12 Sep 2023, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Suggestion, Syntax highlighting for sequencer scripts
Recently I was trying to read sequencer scripts written by a previous student, and realized it would be easier to
quickly read/skim sequencer code with some form of syntax highlighting. I've been using Visual Studio Code as my
editor, so I made myself an extension for VS Code that provides basic syntax highlighting (with help from
26 Feb 2024, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Forum, mserver ERR message saying data area 100% full, though it is free
> Hi,
> I have just installed Midas and set-up the ODB for a SuperCDMS test-facility (on
05 Nov 2024, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Forum, How to properly write a client listens for events on a given buffer?
> If there's some template for writing a client to access event data, that would be
> very useful (and you can probably just ignore the context I gave below in that
> case).
26 Nov 2024, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> Hello,
> I've noticed that SC FEs that use the TMFE class with midas-2022-05-c often report errors when calling TMFE:Sleep().
19 Feb 2008, Maggie Lee, Bug Fix, "make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
> While executing "make install" under MacOS 10.4.7, you may encounter errors about "dio". It is the
> problem of "Makefile". I did some change to it and attach the diff file here.
19 Feb 2008, Maggie Lee, Bug Fix, "make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
I forgot to mention that, the following (and similar) lines:
install -v -D -m 755 $$file $(SYSBIN_DIR)/`basename $$file` ; \
are changed into
19 Feb 2008, Maggie Lee, Bug Fix, "make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
Thank you for your help =)
Since SYSBIN_DIR is defined as /usr/local/bin in the Makefile and it exists in my computer, so I deleted the -D in the Makefile and tried to "make install" |
12 Mar 2018, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, EQ_MANUAL_TRIG no button in web interface
according to the [url=https://midas.triumf.ca/MidasWiki/index.php/Equipment_Flags#EQ_MANUAL_TRIG]wiki[/url], setting the equipment flag EQ_MANUAL_TRIG |
24 Aug 2018, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, Int64 datatype
I would like to store the address of 1-Wire temperature sensors in a device
driver. However, the supportet data types (as definded around
include/midas.h:311) do not foresee a type large enough.
28 Aug 2018, Lukas Gerritzen, Bug Report, Deleting Links in ODB via mhttpd
Asume you have a variable foo and a link bar -> foo. When you go to the ODB in
mhttpd, click "Delete" and select bar, it actually deletes foo. bar stays,
stating "<cannot resolve link>". Trying the same in odbedit with rm gives the
28 Aug 2018, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, Problems with virtual history events
I am trying to set up virtual history events following
24 Sep 2018, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, Self-resetting alarm class
If you run an external script anyway, you can also call "odbedit -c alarm" to
reset all alarms. Or you could try to set the "Triggered" entry of that certain
alarm to 0 (again, with odbedit), that could also work. |
02 Jul 2019, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, my_global.h not present in my linux distribution (needed)
while trying to compile Midas under openSUSE 15.0 with mysql support, I was
03 Jul 2019, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, my_global.h not present in my linux distribution (needed)
Thanks! |
03 Jul 2019, Lukas Gerritzen, Bug Report, mhttpd crashes when including nonexistent script in msequencer
the subject line describes the project already
Suppose you have a file foo.msl. Somewhere in the file, you have the line
04 Jul 2019, Lukas Gerritzen, Info, Limitations of MSL
I am missing a few features. Do any of the following exist and I have just
overlooked them?
08 Jul 2019, Lukas Gerritzen, Info, Limitations of MSL
Thank you two!
Actually, both solutions would allow me to fix my problem and I can see use cases for both. Having everything web-based is useful in bigger setups. However, |
16 Jul 2019, Lukas Gerritzen, Info, Limitations of MSL
Dear Stefan,
another thing which does not work is the comparison of floating point numbers.
23 Jul 2019, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, How to convert C midas frontends to C++
Can you post the exact command that cmake executes to link sc_fe_mini (with make VERBOSE=1)?
I have noticed similar linking problems that depended on the order when linking. In my case, it
17 Jan 2020, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11. |