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    Reply  23 Feb 2007, John M O'Donnell, Info, RFC- support for writing to removable hard disk storage 
We stopped using tapes at Los Alamos a while ago.  The model we use is:

write data with mlogger to a local RAID system.  This is NFS mounted read only on teh analysis machines, and
becomes the working copy for most tasks.  Copy data to external hardrives.  We have been using USB.  The USB
system is sometime a little flaky (lnux 2.4.21-7, so we have a computer dedicated to this task.  The USB driver
can be reloaded, or if the user is not so knowledgeable, the copmuter can be rebooted.  users on this computer
have sudo privs, so they can format hard drives.  The disks are inserted into boxes while in use, and stored on
a shelf for data archival, so we don't have a lot of enclosures.

I use the automounter to mount and unmount the drives.  With a 10 second timeout, the user needs only to wait a
few seconds before unplugging the disk.  (cat /proc/mounts allows them to check if they want.) dmesg allows
them to find the drive letter.  This works for any device which appears later as a SCSI disk.  The automounter
manages /mnt/usb for vfat formatted devices, and /mnt/usbl for ext3 formatted devices (preferred for data

autofs config files are:


# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage
*       -fstype=auto,nosuid,nodev,umask=0000,noatime    :/dev/&


# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage
*       -fstype=auto,nosuid,nodev       :/dev/&

/etc/auto.master contains

/mnt/usb                /etc/auto.usb  --timeout=10
/mnt/usbl               /etc/auto.usbl --timeout=10


> At triumf, we are developing a system to use removable hard drives to store data collected by midas 
> daq stations. The basic idea is to replace storage on 300 GB DLT tapes with storage on removable 
> esata, usb2 or firewire 750 GB hard drives.
> To minimize culture shock, we stay as close as possible to the "tape" paradigm. Two removable disks 
> are used in tandem. Data is written to the first removable disk until it is full. Then midas automatically 
> switches to the second disk and asks the operator to replace the full disk with a blank disk. Similar to 
> handling tapes, the operator takes the full disk and stores it on the shelf (offline); takes a blank disk 
> and connects it to the computer. To read data from one of the disks, the operator takes the disk from 
> the shelf and connects it to the daq computer or to some other computer equipped with a compatible 
> removable storage bay. The full data disks are mounted read-only to prevent accidental data 
> modifications.
> Two pieces of software are needed to implement this system:
> 1) midas support for switching to alternate output disks as they become full. Data could be written to 
> the removable disk directly by the mlogger (no extra data copy on local disks) or by the lazylogger 
> (mlogger writes the data to the local disk, then the lazylogger copies it to the removable disk). Writing 
> directly to the removable disk is more efficient as it avoids the one extra data copy operation by the 
> lazylogger.
> 2) a user interface utility for mounting and dismounting removable disks. Handling of removable disks 
> cannot be fully automatic: before unplugging a removable disk, the user has to inform the system; after 
> connecting a removable disk, the user has to tell the system to mount it read-only (for existing data), 
> read-write (to add more data) or to initialize a blank disk (fdisk+mkfs). (Also, some SATA interfaces do 
> not implement automatic hot-plug: they have to be manually told "please look for new disks").
> We are presently evaluating various internal SATA hot-plug enclosures. We evaluated external eSATA 
> and USB2 enclosures and decided not to use them: while the performance is adequate, presence of 
> extra bulky components (eSATA and USB cables, non-standardized power bricks) and the extra cost of 
> eSATA and USB hard drive enclosures makes them unattractive.
> I am open to suggestions and comments. I am most interested in hearing which data path (mlogger or 
> the lazylogger) would be most useful for other users.
> K.O.
    Reply  26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, RFC- history system improvements 
I agree to what you propose. I'm pretty sure you are right in getting a significant improvement in readout speed
of the history system. So far there was no big request for improving the history system, since the performance in
the experiments I was involved in was good. In MEG for example, we have ~20MB of history data per day, and all
plots even going back some months can be made in a couple of seconds. Have a look for example at

This plot stretches over two weeks and involves ~500 MB of history data, and is prepared in a couple of seconds.
The key question here is how big the disk cache of the OS is. The above plot does not read all 500 MB, but skips
many data points in order to obtain ~1000 data points (one per pixel) for the requested period. To find these
data points, it reads and scans the history index files (yymmdd.idx), which are only a few percent of the
yymmdd.hst data files. The index file contains only the time stamp, the event id and the location of the event in
the *.hst file. Scanning the index file is as efficient as scanning a history file with a single variable. Now
comes the access of the history file. For ~1000 data points, 1000 locations have to be read. This requires
reading in the FAT table for the history file and accessing the sector clusters containing the data. In worst
case one has to read 1000 clusters. With a cluster size of 2kB this will be 2MB of data, something which can be
read very quickly. On the MEG system I observe that the first history plot takes about 5 seconds, while all
consecutive plots take about 1 second. This indicates that the FAT information is cached by the OS. This depends
of course as you indicated correctly on how much memory is available for disk caching, how many processes are
running etc. and will finally determine how fast your history access will be.

So if you implement your proposed new scheme, please consider the following:

- Scanning a single variable file is about the same as scanning the current index file. You save however the
access to the data file. If you plot several variables together, you have to access several "single variable
files", so your access time scales with the number of variables. In the current system, it's likely that
different variables from the same event are located in the same cluster. So you have to read the history file
once for each variable, but after the first variable the sectors of interest are very likely cached by the OS. So
I would estimate that the break-even point is about 2-3 variables. I mean if you read more that three variables,
your proposed method might get slower than the current one. This is of course not the case if there are very many
events in the history file. In that case the index file might be much bigger, since it gets a new entry if *any*
variable in an event changes. If all index file together are bigger than you disk cache, the system will become
slow (and I guess that's what you see). In MEG, the index file is about 1MB per day, so a few weeks fit easily
into the disk cache.

- In order not to get too much data, the history system needs fine tuning. Each slow control system class driver
as an "update threshold", which is used to determine if a variable has "changed". For some noisy channels, it
might be worth to set the threshold at 3 sigma of the noise level (RMS). This can reduce your history data
dramatically. For some equipment, you even might consider to define a minimum update period. This is done via
"/Equipment/<name>/Common/Log history". If that variable is set to 10, the time between two consecutive history
records is at least 10 seconds. For some temperatures for example it might make sense to set this even to one
minute or so, depending on how fast your temperatures change.

- If you implement a per-variable history, you probably have to use the per-event hot link in the ODB. Otherwise
you would exceed the number of hot links MAX_OPEN_RECORDS which is currently 256. If you then get a hot link
update, you have to check manually which variable(s) have changed in log_history() in mlogger.c

- Before you actually go and implement the full system, I would write some small test code to "simulate" the new
scheme. Write some dummy files with the full data you expect in the ALPHA experiment and see what the improvement
is under realistic conditions. Only if you see a big improvement it's worth to implement the full code. Test this
on various machine to get a better overview. Maybe it's worth testing different file systems and cluster sizes as

- If there is an improvement, I'm more than happy to replace the current history code in midas. It might however
not be clean to have a heterogeneous history system, where some files are in the old format and some in the new.
It might be better to write a little conversion routine which converts the old format into the new one, even
omitting records where single variables did not change. This conversion could be even put into the standard
mlogger code and is executed automatically if the logger is started first and finds some old data files.

Even if the speed improvement is not so big, one will certainly win a lot on disk file size (like if only one
variable out of 100 changes). This will probably make it worth to implement anyhow.
    Reply  26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, RFC- support for writing to removable hard disk storage 
In the MEG experiment, we simply installed 100TB of RAID disks and don't need to change anything Wink

But seriously, you are right that such a system might be beneficial. I propose to extend the current logger code to switch disks. In the current tr_start() funciton in mlogger, the code checks for "subdir_format" to create separate subdirectories like once per week. One could extend this code in the following way:

- Add an array of strings and name it "Path", such as


- On each stop of the run, check if the current disk has enough space for one more run. Take either the "Byte limit" of that channel, or the actual size of the last run and multiply it by two or so. If the disk is "almost full", switch to the next array element in "Path". Append the file name, such as "/dev/sda1/datadir/run1234.mid" and put this into "Current filename" as a feedback for the user. Now write to the new disk/file.

- Add as string like "Execute on switch", which gets called after you switched to the next disk. This shell script can then handle the un-mounting of the full disk, notify the user etc. This is similar to the "/Programs/Execute on start run" in the ODB, but it gets only called if you switch the disk.
Entry  26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Usage of event channel for improved throughput 
Starting from SVN revision 3642, sending events from the front-end has been revised.

Since long time ago, there is a special TCP socket established between any front-end and the mserver which can be used to bypass the midas RPC layer completely and purely send events. There was a #define USE_EVENT_CHANNEL but to my knowledge nobody used it.

While optimizing data throughput for the MEG experiment, I revisited this mechanism and got it finally working. Here are some benchmark tests made with the produce program on two dual-CPU machines running on Gigabit Ethernet:

Using normal RPC socket:

event size    speed [MB/sec] CPU usage front-end  CPU usage server
    40          3            22                   100                
  1000         44            25                   100
100000        101            14                    50

Using new event socket:

event size    speed [MB/sec] CPU usage front-end  CPU usage server
    40         12            100                   34                
  1000         99            58                    59
100000        101            14                    43

As can be seen, the CPU load on the server drops significantly for smaller events since the processing time per event is reduced. If the transfer was limited by the server, the throughput goes up significantly. For large events the bottleneck on the server side is the memcpy of events, so no big improvement is visible. The saved CPU time however can be used to analyze more events for example.

The event socket is now enabled by default in the front-end by setting
rpc_mode = 1

in mfe.c and should be checked carefully in various experiments. There is a small chance that events get stuck in the buffer cache on the server side at the end of the run, in which case they would show up as the first events of the next run. I know that this problem happened in some experiment before, but that must have been unrelated to the rpc_mode. So please check again and report any problem with the new rpc_mode.
Entry  26 Feb 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Fragmented polled events 
Fragmented polled events have been implemented in SVN revision 3625.
Fragmentation is a method of breaking down large (>MB) events into smaller
pieces and send them through the shared memory buffers, reassembling them at the
output. In the past this was only possible for periodic events (such as large
histograms read out once every few seconds), but now this is also possible for
polled events.
Entry  06 Mar 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, commited mhttpd fixes & improvements 
I commited the mhttpd fixes and improvements to the history code accumulated while running the ALPHA 
experiment at CERN:

- fix crashes and infinite loops while generating history plots (also seen in TWIST)
- permit more than 10 variables per history plot
- let users set their own colours for variables on history plot
- (finally) add gui elements for setting mimimum and maximum values on a plot
- implement special "history" mode. In this mode, the master mhttpd does all the work, except for 
generating of history plots, which is done in a separate mhttpd running in history mode, possibly on a 
different computer (via ODB variable "/history/url").

I also have improvements to the mhttpd elog code (better formatting of email) and to the "export history 
plot as CSV" function, which I will not be commiting: for elog, we switched to the standalone elogd; and 
CSV export is still very broken, even with my fixes.

The commited fixes have been in use at CERN since last Summer, but I could have introduced errors 
during the merge & commit. I am now using this new code, so any new errors should surface and get 
squashed quickly.

Entry  15 Mar 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhdump: a standalone MIDAS history dump utility 
While working on improvements to the MIDAS history system, I understood the data
format of the MIDAS .hst files and wrote a standalone program to extract data
from them, called mhdump.

mhdump is intended to be easier to use, compared to mhist. By default it reads
and decodes all the data in the given .hst files, with options to limit the
decoding to specified events and tags, and an option to omit the event and tag
names from the output.

mhdump is completely standalone and does not require MIDAS header files and

The mhdump source code and a description of the .hst file format are here:

I hope people find this program useful. If you have any feedback (patches, bug
reports, requests for improvements), please post them as replies to this forum

    Reply  15 Mar 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, mhdump: a standalone MIDAS history dump utility 
> I hope people find this program useful. If you have any feedback (patches, bug
> reports, requests for improvements), please post them as replies to this forum
> message.

I wouldn't mind putting this into the midas distribution. Put it under utils/, add
an entry to the Makefile, and fix that warning:

mhdump.cxx: In function `int readHstFile(FILE*)':
mhdump.cxx:161: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
    Reply  16 Mar 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, RFC- history system improvements 
> Let's improve the midas history system...

After implementing 2 prototypes, one aspect of the new design is starting to firm up enough to write it down (I do so in a mock FAQ format).

Q. I ran an experiment at triumf, returned home and now I have a bunch of midas history files (*.hst) on my laptop. How do I export these history 
data to some useful format?
A. Run "mhdump *.hst | import_to_sql.perl" or "mh2ttree -o history.root *.hst" (export to mysql or ROOT TTree respectively). (TBW: 
import_to_sql.perl and mh2ttree)

Q. I have all these midas history files (*.hst), how do I look at them with mhttpd?
A. Follow these steps:
1) setup a blank experiment (no frontends, no analyzer, no mlogger), make sure you can run odbedit and mhttpd.
2) put (symlink) the history files into the history (data) directory
3) run "mhdump -t *.hst > tags.cmd"
4) run "odbedit -c @tags.cmd"
5) start mhttpd, go to the "history" page, setup history plots
6) look at history plots as usual

As always, all the cool stuff is happening behind the scenes:

- in step (3) and (4) we create ODB entries for all events and tags in the history files:
/history/tags/2 = "Trigger"   <--- declare event 2 "Trigger" (was equipment "Trigger" while we were taking data)
/history/tags/2:Rate = 1       <--- declare tag "Rate" as an array of one element
/history/tags/2:Scalers = 10 <--- declare tag "Scalers" as an array of 10 elements
... and so forth for each event and tag that ever existed in the history files.

When running a live experiment, the /history/tags entries are created by the mlogger.

- in step (5), the history plot setup page reads the names of history events and tags from /history/tags. The existing code for extracting the 
names of events and tags from the /equipment tree goes away. The variables part of history plots are saved the same way as now, i.e. 
"Trigger:Rate" and "Trigger:Scalers[3]" - existing plot definitions continue working as before.

- in step (6), to plot the variable named "Trigger:Scalers[3]", the mhttpd code again reads /history/tags to find out that "Trigger" corresponds to 
event id 2 and "Scalers" is a valid array (of size 10). This is enough to call hs_read() with the correct arguments to read the existing .hst files - the 
existing code will even regenerate the .idx and .def history files.

How do existing experiments migrate to the new code? It is all automatic, no user actions needed. For writing history files, there are no changes. 
For reading history files, the "new mhttpd" expects to find /history/tags, which will be created automatically by the "new mlogger".

I am presently cleaning up the implementation of this idea in mhttpd and in the mlogger (only those 2 files are affected- 2 functions in mhttpd.c 
and 1 function in mlogger.c) and after some testing it will be ready for commiting to midas svn.

The next step would be changes in mlogger.c for recording the history for each variable separately (each variable gets it's own event id). I have 
this implemented, but interaction with mhttpd is still in flux and I may want to run the new code at CERN for a few months before I deem it stable 
enough for general use.

Entry  03 Apr 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Switch to Visual C++ 2005 under Windows 
I had to switch to Visual C++ 2005 under Windows. This required the upgrade of
all project files under \midas\nt\ and fixing a few warnings, since the new
compiler is more picky. 

Note that in order to use most C RTL funcitons, you have to define two
preprocessor statements:


either at the beginning of a file (before you include stdio.h), or via the
project property page under C/C++ / Preprocessor / Preprocessor Definitions,
where you also have the WIN32 and the _CONSOLE definitions. I adapted all
project files in the distribution, but for all local projects this has to be
done additionally.
Entry  09 Apr 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, move history, elog and alarm functions into separate files 
As approved by Stefan, I moved the history (hs_xxx), alarm (al_xxx) and elog (el_xxx) functions out of 
midas.c into separate files. Commited as revision 3665. This change should be transparent to all users. 
Entry  10 May 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, RHEL5/SL5 success! 
FWIW, I am running latest 32-bit MIDAS on an AM2 dual core AMD machine under 64-bit SL5. Everything 
seems to work correctly. K.O.

P.S. For the record, the compiler produces two sets of warnings:
- warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of â differ in signedness
- warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
(I do not understand the meaning of the second warning. type-punned pointer, huh?)
Entry  21 May 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd changes to use /History/Tags data 
I am slowly commiting the changes to the history code. This installement adds
code to mhttpd to use the /History/Tags data (to be) generated by the mlogger.

In the nutshell, the logger fills /History/Tags to "remember" what events,
variables and tags exist in the history files.

This replaces the old code that attempts to guess the contents of history files
by looking at /Equipment tree.

To ease the transition to the new system, I am leaving all the old code alive
and active in the absense of "/History/Tags" entries.

As soon as one starts using the new mlogger (to be commited), the new tags based
mhttpd code will activate itself.

    Reply  03 Jul 2007, Ryu Sawada, Info, RHEL5/SL5 success! 
> P.S. For the record, the compiler produces two sets of warnings:
> - warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
> (I do not understand the meaning of the second warning. type-punned pointer, huh?)

This is because strict aliasing rule is broken in this code.

In ISO C++99 standard, it is illegal to create two pointers of different types referring to the same address.
Even a code breaks the rule, it compiles, but the result is undefined.

For example following code gives different results depends on -O2 is used or not, because -O2 includes -fstrict-aliasing option.
When -fstrict-aliasing is used, compiler can optimize the code assuming the strict aliasing rule.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
   int ii = 1;
   float* ff = (float*)&ii;
   *ff = 2;
   printf("%d\n", ii);
   return 0;

GCC warns this kind of code with a message like,
warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
The behavior differs also depending on compilers. GCC3 does not warn, while GCC4 warns. (GCC3 is the default on SL4, while GCC4 is
the default on SL5)
And results are different. GCC3 gives 0, while GCC4 gives 1.
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct xxx {int ii;} XX;
int main(){
   XX a;
   a.ii = 1;
   *(short*)&a.ii = 0;
   printf("%d\n", a.ii);
   return 0;

More dangerous thing is that compilers do not always warn about it. For example, following code compiles without warnings even
when you use -Wall (including -Wstrict-aliasing). But the result changes depending on compile flags or compiler versions.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
int main(){
   int *ii = (int*)malloc(8);
   ii[0] = 1;
   ii[1] = 2;
   float* ff = (float*)ii;
   ff[0] = 3;
   ff[1] = 4;
   printf("%d %d\n", ii[0], ii[1]);
   return 0;

A safer way is disabling -fstrict-aliasing compile flag. For example, you may change compile flag for midas like "-O2 -fno-strict-
Disadvantage is that there is a possibility that the speed is decreased.

The best way is modifying code to be in the strict aliasing rule.

Best regards
Entry  26 Jul 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Change of pointer type in mvmestd.h 
I had to change the pointer type of mvme_read and mvme_write to (void *) instead
to (mvme_locaddr_t *) to avoid warnings under 64-bit linux. Please adjust your
VME drivers if necessary.

- Stefan
    Reply  12 Aug 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Change of pointer type in mvmestd.h 
> I had to change the pointer type of mvme_read and mvme_write to (void *) instead
> to (mvme_locaddr_t *) to avoid warnings under 64-bit linux. Please adjust your
> VME drivers if necessary.

Updated: vmicvme.c (VMIVME-7750/7805) and gefvme.c (GEFANUC V7865)

Entry  29 Aug 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Added data compression to mlogger 
I now commited the changes to mlogger (mlogger.c, msystem.h) implementing data
compression using zlib (svn revision 3845)

To enable compression, observe that mlogger is compiled with -DHAVE_ZLIB (see
the Makefile), in "/Logger/Channels/NNN/Settings", set "compression" to "1" and
the filename to "run%05d.mid.gz" (note the suffix ".gz").

In the Makefile, I only enabled HAVE_ZLIB for Linux, as that is the only
platform I tested. If somebody can test compression on Windows, please do and
let us know.

My ROOT analyzer (rootana) package can read compressed MIDAS files directly and
if one wants to add this capability to other MIDAS-related packages, one is
welcome to use my TMidasFile.cxx as an example

Entry  06 Sep 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Introduction of MIDAS_MAX_EVENT_SIZE 
We had the problem that different experiments used different MAX_EVENT_SIZE
values (the MEG experiment actually 10 MB!). If each experiment changes the
value in midas.h and accidentally commits it, other experiments are affected.
Therefore I modified midas.h and the Makefile to accept a new environment
variable MIDAS_MAX_EVENT_SIZE. If this value is set, the Makefile passes it's
value to midas.h where it supersedes the default value which is currently at 4 MB.

PAA: Can you pleas add this to the documentation at the right spot? Thanks.
Entry  02 Oct 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, ROODY, ROOTANA updates 
The ROODY online histogram viewer and the ROOTANA midas analyzer toolkit have been updated to work 
with ROOT version 5.16 and tested on Linux (SL4.4) and MacOS (10.4.10/PPC).

This update includes the library called "TNetDirectory" for access to remote ROOT objects. This library is 
still under development, but is complete enough for use with ROODY. To try it, please specify -P9091 in 
rootana and -Plocalhost:9091 in ROODY.

    Reply  20 Nov 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhdump: a standalone MIDAS history dump utility 
> > I hope people find this program useful. If you have any feedback (patches, bug
> > reports, requests for improvements), please post them as replies to this forum
> > message.
> I wouldn't mind putting this into the midas distribution. Put it under utils/, add
> an entry to the Makefile, and fix that warning:
> mhdump.cxx: In function `int readHstFile(FILE*)':
> mhdump.cxx:161: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions

Done and done.

The program mhdump, a standalone decoder for midas history files, is now in midas svn.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5