25 Jun 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Frontend and manual trigger question
> I would like to add manual trigger capability and so I added the EQ_MANUAL_TRIG
> flag to the "CAEN" equipment type but the problem is that the framework calls
> directly the readout function on "Midas manual trigger". To trigger manually the
25 Jun 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, TR_STARTABORT transition, mlogger duplicate event problem
> Are you sure? Only clients that register themselves to receive the TR_STARTABORT transition (via cm_register_transition()) will receive this transition.
> As of now, the only client that registers and receives this transition is mlogger.
03 Aug 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, How to distinguish the status and value returned from "mvme_read_value(...)"
[quote="Exaos Lee"]The definition of mvme_read_value is as the following:
[CODE]unsigned int EXPRT mvme_read_value(MVME_INTERFACE * vme, mvme_addr_t vme_addr);
03 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Timeout during run transition
> Dear All,
> I'm using SL5 and MIDAS rev 4528. Occasionally, when I stop a run in odbedit,
03 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Why should we use "INLINE" here?
[quote="Exaos Lee"]There are many "INLINE" definitions in "include/*.h". Both GNU C and C99 permit using inline functions. I still wonder why. :-)[/quote]
The INLINE statements are a relict from times where a subroutine call was in the order of a few microseconds. This was when you probably were pretty young, |
03 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Could not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command
> Hi,
> I am writing shell scripts to create some tree structure in an ODB. When
> creating an array of strings, the default length of each string element is 32
03 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Prompt problem about odbedit
> I tried to use odbedit to set the "/System/Prompt" to "%h:%e:%s %p> " and got a
> problem: pressing "Return" doesn't work any more. But "[%h:%e:%s]%p> " works fine.
> Please see the attachment.
10 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Retrieve start/stop time in offline
> I set "/Analyzer/ODB Load" to true and analyzed a run in offline mode. After
> that, I found the start time and stop time in /RunInfo did not reflect the
> correct time as in online. How do I retrieve the correct start/stop time from
21 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New feature: Stop run after a certain time
A new feature has been implemented in revision 4561 which allows runs with a
certain duration. To use this, one has to set the variaable
22 Sep 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New feature: Stop run after a certain time
> A new feature has been implemented in revision 4561 which allows runs with a
> certain duration. To use this, one has to set the variaable
01 Oct 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, mfe.c: poll_event() before frontend_init()
> The latest version of mfe.c has a problem where poll_event() is called before
> frontend_init() and this causes a crash because in poll_event() we try to access
> VME before it is initialized in frontend_init(). K.O.
10 Nov 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, It' better to fix this warnings
> This will cause "type conversion" warnings. I hope that "odbedit" can generate codes like this:
> [CODE]
> #define EXPCVADC_COMMON_STR(_name) const char *_name[] = {\
27 Nov 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, "mserver -s" is broken
> I notice that "mserver -s" (a non-default mode of operation) does not work right
> - if I connect odbedit for the first time, all is okey, if I connect the second
> time, mserver crashes - because after the first connection closed,
27 Nov 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Run multiple frontend on the same host
> Dear All,
> I want to run two frontend programs (one for trigger and one for slow control)
01 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, Redesign of status page links
The custom and alias links in the standard midas status page were shown as HTML
links so far. If there are many links with names having spaces in their names,
it's a bit hard to distinguish between them. Therefore, they are packed now into
04 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, Redesign of status page columns
Since the column on the main midas status page with fraction of analyzed events is
barely used, I decided to drop it. Anyhow it does not make sense for all slow
control events. If this feature is required in some experiment, I propose to move it
04 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, Custom page showing ROOT analyzer output
Many midas experiments work with ROOT based analyzers today. One problem there is that the graphical output of the root analyzer can only be seen through
the X server and not through the web. At the MEG experiment, we solved this problem in an elegant way: The ROOT analyzer runs in the background, using
a "virtual" X server called Xvfb. It plots its output (several panels) normally using this X server, then saves this panels every ten seconds into GIF |
04 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New '/Experiment/Menu buttons'
The mhttpd program shows some standard buttons in the top row for
starting/stopping runs, accessing the ODB, Alarms, etc. Since not all experiments
make use of all buttons, they have been customized. By default mhttpd creates
08 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Run multiple frontend on the same host
Hi Jimmy,
ok, now I understand. Well, I don't see your problem. I just tried with the
12 Dec 2009, Stefan Ritt, Info, New MSCB page implementation
A new page has been implemented in mhttpd. This allows web access to all devices from an [URL=http://midas.psi.ch/mscb]MSCB system[/URL] and their variables: