31 Mar 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, ODB dump format switched to XML
> > All the XML functionality is implemented in the new mxml.c/h library
> mxml.c/h ... I separated it's CVS tree.
31 Mar 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, ODB dump format switched to XML
> Looks like the midas mxml Makefile bits did not make it to CVS. Current Makefile
> revision 1.67 does not have them and building midas from cvs sources fails because it
> does not find mxml.h and mxml.c
02 May 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, strlcpy/strlcat moved into separate file
I had to move strlcpy & strlcat into a separate file "strlcpy.c". A header file
"strlcpy.h" was added as well. This way one can omit the old HAVE_STRLCPY which
made life hard. The windows and linux makefiles were adjusted accordingly, but
18 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas Makefile changes
Minor Makefile changes:
- add "-m32" gcc flag to force 32-bit compilation on 64-bit Linux.
- do not link ybos.o into lazylogger and mdump.
18 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, CAMAC register_cnaf_callback()
Some time ago, the "remote CAMAC" functionality in mfe.c was made conditional on
HAVE_CAMAC. This flag is not set by default so remote camac calls silently do
not work, unless midas is compiled in a special way. I am too lazy to compile
18 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, minor changes to run transition code
Minor changes to run transitions code:
- improve debug messages
- fail transition if cannot connect to one of the clients
23 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, new mvmestd api
For some time now, we have been thinking of updating the programming interface
for the VME bus interface drivers- mvmestd.h.
01 Sep 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, CAMAC register_cnaf_callback()
> Some time ago, the "remote CAMAC" functionality in mfe.c was made conditional on
> HAVE_CAMAC. This flag is not set by default so remote camac calls silently do
> not work, unless midas is compiled in a special way. I am too lazy to compile
01 Sep 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, new mvmestd api
Good that you brought up the MIDAS VME API again, since this is still not complete, but
has to be completed soon.
10 Sep 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, new mvmestd api
> Good that you brought up the MIDAS VME API again, since this is still not complete, but
> has to be completed soon.
11 Sep 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, new mvmestd api
> Right, but I can only complete the parts that I thought of and for which I already have
> code. This leaves out support for DMA (read: any block transfers) and interrupts.
19 Sep 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Added driver for the Wiener CC-USB CAMAC interface
Commited to CVS is the preliminary driver for the Wiener CC-USB CAMAC interface.
The driver implements all the mcstd.h camac access functions, except for those
not supported by hardware (8-bit operations, interrupts) and a few esoteric
03 Oct 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, Revised MVMESTD API
Dear MIDAS users and developers,
The "Midas VME Standard API" has been revised. We tried to incorporate all
07 Oct 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, MIDAS moved from CVS to Subversion
Dear Midas users,
I have moved midas from CVS to Subversion today. There were many reasons for doing so, which I don't want to explain in detail here. To use the new repository, |
10 Oct 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, Bus drivers moved in repository
The previous midas/drivers/bus dirctory contains both midas slow control bus drivers plus vme & fastbus & camac drivers. I separated them now in different
15 Oct 2005, Exaos Lee, Info, Bus drivers moved in repository
The Makefile should be modified too. Please see the diff below:
diff Makefile Makefile.modify
02 Nov 2005, I. K. arapkorir, Info, new mvmestd api
I manage to access some vme modules with the older vmicvme interface and seemed
confused with the
new interface as the sample code provided does not have a specific test sample.
02 Nov 2005, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Info, new mvmestd api
> I manage to access some vme modules with the older vmicvme interface and seemed
> confused with the
> new interface as the sample code provided does not have a specific test sample.
02 Dec 2005, Greg Hackman, Info, MIDAS on Cygwin
If you want to run MIDAS on Cygwin, make sure you have cygserver running. First set a Windows system environment variable CYGWIN=server. This is best
done through the Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables. Then run /usr/bin/cygserver-config in a Cygwin console window. Then reboot.
After that your MIDAS executables should run properly.
22 Dec 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas max event size?
My TPC events are fairly large: 18 FEC cards * 128 channels per card * 2 Kbytes
per channel = about 4 Mbytes. In my
frontend, when I request this event size, MIDAS complaints (in mfe.c) that it is