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Entry  10 Oct 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, Bus drivers moved in repository 
The previous midas/drivers/bus dirctory contains both midas slow control bus drivers plus vme & fastbus & camac drivers. I separated them now in different directories:


which is a more appropriate structure. Doing this in subversion was really simple and showed me that the moveover to subversion was worth it.
    Reply  15 Oct 2005, Exaos Lee, Info, Bus drivers moved in repository 
The Makefile should be modified too. Please see the diff below:
diff Makefile Makefile.modify
< $(BIN_DIR)/mcnaf: $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/bus/camacrpc.c
<       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OSFLAGS) -o $@ $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/bus/camacrpc.c $(LIB) $(LIBS)
> $(BIN_DIR)/mcnaf: $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/camac/camacrpc.c
>       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OSFLAGS) -o $@ $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/camac/camacrpc.c $(LIB) $(LIBS)
    Reply  02 Nov 2005, I. K. arapkorir, Info, new mvmestd api 
I manage to access some vme modules with the older vmicvme interface and seemed
confused with the
new interface as the sample code provided does not have a specific test sample.
The test code
provided in the earlier version for accessing  V792 32ch. QDC was quite handy,
how can I apply it
for the new interface?  
    Reply  02 Nov 2005, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Info, new mvmestd api 
> I manage to access some vme modules with the older vmicvme interface and seemed
> confused with the
> new interface as the sample code provided does not have a specific test sample.
> The test code
> provided in the earlier version for accessing  V792 32ch. QDC was quite handy,
> how can I apply it
> for the new interface?  

Hello Ian,

I'm in the process of updating the V1190B, V792 and other to the new mvmestd.
These drivers will soon be committed to the repository.

Cheers, Pierre-André 
Entry  02 Dec 2005, Greg Hackman, Info, MIDAS on Cygwin 
If you want to run MIDAS on Cygwin, make sure you have cygserver running. First set a Windows system environment variable CYGWIN=server. This is best done through the Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables. Then run /usr/bin/cygserver-config in a Cygwin console window. Then reboot. After that your MIDAS executables should run properly.

If cygserver is not running, one (obvious) symptom is that odbedit fails immediately with a "Bad system call" error.

I've only tested this so far with odbedit and an offline analyzer that generates histograms in the same structure . Both of those work properly.
Entry  22 Dec 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, midas max event size? 
My TPC events are fairly large: 18 FEC cards * 128 channels per card * 2 Kbytes
per channel = about 4 Mbytes. In my
frontend, when I request this event size, MIDAS complaints (in mfe.c) that it is
bigger than MAX_EVENT_SIZE, which
is set to 0.5 Mbytes in midas.h. What is the best way to deal with this? Should
we increase MAX_EVENT_SIZE to
something bigger? Remove the MAX_EVENT_SIZE limitation altogether?
For now, I increased the value MAX_EVENT_SIZE & co to (10*1024*1024) and it
seems to work (I also had to bump the
sanity check in bm_open_buffer() from 10E6 to 100E6). With 1/4 of the FEC cards,
the event size is 1 Mbyte at ~6
ev/sec the machine is almost idle, with the biggest CPU user being the event
builder at 10% CPU utilization.

Entry  22 Dec 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, How do I do custom event building? 
It turns out the the standard event builder fragment matching algorithm cannot
be used in my TPC application. I have two TPC-USB interfaces, which lack any
"busy" or synchronization logic. I send the hardware trigger into both
interfaces, and if one of them misses it, the data is out of sync forever. Consider:

trigger    trig1     trig2    trig3    trig4
TPC01      serial1   serial2  serial3  serial4
TPC02      serial1  (missing) serial2  serial3

With the event builder matching only the event serial numbers, the first event
will be okey, but the second event will have trig2 data from TPC01 and trig3
data from TPC02, etc.

The problem exists even if the TPC-USB interfaces do not miss any triggers:
during begin and end of run, the interfaces are enabled one at a time, so if a
trigger arrives after the first interface was enabled, but before the second is
enabled, the data starts being out of sync (and if the same happens during the
end-of-run, the event counts from both frontends will match, but all data would
*still* be out of sync).

Obviously additional data is needed to match the fragments.

So in each frontend, I have a high-precision timestamp (gettimeofday(), usec
resolution) and I would like to have the event builder match the timestamps
instead of event serial numbers. What is the best way to do this? The mevb.c
code does not have any user callbacks for checking "do these fragments belong to
the same event?".

P.S. The event rate will be about 1/sec from cosmic ray tests and at most
10-50/sec in the M11 beam line at TRIUMF, at these low rates, the gettimeofday()
timestamps should be adequate.

    Reply  23 Dec 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, midas max event size? 
> My TPC events are fairly large: 18 FEC cards * 128 channels per card * 2 Kbytes
> per channel = about 4 Mbytes. In my
> frontend, when I request this event size, MIDAS complaints (in mfe.c) that it is
> bigger than MAX_EVENT_SIZE, which
> is set to 0.5 Mbytes in midas.h. What is the best way to deal with this? Should
> we increase MAX_EVENT_SIZE to
> something bigger? Remove the MAX_EVENT_SIZE limitation altogether?

If you teach me how to remove the MAX_EVENT_SIZE, that would be perfect!

Unfortunately the limit comes from the shared memory on the back end (the so-called
"SYSTEM" shared memory). Due to the structure of the buffer manager, the shared
memory has to hold at least two events simultaneously. And once the shared memeory
is created, it's size cannot be changed without restarting all the clients. That's
the origin of the MAX_EVENT_SIZE. In former days, the total allowed shared memory on
a typical linux machine was 2MB. That's why I set MAX_EVENT_SIZE to 0.5 MB, so midas
takes 2*0.5MB=1MB plus 0.2MB for the ODB, leaving 0.8MB for other applications.
Nowadays, the shared memory might be bigger (actually it's a parameter during kernel
compilation), so one could consider increasing the default MAX_EVENT_SIZE. If you
make a survey of the shared memory sizes in some of the current distributions, we
can choose a safe value.

> For now, I increased the value MAX_EVENT_SIZE & co to (10*1024*1024) and it
> seems to work (I also had to bump the
> sanity check in bm_open_buffer() from 10E6 to 100E6). With 1/4 of the FEC cards,
> the event size is 1 Mbyte at ~6
> ev/sec the machine is almost idle, with the biggest CPU user being the event
> builder at 10% CPU utilization.

I made sure that there is no other limitation as the one given by MAX_EVENT_SIZE, so
it should work fine. Thanks for telling me the wrong sanity check, that should be
changed in the repository.
    Reply  23 Dec 2005, Stefan Ritt, Info, How do I do custom event building? 
> It turns out the the standard event builder fragment matching algorithm cannot
> be used in my TPC application. I have two TPC-USB interfaces, which lack any
> "busy" or synchronization logic. I send the hardware trigger into both
> interfaces, and if one of them misses it, the data is out of sync forever. Consider:
> Hardware
> trigger    trig1     trig2    trig3    trig4
> TPC01      serial1   serial2  serial3  serial4
> TPC02      serial1  (missing) serial2  serial3
> With the event builder matching only the event serial numbers, the first event
> will be okey, but the second event will have trig2 data from TPC01 and trig3
> data from TPC02, etc.

Well, I would say: this is a very poor design of an experiment. Before curing the
problems in software, I first would consider a redesign of the data readout scheme with
a global hardware trigger and a hardware busy.

> So in each frontend, I have a high-precision timestamp (gettimeofday(), usec
> resolution) and I would like to have the event builder match the timestamps
> instead of event serial numbers.

What do you do if the frontend clock drifts away? I have seen drifts of up to 10 sec/day
on some PCs, so your required accuracy of 1/50 s would be violated after 3 minutes. You
would have to synchronize your clocks constantly. If your synchronization algorithm
determines a clock is out of sync and adjusts it, and the delta t is more than 1/50 sec,
you are screwed.

So all together I conclude that this proposed synchronization scheme is pretty dangerous
and could ruin the whole experiment.

> What is the best way to do this? The mevb.c
> code does not have any user callbacks for checking "do these fragments belong to
> the same event?".

Pierre can answer that.

- Stefan
    Reply  03 Jan 2006, John O'Donnell, Info, How do I do custom event building? 
At DANCE we have a similar issue.  We are still doing "software
handshaking" between multiple frontends (15 which read data, and 16th
with direct accessto the trigger logic), and we apply a time stamp
using gettimeofday().  We use the regular mevb, sorting on serial number.

In the analyzer (MIDAS or ROME) we then keep a big circular buffer of
event fragments, which are rebuilt into new events based on the time stamp
obtained from gettimeofday().  We keep the system clocks synchronized
(often to within about 1ms) using ntp (need to average over several
ntp servers to avoid issues with network noise).  ntp can take a while
to stabilize, so we never reboot our computers... (well almost never).
We have a slow control frontend which monitors the ntp time offsets and
put's them in the history system for easy visualization.

Occasionally we seem to get in a mess, but somehow this fixes itself on
the next run, so it has been a useable system.  Maybe one day we will
get hardware handshaking between the frontend computers and the trigger
logic, but in the meantime we are taking data.

Entry  23 Mar 2006, Sergio Ballestrero, Info, down ? 
I was trying to update the checkout of Midas, but it looks like something is not
working - maybe a component of the Savannah system:
[sergio@daq-pc midas-SVN]$ svn update's password: svn
unix dgram connect: Connection refused at /bin/ line 32
no connection to syslog available at /bin/ line 32
svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

my .svn/entries says (amongst the rest)
and yes, it used to work well... 

    Reply  26 Mar 2006, Stefan Ritt, Info, down ? 
>  Hi,
> I was trying to update the checkout of Midas, but it looks like something is not
> working - maybe a component of the Savannah system:
> [sergio@daq-pc midas-SVN]$ svn update
>'s password: svn
> unix dgram connect: Connection refused at /bin/ line 32
> no connection to syslog available at /bin/ line 32
> svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
> my .svn/entries says (amongst the rest)
>  url="svn+ssh://"
> and yes, it used to work well... 
> Cheers,
>   Sergio

I just tried now and it seemed to work fine. Do you still have the problem?

- Stefan
    Reply  27 Mar 2006, Sergio Ballestrero, Info, down ? 
> I just tried now and it seemed to work fine. Do you still have the problem?
> - Stefan

 The problem was still there this morning, shortly after seeing your mail, but seems
to be fixed now.
 BTW, which is the best way to submit patches ? I have a version of khyt1331 for Linux
kernel 2.6 (we are running Scientific Linux 4.1), and a few smaller things, mostly in
the examples. 

 Thanks, Sergio
Entry  13 Jun 2006, Stefan Ritt, Info, ZLIB dependency modified 
Due to recent problems with the ROME analyzer having zlib.h both in the
system and in the midas tree it has been decided to change the zlib policy in midas. By default, zlib support is not included in the midas analyzer. If one want it (but I guess only very few experiments need that), one can do a

make NEED_ZLIB=1

to compile zlib support into mana.c

Under linux (&Co), the zlib is these days normally pre-installed. The header file will therefor be taken from /usr/include and the library from /usr/lib/libz.a. Under Windows, the zlib is still included in the distribution, and has to be manually added to the Visual C++ project file.
Entry  13 Jun 2006, Stefan Ritt, Info, Scheduler changed for slow control equipment 
The schedule in mfe.c is used both for "normal" front-ends and for "slow-control" front-ends. Unfortunately it was only optimized for the first class. This lead to the fact that the slow control equipment was read out at different speed depending if the run is started or not. Furthermore, the maximum readout speed was somehow limited. This has been changed in the current version of mfe.c (SVN revision 3146). There are now two ways to control the readout speed of slow control equipment:

1) The "event limit" in the equipment list can be used as minimum time between readouts. I'm not happy about the "mis-use" of this variable, but it has been there since the beginning. If I would change it now, all front-ends on this world would have to be changed, which I maybe not a good idea. If this event limit is set to let's say 10, then the slow control equipment is read out with a maximum speed of 1/10ms = 100Hz. That means up to 100 variables (not complete equipments) are read out per second. If an equipment has 200 variables, each variable is then read out every two seconds of course. This number can be used to limit the readout speed differently for different equipments. Like one might want to read a sensitive pressure as often as possible, but some beamline magnet values only once every minute.

2) By default, the scheduler runs now at "full speed" when slow control equipment is present, resulting in a 100% CPU usage. To avoid this, following code can be added into the frontend_loop function:

BOOL frontend_call_loop = TRUE;

INT frontend_loop()
/* don't eat up all CPU time */
return cm_yield(10);

This limits the readout speed of all slow control equipment again to 100Hz, but avoids the 100% CPU usage. On most operating systems, the minimum time is 10ms as shown above, since this is the basic time slice of a process.

The readout scheme of slow control equipment will be re-visited this summer, when multi-threaded slow control front-ends will be implemented.
Entry  07 Aug 2006, Stefan Ritt, Info, New multi-threaded midas slow control system 
Multi-threaded slow control system

The Midas slow control system has been modified to support multi-threaded slow control front-ends. Each device gets it's own thread in the front-end, which has several advantages:

- the communication of all devices runs in parallel and therefor is much faster
- slow devices cannot block any more the front-end. Response times to run transitions etc. become therefore much faster.

This modification requires some minor modifications in the existing class and device drivers.

Dropping of CMD_xxx_ALL commands

The slow control commands CMD_SET_ALL, CMD_GET_ALL, CMD_SET_CURRENT_LIMIT_ALL, CMD_GET_CURRENT_LIMIT_ALL, etc. have been dropped. They were there to accomodate some slow devices, which sometimes works a bit faster if all channels are set or read at once. Since the inter-thread communication scheme implemented now does only allow passing one channel at a time, the "ALL" functions cannot be supported any more. On the other hand this is not such an issue any more, since slow devices are handled now in parallel, speeding up things considereably.

The command have been removed from midas.h and from all device and class drivers coming with the midas distribution. If you have your own drivers, just delete the sections wich use these commands.

Calling the device driver inside the class driver

The device drivers have now to be called differently in the class driver. The reason for that is that in a multi-threaded front-end, there is only one central device driver dispatcher, which communicates with the individual device driver threads. The device drivers do not need to be modified, but all existing class drivers need modification, if they are going to be run in a multi-threaded front-end. Old class drivers which are not used in a multi-threaded front-end do not to be modified.

Following modifications are necessary:

  • Remove following line:
    #define DRIVER(_i) ...

  • Find all lines containing
    DRIVER(i)(CMD_xxx, info->dd_info[i], ...)

    and replace them with
    device_driver(info->driver[i], CMD_xxx, ...)

    note that info->dd_info[i] is not passed any more. Instead, you pass info->driver[i]. Pleae note that the arguments passed after CMD_xxx are not checked by the compiler, since they are a variable argument list. Any error there will not produce a compiler warning, but will just crash the front-end.

  • Find the line with
    status = pequipment->driver[i].dd(CMD_INIT, hKey, &pequipment->driver[i].dd_info,

    and replace it with
    status = device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_INIT, hKey);

  • Find the line with
    pequipment->driver[i].dd(CMD_EXIT, pequipment->driver[i].dd_info);

    and replace it with
    device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_EXIT);

  • Find following lines
    hv_info->driver[i] = pequipment->driver[index].dd;
    hv_info->dd_info[i] = pequipment->driver[index].dd_info;
    hv_info->channel_offset[i] = offset;
    hv_info->flags[i] = pequipment->driver[index].flags;

    and replace them with
    hv_info->driver[i] = &pequipment->driver[index];
    hv_info->channel_offset[i] = offset;

The class drivers multi.c and generic.c can be used as a reference for these modifications.

Implementing CMD_STOP command

For multithread-enabled device drivers it is necessary to support the CMD_STOP command, which is needed to stop all device threads before the actual device gets closed. Following code is necessary:
INT cd_xxx(INT cmd, EQUIPMENT * pequipment)
   INT i, status;

   switch (cmd) {
   case CMD_INIT:

   case CMD_STOP:
      for (i = 0; pequipment->driver[i].dd != NULL &&
                  pequipment->driver[i].flags & DF_MULTITHREAD ; i++)
         status = device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_STOP);

   case CMD_IDLE:

   return status;

Enabling multi-thread support

To turn on multi-thread support for a device, the flag DF_MULTITHREAD must be used in the front-end user code device driver list, such as
DEVICE_DRIVER multi_driver[] = {
   {"Input", nulldev, 2, null, DF_INPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD},
   {"Output", nulldev, 2, null, DF_OUTPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD},
Entry  11 Feb 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, svn and "make indent" trashed my svn checkout tree... 
Fuming, fuming, fuming.

The combination of "make indent" and "svn update" completely trashed my work copy of midas. Half of 
the files now show as status "M", half as status "C" ("in conflict"), even those I never edited myself (e.g. 
mscb firmware files).

I think what happened as that once I ran "make indent", the indent program did things to the source 
files (changed indentation, added spaces in "foo(a,b,c); --> foo(a, b, c);" etc, so now svn thinks that I 
edited the files and they are in conflict with later modifications.

I suggest that nobody ever ever ever should use "make indent", and if they do, they should better 
commit their "changes" made by indent very quickly, before their midas tree is trashed by the next "svn 

And if they commit the changes made by "make indent", beware that "make indent" is not idempotent, 
running it multiple times, it keeps changing files (keeps moving some dox comments around).

Also beware of entering a tug-of-war with Stefan - at least on my machines, my "make indent" seems 
to produce different output from his.

Still fuming, even after some venting...
    Reply  15 Feb 2007, Ryu Sawada, Info, Latest FC5 Compilation attempt 
On February 13, 2007, gcc 4.1.2 was released.
I checked this version, and it compiles midas successfully,

GCC 3                    - OK
GCC 4.0                  - OK
GCC 4.1.0 and 4.1.1      - Bad
GCC 4.1.2                - OK
GCC 4.2                  - This is not released. Development version of GCC 4.2 is OK
Entry  23 Feb 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, RFC- support for writing to removable hard disk storage 
At triumf, we are developing a system to use removable hard drives to store data collected by midas 
daq stations. The basic idea is to replace storage on 300 GB DLT tapes with storage on removable 
esata, usb2 or firewire 750 GB hard drives.

To minimize culture shock, we stay as close as possible to the "tape" paradigm. Two removable disks 
are used in tandem. Data is written to the first removable disk until it is full. Then midas automatically 
switches to the second disk and asks the operator to replace the full disk with a blank disk. Similar to 
handling tapes, the operator takes the full disk and stores it on the shelf (offline); takes a blank disk 
and connects it to the computer. To read data from one of the disks, the operator takes the disk from 
the shelf and connects it to the daq computer or to some other computer equipped with a compatible 
removable storage bay. The full data disks are mounted read-only to prevent accidental data 

Two pieces of software are needed to implement this system:

1) midas support for switching to alternate output disks as they become full. Data could be written to 
the removable disk directly by the mlogger (no extra data copy on local disks) or by the lazylogger 
(mlogger writes the data to the local disk, then the lazylogger copies it to the removable disk). Writing 
directly to the removable disk is more efficient as it avoids the one extra data copy operation by the 

2) a user interface utility for mounting and dismounting removable disks. Handling of removable disks 
cannot be fully automatic: before unplugging a removable disk, the user has to inform the system; after 
connecting a removable disk, the user has to tell the system to mount it read-only (for existing data), 
read-write (to add more data) or to initialize a blank disk (fdisk+mkfs). (Also, some SATA interfaces do 
not implement automatic hot-plug: they have to be manually told "please look for new disks").

We are presently evaluating various internal SATA hot-plug enclosures. We evaluated external eSATA 
and USB2 enclosures and decided not to use them: while the performance is adequate, presence of 
extra bulky components (eSATA and USB cables, non-standardized power bricks) and the extra cost of 
eSATA and USB hard drive enclosures makes them unattractive.

I am open to suggestions and comments. I am most interested in hearing which data path (mlogger or 
the lazylogger) would be most useful for other users.

Entry  23 Feb 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, RFC- history system improvements 
While running the ALPHA experiment at CERN, we stressed and broke the MIDAS history system. We 
generated about 0.5 GB of history data per day, and this killed the performance of the history plot 
system in mhttpd - we had to wait for *minutes* to look at any plots of any variables.

One way to address this problem could be by changing the way ALPHA slow controls data is collected.

Another way to address this problem could be by improving the midas history system by removing 
some of the existing limitations and inefficiencies, enabling it to handle the ever increasing data 
volumes we keep throwing at it.

I feel the second approach (improving midas) is more useful in general and it appears that big 
improvements can be made by small modifications of existing code. No rewrites of midas are required. 
Read on.

Issue 1: in the mlogger, history is recorded with fairly coarse granularity.

For an equipment, if any varible changes, *all* variables for that equipment are written into the history 

Historically, this worked fairly well for experiments with low data rates (a few history changes per 
minute) and with variables equally distributed between different equipments. But even for a modest 
sized experiment like TRIUMF-E614-TWIST, recording many variables when only one has changed has 
been a visible inefficiency. Current experiments wish to record more history data more frequently, but 
even with latest and greatest hardware, in the case of ALPHA, this inefficiency has become a 
performance killer.

One could solve this problem by refactoring the data (one variable per equipment/one equipment per 
variable). I find this approach inelegant and contrary to the "midas way" (whatever that is).

An alternative would be to change the mlogger to record history with per-variable granularity. When 
one variable changes, only that variable is recorded. Preliminary examination of the existing code 
indicates that history writing in the mlogger is already structured in a way that makes it easy to 
implement, while the history reading code does not seem to need any changes at all.

Issue 2: all history data is recorded into a single file.

Again, this has worked well historically. In fact, until not so long ago, it was the only sane way to record 
history data because operating systems could not efficiently write data into multiple files at the same 
time. Insifficient data buffering, suboptimal storage allocation strategies - all leading to bad 
performance. Latest Linux kernels have largely resolved all such issues.

The present problem arises when recording large amounts of history data (say 100 variables) and then 
making a history plot of 1 variable. Because data for the one variable of interest is spread across the 
whole file, effectively, the whole file has to be read into memory, data for 1 variable collected and data 
for the other 99 variables skipped.

In this case, a speed up by a factor of 100 could be obtained by recording (say) one variable per history 
file. (Yes, the history code does use "lseek", but the seek granularity of modern disks is very coarse and 
in my tests, reading the whole file (streaming) is almost faster than seeking through it).

One has to be very careful when looking at these numbers and running benchmarks. Modern computers 
with fast disks and large RAM performs very well no matter how history data is stored and organized. 
Performance problems surface only under the load when running the production system, when the 
disks are busy recording the main data stream and all RAM is consumed by user applications doing 
data analysis.

The obvious solution to this problem is to record each variable into a separate data file. This will 
require modifications to the history writing code in the mlogger and to the history reading code in 
mhttpd, mhist & co.

An extra challenge in this tast is to minimize changes to the existing code and to keep compatibility 
with the existing data files - new code should be able to read existing data files.

I propose to organize data into subdirectores:

This scheme does two good things for the history plotting in mhttpd:

1) note that mhttpd always plots one variable at a time, and the variables are addressed by equipment 
(int) and variable name (string) (plus the array index). In the proposed scheme, the code would know 
exactly which history file to open to get the data, no scanning of directories or seeking inside the 
history file.

2) when setting up mhttpd history plots, the code can easily see what equipment and variables exist 
and *ever existed*. The present code only examines the latest history file and cannot see variables that 
have been deleted (or not yet written into the existing file). For example, one cannot see variables that 
existed in the 2005 history but were removed (or renamed) in 2006. (Yes, it can be done by an expert 
using mhist to examine the 2005 history files and odbedit to manually setup the history plots).

Over the next few weeks, I will proceed with implementing these two improvements: (1) mlogger write 
history with per-variable granularity; (2) history file split into one-file-per-variable. If my initial 
assessment is correct and the changes indeed are small, contained, non-intrusive and compatible with 
existing history files, I will submit them for inclusion into mainline midas.

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