14 Jan 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, frontend issues with midas-2019-09
Actually now I see that
a4) poll_event() and interrupt_configure() have "source" as "int[]" instead of "int" (why did this work before?)
14 Jan 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, cmake complie issues
Thanks for tracing the problem further down. Now I realized that the CMakeLists.txt for the ROOT analyzer did not contain the usual ROOT flags. I added
that and committed the change, so please try again. Here is the diff:
14 Jan 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, cmake complie issues
> In the past, one could use "make -k" to get past the errors caused by ROOT, everything will
> get built and installed, except for the code that failed to build.
14 Jan 2020, Peter Kunz, Forum, EPICS frontend does not compile under midas-2019-09-i
I'm still trying to upgrade my MIDAS system to midas-2019-09-i. Most frontends work fine with the modifications already discussed.
However, I ran into some trouble with the epics frontend. Even with the modifications it throws a lot of warnings and errors (see attached log file). I
can reduce the errors with -fpermissive, but the following two errors are persistent:
15 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, EPICS frontend does not compile under midas-2019-09-i
> I'm still trying to upgrade my MIDAS system to midas-2019-09-i. Most frontends work fine with the modifications already discussed.
> However, I ran into some trouble with the epics frontend. Even with the modifications it throws a lot of warnings and errors (see attached log file).
I can reduce the errors with -fpermissive, but the following two errors are persistent:
15 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, EPICS frontend does not compile under midas-2019-09-i
I fixed the compiler errors in epics_ca.cxx, can you try again? (see https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/commits/)
But, I do not see errors with ca_create_channel() and ca_create_subscription().
15 Jan 2020, Peter Kunz, Forum, EPICS frontend does not compile under midas-2019-09-i
Hi Konstantin,
I have EPICS Base Release and got your example running with it, though I had to make one change.
For some reason it wouldn't find libca.so, but when I linked the static library libca.a instead, it worked.
15 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, EPICS frontend does not compile under midas-2019-09-i
> I have EPICS Base Release and got your example running with it...
Ok, good.
15 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, EPICS frontend does not compile under midas-2019-09-i
> > I have EPICS Base Release ...
16 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> Complile including ROOT throws an error with ROOT 6.18/04 on Fedora 31 ...
> /usr/include/root/ROOT/RStringView.hxx:32:37: error: ‘experimental’ in namespace ‘std’ ...
17 Jan 2020, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11. |
17 Jan 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> > In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
> Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11.
17 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> > In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
> Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11.
17 Jan 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, cmake complie issues, Fedora 31 ROOT?
> > In any case, we are setup for an eventual collision between MIDAS CFLAGS (-std=gnu++11) and ROOT CFLAGS (-std=something else).
> Are there good reasons to not compile MIDAS with set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)? So far this was an easier "fix" for me than to recompile ROOT with c++11.
12 Feb 2020, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Difference between "Event Data Size" and "All Bank Size"
Dear all,
we are trying to build Midas events on FPGAs and send them directly to the midas
12 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Difference between "Event Data Size" and "All Bank Size"
Thanks for pointing out this error. The "All Bank Size" contains the size of all banks including their
bank headers, but NOT the global bank header itself. I modified the documentation accordingly.
13 Feb 2020, Marius Koeppel, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs
Dear all,
we creating Midas events directly inside a FPGA and send them off via DMA into the PC RAM. For reading out this RAM via Midas the FPGA sends as a pointer |
13 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs
The rb_xxx functions are (thoroughly tested) robust against high data rate given that you use them as intended:
1) Once you create the ring buffer via rb_create(), specify the maximum event size (midas event, not bank size!). Later there is not protection any more, |
13 Feb 2020, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs
The rb_xxx function are (thoroughly tested!) robust against high data rate given that you use them as intended:
1) Once you create the ring buffer via rb_create(), specify the maximum event size (overall event size, not bank size!). Later there is no protection any |
14 Feb 2020, Konrad Briggl, Forum, Writting Midas Events via FPGAs
Hello Stefan,
is there a difference for the later data processing (after writing the ring buffer blocks)
if we write single events or multiple in one rb_get_wp - memcopy - rb_increment_wp cycle?