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Entry  19 May 2014, Razvan Stefan Gornea, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 


I have a very weird problem on a new installation of Midas running also new code. My old code was written with the CAEN VME library and run from an older PC with a CAEN interface. I now moved to a GEFanuc V7769 with a Tundra II bridge and the frontend is using the UniverseII VME library. I'm mentioning this just to point out that the code is new, not just the Midas installation. I don't think the change of VME library has anything to do with my problem.
Anyway, except the VME access, the frontend code is the same. Especially, all accesses to the online data base are identical. The main problem I'm facing is that I can not create the record with the frontend configuration data in the ODB. Here is a bit of code from my frontend_init()
rstat = db_create_record(hDB, 0, OWNER_EQUIPMENT, v1740_conf_str);
if (rstat != DB_SUCCESS) {
  cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "could not create record for the V1740 DAQ configuration");
  cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "call to db_create_record returned %d", rstat);
  return rstat;
and these are some messages from the Midas log
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Program Charge Frontend on host lheppc78 started
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [frontend.c:153:Charge Frontend,ERROR] could not create record for the V1740 DAQ configuration
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [frontend.c:154:Charge Frontend,ERROR] call to db_create_record returned 320
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Program Charge Frontend on host lheppc78 stopped
The error 320 is essentially saying that there is a client which has already opened this key! But I'm pretty sure there is not!
I have checked the path OWNER_EQUIPMENT. I also used odbedit to make folders and variables in /Equipment/. I erased the hidden files in my data folder. I checked for experiment definition. I even follow an example in the docs how to clean up corrupted shared memory, erased /dev/shm.*, etc. I essentially checked item by item my old installation with the new one and everything seems the same.
So at this point I'm very puzzled!!! I don't know what to look for further. Do you have any idea what I could check for!?!
There were a few things that when wrong while getting ready the new installation but I solved them. So just to mention in case it is important.
A) I had difficulties to start the system on the new machine. Some hidden files in the data folder: .ODB.SHM .SYSTEM.SHM etc. where somehow created with root:root ownership and then mlogger et co. could not start! Also, some files in /dev/shm/ where created the same and it gave some problems. I solved these simply by chown all to user:group But I don't understand why this happened and I don't remember having to do that on my old system.
B) I use Slackware and I had this problem that instead of having the ODBC library I had only the iODBC and so I made the switch to that to be able to compile (which by the way seemed fine). I have no idea if this could somehow be related to my current problem.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Razvan Gornea
    Reply  22 May 2014, Razvan Stefan Gornea, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 

I reduced the parameter space a little bit and I think the problem is somewhere in the framework. What I did is first to make a short program which accesses the ODB and I was able to access the Settings record. Everything seems to work fine, if parts or all of the record is missing then it is created automatically, etc.

Then I reduced my frontend to essentially a few lines in the frontend_init() which are identical to what I did in the small test program. Still when running the frontend it doesn't work and db_create_record() returns the error DB_OPEN_RECORD. I have tried something crazy, i.e. to disconnect the experiment and then reconnect in the frontend_init() and I was able to write the Settings record in the ODB! I have checked in mfe.c and odb.c and I think when my frontend_init() gets called, the record is already open!

Does anybody skilled with Midas know what I can do to solve or investigate this problem further?

This is the small program that can successfully access the ODB and create the Settings record.

// test program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "midas.h"
#include "v1740_daq_settings.h"


int main(void)
  int status;
  char temp_name[NAME_LENGTH];
  status = cm_connect_experiment("", "", "test", NULL);
  if (status != CM_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Oups could not connect to the experiment\n");
    return 1;
  cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
  status = db_create_record(hDB, 0, OWNER_EQUIPMENT, v1740_conf_str);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Oups failed to create DB record!\nCall to db_create_record() has returned %d", status);
    return 2;
  cm_get_experiment_name(temp_name, NAME_LENGTH-1);
  cm_msg(MINFO, "test", "experiment name is <|%s|>", temp_name);
  printf("The test is successful!\nNo errors occurred!\n");
  return 0;

This is the frontend_init() part (there is nothing left in the frontend anyway). This is exactly the same code like the previous one, but it won't work! So I concluded that the problem is already present when frontend_init() gets call in mfe.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "midas.h"
#include "v1740_daq_settings.h"

/* make frontend functions callable from the C framework */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/*-- Globals -------------------------------------------------------*/

/* The frontend name (client name) as seen by other MIDAS clients   */
char *frontend_name = "Charge Frontend";
/* The frontend file name, don't change it */
char *frontend_file_name = __FILE__;

/* frontend_loop is called periodically if this variable is TRUE    */
BOOL frontend_call_loop = FALSE;

/* a frontend status page is displayed with this frequency in ms */
INT display_period = 2100;

/* maximum event size produced by this frontend */
INT max_event_size = 2304 * 1024 + 128;

/* maximum event size for fragmented events (EQ_FRAGMENTED) */
INT max_event_size_frag = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

/* buffer size to hold events */
INT event_buffer_size = 64 * (2304 * 1024 + 128);

V1740_DAQ_CONF_STR(v1740_conf_str); // string representation for the database record for the configuration of the v1740 DAQ board 
HNDLE hDB = 0; // handle on database
HNDLE hConf = 0; // handle for the configuration section

/*-- Function declarations -----------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_init();
// ... etc ...

/*-- Equipment list ------------------------------------------------*/

#undef USE_INT

EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {
  {"CAEN_V1740",                // equipment name
    {1, 0,                      // event ID, trigger mask
    "SYSTEM",                   // event buffer
    EQ_POLLED | EQ_MANUAL_TRIG, // equipment type
    LAM_SOURCE(0, 0xFFFFFF),    // event source crate 0, all stations
    "MIDAS",                    // data format
    TRUE,                       // equipment enabled
    RO_RUNNING,                 // read only when running and update ODB
    500,                        // poll for 500 ms
    0,                          // stop run after this event limit
    0,                          // number of sub events
    0,                          // don't log history
    "", "", "",
    read_CAEN_V1740_event,         // readout routine


#ifdef __cplusplus

INT frontend_init()
  INT rstat = SUCCESS; // temp variable for Midas func. return codes
  char temp_name[NAME_LENGTH];
//   cm_disconnect_experiment();
//   cm_msg(MINFO, frontend_name, " *** DISCONNECTED FROM THE EXPERIMENT *** ");
//   rstat = cm_connect_experiment("", "", frontend_name, NULL);
//   if (rstat != CM_SUCCESS) {
//     cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "Oups could not connect to the experiment");
//     return rstat;
//   }
//   cm_msg(MINFO, frontend_name, " *** CONNECTED AGAIN TO THE EXPERIMENT *** ");
  // get handle on database
  cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
  // create or check for configuration data structure
  rstat = db_create_record(hDB, 0, OWNER_EQUIPMENT, v1740_conf_str);
  if (rstat != DB_SUCCESS) {
    cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "could not create record for the V1740 DAQ configuration");
    cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "call to db_create_record returned %d", rstat);
    cm_get_experiment_name(temp_name, NAME_LENGTH-1);
    cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "experiment name is <|%s|>", temp_name);
    return rstat;
  cm_msg(MINFO, frontend_name, " *** SUCCESSFULLY CREATED THE RECORD IN ODB *** ");

  return 11;
//  return SUCCESS;
    Reply  27 May 2014, Razvan Stefan Gornea, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 
I investigated further this problem and this is what I think is going on. Essentially when creating the Settings key, the framework scans all the subkeys of the parent key to see if any are open. If that's the case it then returns an error on opening the Settings key! Here are the details:

db_create_record() : check if global open_count neq. 0
-> db_scan_tree_link() : call back to check_open_keys()
-> check_open_keys() : implicitly changes global open_count neq. 0 when key->notify_count > 0
-> db_scan_tree_link() : if key.type eq. TID_KEY then get list subkeys
-> for all subkey : call recursively db_scan_tree_link()

In my case I have the following structure in ODB right before the framework calls frontend_init():
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740 [CLOSE]
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Variables [CLOSE]
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Common [OPEN]
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Statistics [OPEN]
/Equipmemt/CANE_V1740/Settings [CLOSE]

What I don't know for sure is if it is expected to have Common and Statistics still open when frontend_init() is called. Also, I don't understand if the recursive check for open links is really necessary!?! If yes then the small example just in from of the db_create_record() code makes no sense! As well as the example in the documentation!

I have checked with a debugger that my database is not somehow corrupted and indeed is the framework that opens Common and Statistics. To me everything looks fine in the sense that I think it is expected to have these two keys open!

This is the output from a changed odb.c to debug:

exodaq@lheppc78:~/daq/xlr$ cat ~/xlr/midas.log
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Program Charge Frontend on host lheppc78 started
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found write to notify_count for Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] found an open key with message /Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Common open 1 times by "Charge Frontend"
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] found an open key with message /Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Common open 1 times by "Charge Frontend"
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] status after creating record for the statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Has created successfully a statistics record
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found write to notify_count for Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Has open successfully a statistics record
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] successfully terminated equipment registration
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] found an open key with message /Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Common open 1 times by "Charge Frontend"
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [odb.c:8869:check_open_keys,ERROR] Found open key named Common
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Found read access to Statistics
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] found an open key with message /Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Statistics open 1 times by "Charge Frontend"
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [odb.c:8869:check_open_keys,ERROR] Found open key named Statistics

Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [frontend.c:151:Charge Frontend,ERROR] could not create record for the V1740 DAQ configuration
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [frontend.c:152:Charge Frontend,ERROR] call to db_create_record returned 320
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [frontend.c:154:Charge Frontend,ERROR] experiment name is <|xlr|>
Tue May 27 11:08:05 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Program Charge Frontend on host lheppc78 stopped
    Reply  06 Nov 2014, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Weird problem on new installation 

Razvan Stefan Gornea wrote:
In my case I have the following structure in ODB right before the framework calls frontend_init():
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740 [CLOSE]
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Variables [CLOSE]
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Common [OPEN]
/Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Statistics [OPEN]
/Equipmemt/CANE_V1740/Settings [CLOSE]

Sorry my late reply, but I could only find today to have a look at this.

It is absolutely ok to have the Common and Statistics subtrees in the ODB open. So if anybody modifies anything in the Common tree for example, the frontend gets notified directly via the hot link mechanism. Having a subtree "open" however means that the structure of that tree may not be changed, since it's directly mapped onto a fixed C structure. If you create a subtree via the db_create_record() function, you modify the structure of that tree, and thus it may not be open by other clients.

Your problem can be fixed if you create the /Equipment/CAEN_V1740/Settings tree (which is not open), instead the full /Equipment/CAEN_V1740 tree, which contains the open Common and Statistics subtrees.

Best regards,
Entry  22 Jan 2024, Ben Smith, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
We have an experiment that's been running for a long time and has some ODB keys that haven't been touched in ages. Mostly related to features that we don't use like the elog and lazylogger, or things that don't change often (like the logger data directory).

When we start any program, we now got dozens of error messages in the log with lines like:
hkey 297088, path "/Elog/Display run number", invalid pkey->last_written time 1377040124

That timestamp is reasonable though, as the experiment was set up in 2013!

What's the best way to make these messages go away? 
- Change the logic in db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() to not worry if keys are 10+ years old? 
- Write a script to "touch" all the old keys so they've been modified recently?
- Something else?
    Reply  22 Jan 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
> What's the best way to make these messages go away? 
> - Change the logic in db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() to not worry if keys are 10+ years old? 
> - Write a script to "touch" all the old keys so they've been modified recently?
> - Something else?

The function db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() has been written by KO so he should reply here.

In my opinion, I would go with the first one. Changing the function is easier than to write a script
and teach everybody how to use it. This would be one more thing not to forget.

Now changing the function is not so obvious. We could extend the check to let's say 20 years, but
then we meet here again in ten years. Maybe the best choice would be to just check that the time
is not in the future.

Anyhow, most people don't realize, but we all will have fun on Jan 19, 2038, when the Unix time
overflows in 32-bit signed integers. I don't know if midas will be around by then (I will be 74 years),
but before that date one has to worry about many places in midas where we use Unix time. At that time
your date stamps from 2013 would be 25 years old, so we either remove the date check (just keep
the check of not being in the future), or extend it to 26 years.

    Reply  23 Jan 2024, Nick Hastings, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 

> What's the best way to make these messages go away? 
> - Change the logic in db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() to not worry if keys are 10+ years old? 
> - Write a script to "touch" all the old keys so they've been modified recently?
> - Something else?

I wondered about this just under a year ago, and Konstantin forwarded my query here:

I am now of the opinion that 2 is not a good approach since it removes potentially
useful information.

I think some version of 1. is the correct choice. Whatever it fix is, I think it
should not care that timestamps of when variables are set are "old" (or at least
it should be user configurable via some odb setting).

    Reply  24 Jan 2024, Pavel Murat, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
I don't immediately see a reason for saying that if a DB key is older than 10 yrs, it may not be valid.

However, it would be worth learning what was the logic behind choosing 10 yrs as a threshold. 
If 10 is just a more or less arbitrary number, changing 10 --> 100 seems to be the way to go.

-- regards, Pasha 
    Reply  28 Jan 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
> I don't immediately see a reason for saying that if a DB key is older than 10 yrs, it may not be valid.
> However, it would be worth learning what was the logic behind choosing 10 yrs as a threshold. 
> If 10 is just a more or less arbitrary number, changing 10 --> 100 seems to be the way to go.

Please run "git blame" to find out who added that check.

If I remember right, it was added to complain/correct dates in the future.

I think the oldest experiment at TRIUMF where we still can load an odb into current MIDAS is TWIST,
now about 25 years old. the purpose of loading odb would be to test the history function
to see if we can look at 10-15 year old histories. (TWIST history is in the latest FILE format,
so it will load).

I think this age check should be removed, but there must be *some* check for invalid/bogus timestamps. Or 
not, we should check if MIDAS cares about timestamps at all, if ODB functions never use/look at timestamp, 
maybe we are okey with bogus timestamps. They may look funny in the odb editor, but that's it.

    Reply  28 Jan 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
> Please run "git blame" to find out who added that check.

OK ok, was me. But actually 2003. I hope that this being more than 20y ago excuses me not remembering it ;-)

> I think this age check should be removed, but there must be *some* check for invalid/bogus timestamps. Or 
> not, we should check if MIDAS cares about timestamps at all, if ODB functions never use/look at timestamp, 
> maybe we are okey with bogus timestamps. They may look funny in the odb editor, but that's it.

I changed the code to only check for timestamps more than 1h in the future and then complain. This should
avoid glitches when switching daylight savings time.

Entry  09 Jul 2004, Stefan Ritt, , Version 1.9.4 released today 
Version 1.9.4 of midas has been released today. It is mainly a maintenance
update, for all the little things which have been fixed since the last
release, and does not contain major new functionality.
Entry  04 Aug 2009, Exaos Lee, Forum, VME-related codes contribution
Hi, all

I have some codes while using MIDAS. I upload them here. They are tested with
SIS3100. I haven't other VME controllers, so I don't know whether they work with
other controllers. I just hope that they are helpful. You may find information
from the file "00README.txt" in the package My English is limited, I just hope
that you may catch my ideas. Smile

All my best.

Exaos Lee
Entry  21 Jan 2021, Thomas Lindner, Info, Using external ELOG with newer mhttpd 
A warning, in case others have the same problem I had.

In the past you could configure mhttpd so that the 'Elog' button would redirect to an external ELOG server; to do this you only needed to create and set the ODB variable '/Elog/URL' to the URL of your external ELOG server.

But with the newer MIDAS you need to set two ODB variables:

* "/Elog/URL" needs to be set to the URL of the external ELOG.
* "/Elog/External Elog" needs to be set to 'y'

I hadn't noticed this and was confused why my Elog button wasn't working after upgrading MIDAS.

MIDAS documentation was updated to reflect this change:
Entry  01 Mar 2021, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Using JSROOT.openFile with Midas 
Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to access a ROOT file produced by manalyzer. By calling JSROOT.openFile("MIDAS_DOMAIN/outputRUN.root"). I can download the rootfile via MIDAS_DOMAIN/outputRUN.root. Using JSROOT.openFile results in an 501 error, 
since the request feature is not provided. Using a simple API and uploading outputRUN.root there worked fine (when the run finised). 

Is there a way to use JSROOT.openFile with the current analyzed root file in Midas (so during the run)? I know that one can access histograms of the THttpServer via JSON but I need to get the full root tree.

    Reply  03 Mar 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Using JSROOT.openFile with Midas 
> I am currently trying to access a ROOT file produced by manalyzer. By calling JSROOT.openFile("MIDAS_DOMAIN/outputRUN.root"). I can download the rootfile via MIDAS_DOMAIN/outputRUN.root. Using JSROOT.openFile results in an 501 error, 
> since the request feature is not provided. Using a simple API and uploading outputRUN.root there worked fine (when the run finised). 
> Is there a way to use JSROOT.openFile with the current analyzed root file in Midas (so during the run)? I know that one can access histograms of the THttpServer via JSON but I need to get the full root tree.

Good questions. Right now in manalyzer I do not do anything more than starting the ROOT web server (so whatever
they support should work) and providing two "standard" location: one in the output file for histograms
and other permanent output and one in memory for transient objects, such as waveform plots, etc.

At some point I would like to provide a function to "get" TAFlowEvent objects so you can do things
like event displays in javascript. But I need a c++ to json serializer and standard c++ does not have it.
So I will have to use the clang serializer (also used by ROOT) and it will take me a few days
to figure it out.

Back to "openFile".

If you figure out the missing bits that need to be added to our code,
please post them here or submit them as a pull request or a bug report in bitbucket.

Also it would be good if you can provide a code example of "openFile" working elsewhere
but not with manalyzer, if I can run it, maybe I can figure out what's missing. But lacking
some example code, there is nothing for me to hack at.

    Reply  04 Mar 2021, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Using JSROOT.openFile with Midas test.htmlexample_root.root
Thank you for the answer :)

> At some point I would like to provide a function to "get" TAFlowEvent objects so you can do things
> like event displays in javascript. But I need a c++ to json serializer and standard c++ does not have it.
> So I will have to use the clang serializer (also used by ROOT) and it will take me a few days
> to figure it out.

That sounds exactly what I was searching for. Because I wanted to create an interface between rootana and 
an event display build in javascript. Since all I tried did not really worked with the current rootana
I have now a "solution". I use the MIDAS python client, read directly events from the MIDAS buffer and provided
the events in a JSON format with the python flask API. Since the rendering of the event display is the bottleneck 
and I only need a view events to display this solution worked really well for me. Maybe having such a JSON API of 
the event buffer in MIDAS directly would also work for most of the event display applications or other simple javescript 
applications (my opinion).

> If you figure out the missing bits that need to be added to our code,
> please post them here or submit them as a pull request or a bug report in bitbucket.

One of the problems I had was the CORS domain of the THttpServer. In manalyzer:1894 you do 
sprintf(str, "http:", httpPort); but there are additional options for the THttpServer (like "?cors=DOMAIN").
So maybe a flag while starting manalyzer passing such options would be nice. I will create a pull request passing them later.

> Also it would be good if you can provide a code example of "openFile" working elsewhere
> but not with manalyzer, if I can run it, maybe I can figure out what's missing. But lacking
> some example code, there is nothing for me to hack at.

The problem is that it was not even running on simple THttpServer using interactive root:

    serv = new THttpServer("http:8088?cors=*");
    TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("example_root.root")
    serv->Register("File", _file0);

So I tried just saving the file in the $MIDAS_DIR and tried to use mserver with JSROOT.openFile. I attached the html file and 
a test root file.

    Reply  04 Mar 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Using JSROOT.openFile with Midas 
well, if this is something in ROOT, perhaps you can pursue it with the ROOT crowd,
they are quite friendly.

on my side, if all you need is to pull event data banks, this is easy to add
in mhttpd.

the jsonrpc request will look something like this:

get_event {
"get_type":"GET_LATEST", (or whatever bm_receive_event() can do)

and return something like this:

event {
"BBBB":NULL (you asked for it, so you always get it, but it is NULL if bank does not exist)

would this work for what you are doing?

(this is not good enough if data has to be pre-digested by c++ analysis in rootana)

    Reply  04 Mar 2021, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Using JSROOT.openFile with Midas 
I also need midas events going back to the
    Reply  04 Mar 2021, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Using JSROOT.openFile with Midas 
I also need midas events going back to the browser for single event display, so put +1 for me.

Please also consider to use JavaScript typed arrays instead of JSON. For large midas banks, type 
arrays are 5-10 times faster than JSON encoding/decoding.

    Reply  04 Mar 2021, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Using JSROOT.openFile with Midas 
> would this work for what you are doing?

Yes, having such a function would be perfect for the applications I have a the moment.

> (this is not good enough if data has to be pre-digested by c++ analysis in rootana)

Also agree, if one wants to have a more sophisticated applications it is definitely needed to preprocess the data.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5