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  150   03 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomscb usb support for macosx
After a felicitous confuence of stellar bodies (Stefan, myself, some mscb hardware
and a mac laptop all in the same room for a few days), I wrote some MacOSX
code to support the MSCB-USB dongle using the native IoKit USB API. During testing,
I was able to communicate with an MSCB High voltage regulator module. I am now
commiting this code to CVS, warts and all (we can clean it up when somebody actually
uses it). Tested compilation on Linux (with libusb) and MacOSX (native
IoKit. MacOSX+libusb is possible but untested), Win32 should be unaffected by my changes,
but I could not test it.
  152   03 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoIncreased number of clients in midas.h, important!
> However, we are planning to make a new release 1.9.5 soon (next week), so can can people tell not to "mix" 1.9.5 with pre-1.9.5 programs.

Right. We cannot fix the past, but we should fix the future. BTW, "do not mix versions" is hard to enforce and mismatches did, do and
will happen. For one thing, looking at a given midas-using executable, how do I tell what version of midas it has inside?

  155   08 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoIncreased number of clients in midas.h, important!
>    A lot of programs have a commandline option, such as "--version", where they return the program version number then exit.  As well as the
> program version number, the version number of the midas library it's linked with could also be returned (There can be more than one
> on a system and this would show which one was currently being linked)

This would solve the versioning problem for midas built from versionned tarballs, and I am considering a similar scheme for midas installed from
RPMs. But what do I do for midas built from CVS?!? K.O.
  156   13 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportdb_paste: found string exceeding MAX_STRING_LENGTH
I am updating TWIST to the latest MIDAS and when I load a saved .odb file, I get
these messages. Their text ought to say where and what strings it does not like.

[twistonl@midtwist ~/online]$ odbedit
Please define environment variable 'MIDASSYS'
pointing to the midas installation directory.
[local:twist:S]/>load /twist/data_onl/current/run17548.odb
[odb.c:5600:db_paste] found string exceeding MAX_STRING_LENGTH
[odb.c:5600:db_paste] found string exceeding MAX_STRING_LENGTH
[odb.c:5600:db_paste] found string exceeding MAX_STRING_LENGTH
  158   13 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportsilly odbedit "rename Display xxx/yyy"
odbedit command "rename Display xxx/yyy" creates a key named "xxx/yyy" (yes,
with a slash in the name) and this key cannot be deleted or renamed...
  160   13 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionNo al_clear_alarm()?
We have al_trigger_alarm(), but no matching al_clear_alarm(), and I need it to
clear my alarm once the alarm condition no longer exists. Any objections if I
add this function? K.O.
  162   13 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionNo al_clear_alarm()?
> > We have al_trigger_alarm(), but no matching al_clear_alarm(), and I need it to
> > clear my alarm once the alarm condition no longer exists. Any objections if I
> > add this function? K.O.
> call al_reset_alarm()

Thanks. I must be quite blind as I did not see al_reset_alarm() in midas.h. I se eit
now. Thanks.

  163   13 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportTWIST upgrade bombed...
The upgrade of TWIST to the latest midas has bombed- we see mevb and mlogger
crashes during shared memory data buffer accesses. I am looking into it and I
will add information as I figure things out. K.O.
  165   13 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportTWIST upgrade bombed...
> The upgrade of TWIST to the latest midas has bombed- we see mevb and mlogger
> crashes during shared memory data buffer accesses. I am looking into it and I
> will add information as I figure things out. K.O.

I traced buffer memory corruption to a logic error in system.c::ss_shm_open(). If
a .SHM file exists, it's size is used as the size of the sysv shared memory
segment, even if the requested shared memory size is bigger, but the caller of
ss_shm_open()  thinks it got all the requested memory. Eventually we try to use
the unallocated memory and crash. This is the proposed fix and I will commit it
after I retest the upgrade during the next few days.

[olchansk@send src]$ cvs diff -u system.c's password: 
Index: system.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/system.c,v
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -u -r1.83 system.c
--- system.c    4 Oct 2004 07:04:01 -0000       1.83
+++ system.c    14 Oct 2004 05:51:16 -0000
@@ -544,8 +544,14 @@
       } else {
          /* if file exists, retrieve its size */
          file_size = (INT) ss_file_size(file_name);
-         if (file_size > 0)
+         if (file_size > 0) {
+            if (file_size < size) {
+               cm_msg(MERROR, "ss_shm_open", "Shared memory segment \'%s\' size
%d is smaller than requested size %d. Please remove it and try
+               return SS_NO_MEMORY;
+            }
             size = file_size;
+         }
       /* get the shared memory, create if not existing */

  166   13 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportTWIST upgrade bombed...
> > The upgrade of TWIST to the latest midas has bombed- we see mevb and mlogger
> > crashes during shared memory data buffer accesses. I am looking into it and I
> > will add information as I figure things out. K.O.
> Since 1.9.5 the EventBuilder has been modified. Please consult the documentation
> where the new mevb scheme is explained.
> Test of the mevb with up to 16 frontends (15 different CPUs) has been tested
> successfully. Data rate at the EventBuilder were measured about 50MB/s without the
> logger and ~30MB/s with the logger.

It turns out that TWIST uses a private mevb.c. We will consider upgrading to the
standard one.

  168   14 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlazylogger complains about zero-size files
With latest midas, I see this:

Thu Oct 14 19:31:17 2004 [Lazy_Tape] [lazylogger.c:1717:Lazy] lazy_file_exists
file run17567.ybs doesn't exists
Thu Oct 14 19:31:27 2004 [Lazy_Tape] [lazylogger.c:1717:Lazy] lazy_file_exists
file run17567.ybs doesn't exists

The file run17567.ybs has size zero:

-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 19:29
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 19:45
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users           0 Oct 13 20:00
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      983040 Oct 13 20:03
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 20:26

I am not sure how to fix this lazylogger logic. Please help.

  169   14 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportTWIST upgrade bombed...
> The upgrade of TWIST to the latest midas has bombed- we see mevb and mlogger
> crashes during shared memory data buffer accesses. I am looking into it and I
> will add information as I figure things out. K.O.

On second try, it looks like we are in business- the first try did not work
because of two mistakes:

1) I did not delete *all* old .SHM files (.ODB.SHM, .SYSTEM.SHM, .YBUF1.SHM,
.YBUF2.SHM). I deleted ODB.SHM, so odb worked, but forgot about the data buffers
SYSTEM.SHM & co and ended up with segmentation faults and core dumps in the buffer
management code caused by a mismatch of the old-midas buffers and new-midas code.
2) while debugging these core dumps, I made an error in my test code, so even
after I deleted the old data buffers, things still did not work. Talk about
over-debugging a problem...

  170   22 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixmhttpd message colouring
I commited a fix to mhttpd logic that decides which messages should be shown in
"red" colour- before, any message with square brackets and colons would be
highlighted in red. Now only messages matching the pattern [...:...] are
highlighted. The decision logic was moved into a function message_red(). K.O.
  177   14 Dec 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiForumuse of assert in mhttpd
>    We've had mhttpd aborting regularly since upgrading from midas-1.9.3.  This
> happens during elog queries, and is due to an elog file that was incorrectly
> modified by hand.

(sorry for delayed reply, for reasons unknown, I did not get an email notice when this was posted)

Yes, I agree, error handling in midas elog code is insufficient (note missing error checks for
read() and lseek() system calls). Anything but "perfect" elog files would cause funny errors and

>  The modification to the file occurred 6 months ago.
>    el_retrieve(midas.c:15683) now has several assert statements, one of which
> aborts the program on reading the bad entry.

I added those to fix problems with "broken last NN days" and with infinite looping in the elog code
that we observed in TWIST.

You are welcome to replace the assert() statements with proper error handling. I used to have some code
that could report the filename of the bad elog file. Can we also report the exact file location for broken

Please send me the diff, I will commit it to midas cvs.

>    Why is assert used, instead of an error return from the function (if
> necessary), and maybe an error message in the log file?  Assert statements are
> often removed, using NDEBUG, for normal use.

I use assert() in several ways:

0) I want a core dump each time X happens. (This is the only reasonable action when facing memory/stack
corruption. The problems in the elog code were stack corruption).
1) "I am too lazy to write proper error handling code" so I just crash and burn. This includes the
case where "proper error handling" would be "too invasive".
2) the error is too bad (or too deep) and there is no reasonable way to recover. Print an error message
and dump core (for later analysis). I sometimes use "cm_msg(); abort()". (assert is "printf("error"); abort()")

Please refer to literature for philosophic discussions on uses of assert() (Argh! Stefan will have my
head again!), but I will mention that "abort() early, abort() often" I find very effective. BTW, this technique
is heavily used in the Linux kernel (oops(), bug(), panic()) with some good effect, too.

>    The problem elog entry had one character removed, so end-of-file came before
> the end of the message.  This could probably occur without the file being
> altered, if the disk containing the elog fills.

Yes, I think you are right. In TWIST, we have seen disk-full conditions break both elog and history.

  178   14 Dec 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoCommit local TWIST modifications
I am commiting MIDAS modification accumulated during the last few months of running TWIST:
1) system.c::ss_shm_open() fail if trying to map a file that is smaller than we expect.
2) midas.c::bm_lock_buffer(), el_submit(), el_delete_message(): do not wait for mutexes forever, use a 5 
minute timeout. If we can't get the lock, cm_msg()/abort().
The above helps dealing with complete midas freezes. I also have code to keep track of "who locked
the mutex *and* is still holding it?!?" but it is way too ugly to commit. I wish we had a "lockedByPid"
entry for all lockable objects.
  179   14 Dec 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoCommit local TWIST modifications
> I am commiting MIDAS modification accumulated during the last few months of running TWIST:

- mfe.c: in error messages "cannot find statistics record", also print
  the name of the record we are looking for.
- mlogger.c: in warning message "Write operation took N ms", report the name
  of the offending data stream.
- system.c: do not chdir("/") in ss_daemon_init()- it prevents us from ever
  getting core dumps from midas daemons. The old behaviour is trivially
  restored by "cd /" before starting the daemon; or by "limit coredumpsize 0".
- odb.c: db_validate_db() detect and break infinite looping on free list corruption.

  180   14 Dec 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd: Commit local TWIST modifications
> > I am commiting MIDAS modification accumulated...

mhttpd changes:

- Renee's improvements on http transaction logging
- Implement "minimum" and "maximum" clamping for history graphs. Unfortunately
  there is no GUI code for changing the "minimum" and "maximum" settings,
  other than directly frobbing the odb.
- When making history graphs, detect NaNs in the history data.
(- status page code for the TWIST event builder (precursor of the standard
   event builder) stays uncommited).

  186   16 Dec 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiInfo"cd /" in ss_daemon_init(), was- Commit local TWIST modifications
> > - system.c: do not chdir("/") in ss_daemon_init()- it prevents us from ever
> >   getting core dumps from midas daemons.
> The chdir("/") is from one of the unix text books. They say you HAVE to do it. If you start a
> daemon on an NFS file system, you cannot unmount that file system as long as the daemon is
> running.

Right, I remember this NFS problem from a while back.

This problem does not exist in the current crop of Linux systems (since Red Hat 7.3 at least) - they
either kill off all user programs or use "umount -f" and "umount -l".

"umount -l" works in any case to unmount a "busy" filesystem.

For systems where the NFS problem does still exist, one should do this: "mlogger -D" becomes "(cd /; mlogger -D)".

So I suspect that the "cd /" advice from the unix programming book is no longer as necessary
as it used to be. (Perhaps a better advice would have been to "cd /tmp", so we could still get
core dumps from non-root daemons).

  191   20 Jan 2005 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionHOWTO create ROOT objects in the MIDAS analyzer
With recent changes to mana.c, creation of user ROOT objects in the MIDAS
analyser has changed. Here is the new example code for creating ROOT objects
that are visible in ROODY and are saved into the histogram file.

1) in the "global" context (outside of any function)

#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TProfile.h>

static TH1D* gMyHist1 = 0;
static TProfile* gMyHist2 = 0;

2) In the analyzer "init" or "begin run" method, create the histogram:

//extern TFolder *gManaHistosFolder; // from midas.h
gMyHist1 = new TH1D("gMyHist1",...);
gMyHist2 = new TProfile("gMyHist2",...);

(note: this will produce an warning about "possible memory leak")

3) In the per-event method, fill the histograms


4) In the Makefile, where you compile the frontend, add "-DUSE_ROOT" right after

  192   20 Jan 2005 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportPersistency problem with h1_book() & co
The current h1_book() macros (and the previous example analyzer code) have an
odd persistency problem: for example, the user wants to change some histogram
limits, edits the h1_book() calls, rebuilds and restarts the analyzer, starts a
new run, and observes that all histograms are filled using the old limits, his
changes "did not take". The user panics, I get paged during the Holy Lunch Hour,
everybody is unhappy.

This is what I think happens:

1) analyzer starts
2) LoadRootHistgrams() loads old histograms from file
3) user code calls h1_book()
4) h1_book template in midas.h does this (roughly):
      hist = (TH1X *) gManaHistosFolder->FindObjectAny(name);
      if (hist == NULL) {
         hist = new TH1X(name, title, bins, min, max);
5) since the histogram already exists (loaded from the file, with the old
limits), the TH1X constructor is not called at all, new histogram limits are
utterly ignored.

A possible solution is to unconditionally create the ROOT objects, like I do in
the example code posted at That code
produces an annoying warning from ROOT about possible memory leaks. This could
be fixed by adding a two liner to "find and delete" the object before it is
created, trippling the number of user code lines per histogram (find & delete,
then create). Highly ugly.

midas.h macros (h1_book & co) can be fixed by adding checks for histogram limits
and such, but I would much prefer a generic solution/convention that would work
for arbitrary ROOT objects without MIDAS-specific wrappers (think TProfile,
TGraph, etc...).

Any suggestions?

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5