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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topic Subject
  896   26 Jul 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportodbedit fixed size buffer overrun
odbedit uses a fixed size buffer for ODB data. If an array in ODB is bugger than this size, 
db_get_data() correctly returns DB_TRUNCATED and there is no memory overwrite, but the following 
code for printing the data does not know about this truncation and proceeds printing memory 
values contained after the end of the fixed size data buffer - in the current case, this memory 
somehow had the contents of the shell history - this very confused the MIDAS users as they though 
that the funny printout was actually in ODB. This is in the print_key() function. If db_get_data() 
returns DB_TRUNCATED, it should allocate a buffer of bigger size. This (and the previous) bug found 
by the TIGRESS experiment. K.O.
  895   26 Jul 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportabort on buffer overflow in odb.c::merge_records()
The odb.c function merge_records() has a fixed size array of 10000 bytes to handle the data and it 
aborts with an assert() if passed data bigger than that. It is called from db_create_record() which 
already allocates a data buffer of correct size for it's operations.
  894   24 Jul 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMidasWiki at TRIUMF
> We are happy to announce the creation of the MidasWiki at TRIUMF

We are running MediaWiki in the world-readable, authenticated-user-writable mode.

New user registration is done by the "confirm new user" extension (
- go to
- fill the form, submit request - request goes to wiki administrator for confirmation
- wait for email about email address confirmation, follow instructions to confirm your email address
- wait for email about account confirmation
- try to login to the wiki.

  893   22 Jul 2013 Stefan RittInfoMIDAS source code converted from SVN to GIT
Konstantin forgot to tell people outside of TRIUMF how to get the newest version of MIDAS. Here it is:

$ git clone

Not that you can also browse the repository at

On some (older) systems, you might have to install git (

  892   22 Jul 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS source code converted from SVN to GIT
The MIDAS source code repository was converted from SVN to GIT, hosted as bitbucket:

A clonable copy of the repository is located at TRIUMF: git clone (and mxml.git).

The documentation is being slowly updated with GIT instructions (git clone) instead of SVN (svn 

The MIDAS code history goes all the way to CVS/SVN rev 1 dated Thu Oct 8 13:46:02 1998.

  891   22 Jul 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMidasWiki at TRIUMF
We are happy to announce the creation of the MidasWiki at TRIUMF ( as the 
new location of MIDAS documentation, user instructions, examples, etc.
  890   10 Jun 2013 Konstantin https ssl certificate update, elogd update, relocation.
The HTTPS SSL certificate on has been updated. Same as the old
certificate, the new one is self-signed and your web browser may complain about
that and ask you to "save a security exception".

When you save the new certificate, you can verify that you are connected to the
real by comparing the "SHA1 fingerprint" reported by your web
browser to the one given below (as reported by "svn update"):

Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Mon, 10 Jun 2013 18:43:19 GMT until Tue, 10 Jun 2014 18:43:19 GMT
 - Issuer: DAQ, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CA
 - Fingerprint: 3f:15:d0:1d:68:ae:f0:73:10:78:84:66:f3:af:c7:67:5c:70:00:62

At the same time, elogd was updated to latest version from Stefan (elog-2.9.2-1.i386).

Also as part of local computer updates, elogd is temporarily running on This should be 
transparent to all users but please let me know if there are strange artefacts, etc. (ladd03 will become the 
new ladd00 "soon").

  889   31 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd JSON-P support
> To see how it all works, please look at examples/javascript1/example.html.
> - JSON encoding has an extra layer of objects ( instead of

This is now fixed. See updated example.html. Current encoding looks like this:

  "System" : {
    "Clients" : {
      "24885" : {
        "Name/key" : { "type" : 12, "item_size" : 32, "last_written" : 1370024816 },
        "Name" : "ODBEdit",
        "Host/key" : { "type" : 12, "item_size" : 256, "last_written" : 1370024816 },
        "Host" : "",
        "Hardware type/key" : { "type" : 7, "last_written" : 1370024816 },
        "Hardware type" : 44,
        "Server Port/key" : { "type" : 7, "last_written" : 1370024816 },
        "Server Port" : 52539
    "Tmp" : {

odb.c, example.html
svn rev 5368
  888   17 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd JSON-P support
> Added JSON encoding format to Javascript ODBCopy(path,format) ("jcopy"). Use format="json", Javascript example updated with an example example.

More ODBCopy() expansion: format="json-p" returns data suitable for JSON-P ("script tag") messaging.

Also implemented multiple-paths for "jcopy" (similar to "jget"/ODBMGet()). An example ODBMCopy(paths,callback,format) is present in example.html (will move to mhttpd.js).

Added JSON encoding options:
- format="json-nokeys" will omit all KEY information except for "last_written"
- "json-nokeys-nolastwritten" will also omit "last_written"
- "json-nofollowlinks" will return ODB symlink KEYs instead of following them (ODBGet/ODBMGet always follows symlinks)
- "json-p" adds JSON-P encapsulation
All these JSON format options can be used at the same time, i.e. format="json-p-nofollowlinks"

To see how it all works, please look at examples/javascript1/example.html.

The new code seems to be functional enough, but it is still work in progress and there are a few problems:
- ODBMCopy() using the "xml" format returns gibberish (the MIDAS XML encoder has to be told to omit the <?xml> header)
- example.html does not actually parse any of the XML data, so we do not know if XML encoding is okey
- JSON encoding has an extra layer of objects ( instead of
- ODBRpc() with JSON/JSON-P encoding not done yet.

mhttpd.cxx, example.html
svn rev 5364
  887   10 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoUpdated: javascript custom page examples
> ODBCopy(path, format); -- no doc

Updated example of ODBCopy:

format="" returns data in traditional ODB save format
format="xml" returns data in XML encoding
format="json" returns data in JSON encoding.

  886   10 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd JSON support
> odbedit can now save ODB in JSON-formatted files.
> Added functions:
>    INT EXPRT db_save_json(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, const char *file_name);
>    INT EXPRT db_copy_json(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char **buffer, int *buffer_size, int *buffer_end, int  save_keys, int follow_links);

Added JSON encoding format to Javascript ODBCopy() ("jcopy"). Use format="json", Javascript example updated with an example example.

Also updated db_copy_json():
- always return NUL-terminated string
- "save_keys" values: 0 - do not save any KEY data, 1 - save all KEY data, 2 - save only KEY.last_written

odb.c, mhttpd.cxx, example.html
svn rev 5362
  885   10 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFixed: crash if alarm "write elog message" is enabled
If the MIDAS Alarm property "write elog message" is enabled, an uninitialized variable "tag" is passed to 
el_submit() and depending on your luck, cause a crash. "tag" is supposed to be and is now a NUL-
terminated string. The only other use of el_submit() is in mhttpd.cxx and mserver.c, where it is called 

alarm.c svn rev 5361
  884   07 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoUpdated: javascript custom page examples
I updated the MIDAS javascript examples in examples/javascript1. All existing mhttpd.js functions are 
now exampled. (yes).

Here is the full list of functions, with notes:

ODBSet(path, value, pwdname);
ODBGet(path, format, defval, len, type);
ODBMGet(paths, callback, formats); --- doc incomplete - no example of callback() use
ODBExtractRecord(record, key);
new ODBKey(path); --- doc incomplete, wrong - one has to use "new ODBKey" - last_used was added.
ODBCopy(path, format); -- no doc
ODBRpc_rev0(name, rpc, args); --- doc refer to example
ODBRpc_rev1(name, rpc, max_reply_length, args); --- same
ODBGetAlarms(); --- no doc
ODBEdit(path); --- undoc - forces page reload

As annotated, the main documentation is partially incomplete and partially wrong (i.e. ODBKey() has to be 
invoked as "new ODBKey()"). I hope this will be corrected soon. In the mean time, I recommend that 
everybody uses this example as best documentation available.

svn rev 5360
  883   06 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoTRIUMF MIDAS page moved to DAQWiki
The MIDAS web page at TRIUMF ( moved from the daq-plone site to the DAQWiki 
(MediaWiki) site. Links were updated, checked and corrected:

Included is the link to our MIDAS installation instructions. These are more complete compared to the 
instructions in the MIDAS documentation:
  882   06 May 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoRecent-ish SVN changes at PSI
A little while ago, PSI made some changes to the SVN hosting. The main SVN URL seems to remain the 
same, but SVN viewer moved to a new URL (it seems a bit faster compared to the old viewer):

Also the SSH host key has changed to:, ssh-rsa 

Fingerprint: a3:18:18:c4:14:f9:3e:79:2c:9c:fa:90:9a:d6:d2:fc

The change of host key is annoying because it makes "svn update" fail with an unhelpful message (some 
mumble about ssh -q). To fix this fault, run "ssh", then fixup the ssh host key as 

  881   30 Apr 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoROOT switched to GIT
Latest news - the ROOT project switched from SVN to GIT.


Fons's presentation with details on the conversion process, repository size and performance 

"no switch yard" work flow:

GIT cheat sheet:

  880   12 Apr 2013 Stefan RittForumPersistent ipcrm error
> [odb.c:6038:db_paste,ERROR] found string exceeding MAX_STRING_LENGTH

Ok, so here is what probably happened. Some user program wrote a long string into the ODB and somehow corrupted it. This corruption persists as long as you work with 
binary data. Indeed "rebuilding" the ODB helps in that case. What we do actually is at the beginning of every run, the ODB contents is dumped into the data file via

/Logger/Channels/0/Setting/ODB dump

in case we get ODB corruption, we clear all *.shm files as well as the shared memory segments, create a fresh ODB, extract the ODB from the last successful run via

odbhist -e runxxx.mid

and load it via odbedit. I put some additional code in most midas functions to prevent this corruption (and thus your saw the above error "found string exceeding 
MAX_STRING_LENGTH"), but since the ODB is physically in the address space of each midas program, they can theoretically bypass the midas functions and write accidentally 
into the ODB with an uninitialized pointer or so.

Best regards,
  879   12 Apr 2013 Thorsten LuxForumPersistent ipcrm error

it seems that I solved the problem in a quite brutal way.
I opened the database with odbedit and saved first the whole database as a ASCII
file and then I did the same for each section separately. Then I closed odbedit.
Afterwards I deleted all .*.SHM files including .ODB.SHM and rebooted the system.
After the restart I opened odbedit and started mhttpd. With this blank system
the problem had disappeared. Afterwards I loaded section by section from the
previous created ASCII files. After each section I tested if I can start and
stop runs and it worked without problems. At the end I also loaded the ASCII
file which contained the whole database. In this case I got the following error
[odb.c:6038:db_paste,ERROR] found string exceeding MAX_STRING_LENGTH

However, after a reboot everything worked fine. I can start and stop runs, with
and without frontend, without any error message. Only the mlogger resisted to
work again. 

But also this problem we solved. It seems it was related to a missing library
path. It is strange since while in the mhttpd web page the command does not work
and is not giving any error message, copying the same command to a terminal and
to start it manually does the job. We solved it by putting the start of mlogger
in a simple shell script and to execute it then from the mhttpd web page.
Probably not an elegant solution but it does the job.

Well, with this I can enjoy my weekend to start over with data taking next week!

Thanks a lot!

  878   12 Apr 2013 Thorsten LuxForumPersistent ipcrm error
> > Hi Stefan,
> > 
> > under /Programs/Logger/Start command I have
> > /home/next/MIDAS/midas/linux/bin/mlogger -D . This command does not work if I
> > press the "Start Logger" button on the mhttpd webpage but when I copy and paste
> > this command to a terminal window, it does the job. 
> > 
> > Well, thanks to you both for the fast response. I wrote Konstantin an email with
> > the results of the tests he suggested me to do.
> > 
> > Ciao
> Let me guess: mhttpd is started under root (to be able to connect to port 80), and for root the mlogger program 
> is not in the path. Try to put into the odb the full path:
> /Programs/Logger Start command = /usr/local/bin/mlogger -D

Yes, mhttpd is started as sudo, but I have the full path in the start command. And every user has the right to
execute mlogger. But okay, I will concentrate first to get the rest working again and then I will fight this problem.

  877   12 Apr 2013 Stefan RittForumPersistent ipcrm error
> Hi Stefan,
> under /Programs/Logger/Start command I have
> /home/next/MIDAS/midas/linux/bin/mlogger -D . This command does not work if I
> press the "Start Logger" button on the mhttpd webpage but when I copy and paste
> this command to a terminal window, it does the job. 
> Well, thanks to you both for the fast response. I wrote Konstantin an email with
> the results of the tests he suggested me to do.
> Ciao

Let me guess: mhttpd is started under root (to be able to connect to port 80), and for root the mlogger program 
is not in the path. Try to put into the odb the full path:

/Programs/Logger Start command = /usr/local/bin/mlogger -D
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