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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
IDdown Date Author Topic Subject Text Attachments
  2022   25 Nov 2020 Marco FrancesconiSuggestionODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer filesHi,
I guess the issue is in the "[?]" part of
the command, the indexing is handled differently
  2021   24 Nov 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer filesI'm interested in using the matching feature
for ODBSET explained on
  2020   24 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumInvalid name "Analyzer/Tests"Hi everyone,

I've recently took the analyzer template
  2019   20 Nov 2020 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzInfoEquipment "common" settings in ODBIndeed this "mirror" of the ODB in settings
option can cause frustration in 
particular when we think the ODB is empty
  2018   20 Nov 2020 Stefan RittForumHistory plot consuming too much memory > Taking this down a tangent, I have a mild
concern that a user could temporarily 
> flood our gigabit network if we do have
  2017   20 Nov 2020 Joseph McKennaForumHistory plot consuming too much memoryPoking at the behavior of this, its fairly
clear the slow response is from the data
  2016   19 Nov 2020 Stefan RittForumHistory plot consuming too much memoryThe history code is right now programmes in
such a way that when you request
an old time window, then all data from that
  2015   19 Nov 2020 Joseph McKennaForumHistory plot consuming too much memory

A user reported an issue that if they were
  2014   17 Nov 2020 Stefan RittInfoEquipment "common" settings in ODBToday I addressed a topic which bugged me
since long time. The ODB contains 
settings under /Equipment/<name>/Common which
  2013   06 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'Yes, you are right. That fixed it and my frontend
is compiling.
  Draft   06 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'

  2011   06 Nov 2020 Alexandr KozlinskiySuggestioncmake build fixeshi,

there are several problems with current cmake
  2010   05 Nov 2020 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'Hi,

You're building under Linux like. You want
  2009   05 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'Hi everyone,

I have been building an experiment using
  2008   21 Oct 2020 Soichiro KuribayashiInfoAbout remote control of front end part of MIDAS on chipDear Stefan,

Thank you very much for your help.
  2007   20 Oct 2020 Stefan RittInfoAbout remote control of front end part of MIDAS on chipWe also use a Zynq chip and boot in the following
  2006   13 Oct 2020 Soichiro KuribayashiInfoAbout remote control of front end part of MIDAS on chipDear Konstantin,

Thank you very much for your reply and detailed
  2005   13 Oct 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoAbout remote control of front end part of MIDAS on chip> My name is Soichiro Kuribayashi and I am
a Ph.D. student at Kyoto University. 
> I'm a T2K collaborator and working for
  2004   13 Oct 2020 Soichiro KuribayashiInfoAbout remote control of front end part of MIDAS on chipHello!

My name is Soichiro Kuribayashi and I am
  2002   06 Oct 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumusing python client to start and stop run> The ODB variable "/Runinfo/State" is a symptom
of starting/stopping a run, rather than the
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