06 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production"
> > Hmm... for most experiments, we do not "install" midas. I should probably remove the "install" target from the Makefile.
> ... and change the documentation accordingly (Suzannah!?). Installing midas these days does not really make sense, since normally only one
> users uses it on a given machine.
> Stefan
I understand. Anyway, I preferred to install MIDAS in the /opt/midas folder to be consistent with the other programs (Pyrame and Calicoes from LLR) that we are using for our experiment (they are all installed in the /opt folder). Moreover, I am using Linux systemd to enable mhttpd on startup (and other handy features like auto-restart after a crash). And quite unfortunately CentOS doesn't support to start systemd units as a non-root user.
So in my particular case, perhaps it made some sense to install MIDAS in a folder other than the source code folder.
Giorgio |
06 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production"
> > Hmm... for most experiments, we do not "install" midas. I should probably remove the "install" target from the Makefile.
> ... and change the documentation accordingly (Suzannah!?). Installing midas these days does not really make sense, since normally only one
> users uses it on a given machine.
> Stefan
I understand. Anyway, I preferred to install MIDAS in the /opt/midas folder to remain consistent with the other programs that we are using for
our experiment (Pyrame and Calicoes from LLR). I am also using Linux systemd to enable mhttpd on startup (and other handy features like auto-
restart after a crash) and unfortunally CentOS doesn't support to enable systemd units as a non-root user.
So in my particular case, perhaps it made some sense to install MIDAS in a folder other than the source code folder
Giorgio |
06 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production"
> I see. Would this work as well? Instead of "make install" do this:
> su - root
> cd /opt
> git pull midas
> cd midas
> make
> add /opt/midas/linux/bin to your PATH. (is it time to get rid of the "linux" part from the default build path?!?)
Got it. I will do that in the future.
> Can you post your systemd unit file to this elog, others may find it useful.
Description=MIDAS data acquisition system
ExecStart=/opt/midas/bin/mhttpd -e WAGASCI --http 8081 --https 8444
Environment="MIDASSYS=/opt/midas" "MIDAS_EXPTAB=/home/neo/Code/WAGASCI/MIDAS/online/exptab" "MIDAS_EXPT_NAME=WAGASCI"
"SVN_EDITOR=emacs -nw" "GIT_EDITOR=emacs -nw"
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
13 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, systemd unit file for mhttpd
> Note: user name "neo" and home directory is hardwired into the unit file. Also
> it runs after "network.target", this may be too early, it should run after nis and autofs
> have started (and made home directories accessible). (not sure what systemd target
> that is).
Thank you very much for the comments!
My home directory is hardwired because it is not straightforward to add environment variables into
systemd units. Actually, I install MIDAS through a bash shell script that automatically generates
the unit file during installation. So, for another user who would use my script, the correct path
in the unit file would be generated at installation time. Another option would be to create an
environment file and then feed it to the unit file (EnvironmentFile directive) as explained here:
For the autofs, thank you for the hint. I have modified the unit file accordingly.
As far as NIS is concerned, I am sorry but I don't know how it is used by MIDAS. Actually, I don't
even have it installed on my machine. Anyway, I have modified the unit file accordingly (but I
haven't tested with NIS installed).
The modified unit file is this:
Description=MIDAS data acquisition system
After=network.target rpcbind.target ypbind.target
ExecStart=/opt/midas/bin/mhttpd -e <nameofyourexperiment> --http <yourhttpport> --https
Environment="MIDASSYS=/opt/midas" "MIDAS_EXPTAB=<path/to/your/exptab>" "MIDAS_EXPT_NAME=
<nameofyourexperiment>" "SVN_EDITOR=emacs -nw" "GIT_EDITOR=emacs -nw"
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
16 Apr 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, switch of MIDAS to C++, how much C++?
Dear Konstantin,
even if I am still quite young and have only limited experience (but not null), I would like to give my two cents. I have reflected a bit about the C++ issue, also because I am developing a
brand new MIDAS interface for the WAGASCI-T2K experiment, and I feel that the future of MIDAS could influence the future of our DAQ system, too. I'll start from the conclusions: I completely
agree with you on a practical level, even if I kind of disagree on an "ethical" level.
What you propose in essence is to migrate the MIDAS core from pure C to a version of C with some fancy C++ features. Let's say a kind of C+ with only one plus. Theoretically speaking, even if
on the surface C and C++ are very similar, they are completely different languages and require different mindsets (and I am sure that everyone is aware of it). This is the reason why even if I
would have preferred to develop the MIDAS frontend for our experiment in C++, I have chosen to stick to pure C because I feel that MIDAS is still very C-like in its architecture (or from what
I can see from the documentation). So I wanted to "keep on track" for better internal coherence. What I mean is that, if someone told me to port a C project of mine to C++, I would end up
rewriting it almost completely, instead of just modifying it (I really don't know how much of the MIDAS core has been written with C++ in mind, so if a large part of it is already C++-like,
please ignore my comment above).
Anyway, on a practical level, I completely agree with your approach, because I imagine that a complete rewrite of MIDAS is off the table but, at the same time, some new C++ features like
better string and vector handling are very tempting to use. Moreover, in general, physicists are more familiar with the C syntax than with the C++ one (but thanks to ROOT that is changing). As
for the use of MIDAS in embedded devices, I have no experience so I refrain from judging. So, in the particular case of MIDAS, what you propose is probably the best and only option.
As far as the C++ standard to adopt, I would say that the C++11 standard is the best fit for the T2K experiment since the official OS for T2K is CentOS7 and, out of the box, it supports C++11
only. Anyway, I acknowledge that there are many other experiments and requirements. For the records, I do development on Ubuntu 18.04.
Best regards
Giorgio |
22 Apr 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, switch of MIDAS to C++, how much C++?
Dear Konstantin and others,
our recent discussion stimulated my curiosity and I wrote a small frontend for the trigger board of our experiment in C++.
The underlying hardware details are not relevant here. I would just like to briefly report and discuss what I found out.
I have written all the frontend files (but the bus driver) in C++11:
- my_frontend.cpp
- driver/class/my_class_driver.cpp
- driver/device/my_device_driver.cpp
All went quite smoothly, but I feel that the overall structure is still very C-like (that may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the point of view).
As far as I know, the MIDAS frontend mfe.c has still only the C version (I couldn't find any mfe.cxx). This means that all the points of contact between the MIDAS frontend code and the user
frontend code must be C compatible (no C++ features or name mangling). To accomplish this I needed to slightly modify the midas.h header file like this:
@@ -1141,7 +1141,13 @@ typedef struct eqpmnt {
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
INT device_driver(DEVICE_DRIVER *device_driver, INT cmd, ...);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
I also tested the new strcomb1 function and it seems to work OK.
I have attached a source file to show how I implemented the device driver in C++. The code is not meant to be compilable: it is just to show how I implemented it. This is the most C++-like syntax that I could come out with. Feel free to comment it and if you think that it could be improved let me know.
Best Regards
07 Aug 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Suggestion, ROOT and multi-threading
I am creating this thread to comment on an issue raised today during the MIDAS
It was said that ROOT doesn't play well with multithreading ... and it is
definitely true. But since last year, many improvements have been done in ROOT
multi-threading support and now even the ROOT fitter can be made thread-safe.
I know this because recently I had to completely rewrite the calibration
software for the WAGASCI experiment and I wanted to use many ROOT analyzers in
Getting ROOT to work in a multi-thread environment is not painless. It took me
many weeks to get to the end of it. But if using the latest ROOT version (from
about ROOT 6.12.00 onwards), it should be possible. Basically, you have to
compile ROOT with the Minuit2 minimizer support and then select it.
This is the thread on the ROOT forum where I have asked about and solved my
issues (I am LastStarDust): https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/root-crashes-in-multi-
You can also refer to this bug report: https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-
and this documentation page: https://root.cern.ch/how/how-express-parallelism-
Hope it may help.
Giorgio |
06 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array
Just a little question about the ODB hotlinks. Is it possible to open a hotlink
to a single element in and ODB array?
I have searched through the documentation and I have taken a look at the source
code but I could not find any piece of code to use as a reference (maybe I have
not searched deeply enough).
This is more or less what I would like to achieve (without error checking):
for (INT i = 0; i < hv_info->num_channels; i++) {
char element[HKEY_STRING_LENGTH];
snprintf(element, HKEY_STRING_LENGTH, "%s[%d]", path, i);
if (db_find_key(hDB, hv_info->hKeyRoot, element, &hKey) == DB_SUCCESS) {
if ((hv_info->driver[i]->flags & flag) == 0)
db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &array[i], sizeof(double), MODE_READ, callback, pequipment);
db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &array[i], sizeof(double), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);
} else {
cm_msg(MERROR, __func__, "Key %s not found", element);
But it is not working because the key is not found ...
Thank you
Giorgio |
12 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, History panels in custom pages
> > A new tag has been implemented to display history panels in custom pages, integrated in the
> > new custom page design from 2017. The full documentation can be found at
> >
> As part of consolidating/cleaning the MIDAS Wiki documentation, the "New Custom Pages" was folded into the main "Custom Page". So to see a
> description of Stefan's new functionality please go to
> https://midas.triumf.ca/MidasWiki/index.php/Custom_Page#mhistory
I am trying to use the new mhistory panels in the WAGASCI slow control custom page, but I cannot get them to work.
All I get is an empty frame. Anyway, in the History tab I can see the history plots correctly.
Here is a minimal example:<html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="midas.css">
<script src="controls.js"></script>
<script src="midas.js"></script>
<script src="mhttpd.js"></script>
<body class="mcss" onload="mhttpd_init('Test');">
<div id="mheader"></div>
<div id="msidenav"></div>
<div id="mmain">
<div name="mhistory" data-group="Test" data-panel="Test" data-scale="1m" style="width:600px;border:1px solid black;"></div>
Of course, the "Test" group and "Test" panel exist in the ODB and are correctly shown in the History tab. No error is shown in the console of the web browser.
I am using the latest version of MIDAS as of September 12.
Can you confirm that this feature is working in the latest MIDAS? If yes, how can I troubleshoot the problem?
Giorgio |
13 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, History panels in custom pages
Dear Stefan,
thank you very much for the prompt reply. Your suggestions worked wonderfully. Now I can display all the plots that I want where I want.
The new JavaScript history plots are really a huge improvement over the old ones.
Thank you again
Stefan Ritt wrote: | Indeed there was a bug in some JavaScript code, which I fixed here: https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/commits/d2b1a783240e252820c622001e15c09c5d7798c0
Note that your code will bring you the "old style" history panels (with GIF images). If you want the new style (interactive canvas panels), you need the following:
1) Add
<script src="mhistory.js"></Script>
to the top of your custom page
2) Add "mhistory_init();" to the "onload" function of your page, like
<body class="mcss" onloas="mhttpd_init('Example');mhistory_init();">
3) Change the class of the panel from "mhistory" to "mjhistory", like
<div class="mjshistory" data-group=...>
Best regards,
Stefan |
27 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array
Thank you for the feedback.
I will try to use the db_watch function in the future.
I tried to look for more info about the db_watch function in the Wiki but I could not find much.
The Doxygen documentation website (http://ladd00.triumf.ca/~daqweb/doc/midas-devel/doc/html) seems to be down: no html folder.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Pintaudi Giorgio wrote: | Hello!
Just a little question about the ODB hotlinks. Is it possible to open a hotlink
to a single element in and ODB array? |
Yes it is with the now preferred function db_watch(). Following program will open a hot link to the /Experiment/Run number:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "midas.h"
int run_number;
void run_number_changed(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, int i, void *info)
int run_number, size;
/* get run number */
size = sizeof(run_number);
db_get_data(hDB, hKey, &run_number, &size, TID_INT);
printf("Run number is %d\n", run_number);
/* connect to experiment */
cm_connect_experiment("", "", "ODB Test", NULL);
/* open hot link to run number */
db_find_key(1, 0, "/runinfo/run number", &hKey);
db_watch(1, hKey, run_number_changed, NULL);
/* enter idle loop */
while (cm_yield(1000); != RPC_SHUTDOWN);
return 1;
} |
28 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, MIDAS interface for WAGASCI online monitor
This question is rather complex so please forgive me if I leave out some
I am currently developing an online monitor to check the data quality for the
WAGASCI experiment. The online monitor would show (almost in real-time) the
gain, the dark noise, and the pedestal for all the channels, the 2D tracks
inside the detectors for each spill and so on. This is possible because we can
continuously calibrate the WAGASCI electronics even during a Physics run.
Anyway, as I said during the MIDAS workshop, right now, we do not use MIDAS as a
frontend DAQ to readout the Physics data from the electronics (we use Pyrame and
the BabyMIND DAQ for that). One day, we might have Pyrame and the BabyMIND DAQ
send the Physics data to MIDAS in the form of MIDAS events ... but we are still
far from it (mainly because of lack of man-power on the BabyMIND side). I do not
think we will ever achieve this goal in the lifetime of the experiment because
the BabyMIND people do not see any added value in using MIDAS as a DAQ. But this
is another issue so I am going to drop this argument for now.
The fact is that I have written and tested all the code to continuously read the
WAGASCI electronics in real-time. I now would like to display some histograms and
figures in a MIDAS custom page that would automatically refresh/update. I have
not written the visualization part yet, because I would like to hear your
feedback first.
So my questions are. Suppose you have some ROOT histograms updating in real
time, what is the best way to show them in a MIDAS custom page? Is the ROOT
HttpServer an option here? If not ROOT, is there a better way to display
histograms in a web page?
I could have avoided the long introduction and just asked the questions but I
wanted to give you a little background.
This is a cartoonist impression of what I would like to achieve.
Thank you
Giorgio |
29 Sep 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, MIDAS interface for WAGASCI online monitor
Dear Thomas and Konstantin,
thank you very much for the feedback. I found the ROOTANA javascript display a good source of
information and references.
As Thomas said, maybe the simplest thing would be to use the ROOT THttpServer. Honestly, I do
not think that ROOT was ever meant to act as an online monitor due to its wacky memory
management and abysmal multithread support. In other words, I think that by using ROOT we would
inevitably lose some performance.
Perhaps there are better ways of achieving the same goal. For example, I was leaning towards a
plotly.js based approach where I would encode a series of vectors in base64 strings (for better
transmission performance), send them to the client through the MJSONRPC mechanism, decode them
and then feed them to plotly.js. But in this case, I should study many new libraries
(plotly.js, the library for the base64 encoding, the Gaussian fitting, etc...) and I do not
have the time to do that now: "beam is coming".
So ROOT it is. I will use the ROOTANA javascript display as a reference. Do you happen to know
who wrote that part?
In that example, you have some "static" histograms that you keep always in memory, while in our
case the number of channels is so big that we have to dynamically generate the histograms only
when needed (when the user select a single channel).
Best regards
Giorgio |
29 Jan 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, Force triggering of idle routine of a frontend
As you know, the generic MIDAS frontend has a class driver, device driver, bus driver
structure. Assuming a slow device frontend, its class driver should have a routine of type INT idle (EQUIPMENT * pequipment) This routine is called with a rate controlled by the
"/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event limit" parameter.
The idle routine usually reads one channel of the frontend and stores the results
in the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables" ODB folder.
My question is: it is possible to force (from the code) the frontend to call the idle routine at a
certain point. This is because I need to update the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables"
variables inside the "begin_of_run" routine, at a very specific time.
One dirty solution would be to increase a lot the reading rate ... but I need this
increased reading rate only during the run start while I need a low reading rate
during the run. So the question: is it possible to increase and decrease the reading
rate (event limit) of a frontend without stopping and restarting it?
If you need more info, please let me know.
Thank you
Giorgio |
02 Feb 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, Force triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Dear Konstantin,
thank you very much for the explanation. I already have an idea of how to solve my problem by bypassing the class driver altogether or by slightly modifying the mfe.cxx frontend.
But either way is not very elegant. If there was a way to do what I need easily and without writing much code, I would obviously choose that.
So let us wait for Stefan opinion!
Thanks again
Quote: | > Hi, Giorgio - I think you encountered a fundamental problem with what to do at the begin of
> run. There are two ways of thinking about it.
> Some experiments want to start the run as quickly as possible, so they do not want
> begin_of_run() to do too much stuff.
> Other experiments want to record all the current settings and conditions before starting a
> run, their begin_of_run() will read all the slow controls, interrogate all the power supplies,
> read all the voltages, temperatures, pressures, etc. By necessity this will slow down the
> starting of the run quite significantly.
> The best I understand the midas class driver structure, it is more geared for the first case -
> fast starting of runs.
> The thinking behind this choice considers the nature of most slow control data in typical
> physics experiments:
> - if the data does not change quickly (say, room temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc),
> and you read it say every 1 minute, then you do not need to read it again at begin run time -
> the 1 minute old measurement is still good enough - nothing changed much since then
> - if the opposite is true, the data changes wildly (i.e. detector high voltage current goes up
> and down in response to the quickly changing beam current), measuring it at the start of
> the run does us no good - by the time the first event comes around, it has already changed
> completely.
> Hopefully Stefan can help you with your specific problem, he has better understanding of
> the midas class drivers.
> K.O. |
04 Feb 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, Force triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Dear Stefan,
thank you very much for the clarification. I knew about the DF_XXX flags and I am making good use of them in all my frontends. Anyway, what I really needed was to change the readout rate depending on the run status (in particular DF_RUNNING or DF_TRANSITION).
Moreover, currently, I am not using the MIDAS events framework at all. For the real DAQ, we have our way of acquiring and saving the raw data using the Pyrame software. For the slow control devices, we just use the information that MIDAS automatically saves in the history files .hst (very handy). But I am going to use the MIDAS events at some point in the future, so your explanation is very welcome.
However, I was able to solve my problem by slightly modifying the mfe.cxx file in this way:
@@ -411,6 +411,17 @@ static INT register_equipment(void)
return 0;
+ status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, eq_info, sizeof(EQUIPMENT), MODE_READ,
+ nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("ERROR: Cannot open hotlink with equipment record \"%s\", db_open_record() status %d\n",
+ str, status);
+ cm_disconnect_experiment();
+ ss_sleep(3000);
+ return 0;
+ }
} else if (status == DB_STRUCT_MISMATCH) {
cm_msg(MINFO, "register_equipment", "Correcting \"%s\", db_check_record() status %d", str, status);
db_create_record(hDB, 0, str, EQUIPMENT_COMMON_STR);
I was quite surprised that I could get things done by just opening a hotlink to the EQUIPMENT eq_info struct. That way I can change dynamically the readout rate (the rate at which the idle routine of a slow device frontend is called is tuned by the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event Limit" variable). I change this variable temporarily during a transition to increase the reading rate. I have done some testing and it seems to have no collateral effect.
There is only one caveat.
- Every change to the equipment "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common" is instantaneously applied (and might crash the frontend?)
Just to give you an example of a situation where all of this might be useful, think about the ramping-up of the high voltage applied to APD or MPPC. When ramping up from 0 to X volts, you want to read out the voltage and current frequently (let's say once every second) to check for overcurrent and stuff. But as soon as the voltage is up and stable you do not need to monitor it every second and a reading every minute might be more than enough. In our case, the HV power supplies are connected through a serial bus (a nightmare to get it working) and once in a while, we have a transitory connection error. If we kept the reading rate very high continuously the log would be flooded with these innocuous errors (but every new shifter would panic every time he/she notices them). Anyway, this is just an example.
Stefan Ritt wrote: | It is important to note that slow control readout and sending of midas events are two separate things. Readout is done as fast as possible, even multi-threaded if selected. On fast devices this can be 100 Hz readout rate and even more. This data is stored in an internal buffer. When one of the values changes by more than the update threshold, then the ODB gets updated. The midas events are composed from this internal buffer when a new event has to be sent. This is typically periodic (like every 10 seconds or so), or during run transitions. If you specify this in the equipment list with the RO_xxx flags. If you want an event at the begin-of-run, just add there RO_BOR. It should be noted however that this then creates and event during BOR from the last values in the internal buffer, which - depending on the readout speed - can be a few ms "old". I would recommend that you test the readout speed of your variables and then check if this delay is acceptable.
Pintaudi Giorgio wrote: | Hello!
As you know, the generic MIDAS frontend has a class driver, device driver, bus driver
structure. Assuming a slow device frontend, its class driver should have a routine of type INT idle (EQUIPMENT * pequipment) This routine is called with a rate controlled by the
"/Equipment/<frontend name>/Common/Event limit" parameter.
The idle routine usually reads one channel of the frontend and stores the results
in the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables" ODB folder.
My question is: it is possible to force (from the code) the frontend to call the idle routine at a
certain point. This is because I need to update the "/Equipment/<frontend name>/Variables"
variables inside the "begin_of_run" routine, at a very specific time.
One dirty solution would be to increase a lot the reading rate ... but I need this
increased reading rate only during the run start while I need a low reading rate
during the run. So the question: is it possible to increase and decrease the reading
rate (event limit) of a frontend without stopping and restarting it?
If you need more info, please let me know.
Thank you
Giorgio |
07 Feb 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, Force triggering of idle routine of a frontend
Dear Stefan,
Thank you for the advice. I will try to modify the driver as you say. As for the dynamical change of readout rate, basically you are telling me that is not achievable without dirty hacks like mine and it is better to find a way to avoid it.
Best regards
Stefan Ritt wrote: | Dear Giorgio,
ok, now I'm slowly getting your point.
Dynamically changing the slow control readout rate is possible with your modification, but I consider this badd practice.
You mentioned the case of your HV over a quirky serial line. I had the same some years ago. Rather than reducing the readout rate to reduce the number of errors, I modified my device driver. If the connection is broken, the driver tries silently to reconnect. Only if the reconnect fails for more than a given period (like 1 min), then an error is produced. Otherwise the driver reads as fast as possible. Imagine you have some instabilities in your HV, which only last for a few seconds. If you read only once per minute, you might miss that. We worked hard to make the slow control system multi-threaded, so a slow many-times-retrying-to-reconnect driver does not slow any other equipment. On the other hand, if the re-connect fails for a minute, then you know that your HV unit really has a problem the shifter should follow up.
Stefan |
16 Mar 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, MIDAS will use C++11
About the boost library, that is exactly
what I did for a project of mine (the
calibration software for the WAGASCI
experiment). It turned out not so easy to
mantain because different Linux distros
package different versions of boost.
The reason I went down the "c++11 plus
boost" road is that the official T2K OS
is CentOS7 as well.
Looking back I think that using c++17 and
requiring a more recent version of the
compiler is much easier to maintain than
the combo c++11 + boost. In CentOS is
just a matter of installing a recent
devtool package ...
Another solution might be too repackage
boost into MIDAS so you have full control
of the environment.
> > After much discussion, and following
the MIDAS workshop at TRIUMF, we made the
decision to use C++11 in MIDAS.
> >
> > There are many benefits, and only one
drawback - no c++11 compilers in the
default OS install on older computers
> > RHEL/SL/CentOS before el7). (the same
applies to our use of cmake).
> >
> It turns out that support for the c++11
"regex" feature is missing on el7
(CentOS-7, our most common platform at
> According to
> gcc 4.9.0 is the first one to implement
c++11 regular expressions. el7 comes with
gcc-4.8.5 and I confirm
> that examples of using
std::regex_replace() do not compile. I
was looking to use std::regex_replace to
implement URL rewriting
> in the reverse proxy code in mhttpd.
> I do not need this feature immediately,
but I am surprised that such a thing can
happen, thought others should know.
> K.O. |
24 Apr 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file
Dear MIDAS people,
I need to borrow your wisdom for a bit.
I am developing a piece of software that should read the history data stored in a
.midas file (MIDAS format) and integrate it into the WAGASCI data quality output.
In other words, I need to read some temperature values stored in a .midas file and
compare them with the MPPC gains and check for temperature/gain dependence.
I see three possibilities:
- write a custom parser in C++ using the instructions contained in the Mhformat page;
- call the mhist program from within my application;
- call the mhdump program from within my application;
Which solution do you think is the best?
Because there is no need for raw performance, if possible, I would like to write my application in Python3 but C++ is also an option. |
24 Apr 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, API to read MIDAS format file
Stefan Ritt wrote: | I guess all three options would work. I just tried mhist and it still works with the "FILE" historymhist -e <equipment name> -v <variable name> -h 10for dumping a variable for the last 10 hours.I could not get mhdump to work with current history files, maybe it only works with "MIDAS" history and not "FILE" history (see https://midas.triumf.ca/MidasWiki/index.php/History_System#History_drivers). Maybe Konstantin who wrote mhdump has some idea.Writing your own parser is certainly possible (even in Python), but of course more work.Stefan |
Thank you for the quick reply. Do notice that we have "MIDAS" history files and not "FILE", so both mhist and mhdump should be fine (however I have only tested mhist). Hipotetically, which one between mhist and mhdump do you think is better suited to be "batched"? I mean to be controlled and read by a routine? |