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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject Text Attachments
  2189   28 May 2021 Joseph McKennaSuggestionHave a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries

I've updated the branch / pull request to
  2191   31 May 2021 Joseph McKennaSuggestionHave a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entriesThis list of responsible being attached to
alarm message strings will be great for the
  Draft   08 Jun 2021 Joseph McKennaSuggestionHave a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries> > This list of responsible being attached
to alarm message strings ...
  2212   09 Jun 2021 Joseph McKennaSuggestionHave a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries> > This list of responsible being attached
to alarm message strings ...
  Draft   16 Jun 2021 Joseph McKennaSuggestionHave a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries> > > This list of responsible being attached
to alarm message strings ...
> > 
  2220   17 Jun 2021 Joseph McKennaInfoAdd support for rtsp camera streams in mlogger (history_image.cxx)mlogger (history_image) now supports rtsp
cameras, in ALPHA we have 
acquisitioned several new network connected
  2414   25 Jun 2022 Joseph McKennaBug ReportRPC timeout for manalyzer over network

In ALPHA, I get RPC timeouts running a (reasonably
  2434   21 Aug 2022 Joseph McKennaSuggestionmvodb functionality to get the 'LastWritten' property of a key

  2783   22 Jun 2024 Joseph McKennaSuggestionmanalyzer thread safety and custom http IP bindingHi all, I hope this is the right place to
post two pull requests, if not, please let
me know where I should be submitting them
  756   15 Apr 2011 Jonathan ToebbeForumCan't get example frontend to talk to khyt1331 kernel driverI'm brand new to MIDAS, and C system programming
in general, so please be
gentle. I've compiled and installed MIDAS
  248   03 Jan 2006 John O'DonnellInfoHow do I do custom event building?At DANCE we have a similar issue.  We are
still doing "software
handshaking" between multiple frontends (15
  779   05 Sep 2011 John McMillanForumkhyt1331 under scientific linux 5.5?Hello,
      I'm trying to build khyt1331 under
scientific linux 5.5, kernel
  21   09 Jul 2004 John M O'Donnell Introduction of environment variable MIDASSYSFor a long time the "de facto" standard was
to spread a package around in many
directories under /usr/local.  This proved
  193   21 Jan 2005 John M O'DonnellBug ReportPersistency problem with h1_book() & co> The current h1_book() macros (and the previous
example analyzer code) have an
> odd persistency problem: for example, the
  196   25 Jan 2005 John M O'DonnellBug ReportPersistency problem with h1_book() & coSo now that cvs is reachable again I have
confirmed that
the code segment
  197   25 Jan 2005 John M O'DonnellSuggestionHOWTO create ROOT objects in the MIDAS analyzer> (preliminary, untested. I will keep this
updated as I get testing feedback)
  198   25 Jan 2005 John M O'DonnellBug Reporthistograms not saved in replay modeis there a reason why histograms are not saved
after a replay?
  348   23 Feb 2007 John M O'DonnellInfoRFC- support for writing to removable hard disk storageWe stopped using tapes at Los Alamos a while
ago.  The model we use is:
  355   27 Feb 2007 John M O'DonnellForumevent builder scalabilityAt Los Alamos, we have 15+1 frontends - the
15 between them read about 2 or 3
TB/hour and reduce it to 1 to 5 GB/hour which
  383   07 Jun 2007 John M O'DonnellSuggestionRFC- ACLs for midas rpc, mserver, mhttpd accessI am in favor of tcp_wrappers.

tcp_wrappers is well understood.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5