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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topicdown Subject Text Attachments
  1446   08 Feb 2019 Thomas LindnerInfoHistory panels in custom pages> A new tag has been implemented to display
history panels in custom pages, integrated
in the 
  1447   11 Feb 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfojson-rpc request for ODB /Script and /CustomScript.I added json-rpc requests for ODB /Script
and /CustomScript (the first one shows up
on the status page in the left hand side
  1448   20 Feb 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoodb needs protection against ctrl-cEven with the cm_watchdog signal removed,
some trouble from UNIX signals remains.
  1449   20 Feb 2019 Stefan RittInfoodb needs protection against ctrl-cNot sure if you realized, but there is a two-stage
Ctrl-C handling inside midas. The first time
you hit ctrl-c, the handler just sets a flag
  1450   20 Feb 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoodb needs protection against ctrl-cCommit f81ff3c protects db_lock/unlock, but
not any of the other functions. What if we
do ctrl-c in the middle
  1451   20 Feb 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoodb needs protection against ctrl-c> Not sure if you realized, but there is a
two-stage Ctrl-C handling inside midas.
  1452   20 Feb 2019 Stefan RittInfoodb needs protection against ctrl-cHave you read what I wrote? The current ctrl-c
handler just sets the _ctrlc_pressed flag.
It might be that some programs do not correctly
  1453   27 Feb 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd magic urlsHere is the list of mhttpd magic URLs.

http "get" path:
  1454   28 Feb 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInforesource file search path, mhttpd magic urls> url contains midas.js -> send_resource("midas.js")

mhttpd looks for resource files in these
  1455   01 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/PathBefore the days of javascript and ajax and
web 2.0, MIDAS introduced "custom pages"
  1457   04 Mar 2019 Stefan RittInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/PathParsing all URL in mhttpd to prevent /etc/passwd
etc. to be returned is tricky, because people
can use escape sequences etc. Therefore I
  1458   04 Mar 2019 Thomas LindnerInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/PathHi Stefan and Konstantin,

I think that this proposal sounds fairly
  1459   04 Mar 2019 Stefan RittInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/PathSounds reasonable to me.

  1460   04 Mar 2019 Suzannah DavielInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/PathI see two separate issues here. 

One is restricting the custom pages to ONE
  1461   04 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/PathHi, guys, as I was exploring the code and
the commit history on Thursday (git rules!)
  1464   05 Mar 2019 Stefan RittInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/PathFirst, I did not propose to give up the /Custom
tree in the ODB, sorry for the misunderstanding.
We still need it in order to display the
  1465   05 Mar 2019 Stefan RittInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path> - mhttpd cannot serve /etc/passwd by default
as "/" is forbidden in file names added to
  1467   05 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path> > - mhttpd cannot serve /etc/passwd by default
as "/" is forbidden in file names added to
  1468   05 Mar 2019 Thomas LindnerInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path> First, I did not propose to give up the
/Custom tree in the ODB, sorry for the misunderstanding.
We still need it in order to display the
  1469   05 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoGyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path> First, I did not propose to give up the
/Custom tree in the ODB, sorry for the misunderstanding.
> We still need it in order to display the
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5