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ID Date Author Topicdown Subject
  1144   25 Nov 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiForumrpc_client_dispatch error
Not clear on what you are doing, so here is the brief description:

- you have two machines - say "midas" and "frontend"
- you run mttpd, mlogger, etc on "midas"
- you want to run some frontend on "frontend"

Do this:
- on "midas", open a new terminal, run "mserver -p 7071"
- on "frontend", open a new terminal, run "odbedit -h midas:7071"

If you did follow all the online instruction correctly, at this point, your odbedit on "frontend" would have 
connected and all commands would work same as if run locally on "midas".

If I understand you correctly, you got this far.

Next do this:
- on "frontend", open a new terminal, run "your_frontend.exe -h midas:7071"

If all is good, the frontend would start, would connect to midas, you would see
it in odbedit "scl" and on the midas status page and you would be able to stop
it from the midas "programs" page. (this last bit is important).

I guess this is where things go wrong and you do not get anything working.

Do this:
a) cut and paste all the output from the terminal window where you are running the mserver (including the 
command you used to start the mserver)
b) cut and paste all the output from the terminal window where you are starting the frontemd (again, 
including the command you used to start the frontend)
c) cut  and paste the contents of midas.log (in the experiment directory) from the time you started the 
mserver until the very end.

Paste all this as reply to this message or email it to me at

With this additional information we should be able to get you going (and hopefully improve the 
documentation so the next person does not run into the same problem - whatever the problem turns out to 


> I'm trying to set up an experiment with 2 frontends for the first time.  When I
> start the remote frontend I get the following errors:
> first time (odd attempt):
> [MCS_Frontend_203,ERROR] [midas.c:9678:rpc_server_connect,ERROR] mserver
> subprocess could not be started (check path)
> [MCS_Frontend_203,ERROR] [mfe.c:2696:mainFE,ERROR] Cannot connect to experiment
> 'Default' on host '', status 503
> second time (even attempt):
> MCS6A_frontend: src/midas.c:9085: rpc_client_dispatch: Assertion `n ==
> sizeof(NET_COMMAND_HEADER) + 4 * sizeof(INT)' failed.
> On the local host I'm running : mlogger, a frontend, an analzer, mhttp, and
> mserver.  I followed the instructions for adding the remote computer to the
> RPC_ALLOWED list and I do see that the remote frontend was able to edit the
> local odb equipment list.  At present I'm not running an event builder I just
> wanted to get the frontends connected to start.  Do I need to have the mserver
> running on both computers?  Any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting this?
> Thanks 
  1164   22 Feb 2016 ZiyiGuoForumProblem with BLTRead
Dear all,

I'm using MIDAS system and CAEN V1721 to digitize the waveform from photomultipliers ( 
and the link bridge to PC is V2718 ). I use BLTRead to read data of the digitizer, but 
I found that if the event counting rate is high ( about 100KB/s ), the communication 
of V1721 and PC would be suspended randomly, and I get an error code of -2. Could you 
give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot.
  1165   23 Feb 2016 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumProblem with BLTRead
> Dear all,
> I'm using MIDAS system and CAEN V1721 to digitize the waveform from photomultipliers ( 
> and the link bridge to PC is V2718 ). I use BLTRead to read data of the digitizer, but 
> I found that if the event counting rate is high ( about 100KB/s ), the communication 
> of V1721 and PC would be suspended randomly, and I get an error code of -2. Could you 
> give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot.


Can you provide the BLTread call fragment code and the PC /var/log/messages at the time of 
the hang up.
What is needed to restart the daq?

  1167   02 Mar 2016 ZiyiGuoForumProblem with BLTRead
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I'm using MIDAS system and CAEN V1721 to digitize the waveform from photomultipliers (
> > and the link bridge to PC is V2718 ). I use BLTRead to read data of the digitizer, but
> > I found that if the event counting rate is high ( about 100KB/s ), the communication
> > of V1721 and PC would be suspended randomly, and I get an error code of -2. Could you
> > give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot.
> Hi,
> Can you provide the BLTread call fragment code and the PC /var/log/messages at the time of
> the hang up.
> What is needed to restart the daq?

Hi Pierre-Andre,

Sorry for my late reply, because the data acquisition system now is running other experiment.
Here is my code. Is there something wrong? Thanks!

/* Read FADC data */
int NByteOfOneEvent = HeadSize + SampSize * NChannel;
int NDWordOfOneEvent = NByteOfOneEvent/4;

/* 1. Create FADC bank. One bank for one branch of a tree or one array branch with length. */
bk_create(pevent, "FADC", TID_DWORD, (void**)&pdata);

uint32_t size_remaining_dwords;
int dwords_read;

/* 2. Read out the event and assign them to pdata (bank buffer) */
//read size of event to be read
sCAEN = CAENComm_Read32(hFADC[card], V1721_EVENT_SIZE, &size_remaining_dwords);

if( size_remaining_dwords < NDWordOfOneEvent ) {
printf("\r\nSize of available data is less than the required size of one event.\r\n");

/* Read */
DWORD *pFadcData;
sCAEN = CAENComm_BLTRead(hFADC[card], V1721_EVENT_READOUT_BUFFER, pdata, NDWordOfOneEvent, &dwords_read);

// These code in "if" is for restart communication and save the time information if the communication was suspended

if(sCAEN != 0)
//printf("sCAEN =%d \n", sCAEN);
time_t t = time(0);
char tmp[64];
strftime(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%Y/%m/%d %X %Z",localtime(&t));
fprintf(logfile,"\n Here met communication error \n");
printf(" Here met communication error \n");

//re-establish communication
sCAEN = CAENComm_CloseDevice(hFADC[card]);
fprintf(logfile,"sCAEN =%d, device closed **********\n", sCAEN);


sCAEN = CAENComm_OpenDevice(CAENComm_PCIE_OpticalLink, l, d, FADCBA[card], &(hFADC[card]));

if (sCAEN == CAENComm_Success) {
fprintf(logfile,"re-establish communication, handle:%d, sCAEN=%d \n", hFADC[card], sCAEN);
else {
sCAEN = CAENComm_OpenDevice(CAENComm_PCIE_OpticalLink, l, d, FADCBA[card], &(hFADC[card]));
fprintf(logfile,"try open device again sCAEN= %d\n", sCAEN); }

//pause ongoing reading process
sCAEN = ov1721_AcqCtl(hFADC[card], V1721_RUN_STOP);
sCAEN = CAENComm_Read32(hFADC[card], V1721_EVENT_STORED, &eStored);

//discard FADC buffer
sCAEN = CAENComm_Write32(hFADC[card], V1721_SW_CLEAR, 0);
fprintf(logfile," number of %d events discarded \n\n", eStored);
sCAEN = ov1721_AcqCtl(hFADC[card], V1721_RUN_START);

//dwords_read: Number of the words that actually read from the device.
if( dwords_read != NDWordOfOneEvent ) {
printf("\r\nSize of data read out doesn't equal to the required size of one event. \r\n");

EvtCounterFadc[card] = *(pdata+2) & 0x00ffffff;

/* 3. Update bank pointer position */
pdata += dwords_read;

/* 4. Finish one bank */
bk_close(pevent, pdata);
  1173   30 Mar 2016 Belina von KrosigkForummserver ERR message saying data area 100% full, though it is free

I have just installed Midas and set-up the ODB for a SuperCDMS test-facility (on
a SL6.7 machine). All works fine except that I receive the following error message:

[mserver,ERROR] [odb.c:944:db_validate_db,ERROR] Warning: database data area is
100% full

Which is puzzling for the following reason:

-> I have created the ODB with: odbedit -s 4194304
-> Checking the size of the .ODB.SHM it says: 4.2M
-> When I save the ODB as .xml and check the file's size it says: 1.1M
-> When I start odbedit and check the memory usage issuing 'mem', it says: 
Free Key area: 1982136 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free Data area: 2020072 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free: 1982136 (94.5%) keylist, 2020072 (96.3%) data

So it seems like nearly all memory is still free. As a test I created more
instances of one of our front-ends and checked 'mem' again. As expected the free
memory was decreasing. I did this ten times in fact, reaching

Free Key area: 1440976 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free Data area: 1861264 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free: 1440976 (68.7%) keylist, 1861264 (88.8%) data

So I could use another >20% of the database data area, which is according to the
error message 100% (resp. >95%) full. Am I misunderstanding the error message?
I'd appreciate any comments or ideas on that subject!

Thanks, Belina
  1191   23 Aug 2016 Andreas SuterForumAlarm/Warning
Midas has a nice alarm system. I am wondering whether it is easily possible to
get the Alarm/Warning banner also on top of custom pages?!
  1192   23 Aug 2016 Stefan RittForumAlarm/Warning
> Midas has a nice alarm system. I am wondering whether it is easily possible to
> get the Alarm/Warning banner also on top of custom pages?!

K.O. made nice JavaScript routines to access the alarm status. The new alarm page is completely 
made dynamically from JavaScript code (mhttpd does not supply any HTML code any more, only 
functions to obtain ODB values etc). Part of this new dynamic page must be some code to display 
the alarm status. You just need to copy this to your custom page. K.O. can tell you details.

  1193   07 Sep 2016 Wes GohnForumODB as JSON file
Hi. Is it currently possible to automatically save the MIDAS ODB as a JSON file?
I can do it manually in odbedit, but it looks like the only option for the
automatic ODB save for each run is the standard .ODB format. Is there a way to
change this?
  1194   07 Sep 2016 Stefan RittForumODB as JSON file
> Hi. Is it currently possible to automatically save the MIDAS ODB as a JSON file?
> I can do it manually in odbedit, but it looks like the only option for the
> automatic ODB save for each run is the standard .ODB format. Is there a way to
> change this?

You mean you like an ODB dump at the end of every run in JSON format?

Sure this can be implemented. But I wonder for what purpose you need that. Can you elaborate a 
bit, maybe it's a useful feature also other people should be aware of. I'm also thinking if we should 
offer a CouchDB interface, so ODB data is written directly to that database.

  1195   08 Sep 2016 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumODB as JSON file
We do generate a .json odb at the end of run in order to extract some of its info for our CouchDB.
This is done using the "/program/Execute on stop run" script command. This method decouples the necessity 
to describe completely the info extraction within the ODB/Logger/"CouchDB" and provides possibly better 
flexibility. But including a CouchDB support in the logger as well (like SQL) would be nice too.


> > Hi. Is it currently possible to automatically save the MIDAS ODB as a JSON file?
> > I can do it manually in odbedit, but it looks like the only option for the
> > automatic ODB save for each run is the standard .ODB format. Is there a way to
> > change this?
> You mean you like an ODB dump at the end of every run in JSON format?
> Sure this can be implemented. But I wonder for what purpose you need that. Can you elaborate a 
> bit, maybe it's a useful feature also other people should be aware of. I'm also thinking if we should 
> offer a CouchDB interface, so ODB data is written directly to that database.
> Stefan
  1205   30 Sep 2016 Konstantin OlchanskiForumODB as JSON file
> Hi. Is it currently possible to automatically save the MIDAS ODB as a JSON file?
> I can do it manually in odbedit, but it looks like the only option for the
> automatic ODB save for each run is the standard .ODB format. Is there a way to
> change this?

I think today it makes sense to make all ODB dump in the JSON format - in my experience it is much 
easier to work with JSON data compared to XML data.

To write the ODB dump file in JSON format, set "/logger/ODB Dump File" to "run%05d.json".

In the midas data files, the ODB dump made into the begin-of-run and end-of-run events is presently 
unconditionally done in XML format.

Perhaps the data file dump should match the format of the odb dump file (both XML or both JSON or 
both ODB).

But at the moment our standard analyzer ROOTANA does not have the code to process JSON ODB 
dumps, so I am hesitant to make this change today, Maybe tomorrow when there is a VirtualODB 
JsonOdb class in ROOTANA. The requires JSON parser is already part of MIDAS (mjson.h/mjson.cxx).

  1206   30 Sep 2016 Konstantin OlchanskiForumAlarm/Warning
> > Midas has a nice alarm system. I am wondering whether it is easily possible to
> > get the Alarm/Warning banner also on top of custom pages?!
> K.O. made nice JavaScript routines to access the alarm status. The new alarm page is completely 
> made dynamically from JavaScript code (mhttpd does not supply any HTML code any more, only 
> functions to obtain ODB values etc). Part of this new dynamic page must be some code to display 
> the alarm status. You just need to copy this to your custom page. K.O. can tell you details.

Yes, please look at resources/alarm.html and the "get_alarms" JSON-RPC method. The "get_alarms" example in 
resources/example.html probably already does exactly what you need. Also note the presence of "al_reset_alarm" and 
"al_trigger_alarm" JSON_RPC methods.

  1211   14 Oct 2016 Luka PavelicForumWiener PCIVME link
I'm trying to make Wiener PCIVME link work with MIDAS. 
In documentation/VME dirvers/ it's saying: "wevmemm.c PCI/VME Wiener board
supported. (see Wiener PCI)".
Provided link is dead. Does anyone have that file? I would appreciate very very
much if someone could send it to me.

Thank you and best regards, 
  1212   14 Oct 2016 Konstantin OlchanskiForumWiener PCIVME link
> Hello, 
> I'm trying to make Wiener PCIVME link work with MIDAS. 
> In documentation/VME dirvers/ it's saying: "wevmemm.c PCI/VME Wiener board
> supported. (see Wiener PCI)".
> Provided link is dead. Does anyone have that file? I would appreciate very very
> much if someone could send it to me.
> Thank you and best regards, 
> L.P.

Hi, I am not familiar with this module, I am pretty sure I have never seen one.
I do not see any code for it in the midas distribution.
I do not see any reference to it on the wiener web site (

For obsolete modules, they direct us to which is dead.

The next best step is to contact Wiener customer support. They usually reply very quickly.

If you have no luck getting answer directly from Wiener, you can ask me to contact them through
our sales representative. He is always super very helpful.

  Draft   14 Oct 2016 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumWiener PCIVME link
> > Hello, 
> > I'm trying to make Wiener PCIVME link work with MIDAS. 
> > In documentation/VME dirvers/ it's saying: "wevmemm.c PCI/VME Wiener board
> > supported. (see Wiener PCI)".
> > Provided link is dead. Does anyone have that file? I would appreciate very very
> > much if someone could send it to me.
> > 
> > Thank you and best regards, 
> > L.P.
> Hi, I am not familiar with this module, I am pretty sure I have never seen one.
> I do not see any code for it in the midas distribution.
> I do not see any reference to it on the wiener web site (
> For obsolete modules, they direct us to which is dead.
> The next best step is to contact Wiener customer support. They usually reply very quickly.
> If you have no luck getting answer directly from Wiener, you can ask me to contact them through
> our sales representative. He is always super very helpful.
> K.O.

I'm having a meeting with Wiener during this weekend, I'll try to dig some info about that module. But I do recall that we had this interface and provided a driver for it.
More later... 
  1215   14 Oct 2016 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumWiener PCIVME link
> > Hello, 
> > I'm trying to make Wiener PCIVME link work with MIDAS. 
> > In documentation/VME dirvers/ it's saying: "wevmemm.c PCI/VME Wiener 
> > supported. (see Wiener PCI)".
> > Provided link is dead. Does anyone have that file? I would appreciate 
very very
> > much if someone could send it to me.
> > 
> > Thank you and best regards, 
> > L.P.
> Hi, I am not familiar with this module, I am pretty sure I have never 
seen one.
> I do not see any code for it in the midas distribution.
> I do not see any reference to it on the wiener web site 
> For obsolete modules, they direct us to which 
is dead.
> The next best step is to contact Wiener customer support. They usually 
reply very quickly.
> If you have no luck getting answer directly from Wiener, you can ask me 
to contact them through
> our sales representative. He is always super very helpful.
> K.O.

Hi, I do recall that we had this interface a while ago. 
I'll be meeting with Wiener during the weekend and will post my findings 
  1261   14 Apr 2017 Wes GohnForummhttpd lag
Hi everyone, 

We have recently been experiencing a lot of lag with our midas control webpage,
which is making it very frustrating to use. Has anyone experienced this, and do
you have any advice to speed it up? Are there particular web browsers that work
better than others, or certain settings that can make respond more quickly?

  1262   14 Apr 2017 Pierre GorelForummhttpd lag
> Hi everyone, 
> We have recently been experiencing a lot of lag with our midas control webpage,
> which is making it very frustrating to use. Has anyone experienced this, and do
> you have any advice to speed it up? Are there particular web browsers that work
> better than others, or certain settings that can make respond more quickly?
> Thanks!
> Wes

We saw this happening as well. In our case, we could track this down to mhttpd
taking a lot of CPU. A kill/restart of mhttpd is usually doing the trick (without
disturbing data taking). We did not find an obvious reason for this happening.
  1266   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiForummhttpd lag
> > Hi everyone, 
> > 
> > We have recently been experiencing a lot of lag with our midas control webpage,
> > which is making it very frustrating to use. Has anyone experienced this, and do
> > you have any advice to speed it up? Are there particular web browsers that work
> > better than others, or certain settings that can make respond more quickly?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > Wes
> We saw this happening as well. In our case, we could track this down to mhttpd
> taking a lot of CPU. A kill/restart of mhttpd is usually doing the trick (without
> disturbing data taking). We did not find an obvious reason for this happening.

One place where mhttpd can be stalled (and even go into infornite loop) is making history plots.

If you ask for a history plot of 10 variables across 1 year, nobody can access any midas web page
until mhttpd finishes grinding through the history data. (with the old .hst history format is was exceedingly 
slow, with the new "file" format, it is pretty quick, but everybody still has to wait). If you leave this page 
open, it will autorefresh every so many minutes ensuring continuing delays for other mhttpd users.

The other place for stalling mhttpd was in the run transitions (mhttpd was unresponsive while executing a 
run transition), this was fixed by the multithreaded transitions.

To fix the unresponsive history requests, you can try to setup a separate "history mhttpd", run a second 
mhttpd on a different port (with "-H" if desired), put this URL of this mhttpd in ODB "/history/url". (if you 
are using my instructions for setting up the apache httpd proxy, you can see provisions for this. 
/history/url will be set to "").

If neither of the above, there is the usual culprits of bad networking somewhere, etc.

Best way to test if delays are in midas or elsewhere is to stand in front of your midas computer, run a 
current version of google-chrome or firefox right on it, there should be no delays.

  1267   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiForummhttpd lag, which browser
> > > 
> > > We have recently been experiencing a lot of lag with our midas control webpage,
> > > which is making it very frustrating to use. Has anyone experienced this, and do
> > > you have any advice to speed it up? Are there particular web browsers that work
> > > better than others, or certain settings that can make respond more quickly?
> > > 

Wes, you provided excessive information. Who is "we", what is your location (internet in africa is different from internet in canada),
what is your computer (rpi3 is different from mac mini), what is your os (fedora-1 is different from centos-7), what
is your browser (netscape is different from google-chrome).

As to "what browser should work", on MacOS, google-chrome and firefox should be ok (that's what I test), on Linux,
stock firefox (usually an oldish esr version) should work, on el7 and ubuntu google-chrome works. On windows, google-chrome
and firefox should be ok. microsoft browsers probably not ok (no testing). cellphone browsers also not tested (but google-chrome and firefox 
should be ok).

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