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    Reply  11 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Header files missing when trying to compile rootana, roody and analyzer 
> > You can confirm that you are linking against the correct ROOT by running cmake with VERBOSE=1
> > and examine the linker command line to see what library link path is specified for ROOT.
> $ make VERBOSE=1
> to see the command lines.

Most likely, they forgot to rerun "cmake" after installing a new ROOT. The joys of a two-step build (cmake; make).

Entry  11 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, problems with the default mhttpd configuration 
We installed recent mhttpd on a ubuntu machine and discovered a number of problems
with the default mhttpd settings.

We did follow the normal instructions to install and configure an apache https proxy
with a certbot certificate and password protection, this part worked ok. Big thanks
to Lars M. for providing the Ubuntu instructions for apache.

Then we started seeing errors from mhttpd about access to URLs like "manager/html" 
(google "manager/html exploit") that did not go through the proxy.

It turns out that unlike CentOS-7, Ubuntu LTS 18.04 does not run a restrictive firewall
and access to mhttpd ports 8080 and 8443 is not blocked. Then, it turns out that by 
default, the mhttpd access controls are also disabled, and it accepts http requests from 
anywhere/everywhere. Also by default, the mhttpd password is also disabled.

As result, anybody from anywhere can access mhttpd without a password.

One fix for this is to activate the mhttpd access control list by setting ODB 
/Experiment/Security/allowed hosts[0] to "localhost".

    Reply  11 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, problems with the default mhttpd configuration, also elogd 
> It turns out that unlike CentOS-7, Ubuntu LTS 18.04 does not run a restrictive firewall
> and access to mhttpd ports 8080 and 8443 is not blocked
> As result, anybody from anywhere can access mhttpd without a password.

elogd can suffer from the same problem, but not as badly, one can connect to elogd and attempt to run 
exploits, but one cannot access elog entries without a password:

a) default configuration is to ask for a password
b) elogd almost immediately redirects to the https URL specified in the URL entry of the config file, which 
normally points to the https proxy, which also immediately asks for a password.

In the absence of firewall protection (as on Ubuntu), 
add "Interface =" to the elog config file or run elogd with "-n localhost",
per instructions at 

    Reply  11 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, rework of mhttpd configuration 
> Ubuntu LTS 18.04 does not run a restrictive firewall and access to mhttpd ports 8080 and 8443 is not 

Clearly, the present defaults settings of mhttpd are out of date.

The best I remember our internal discussions, we have converged on the following new default settings:

- mhttpd only listens on the localhost interface
- only accepts http (not https)
- password protection is off

These settings allow one to easily test midas on a laptop or on a single-user computer.

They also happen to be the correct settings when using an https proxy (i.e. apache httpd).

If the https proxy cannot be on the same computer, (i.e. ALPHA at CERN):

- one would enable mhttpd to listen on the external network interface
- this will enable the mhttpd access controls (ODB /expt/security/mhttpd hosts/allowed hosts)
- one would allow the https proxy machine access to mhttpd by adding it's hostname to "allowed hosts".

In the case where a separate https proxy cannot be used:

- one would enable https on the external network interface
- one would have to obtain an https certificate (there is possibility of adding certbot integration to mhttpd, 
if there is demand for this)
- this will activate the mhttpd password protection, so one would have to define a username and password 
in the .htdigest file (this is done by the mongoose web server library).

I was planning to implement these changes when I update the mongoose web server library to the latest 
version (fixes a memory leak and improves/simplifies multithreading).

But maybe I should implement them sooner.

I am also thinking of adding a proxy function to mhttps (same as "ProxyPass" in apache httpd), set ODB 
/Proxy/webcam to "http://webcam_on_private_network/magic_webcam_url", and access to 
https://midas/webcam will return the data from the webcam without having to set this up in apache httpd 
(requires root access, etc).

    Reply  12 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, rework of mhttpd configuration 
> > - this will activate the mhttpd password protection, so one would have to define a username and password 
> > in the .htdigest file (this is done by the mongoose web server library).
> Actually I'm thinking since a while to have user-level access to mhttpd, similarly to elog.

With per-user login, we have the possibility to add better permissions/access controls. In past
discussions we talked about 3 levels of user access:

- read-only user: can look, but cannot affect anything
- operator: same as read-only user, but can start/stop runs, can clear alarms, can push buttons on custom pages, can cause predefined scripts to run, etc.
- root user: can do everything

Technically, this is easy to implement in the mjsonrpc library: each username will be mapped to a privilege level,
and each rpc request handler will specify minimum required privilege: odb write rpc would require root level,
run start would require operator level, odb read permitted for everybody. This will be enforced inside mhttpd.

> Each user has to log in with a unique username/password. After some time of inactivity, you're logged out.

For now, we use the password protection built into the apache httpd web server.

It is known to be secure, but it does not have the "advanced" user management functions
that we take for granted with the elog, with wiki pages, with github, etc. Missing are self-registration
with approval, password reset and recovery and so forth.

On the other hand, apache httpd is supposed to be easy to integrate with "enterprise" user management
systems, like the CERN single-sign-on system. (We did not look yet at the integration with the TRIUMF
single-sign-on system, based on Microsoft AD).

(I see the nginx web server is gaining in popularity, but I do not know what features it has
for user and password management).

The elog software does have very good user and password management, and we could bring it into midas,
if we figure out how to ensure that it is actually secure. I know a professional security audit was done
for the elog software and I know that mhttpd will not pass such an audit.

But with some extra work it is possible.

> This would have the advantage that one knows who is active where, like when using the chat functionality in mhttpd. Or who started/stopped a run etc. This might not be necessary for simple local installations, but if you have 20 
> people controlling an experiment from three different continents simultaneously, this could be beneficial. Using the elog authentication libraries, one could even forward the login process to LDAP or KERBEROS, 
> so you could log in with out institutional account, and don't have to remember an additional password.
> Just some food for thought.

Some of this food looks very good, indeed.

    Reply  16 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, a3818 and signals, Frontend killed at stop of run 
Message from John M O'Donnell <>


The following might be related, if so great, if not sorry for the spam.

We had problems with MIDAS/CAEN_A3818 until two things happened:

1) CAEN found the root cause of a problem, as the A3818 and MIDAS both
used unix alarm signals, resulting in clashes.  CAEN modified the
A3818 driver to have a "no alarm" option.

2) after downloading the modified driver, edit src/a3818.c to #define
USE_MIDAS 1 somewhere near the top.

Hope this helps,

    Reply  16 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, a3818 and signals, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> Message from John M O'Donnell <>
> the A3818 and MIDAS both used unix alarm signals, resulting in clashes.

FWIW, current midas no longer uses alarm signals. See forum messages and git commits about 
removal of cm_watchdog().

Entry  21 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, error handling is hard 
Happy summer to everybody.

When programming in general, and when programming MIDAS, there is always a struggle
with error handling. Too much? Too little? Visually, some MIDAS functions are 90% error handling, 10% useful work, if that.

What is the right way to do this?
Where is the balance?
Would c++ exceptions help or hinder?
How to make it better?

It turns out that the Go community have been struggling with exactly this for the last year or so.

Read the (ultimately rejected) proposal for improved error handling in Go. All the problems and difficulties
and struggles facing the programmer and the language designer spread right in front of us.

(To remember, Go is this:
The language designers are Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and "some other people"
(Dennis Ritchie is no longer with us). These people gave us UNIX and C (and C++, the C++ guy was
their next-door-office mate), when that crowd speaks, I listen)

That write-up refers to some blogger's vivid illustration how correct error handling is hard,
with special focus on error handling in the presence of exceptions:

I read all this stuff and said, "wow, this is the reader's digest version of my life in computer programming".

The clincher from this last guy? "My point isn’t that exceptions are bad.
My point is that exceptions are too hard and I’m not smart
enough to handle them."

"back to writing some error handling code",
Entry  08 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, c++11 for RHEL/SL/CentOS-6 
The default el6 (RHEL/SL/CentOS-6) compiler is gcc-4.4.7, it does not support c++11, not even a little bit.

Do this to install newer c++ compilers and build MIDAS with c++11:

ssh root@sl6machine
# yum install centos-release-scl-rh
# yum install devtoolset-8
# yum install cmake3
# scl -l

$ ssh user@sl6machine
$ scl enable devtoolset-8 bash
$ gcc -v
gcc version 8.3.1 20190311 (Red Hat 8.3.1-3) (GCC) 
$ cd git/midas
$ make cclean
$ make cmake3
$ ls -l bin/odbedit

Entry  08 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS will use C++11 
After much discussion, and following the MIDAS workshop at TRIUMF, we made the decision to use C++11 in MIDAS.

There are many benefits, and only one drawback - no c++11 compilers in the default OS install on older computers (i.e. 
RHEL/SL/CentOS before el7). (the same applies to our use of cmake).

Specifically for el6, the solution is to use c++11 compatible gcc-8 from devtoolset-8, see

The c++11 features we most welcome - initialization of class members at declaration time (no more forgetting to add initialization to 
each and every constructor), c++ threads and mutexes, lambdas and "auto".

    Reply  08 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, midas cmake migration 
> Each CMakeLists.txt should specify which version of CMake it requires. The MIDAS CMakeLists.txt requires CMake 3.1 or later. 
> We deliberately stayed away from fancy cutting edge CMake features in order to make midas easier to compile. On top of that,
> midas is a much simpler package compared to root, so things are not so complicated.

The oldest cmake I actually used is 3.6.1 (on SL6), so I do not know if cmake versions between 3.1 and 3.6 actually work for us. Perhaps we should set 
the CMakefile requirement to 3.6.1 to match the oldest version we know works. If somebody has an older cmake, they have a choice of updating it or 
trying it as as and reporting success/failure to the midas forum here.

    Reply  08 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ROOTANA bug? 
> indnerlt:rootana lindner$ git diff libMidasInterface/TMidasOnline.cxx
> diff --git a/libMidasInterface/TMidasOnline.cxx b/libMidasInterface/TMidasOnline.cxx
> index 92eb3e9..67da613 100644
> --- a/libMidasInterface/TMidasOnline.cxx
> +++ b/libMidasInterface/TMidasOnline.cxx
> @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ bool TMidasOnline::sleep(int mdelay)
>    #ifdef CH_IPC
>    ss_suspend_set_dispatch(CH_IPC, 0, NULL);
>    #else
> -  ss_suspend_set_dispatch_ipc(NULL);
> +  //  ss_suspend_set_dispatch_ipc(NULL);
>    #endif
>   int status = ss_suspend(mdelay, 0);
>    if (status == SS_SUCCESS)
> This compiles and at least runs for me; so maybe that is helpful for you.  But Konstantin will provide a longer term solution.

This is a problem with the latest development version of MIDAS. ss_suspend overrides have been removed from system.cxx
and there is no way for rootana to avoid the problem of recursive call to the event handler.

I recommend that instead of using the latest development version of MIDAS you use one of the recent released versions (use "git tag -l", midas-2019-06-b is the latest release).

All the released versions of midas have the ss_suspend overrides implemented and rootana will work correctly. For the next release of midas
I will restore the ss_suspend override and update the rootana code.

    Reply  09 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Precedence of equipment/common structure 
> Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. ...
> /Equipment/<name>/Common
> In the past, the ODB setting took precedence over the frontend structure...
> We defined this like 25 years ago and I forgot what the exact reason was.
> It causes however many people (including myself) to fall into this trap: ...

There is good number of confusions regarding entries in /eq/xxx/common:

- for some of them, the frontend code settings take precedence and overwrite settings in odb ("frontend file name")
- for some of them, ODB takes precedence and frontend code values are ignored ("read on" and "period")
- for some of them, changes in ODB take effect immediately (via db_watch) ("period")
- for some of them, frontend restart is required for changes to take effect (output event buffer name "buffer")
- some of them continuously update the odb values ("status", "status color")

I do not think there is a simple way to improve on this.

(One solution would replace the single "common" with several subdirectories, "per function",
one would have items where the code takes precedence, one would have items where odb takes
precedence (in effect, "standard settings"), one will have items that the frontend always updates
and that should not be changes via odb ("frontend name", etc). I am not sure this one solution
is necessarily an "improvement").

Lacking any ideas for improvements, I vote for the status quo. (plus a review of the documentation to ensure we have clearly
written up what each entry in "common" does and whether the user is permitted to edit it in odb).

    Reply  09 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Fetest History Plot 
> Hi, our logger was running.

One more thing is to check that the history files are actually being written to. Be default
the history files are written into the same directory where you have ODB, etc and
the file names are "*.hst".

Second thing, you can run "mlogger -v" and it will report that it is writing history events
into the history.

If all these things are happening,

Third, you can run "mhist" to see the data directly from the data files.

If all of these work, but you still get nothing in mhttpd, that would be very strange. If I remember
right, to see the sine wave, the history variable to plot is equipment "slow", variable "slow".


> I have tried restarting mlogger (even though we haven't
> changed variable names). We ran the following commands one after another and still no
> luck with history plot. Is there anything else that could be causing these problems?
> Kind regards,
> Hassan 
> ==================================================================================
> [lm17773@it038146 ~]$ cd /opt/midas_software/midas/bin/
> [lm17773@it038146 bin]$ mhttpd
> [mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1646:db_open_database,ERROR] Removed ODB client 'mhttpd',
> index 0 because process pid 20094 does not exists
> [mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1646:db_open_database,ERROR] Removed ODB client 'Logger',
> index 1 because process pid 20214 does not exists
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/RPC hosts/Allowed hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/RPC
> hosts/Allowed hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd hosts/Allowed
> hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd
> hosts/Allowed hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Logger/History"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Logger/History"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Sequencer/State"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Sequencer/State"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/History/LoggerHistoryChannel"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/History/LoggerHistoryChannel"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/slow/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/slow/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/Events per
> sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/Events
> per sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/kBytes per
> sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/kBytes
> per sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Periodic/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Periodic/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Scaler/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Scaler/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Corrected 10 ODB entries
> [mhttpd,INFO] Deleted entry '/System/Clients/20094' for client 'mhttpd' because it is
> not connected to ODB
> Mongoose web server will use SSL certificate file "/home/lm17773/online/ssl_cert.pem"
> Mongoose web server will use authentication realm "sampleexpt", password file
> "/home/lm17773/online/htpasswd.txt"
> mongoose web server is redirecting HTTP port 8080 to
> mongoose web server is listening on the HTTP port 8080
> mongoose web server is listening on the HTTPS port 8443
> [lm17773@it038146 bin]$ mlogger
> [Logger,INFO] Deleted entry '/System/Clients/20214' for client 'Logger' because it is
> not connected to ODB
> Log     directory is /home/lm17773/online/
> Data    directory is same as Log unless specified in /Logger/channels/
> History directory is same as Log unless specified in /Logger/history/
> ELog    directory is same as Log
> SQL     database is localhost/sampleexpt/Runlog
> MIDAS logger started. Stop with "!"
> [lm17773@it038146 bin]$ fetest
> Frontend name          :     fetest
> Event buffer size      :     10485760
> User max event size    :     4194304
> User max frag. size    :     4194304
> # of events per buffer :     2
> Connect to experiment sampleexpt...
> OK
> Init hardware...frontend_init!
> Event size set to 10240 bytes
> Ring buffer wait sleep 1 ms
> OK
> time 1564131394, data 97.814758
> time 1564131395, data 96.592583
> time 1564131396, data 95.105652
> time 1564131397, data 93.358040
> time 1564131398, data 91.354546
> time 1564131399, data 89.100655
> time 1564131400, data 86.602539
> time 1564131401, data 83.867058
> time 1564131402, data 80.901703
> time 1564131403, data 77.714592
> Warning: bank RND4 has zero size
> time 1564131404, data 74.314484
> time 1564131405, data 70.710678
> time 1564131406, data 66.913063
> time 1564131407, data 62.932041
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > We've been trying to run Fetest in the attempt of plotting the sine wave data on
> > > the history page on the web server. However each time we've tried running a new
> > > plot we have come across the error of 'no data' from the variables. In the
> > > status page we are clearly obtaining data from the frontend and it is updating
> > > the variable as expected in SLOW.
> > > 
> > > When setting up MIDAS we managed to produce a history plot from Fetest but are
> > > unable to do so any longer. We did have a go at modifying the Fetest code but
> > > created a backup before doing so and are now running the original backup.
> > > 
> > > What could be causing the Fetest data not to be showing in the history plot?
> > 
> > Is the logger running? (this application is handling the history data).
> > If yes: Did you change the variable names? If yes: restart the logger.
    Reply  09 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Fetest History Plot 
> Hi, our logger was running.

Please do these simple tests:

- run "mlogger -v", it should report that it is writing slow/slow data into the history with rate 1 Hz (fetest 
should be running at this point, yes?)
- normally the history files are written into the experiment directory (where ODB is, etc) and have file names 
"*.hst". Observe that the files are growing. Use "ls -ltr". (mlogger and fetest should be running at this point, 
- if all if this is happening, you can try to run "mhist" to see the history data

If all of the above works, but you still get nothing from the history plots in mhttpd, then we probably have a 
bug in midas and we would like very much to fix it. For this we will need some more information from you. I 
hope you have some time available to help us with this.

Hmm... the fetest history plots are not defined automatically, you have to create the history plot manually,
maybe this is where the problem happens. One thing to check here, the correct variable to plot
is "slow/slow", if I remember right.


> I have tried restarting mlogger (even though we haven't
> changed variable names). We ran the following commands one after another and still no
> luck with history plot. Is there anything else that could be causing these problems?
> Kind regards,
> Hassan 
> [lm17773@it038146 ~]$ cd /opt/midas_software/midas/bin/
> [lm17773@it038146 bin]$ mhttpd
> [mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1646:db_open_database,ERROR] Removed ODB client 'mhttpd',
> index 0 because process pid 20094 does not exists
> [mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1646:db_open_database,ERROR] Removed ODB client 'Logger',
> index 1 because process pid 20214 does not exists
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/RPC hosts/Allowed hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/RPC
> hosts/Allowed hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd hosts/Allowed
> hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd
> hosts/Allowed hosts"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Logger/History"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Logger/History"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Sequencer/State"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Sequencer/State"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/History/LoggerHistoryChannel"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/History/LoggerHistoryChannel"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/slow/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/slow/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/Events per
> sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/Events
> per sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/kBytes per
> sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Trigger/Statistics/kBytes
> per sec."
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Periodic/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Periodic/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Equipment/Scaler/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Equipment/Scaler/Variables"
> [mhttpd,INFO] Corrected 10 ODB entries
> [mhttpd,INFO] Deleted entry '/System/Clients/20094' for client 'mhttpd' because it is
> not connected to ODB
> Mongoose web server will use SSL certificate file "/home/lm17773/online/ssl_cert.pem"
> Mongoose web server will use authentication realm "sampleexpt", password file
> "/home/lm17773/online/htpasswd.txt"
> mongoose web server is redirecting HTTP port 8080 to
> mongoose web server is listening on the HTTP port 8080
> mongoose web server is listening on the HTTPS port 8443
> [lm17773@it038146 bin]$ mlogger
> [Logger,INFO] Deleted entry '/System/Clients/20214' for client 'Logger' because it is
> not connected to ODB
> Log     directory is /home/lm17773/online/
> Data    directory is same as Log unless specified in /Logger/channels/
> History directory is same as Log unless specified in /Logger/history/
> ELog    directory is same as Log
> SQL     database is localhost/sampleexpt/Runlog
> MIDAS logger started. Stop with "!"
> [lm17773@it038146 bin]$ fetest
> Frontend name          :     fetest
> Event buffer size      :     10485760
> User max event size    :     4194304
> User max frag. size    :     4194304
> # of events per buffer :     2
> Connect to experiment sampleexpt...
> OK
> Init hardware...frontend_init!
> Event size set to 10240 bytes
> Ring buffer wait sleep 1 ms
> OK
> time 1564131394, data 97.814758
> time 1564131395, data 96.592583
> time 1564131396, data 95.105652
> time 1564131397, data 93.358040
> time 1564131398, data 91.354546
> time 1564131399, data 89.100655
> time 1564131400, data 86.602539
> time 1564131401, data 83.867058
> time 1564131402, data 80.901703
> time 1564131403, data 77.714592
> Warning: bank RND4 has zero size
> time 1564131404, data 74.314484
> time 1564131405, data 70.710678
> time 1564131406, data 66.913063
> time 1564131407, data 62.932041
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > We've been trying to run Fetest in the attempt of plotting the sine wave data on
> > > the history page on the web server. However each time we've tried running a new
> > > plot we have come across the error of 'no data' from the variables. In the
> > > status page we are clearly obtaining data from the frontend and it is updating
> > > the variable as expected in SLOW.
> > > 
> > > When setting up MIDAS we managed to produce a history plot from Fetest but are
> > > unable to do so any longer. We did have a go at modifying the Fetest code but
> > > created a backup before doing so and are now running the original backup.
> > > 
> > > What could be causing the Fetest data not to be showing in the history plot?
> > 
> > Is the logger running? (this application is handling the history data).
> > If yes: Did you change the variable names? If yes: restart the logger.
    Reply  09 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, How to convert C midas frontends to C++ 
> How do I solve mismatched declarations in the mfe (or other places in the midas code)?

I run into such problems all the time. My solution? I grep for the function name in my code and in the header file,
then look very carefully at the definition to confirm that all the argument declarations are the same in both
places. Sometimes my eyes do not see the difference and I ask for a "second pair of eyes".

In your case, you have a mismatch between functions in mfe.h and in your frontend. The difference
is "int source" in mfe.h and "int source[]" in your code.

Because C++ permits functions with identical namesm but different arguments, the compiler thinks
you did this on purpose and does not complain. Later, of course, the linker bombs,
but all it can report at this stage, is what you see "function not found"... Then you grep your code
for the missing function, check arguments, rinse, repeat.

Before C++, the C compiler would probably had complained about the mismatch, except that MIDAS
did not have an mfe.h header file definitions for all this stuff until just now, so again, the mismatch would
have gone unnoticed, unfixed.


> It is having issues with the midas defined BOOL/... types. This 
> is what I get for a minimal scfe:
> [ 12%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/sc_fe_mini.cpp.o
> [ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/home/frederik/packages/midas/drivers/class/hv.cxx.o
> [ 37%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/home/frederik/packages/midas/drivers/class/multi.cxx.o
> [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/home/frederik/packages/midas/drivers/device/nulldev.cxx.o
> [ 62%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/home/frederik/packages/midas/drivers/bus/null.cxx.o
> [ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/home/frederik/packages/midas/drivers/device/mscbdev.cxx.o
> [ 87%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/home/frederik/packages/midas/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o
> [100%] Linking CXX executable sc_fe_mini
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/build/libmfe.a(mfe.cxx.o): In function `_readout_thread':
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:1271: undefined reference to `poll_event(int, int, unsigned int)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/build/libmfe.a(mfe.cxx.o): In function `check_polled_events':
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:1601: undefined reference to `poll_event(int, int, unsigned int)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:1643: undefined reference to `poll_event(int, int, unsigned int)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/build/libmfe.a(mfe.cxx.o): In function `readout_enable(unsigned int)':
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:1158: undefined reference to `interrupt_configure(int, int, long)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:1156: undefined reference to `interrupt_configure(int, int, long)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/build/libmfe.a(mfe.cxx.o): In function `initialize_equipment':
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:614: undefined reference to `interrupt_configure(int, int, long)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:649: undefined reference to `poll_event(int, int, unsigned int)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/build/libmfe.a(mfe.cxx.o): In function `scheduler':
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:1890: undefined reference to `poll_event(int, int, unsigned int)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:1932: undefined reference to `poll_event(int, int, unsigned int)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/build/libmfe.a(mfe.cxx.o): In function `main':
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:2701: undefined reference to `interrupt_configure(int, int, long)'
> /home/frederik/packages/midas/src/mfe.cxx:2702: undefined reference to `interrupt_configure(int, int, long)'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [sc_fe_mini] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/sc_fe_mini.dir/all] Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> This is my cmakelists for my user code:
> #
> # cmake for the muX software
> #
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
> project(muX)
> #
> # find installations
> #
> message("MIDAS dir: " ${MIDAS_DIR})
> #
> # set directories
> #
> set(MXML_DIR ${MIDAS_DIR}/mxml)
> set(MSCB_DIR ${MIDAS_DIR}/mscb)
> set(DRV_DIR ${MIDAS_DIR}/drivers)
> #
> # drivers, libs
> #
>     ${MIDAS_DIR}/drivers/class/hv
>     ${MIDAS_DIR}/drivers/class/multi
>     ${MIDAS_DIR}/drivers/device/nulldev
>     ${MIDAS_DIR}/drivers/bus/null
> )
> set(MIDASLIB ${MIDASBUILD_DIR}/libmidas.a)
> set(FELIB ${MIDASBUILD_DIR}/libmfe.a)
> #
> # sc_fe
> #
> add_executable(sc_fe_mini
>         sc_fe_mini.cpp
>         ${DRIVERS}
>         ${MIDAS_DIR}/drivers/device/mscbdev
>         ${MIDAS_DIR}/mscb/src/mscb)
> target_include_directories(sc_fe_mini PRIVATE ${DRV_DIR} ${MIDAS_DIR}/mscb/include ${MIDAS_DIR}/include)
> target_link_libraries(sc_fe_mini ${LIBS} ${MIDASLIB} ${FELIB} rt pthread util)
> I seem to be able to compile the current midas distributions, including the scfe frontend
> > To convert a MIDAS frontend to C++ follow this checklist:
> > 
> > a) add #include "mfe.h" after include of midas.h and fix all compilation errors.
> > 
> > NOTE: there should be no "extern C"  brackets around MIDAS include files.
> > 
> > NOTE: Expect to see following problems:
> > 
> > a1) duplicate or mismatched declarations of functions defined in mfe.h
> > a2) frontend_name and frontend_file_name should be "const char*" instead of "char*"
> > a3) duplicate "HNDLE hDB" collision with hDB from mfe.c - not sure why it worked before, either use HNDLE hDB from mfe.h or use "extern HNDLE hDB".
> > a4) poll_event() and interrupt_configure() have "source" as "int[]" instead of "int" (why did this work before?)
> > a5) use of "extern int frontend_index" instead of get_frontend_index() from mfe.h
> > a6) bk_create() last argument needs to be cast to (void**)
> > a7) "bool debug" collides with "debug" from mfe.h (why did this work before?)
> > 
> > b) remove no longer needed "extern C" brackets around mfe related code. Ideally there should be no "extern C" brackets anywhere.
> > 
> > c) in the Makefile, change CC=gcc to CC=g++ for compiling and linking everything as C++
> > 
> > c1) fix all compilation problems. most valid C code will compile as valid C++, but there is some known trouble:
> > - return value of malloc() & co needs to be cast to the correct data type: "char* s = (char*)malloc(...)"
> > - some C++ compilers complain about mismatch between signed and unsigned values
> > 
> > If you need help with converting your frontend from C to C++, I will be most happy
> > to assist you - post your compiler error messages to this forum or email them to me privately.
> > 
> > Good luck,
> > K.O.
Entry  14 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, incorrect recursion in ss_suspend() via the user event handler 
The ROOTANA midas analyzer uncovered a problem with recursive use of ss_suspend().

When running in graphical mode, the ROOT graphics main event loop was calling 
ss_suspend(0) (no MSG_BM) which would sometimes call the user event handler (if a new 
event arrives into the midas event buffer). Because this loop was already running in the 
user event handler, there was a crash.

This is the calling sequence leading to the incorrect recursion: (from system.cxx comments 
to ss_suspend())

analyzer ->
     -> cm_yield() in the main loop
     -> ss_suspend(0)
     -> MSG_BM message arrives in the UDP socket
     -> ss_suspend_process_ipc(0)
     -> cm_dispatch_ipc()
     -> bm_push_event()
     -> bm_push_buffer()
     -> bm_read_buffer()
     -> bm_dispatch_event()
     -> user event handler
     -> user event handler ROOT graphics main loop needs to sleep
     -> ss_suspend(0) <--- should be ss_suspend(MSG_BM)!!!     
     -> MSG_BM message arrives in the UDP socket
     -> ss_suspend_process_ipc(0) <- should be ss_suspend_process_ipc(MSG_BM)!!!
     -> cm_dispatch_ipc() <- without MSG_BM, calling cm_dispatch_ipc() again
     -> bm_push_event()
     -> bm_push_buffer()
     -> bm_read_buffer()
     -> bm_dispatch_event()
     -> user event handler <---- called recursively, very bad!

The proper fix for this is to always call ss_suspend(MSG_BM) from the user event handler 
and ss_suspend(MSG_ODB) from the user db_watch handler.

In this second case, ss_suspend(MSG_OBM) will lose/ignore/discard db_watch notifications, 
if you do not want that, call ss_suspend(0) and be ready for recursive calls to your 
db_watch handler. (this can happen in a frontend program that acts on changes in ODB and 
where some of these actions may require sleeping via ss_suspend()).

ss_suspend(MSG_BM) will discard MSG_BM messages, which is not a problem as 
bm_wait_for_events() and cm_yield() will immediately poll the event buffer and there will be 
no delay in receiving new events.

Until commit 99d6e90 there were problems in ss_suspend(MSG_BM) and recursive calls to 
the user event handler were still possible. It is now fixed in this and the previous commits.

    Reply  14 Aug 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ROOTANA bug? 
> -  ss_suspend_set_dispatch_ipc(NULL);
> +  //  ss_suspend_set_dispatch_ipc(NULL);
> This compiles and at least runs for me; so maybe that is helpful for you.  But Konstantin will provide a longer term solution.

I now understand why this fix worked. Around December 2018 timeframe, I reworked the MIDAS event buffer code
and one improvement was to only send UDP buffer notifications if somebody is waiting for them. This probably
reduced to zero the probability of recursive calls to the user event handler - the problem originally fixed by the monkey
work against the midas ipc handler.

After looking at it, I now understand that the correct solution is to call ss_suspend(MSG_BM), but it turns out
inside MIDAS, handling of MSG_BM was incomplete and recursive calls to the user event handler were still
possible. (but most likely not actually happening anymore because of those changes to the event buffer code).


a) ss_suspend(MSG_BM) inside midas now works correctly, recursive call to the user event handler will not happen.
b) TMidasOnline::sleep() now calls ss_suspend(MSG_BM), monkey business with ss_suspend_set_dispatch_ipc() is removed.

The problem of recursive call to the analyzer event handler is now fixed, both rootana and manalyzer (both use the same TMidasOnline code).

Read more about this here:

    Reply  16 Sep 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array 
> Is it possible to open a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array?

Not possible.

> sprintf(element, "%s[%d]", path, i);
> db_find_key(hDB, hv_info->hKeyRoot, element, &hKey);

There is some confusion and inconsistency between db_xxx() functions,
some of them accept the array index "a[10]" syntax, some do not.

db_find_key() and db_watch()/db_open_record() do not operate on array elements
and do not accept the "a[10]" array index syntax.

    Reply  16 Sep 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, https redirect and ODB access 
> I'm not sure if these issues are related or not, but I'm getting an error
> message when I want to access the root of the ODB via the webserver:
> [mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:563:rread,ERROR] Cannot read file '/root', read of
> 4096 returned -1, errno 21 (Is a directory)

This is an old bug. It was part of the "custom path" confusion. Fixed (I think) in all midas-2019 

To confirm, which version are you using (run "odbedit ver" or look on the mhttpd "help" page)?

If you have an older version, I recommend that you update to midas-2019-03 (cd midas; git pull; 
git checkout midas-2019-03; make clean; make).

If you feel adventurous, you can also update to the head of the development version
and see all the new features (cmake, c++11, new history pages).

If you do not feel adventurous, wait until we have midas-2019-09 ready, use midas-2019-03 
until then.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5