06 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Midas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
Actually I realized that a 1ms wait still works, so I reduced it to that.
Stefan |
07 May 2024, Musaab Al-Bakry, Forum, Midas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
> Actually I realized that a 1ms wait still works, so I reduced it to that.
> Stefan
Thank you so much, Stefan. I have tested your changes, and it seems like this does
the job for our purposes. Very appreciated!
Best regards,
Musaab Faozi |
07 Dec 2023, Stefan Ritt, Info, Midas Holiday Update
Dear beloved MIDAS users,
I'm happy to announce a "holiday update" for MIDAS. In countless hours, Zaher from
PSI worked hard to introduce syntax highlighting in the midas script editor. In
addition, there are additional features like a cleaner user interface, the option
to see all variables also in non-debug mode and more. Have a look at the picture
below, doesn't it beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
We have tested this quite a bit and went through many iterations, but no guarantee
that it's flawless. So please report any issue here.
I wish you all a happy holiday season,
Stefan |
10 Dec 2023, Andreas Suter, Info, Midas Holiday Update
Hi Stefan and Zaher,
there is a problem with the new sequencer interface for midas.
If I understand the msequencer code correctly:
Under '/Sequencer/State/Path' the path can be defined from where the msequencer gets the files, generates the xml, etc.
However, the new javascript code reads/writes the files to '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/'
If the path in the ODB is different to '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/', it leads to quite some unexpected behavior. If '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/' is the place where things should go, the ODB entry of the msequencer and the internal handling should probably adopted, no?
> Dear beloved MIDAS users,
> I'm happy to announce a "holiday update" for MIDAS. In countless hours, Zaher from
> PSI worked hard to introduce syntax highlighting in the midas script editor. In
> addition, there are additional features like a cleaner user interface, the option
> to see all variables also in non-debug mode and more. Have a look at the picture
> below, doesn't it beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
> We have tested this quite a bit and went through many iterations, but no guarantee
> that it's flawless. So please report any issue here.
> I wish you all a happy holiday season,
> Stefan |
10 Dec 2023, Stefan Ritt, Info, Midas Holiday Update
> If I understand the msequencer code correctly:
> Under '/Sequencer/State/Path' the path can be defined from where the msequencer gets the files, generates the xml, etc.
> However, the new javascript code reads/writes the files to '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/'
> If the path in the ODB is different to '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/', it leads to quite some unexpected behavior. If '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/' is the place where things should go, the ODB entry of the msequencer and the internal handling should probably adopted, no?
Indeed there is a change in philosophy. Previously, /Sequencer/State/Path could point anywhere in the file system. This was considered a security problem, since one could access system files under /etc for example via the midas interface. When the new file API was
introduced recently, it has therefor been decided that all files accessible remotely should reside under <exp>/userfiles. If an experiment needs some files outside of that directory, the experiment could define some symbolic link, but that's then in the responsibility of
the experiment.
To resolve now the issue between the sequencer path and the userfiles, we have different options, and I would like to get some feedback from the community, since *all experiments* have to do that change.
1) Leave thins as they are, but explain that everybody should modify /Sequencer/Stat/Path to some subdirectory of <exp>/userfiles/sequencer
2) Drop /Sequencer/State/Path completely and "hard-wire" it to <exp>/usefiles/sequencer
3) Make /Sequencer/State/Path relative to <exp>/userfiles. Like if /Sequencer/State/Path=test would then result to a final directory <exp>/userfiles/sequencer/test
I'm kind of tempted to go with 3), since this allows the experiment to define different subdirectories under <exp>/userfiles/sequencer/... depending on the situation of the experiment.
Stefan |
10 Dec 2023, Andreas Suter, Info, Midas Holiday Update
> > If I understand the msequencer code correctly:
> > Under '/Sequencer/State/Path' the path can be defined from where the msequencer gets the files, generates the xml, etc.
> > However, the new javascript code reads/writes the files to '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/'
> >
> > If the path in the ODB is different to '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/', it leads to quite some unexpected behavior. If '<exp>/userfiles/sequencer/' is the place where things should go, the ODB entry of the msequencer and the internal handling should probably adopted, no?
> Indeed there is a change in philosophy. Previously, /Sequencer/State/Path could point anywhere in the file system. This was considered a security problem, since one could access system files under /etc for example via the midas interface. When the new file API was
> introduced recently, it has therefor been decided that all files accessible remotely should reside under <exp>/userfiles. If an experiment needs some files outside of that directory, the experiment could define some symbolic link, but that's then in the responsibility of
> the experiment.
> To resolve now the issue between the sequencer path and the userfiles, we have different options, and I would like to get some feedback from the community, since *all experiments* have to do that change.
> 1) Leave thins as they are, but explain that everybody should modify /Sequencer/Stat/Path to some subdirectory of <exp>/userfiles/sequencer
> 2) Drop /Sequencer/State/Path completely and "hard-wire" it to <exp>/usefiles/sequencer
> 3) Make /Sequencer/State/Path relative to <exp>/userfiles. Like if /Sequencer/State/Path=test would then result to a final directory <exp>/userfiles/sequencer/test
> I'm kind of tempted to go with 3), since this allows the experiment to define different subdirectories under <exp>/userfiles/sequencer/... depending on the situation of the experiment.
> Best,
> Stefan
For me the option 3) seems the most coherent one.
Andreas |
12 Dec 2023, Stefan Ritt, Info, Midas Holiday Update
> > 3) Make /Sequencer/State/Path relative to <exp>/userfiles. Like if /Sequencer/State/Path=test would then result to a final directory <exp>/userfiles/sequencer/test
> >
> > I'm kind of tempted to go with 3), since this allows the experiment to define different subdirectories under <exp>/userfiles/sequencer/... depending on the situation of the experiment.
> >
> > Best,
> > Stefan
> For me the option 3) seems the most coherent one.
> Andreas
Ok, I implemented option 3) above. This means everybody using the midas sequencer has to change /Sequencer/State/Path to an empty string and move the
sequencer files under <exp>/userfiles/sequencer as a starting point. I tested most thing, including the INCLUDE statements, but there could still be
a bug here or there, so please give it a try and report any issue to me.
Stefan |
14 Dec 2012, Vinzenz Bildstein, Suggestion, Midas + Elog with SSL
I've been trying to set up midas to create an automatic elog entry at the end of
each run and I've run into a problem. I've setup an elog on our server which
uses SSL and it seems that the melog provided by midas to create logbook entries
doesn't know any SSL.
My solution to this was to copy the crypt.c from the elog package to the
computer running midas and changed melog.c and the makefile to use SSL if a flag
-s is used. Does this seem like a sensible solution or did I oversee the obvious
and/or right way to do this? |
14 Dec 2012, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Midas + Elog with SSL
> I've been trying to set up midas to create an automatic elog entry at the end of
> each run and I've run into a problem. I've setup an elog on our server which
> uses SSL and it seems that the melog provided by midas to create logbook entries
> doesn't know any SSL.
> My solution to this was to copy the crypt.c from the elog package to the
> computer running midas and changed melog.c and the makefile to use SSL if a flag
> -s is used. Does this seem like a sensible solution or did I oversee the obvious
> and/or right way to do this?
Indeed melog.c is an old version of the elog.c utility in the elog package, which has not been maintained since a
long time. Can't you just use the recent elog.c utility from the elog package? |
17 Dec 2012, Vinzenz Bildstein, Suggestion, Midas + Elog with SSL
> > I've been trying to set up midas to create an automatic elog entry at the end of
> > each run and I've run into a problem. I've setup an elog on our server which
> > uses SSL and it seems that the melog provided by midas to create logbook entries
> > doesn't know any SSL.
> >
> > My solution to this was to copy the crypt.c from the elog package to the
> > computer running midas and changed melog.c and the makefile to use SSL if a flag
> > -s is used. Does this seem like a sensible solution or did I oversee the obvious
> > and/or right way to do this?
> Indeed melog.c is an old version of the elog.c utility in the elog package, which has not been maintained since a
> long time. Can't you just use the recent elog.c utility from the elog package?
Well, that's essentially what I did, I just didn't want to install the whole elog package on the midas server. Whether
the utility is called elog or melog doesn't really matter. I just wanted to make sure that this is the right way to do
Thanks! |
18 Mar 2024, Grzegorz Nieradka, Bug Report, Midas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
I tried to update MIDAS installation on Ubuntu 22.04.1 to the latest commit at
the bitbucket.
I have update the ROOT from source the latest version ROOT 6.31/01.
During the MIDAS compilation I have error:
/usr/bin/ld: *some_path_to_ROOT*/libRIO.so: undefined reference to
The longer version of this error is below.
Has anybody knows some simple solution of this error?
Thanks, GN
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target manalyzer_main
[ 32%] Building CXX object
[ 33%] Linking CXX static library libmanalyzer_main.a
[ 33%] Built target manalyzer_main
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target manalyzer_test.exe
[ 33%] Building CXX object
[ 34%] Linking CXX executable manalyzer_test.exe
/usr/bin/ld: /home/astrocent/workspace/root/root_install/lib/libRIO.so: undefined
reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [manalyzer/CMakeFiles/manalyzer_test.exe.dir/build.make:124:
manalyzer/manalyzer_test.exe] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:780:
manalyzer/CMakeFiles/manalyzer_test.exe.dir/all] Error 2 |
18 Mar 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Midas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
> [ 34%] Linking CXX executable manalyzer_test.exe
> /usr/bin/ld: /home/astrocent/workspace/root/root_install/lib/libRIO.so: undefined
> reference to
> `std::condition_variable::wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>&)@GLIBCXX_3.4.30'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
the error is actually in ROOT, libRIO does not find someting in the standard library.
one possible source of trouble is mismatched compilation flags, to debug this, please
use "make cmake" and email me (or post here) the full output. (standard cmake hides
all compiler information to make it easier to debug such problems).
since this is a prerelease of ROOT 6.32 (which in turn fixes major breakage on MacOS)
and you built it from sources, can you confirm for me that it actually works, you can
run "root -l somefile.root", open the tbrowser, look at some plots? this is to
eliminate the possibility that your ROOR is miscompiled.
hmm... also please run "make cmake -k", let's see is linking of rmlogger also fails.
K.O. |
19 Mar 2024, Grzegorz Nieradka, Bug Report, Midas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
Dear Konstantin,
Thank you for your interest in my problem.
What I did:
1. I installed the latest ROOT from source according tho the manual,
exactly as in this webpage (https://root.cern/install/).
ROOT sems work correctly, .demo from it is works and some example
file too. The manalyzer is not linking with this ROOT version installed from source.
2. I downgraded the ROOT to the lower version (6.30.04):
git checkout -b v6-30-04 v6-30-04
ROOT seems compiled, installed and run correctly. The manalyzer,
from the MIDAS is not linked.
3. I downoladed the latest version of ROOT:
and I installed it simple by tar: tar -xzvf root_...
| Welcome to ROOT 6.30/04 https://root.cern |
| (c) 1995-2024, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
| Built for linuxx8664gcc on Jan 31 2024, 10:01:37 |
| From heads/master@tags/v6-30-04 |
| With c++ (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0 |
| Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |
Again the ROOT sems work properly, the .demo from it is working, and example file
are working too. Manalyzer from MIDAS is failed to linking.
4. The midas with the option: cmake -D NO_ROOT=ON ..
is compliling, linking and even working.
5. When I try to build MIDAS with ROOT support threre is error:
[ 33%] Linking CXX executable manalyzer_test.exe
/usr/bin/ld: /home/astrocent/workspace/root/lib/libRIO.so: undefined reference to
I'm trying to attach files:
cmake-midas-root -> My configuration of compiling MIDAS with ROOT
make-cmake-midas -> output of my the command make cmake in MIDAS directory
make-cmake-k -> output of my the command make cmake -k in MIDAS directory
And I'm stupid at this moment.
Grzegorz Nieradka |
19 Mar 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Midas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
ok, thank you for your information. I cannot reproduce this problem, I use vanilla Ubuntu
LTS 22, ROOT binary kit root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from root.cern.ch
and latest midas from git.
something is wrong with your ubuntu or with your c++ standard library or with your ROOT.
a) can you try with root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from root.cern.ch
b) for the midas build, please run "make cclean; make cmake -k" and email me (or post
here) the complete output.
K.O. |
19 Mar 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Midas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
> ok, thank you for your information. I cannot reproduce this problem, I use vanilla Ubuntu
> LTS 22, ROOT binary kit root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from root.cern.ch
> and latest midas from git.
> something is wrong with your ubuntu or with your c++ standard library or with your ROOT.
> a) can you try with root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from root.cern.ch
> b) for the midas build, please run "make cclean; make cmake -k" and email me (or post
> here) the complete output.
also, please email me the output of these commands on your machine:
daq00:midas$ ls -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 May 13 2023 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 -> libstdc++.so.6.0.30
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2260296 May 13 2023 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.30
daq00:midas$ ldd $ROOTSYS/bin/rootreadspeed
linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffe6c399000)
libTree.so => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/libTree.so (0x00007f67e53b5000)
libRIO.so => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/libRIO.so (0x00007f67e4fb9000)
libCore.so => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/libCore.so (0x00007f67e4b08000)
libstdc++.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f67e48bd000)
libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f67e489b000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f67e4672000)
libNet.so => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/libNet.so (0x00007f67e458b000)
libThread.so => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/libThread.so (0x00007f67e4533000)
libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007f67e444c000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f67e5599000)
libpcre.so.3 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.3 (0x00007f67e43d6000)
libz.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 (0x00007f67e43b8000)
liblzma.so.5 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblzma.so.5 (0x00007f67e438d000)
libxxhash.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxxhash.so.0 (0x00007f67e4378000)
liblz4.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblz4.so.1 (0x00007f67e4358000)
libzstd.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzstd.so.1 (0x00007f67e4289000)
libssl.so.3 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.3 (0x00007f67e41e3000)
libcrypto.so.3 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.3 (0x00007f67e3d9f000)
K.O. |
28 Mar 2024, Grzegorz Nieradka, Bug Report, Midas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
I found solution for my trouble. With MIDAS and ROOT everything is OK,
the trobule was with my Ubuntu enviroment.
In this case the trobule was caused by earlier installed anaconda and hardcoded path
to anaconda libs folder in PATH enviroment variable.
In anaconda lib folder I have the libstdc++.so.6.0.29 and the hardcoded path
to this folder was added during the linking, by ld program, after the standard path location
of libstdc++.
So the linker tried to link to this version of libstdc++.
When I removed the path for anaconda libs from enviroment and the standard libs location
is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and I have the libstdc++.so.6.0.32 version
of stdc++ library everything is compiling and linking smoothly without any errors.
Additionaly, everything works smoothly even with the newest ROOT version 6.30/04 compiled
from source.
Thanks for help.
BTW. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Easter and tasty eggs!
Grzegorz Nieradka |
02 Apr 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Midas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
> I found solution for my trouble. With MIDAS and ROOT everything is OK,
> the trobule was with my Ubuntu enviroment.
Congratulations with figuring this out.
BTW, this is the 2nd case of contaminated linker environment I run into in the last 30 days. We
just had a problem of "cannot link MIDAS with ROOT" (resolving by "make cmake NO_ROOT=1 NO_CURL=1
This all seems to be a flaw in cmake, it reports "found ROOT at XXX", "found CURL at YYY", "found
MYSQL at ZZZ", then proceeds to link ROOT, CURL and MYSQL libraries from somewhere else,
resulting in shared library version mismatch.
With normal Makefiles, this is fixable by changing the link command from:
g++ -o rmlogger ... -LAAA/lib -LXXX/lib -LYYY/lib -lcurl -lmysql -lROOT
into explicit
g++ -o rmlogger ... -LAAA/lib XXX/lib/libcurl.a YYY/lib/libmysql.a ...
defeating the bogus CURL and MYSQL libraries in AAA.
With cmake, I do not think it is possible to make this transformation.
Maybe it is possible to add a cmake rules to at least detect this situation, i.e. compare library
paths reported by "ldd rmlogger" to those found and expected by cmake.
K.O. |
08 Aug 2016, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, Merged - new pure html web pages: programs and alarms.
The code for the new pure html and javascript web pages was merged into main midas.
In this release, the "programs" and "alarms" pages are implemented as html files, see
resources/programs.html and alarms.html.
Eventually we hope to implement all midas web pages in html, so this is just a start.
If you see problems with the new html code, you can revert to the old mhttpd-generated web
pages by removing the files programs.html and alarms.html.
The new code for starting and stopping runs (start.html and transition.html) is also merged, but not
yet enabled, pending a few more tests.
K.O. |
12 Aug 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Merged - improved midas network security
> New git branch "feature/rpcsecurity" implements these security features:
Branch was merged into main midas with a few minor changes:
1) RPC access control list is now an array of strings - "/Experiment/Security/RPC hosts/Allowed hosts" - this fixes the previous limit of 32 bytes for host name length.
1a) the access control list array is self-growing - it will have at least 10 empty entries at the end at all times.
2) All clients db_watch() the access control list and automatically reload it when it is changed - no need to restart clients. (suggested by Stefan)
3) "mserver -a hostname" switches for manually expanding the mserver access control list had to be removed because it stopped working with reloading from db_watch() - the ODB list will always overwrite
anything manually added by "-a".
The text below is corrected for these changes:
> - all UDP ports are bound to the localhost interface - connections from outside are not possible
> - by default out of the box MIDAS RPC TCP ports are bound to the localhost interface - connections from the outside are not possible.
> This configuration is suitable for testing MIDAS on a laptop and for running a simple experiment where all programs run on one machine.
> This configuration is secure (connections from the outside are not possible).
> This configuration makes corporate security people happy - MIDAS ports do not show up on network port scans (nmap & etc). (except for the mhttpd
> web ports).
> The change in binding UDP ports is incompatible with previous versions of MIDAS (except on MacOS, where UDP ports were always bound to localhost).
> All MIDAS programs should be rebuild and restarted, otherwise ODB hotlinks and some other stuff will not work. If rebuilding all MIDAS programs is
> impossible (for example I have one magic MIDAS frontend that cannot be rebuilt), one can force the old (insecure) behavior by creating a file
> .UDP_BIND_HOSTNAME in the experiment directory (next to .ODB.SHM).
> The mserver will still work in this localhost-restricted configuration - one should use "odbedit -h localhost" to connect. Multiple mserver instances on
> the same machine - using different TCP ports via "-p" and ODB "/Experiment/midas server port" - are still supported.
> To run MIDAS programs on remote machines, one should change the ODB setting "/Experiment/Security/Enable non-localhost RPC" to "yes" and
> add the hostnames of all remote machines that will run MIDAS programs to the MIDAS RPC access control list in ODB "/Experiment/Security/RPC hosts/Allowed hosts".
> To avoid "guessing" the host names expected by MIDAS, do this: set "enable non-localhost rpc" to "yes" and restart the mserver. Then go to the remote
> machine and try to start the MIDAS program, i.e. "odbedit -h daq06". This will bomb and there will be a message in the midas log file saying - rejecting
> connection from unallowed host 'ladd21.triumf.ca'. Add this host to "/Experiment/Security/RPC hosts/Allowed hosts". After you add this hostname to "RPC hosts"
> you should see messages in midas.log about reloading the access control list, try connecting again, it should work now.
> If MIDAS clients have to connect from random hosts (i.e. dynamically assigned random DHCP addresses), one can disable the host name checks by
> setting ODB "/experiment/security/Disable RPC hosts check" to "yes". This configuration is insecure and should only be done on a private network
> behind a firewall.
> |
14 Aug 2015, Stefan Ritt, Info, Merged - improved midas network security
I tested the new scheme and am quite happy with. Just a minor thing. When I change the ACL, I get messages from all attached programs, like:
[local:Online:S]RPC hosts>set "Allowed hosts[1]" "host.psi.ch"
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
09:05:11 [mserver,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
09:05:11 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
09:05:11 [mserver,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
09:05:11 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
09:05:11 [mserver,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
09:05:11 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
While this is good for debugging, I would remove it not to confuse the average user.
The trick not to have to "guess" a remote name is quite useful. I'm happy it even made it into the documentation. There is however an
important shortcoming in the documentation. The old documentation had a "quick start" section, which allowed people quickly to
set-up and run a midas system. This is still missing. And it should now contain a link to the "Security" page, so that people can set-up
quickly remote programs. |