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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topic Subject Text Attachments
  2121   04 Mar 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumUsing JSROOT.openFile with Midaswell, if this is something in ROOT, perhaps
you can pursue it with the ROOT crowd,
they are quite friendly.
  2120   04 Mar 2021 Marius KoeppelForumUsing JSROOT.openFile with MidasThank you for the answer :)

> At some point I would like to provide a
  2119   03 Mar 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportUndefined client causing issues in transition.> It does not get stuck if I run my DAQ using
the odbedit commands (start/stop).
  2118   03 Mar 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumUsing JSROOT.openFile with Midas
> I am currently trying to access a ROOT
file produced by manalyzer. By calling JSROOT.openFile("MIDAS_DOMAIN/outputRUN.root").
  2117   03 Mar 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoshortest possible sleep> Why do you need that?

UNIX/POSIX advertises functions for sleeping
  2116   02 Mar 2021 Stefan RittInfoshortest possible sleepWhy do you need that? Periodic equipment typically
runs ever ten seconds or so, meaning one
can do this easily in a scheduler.
  2115   02 Mar 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoshortest possible sleepsince I am implementing a polled equipment,
I was curious what is the smallest possible
sleep time on current computers.
  2114   01 Mar 2021 Marius KoeppelForumUsing JSROOT.openFile with MidasHi everyone,

I am currently trying to access a ROOT file
  2113   26 Feb 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportUndefined client causing issues in transition.> So there is no error on run start anymore?
To debug the stuck run stop, please use "stop
  2112   26 Feb 2021 Lars MartinBug Reporttmfe_main.cxx missing include <signal.h>> BTW, for production use I recommend midas
from the "release" branches, unless one 
> needs a bug fix or new feature from the
  2111   26 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportUndefined client causing issues in transition.So there is no error on run start anymore?
To debug the stuck run stop, please use "stop
  Draft   26 Feb 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumJavascript error during run transitions.> > 
> > I have also attached a screen capture
of the output.
  2109   26 Feb 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportUndefined client causing issues in transition.> Clearly something goes wrong with the STARTABORT
transition. Actually from your 
> sceenshot, it is not clear why the STARTABORT
  Draft   25 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumJavascript error during run transitions.
> I have also attached a screen capture of
the output.
  2107   25 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumJavascript error during run transitions.
> I have also attached a screen capture of
the output.
  Draft   25 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumJavascript error during run transitions.
> I have also attached a screen capture of
the output.
  2105   25 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumm is not defined error> I see this mhttpd error starting MSL-script:

> Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: m
  2104   25 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportUnexpected end-of-file> > [mhttpd,ERROR] [history.cxx:97:xread,ERROR]
Error: Unexpected end-of-file when 
> > reading file "/home/wagasci-ana/Data/online/210219.hst"
  2103   25 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportUndefined client causing issues in transition.Clearly something goes wrong with the STARTABORT
transition. Actually from your 
sceenshot, it is not clear why the STARTABORT
  2102   25 Feb 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumTMFePollHandlerInterface timing> Am I right in thinking that the TMFE HandlePoll
function is calle once per 
> PollMidas()? And what is the difference
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