1f09
> Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
> Date:   Fri Jul 21 09:19:07 2023 -0700
>     add PGSQL Makefile bits
> commit aa5a35ba221c6f87ae7a811236881499e3d8dcf7
> Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
> Date:   Fri Jul 21 08:51:23 2023 -0700
>     merge PGSQL support from except for history_schema.cxx
  2559   21 Jul 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiForumpull request for PostgreSQL support
> > is there any news regarding this pull request ? 
> > (
> apologies for taking a very long time to review the proposed changes.

I merged the PgSql bits by hand - the automatic tools make a dog's breakfast from the history_schema.cxx diffs. Ouch.

history_schema.cxx merged pretty much cleanly, but I have one question about CreateSqlColumn() with sql_strict set to "true". Can you say 
more why this is needed? Should this also be made the default for MySQL? The best I can tell the default values are only needed if we write 
to SQL but forget to provide values that should not be NULL? But our code never does this? Or this is for reading from SQL, where NULL values 
are replaced with the default values? I do not have time to look into this right now, I hope you can clarify it for me?

Also notice the fDownsample is set to zero and cannot be changed. I recommend we set it through the MakeMidasHistoryPgsql() factory method.

Please pull, merge, retest, update the pull request, check that there is no unrelated changes (changes in mlogger.cxx is a direct red flag!) 
and we should be able to merge the rest of your stuff pronto.


commit e85bb6d37c85f02fc4895cae340ba71ab36de906 (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
Date:   Fri Jul 21 09:45:08 2023 -0700

    merge PQSQL history in history_schema.cxx

commit f254ebd60a23c6ee2d4870f3b6b5e8e95a8f1f09
Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
Date:   Fri Jul 21 09:19:07 2023 -0700

    add PGSQL Makefile bits

commit aa5a35ba221c6f87ae7a811236881499e3d8dcf7
Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
Date:   Fri Jul 21 08:51:23 2023 -0700

    merge PGSQL support from except for history_schema.cxx
  2558   19 Jul 2023 Zaher SalmanBug Reportaccess to filesystem through mhttpd
Have you actually been able to read /etc/passwd this way? I tested this on a few of our servers and it does not work. As far as I know, there is access to files in resources, custom pages etc.

Other possible ways to access the file system is via mjsonrpc calls, but again these are restricted to certain folders.

Can you please give us more details about this.


> > (e.g.
> not again! I complained about this before, and I added a fix, but it must be broken again.
> getting a copy of /etc/passwd is reasonably benign, but getting a copy of 
> /home/$USER/.ssh/id_rsa,, knownhosts and authorized_keys is a disaster.
> (running mhttpd behind a web proxy does not solve the problem, number of attackers is 
> reduced to only the people who know the proxy password and to local users).
> K.O.
  2557   18 Jul 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportaccess to filesystem through mhttpd
> (e.g.

not again! I complained about this before, and I added a fix, but it must be broken again.

getting a copy of /etc/passwd is reasonably benign, but getting a copy of 
/home/$USER/.ssh/id_rsa,, knownhosts and authorized_keys is a disaster.

(running mhttpd behind a web proxy does not solve the problem, number of attackers is 
reduced to only the people who know the proxy password and to local users).

  2556   18 Jul 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiForumpull request for PostgreSQL support
> is there any news regarding this pull request ? 
> (

apologies for taking a very long time to review the proposed changes.

the main problem with this pull request remains, it tangles together too many changes to the code and I cannot simply 
say "this is okey", merge and commit it.

example of unrelated change is diff of mlogger.cxx, change of function in: "db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Logger/Multithread 
transitions" ... )". there is also unrelated changes to whitespace sprinkled around.

can you review your diffs again and try to remove as much unrelated and unnecessary changes as you can?

I could do this for you, and merge my version, but next time you merge base midas, you will have a collision.

unrelated change of function is introduction of something called "downsampling", what is the purpose of this? How is it 
different from requesting binned data? Is it just a kludge to reduce the data size? Before we merge it, can you post a 
description/discussion to this forum here? (as a separate topic, separate from discussion of PostgreSQL merge).

the changes to add PostgreSQL so fat look reasonable:
- CMakeLists, is always painful but if you do same a MySQL, should be okey, we always end up rejigging this several 
times before it works everywhere.
- history.h, ok, minus changes for adding the "downsample" feature
- mlogger.cxx, changes are too tangled with "downsample" feature, cannot review
- SetDownsample() API is defective, should have separate Get() and Set() functions
- history_common.cxx, please do not add downsampling code to history providers that do not/will not support it.
- history_odbc.cxx, please do not change it. it does not support downsampling and never will.
- history.cxx, ditto
- mjsonrpc.cxx, history API is changed, we must know: is new JS compatible with old mhttpd? is old JS compatible with 
new mhttpd? (mixed versions are very common in practice). if there is incompatibility, can you recoded it to be 
- history_schema.cxx: bitbucket diff is a dog's breakfast, cannot review. I will have to checkout your branch and diff 
by hand.

changes to mhistory.js appear to be extensive and some explanation is needed for what is changed, what bugs/problems 
are fixed, what new features are added.

to move forward, can you generate a pull requests that only adds pgsql to history_schema.cxx, history_common.cxx and 
mlogger.cxx and does not add any other functions, features and does not change any whistespace?


> If you agree to merge I can resolve conflicts that now 
> (after two months) are listed...
> Regards,
> Gennaro
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I have updated the PR with a new one that includes TimescaleDB support and some
> > changes to mhistory.js to support downsampling queries...
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Gennaro
> > 
> > > > some minutes ago I published a PR for PostgreSQL support I developed
> > > > at INFN-Napoli for Darkside experiment...
> > > > 
> > > > I don't know if you receive a notification about this PR and in doubt
> > > > I wrote this message...
> > > 
> > > Hi, Gennaro, thank you for the very useful contribution. I saw the previous version 
> > > of your pull request and everything looked quite good. But that pull request was 
> > > for an older version of midas and it would not have applied cleanly to the current 
> > > version. I will take a look at your updated pull request. In theory it should only 
> > > add the Postgres class and modify a few other places in history_schema.cxx and have 
> > > no changes to anything else. (if you need those changes, it should be a separate 
> > > pull request).
> > > 
> > > Also I am curious what benefits and drawbacks of Postgres vs mysql/mariadb you have 
> > > observed for storing and using midas history data.
> > > 
> > > K.O.
  2555   18 Jul 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportaccess to filesystem through mhttpd

after some networks security scans I received some warnings because mhttpd expose
server filesystem through HTTP(S)...

in details a MIDAS user can access to /etc/passwd or download other files from
filesystem using a web browser:


I know that /etc/passwd does not contain users password and mhttpd runs as an
unprivileged user but in principle this should be avoided in order to minimize 
security risks: if I authorize a user to use MIDAS interface in order to handle
acquisition tasks this should not authorize the user to access the server filesystem...
but this access should be restricted to MIDAS web pages, custom pages etc.

What do you think about this ?

  2554   11 Jul 2023 Thomas LindnerForumPossible ODB corruption! Webpages not loading!
Hi Anubhav,

I have fixed the ODB corruption problem.


Anubhav Prakash wrote:
The ODB server seems to have crashed/corrupted. I tried reloading the previous
working version of ODB(using the commands in folliwng image) but it didn't work.

I have also attached the screenshot of the site Any help to resolve this would be appreciated! Normally Prof. Thomas Lindner would solve such issues, but he is busy working at CERN till 17th of July, and we cannot afford to wait until then.

The following is the error: when I run bash /home/midptf/online/bin/

[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/ODBEdit" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/ODBEdit",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/ODBEdit"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "ODBEdit", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/mhttpd" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/mhttpd",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/mhttpd"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "mhttpd", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/Logger" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/Logger",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/Logger"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "Logger", db_get_record1() status 319

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1763:db_validate_db,ERROR] Warning: database
data area is 100% full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1283:db_validate_key,ERROR] hkey 643368, path
"/Alarms/Classes/<NULL>/Display BGColor", string value is not valid UTF-8

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot
malloc_data(256), called from db_set_link_data

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot
reallocate "/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes,
online database full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"
  2553   11 Jul 2023 Anubhav PrakashForumPossible ODB corruption! Webpages not loading!
The ODB server seems to have crashed/corrupted. I tried reloading the previous
working version of ODB(using the commands in folliwng image) but it didn't work.

I have also attached the screenshot of the site Any help to resolve this would be appreciated! Normally Prof. Thomas Lindner would solve such issues, but he is busy working at CERN till 17th of July, and we cannot afford to wait until then.

The following is the error: when I run bash /home/midptf/online/bin/

[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/ODBEdit" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/ODBEdit",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/ODBEdit"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "ODBEdit", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/mhttpd" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/mhttpd",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/mhttpd"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "mhttpd", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/Logger" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/Logger",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/Logger"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "Logger", db_get_record1() status 319

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1763:db_validate_db,ERROR] Warning: database
data area is 100% full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1283:db_validate_key,ERROR] hkey 643368, path
"/Alarms/Classes/<NULL>/Display BGColor", string value is not valid UTF-8

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot
malloc_data(256), called from db_set_link_data

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot
reallocate "/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes,
online database full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"
  2552   27 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportmserver and script execution
> btw I did some tests and I understand that this issue is related to 'deferred transition'
> on frontend. Indeed I disabled deferred transition on frontend side and now script
> execution is carried out always on MIDAS server;

Ah, that's clear now. In a deferred transition, the frontend finally stops the run (after the 
condition is given to finish). Since the client calls cm_transition(), the script gets executed on 
the client. Changing that would be a rather large rework of the code. So maybe better call a 
script which executes another script via ssh on the server.

  2551   27 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportmserver and script execution
Hi Stefan,

> Indeed that could well be (and is certainly not intended like that). I checked the code
> and found that "execute on start run" and "execute on stop run" are called inside
> cm_transition(). That means they are executed on the computer which calls cm_transition().
> If you use mhttpd and start a run through the web interface, then mhttpd runs on your
> server and "execute on start run" gets executed on your server. If you stop the run
> by your frontend running on the client machine (like if a certain number of events 
> is reached), then "execute on stop run" gets executed on your client.

ok, this is clear to me...

> An easy way around would not to use "/Equipment/Trigger/Common/Event limit" which
> gets check by your frontend and therefore on the client computer, but use 
> "/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Event limit" which gets checked by the logger and
> therefore executed on the server computer.

we never used "/Equipment/Trigger/Common/Event limit" but we always used
"/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Event limit"...

btw I did some tests and I understand that this issue is related to 'deferred transition'
on frontend. Indeed I disabled deferred transition on frontend side and now script
execution is carried out always on MIDAS server;

  2550   26 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportmserver and script execution
Indeed that could well be (and is certainly not intended like that). I checked the code
and found that "execute on start run" and "execute on stop run" are called inside
cm_transition(). That means they are executed on the computer which calls cm_transition().
If you use mhttpd and start a run through the web interface, then mhttpd runs on your
server and "execute on start run" gets executed on your server. If you stop the run
by your frontend running on the client machine (like if a certain number of events 
is reached), then "execute on stop run" gets executed on your client.

An easy way around would not to use "/Equipment/Trigger/Common/Event limit" which
gets check by your frontend and therefore on the client computer, but use 
"/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Event limit" which gets checked by the logger and
therefore executed on the server computer.

Getting a consistent behaviour (like always executing scripts on the server) would
require a major rework of the run transition framework with probably many undesired
side-effects, so lots of debugging work.

  2549   26 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transition
> so, it seems that the issue is not related to different 'instances' of same frontend but
> that *at most* one frontend on whole MIDAS server can handle deferred transitions...
> is this the case ?


- Stefan
  2548   26 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transition
> Deferred transitions were only implemented with a single instance of a program deferring the 
> transition. To have several instances, MIDAS probably needs to be extended. Certainly this 
> was never tested, so it's not a surprise that we get a segmentation fault.
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I copied deferredfe.cxx to mydeferredfe.cxx and I changed mydeferred.cxx to be a different frontend:

const char *frontend_name = "mydeferredfe";

If I start two "different" frontends:


and try to start/stop a run... the result is the same: frontend status messing up on next 'start':



Started run 332
Event ID:4 - Event#: 0
Event ID:4 - Event#: 1
Event ID:4 - Event#: 2
Event ID:4 - Event#: 3
Event ID:4 - Event#: 4
Event ID:4 - Event#: 5
Event ID:4 - Event#: 6


Started run 332
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 0
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 1
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 2
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 3
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 4
End of cycle... perform transition
Event ID:2 - Event#: 5
End of cycle... perform transition
Event ID:2 - Event#: 6


so, it seems that the issue is not related to different 'instances' of same frontend but
that *at most* one frontend on whole MIDAS server can handle deferred transitions...

is this the case ?

  2547   23 Jun 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportdeferred stop transition
> I'm in the same situation ?

  2546   23 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transition
Hi Stefan,

so if I have two different frontends (feov1725 and feodt5751) connected on the same 'mserver'
I'm in the same situation ?


> Deferred transitions were only implemented with a single instance of a program deferring the 
> transition. To have several instances, MIDAS probably needs to be extended. Certainly this 
> was never tested, so it's not a surprise that we get a segmentation fault.
> Stefan
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5