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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authorup Topic Subject
  902   13 Sep 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiForumMIDAS CITATION
> I have been using your software in my lab (APC, Paris)
> to run our data acqusition system. It is very robust and flexible.s
> I would like to give you the large amount of credit which you are due.
> How should I cite both MIDAS and ROODY? I have not been able to find any
> information in the usual places.

Good to hear from a happy user.

I think the best way to give us credit is to recommend MIDAS to 10 of your friends.

For MIDAS citations, I think Pierre and Stefan have a standard one somewhere, we should have it linked from

For ROODY citations, I am not sure we have one. The idea behind it was to make a ROOT version of PAW++. 
Main authors are Greg King (UBC COOP student, where is he now?), Joe Chuma (also author of PHYSICA, 
R.I.P.), Pierre Amaudruz, myself and a few others.

  905   13 Sep 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmhttpd truncates string variables to 32 characters
I can confirm part of the problem - the new inline-edit function - after you finish editing - shows you what you 
have typed, not what's actually in ODB - at the very end it should do an ODBGet() to load the actual ODB 
contents and show *that* to the user.

The truncation to 32 characters - most likely it is a failure to resize the ODB string - is probably in mhttpd and 
I can take a quick look into it.

There is a 3rd problem - the mhttpd ODB editor "create" function does not ask for the string length to create.

Actually, in ODB, "create" and "set string size" are two separate functions - db_create_key(TID_STRING) creates 
a string of length zero, then db_set_data() creates an empty string of desired length.

In the new AJAX interface these two functions are separate (ODBCreate just calls db_create_key()).

In the present ODBSet() function the two are mixed together - and the ODB inline edit function uses ODBSet().


> I find that new mhttpd has strange behaviour for ODB strings.
> - I create a new STRING variable in ODB through mhttpd.  It defaults to size 32.
> - I then edit the STRING variable through mhttpd, writing a new string larger
> than 32 characters.
> - Initially everything looks fine; it seems as if the new string value has been
> accepted.
> - But if you reload the page, or navigate back to the page, you realize that
> mhttpd has silently truncated the string back to 32 characters.
> You can reproduce this problem on a test page here:
> Older versions of mhttpd (I'm testing one from 2 years ago) don't have this
> 'feature'.  For older mhttpd the string variable would get resized when a larger
> string was inputted.  That definitely seems like the right behavior to me.
> I am using fresh copy of midas from bitbucket as of this morning. (How do I get
> a particular tag/hash of the version of midas that I am using?)
  906   14 Sep 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomktime() and daylight savings time
I would like to share with you a silly problem with mktime() and daylight savings time (Summer 
time/Winter time) that I have run into while working on the mhttpd history query page.

I am implementing 1 hour granularity for the queries (was 1 day granularity) and somehow all my queries 
were off by 1 hour.

It turns out that the mktime() and localtime() functions for converting between time_t and normal time 
units (days, hours) are not exact inverses of each other.

Daylight savings time (DST) is to blame.

While localtime() always applies the current DST,  mktime() will return the wrong answer unless tm_isdst is 
set correctly.

For tm_isdst, the default value 0 is wrong 50% of the time in most locations as it means "DST off" (whether 
that's Summer time or Winter time depends on your location).

Today in Vancouver, BC, DST is in effect, and localtime(mktime()) is off by 1 hour.

If I were doing this in January, I would not see this problem.

"man mktime" talks about "tm_isdst" special value "-1" that is supposed to fix this. But the wording of 
"man mktime" on Linux and on MacOS is different (I am amused by the talk about "attempting to divine 
the DST setting"). Wording at is 
different again. MS Windows (Visual Studio) documentation says different things for different versions.

So for mhttpd I use the following code. First mktime() gets the approximate time, a call to localtime() 
returns the DST setting in effect for that date, a second mktime() with the correct DST setting returns the 
correct time. (By "correct" I mean that localtime(mktime(t)) == t).

time_t mktime_with_dst(const struct tm* ptms)
   // this silly stuff is required to correctly handle daylight savings time (Summer time/Winter time)
   // when we fill "struct tm" from user input, we cannot know if daylight savings time is in effect
   // and we do not know how to initialize the value of tms->tm_isdst.
   // This can cause the output of mktime() to be off by one hour.
   // (Rules for daylight savings time are set by national and local govt and in some locations, changes 
   // (There are no locations with 2 hour or half-hour daylight savings that I know of)
   // (Yes, "man mktime" talks about using "tms->tm_isdst = -1")
   // We assume the user is using local time and we convert in two steps:
   // first we convert "struct tm" to "time_t" using mktime() with unknown tm_isdst
   // second we convert "time_t" back to "struct tm" using localtime_r()
   // this fills "tm_isdst" with correct value from the system time zone database
   // then we reset all the time fields (except for sub-minute fields not affected by daylight savings)
   // and call mktime() again, now with the correct value of "tm_isdst".
   // K.O. 2013-09-14

   struct tm tms = *ptms;
   struct tm tms2;
   time_t t1 = mktime(&tms);
   localtime_r(&t1, &tms2);
   tms2.tm_year = ptms->tm_year;
   tms2.tm_mon  = ptms->tm_mon;
   tms2.tm_mday = ptms->tm_mday;
   tms2.tm_hour = ptms->tm_hour;
   tms2.tm_min  = ptms->tm_min;
   time_t t2 = mktime(&tms2);
   //printf("t1 %.0f, t2 %.0f, diff %d\n", (double)t1, (double)t2, (int)(t1-t2));
   return t2;

  907   18 Sep 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmhttpd truncates string variables to 32 characters
I confirm the second part of the problem.

Inline edit uses ODBSet(), which uses the "jset" AJAX call to mhttpd which does not extend string variables.

This is the jset code. The best I can tell it truncates string variables to the existing size in ODB:

db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hkey)
db_get_key(hDB, hkey, &key);
memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
size = sizeof(data);
db_sscanf(getparam("value"), data, &size, 0, key.type);
db_set_data_index(hDB, hkey, data, key.item_size, index, key.type);

These original jset/jget functions are a little bit too complicated and there is no documentation (what exists is done by me trying to read the existing code).

We now have a jcopy/ODBMCopy() as a sane replacement for jget, but nothing comparable for jset, yet.

I think this quirk of inline edit cannot be fixed in javascript - the mhttpd code for "jset" has to change.


> I can confirm part of the problem - the new inline-edit function - after you finish editing - shows you what you 
> have typed, not what's actually in ODB - at the very end it should do an ODBGet() to load the actual ODB 
> contents and show *that* to the user.
> The truncation to 32 characters - most likely it is a failure to resize the ODB string - is probably in mhttpd and 
> I can take a quick look into it.
> There is a 3rd problem - the mhttpd ODB editor "create" function does not ask for the string length to create.
> Actually, in ODB, "create" and "set string size" are two separate functions - db_create_key(TID_STRING) creates 
> a string of length zero, then db_set_data() creates an empty string of desired length.
> In the new AJAX interface these two functions are separate (ODBCreate just calls db_create_key()).
> In the present ODBSet() function the two are mixed together - and the ODB inline edit function uses ODBSet().
> K.O.
> > I find that new mhttpd has strange behaviour for ODB strings.
> > 
> > - I create a new STRING variable in ODB through mhttpd.  It defaults to size 32.
> > 
> > - I then edit the STRING variable through mhttpd, writing a new string larger
> > than 32 characters.
> > 
> > - Initially everything looks fine; it seems as if the new string value has been
> > accepted.
> > 
> > - But if you reload the page, or navigate back to the page, you realize that
> > mhttpd has silently truncated the string back to 32 characters.
> > 
> > You can reproduce this problem on a test page here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Older versions of mhttpd (I'm testing one from 2 years ago) don't have this
> > 'feature'.  For older mhttpd the string variable would get resized when a larger
> > string was inputted.  That definitely seems like the right behavior to me.
> > 
> > I am using fresh copy of midas from bitbucket as of this morning. (How do I get
> > a particular tag/hash of the version of midas that I am using?)
  911   24 Sep 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomktime() and daylight savings time
> I vaguely remember that I had a similar problem with ELOG. The solution was to call tzset() at the beginning of the program. The man page says that 
> this function is called automatically by programs using time zones, but apparently it is not. Can you try that? There is also the TZ environment 
> variable and /etc/localtime. I never understood the details, but playing with these things can influence mktime() and localtime().

I confirm that the timezone is set correctly - I do get the correct time eventually - so there is no missing call to tzet().

  915   25 Sep 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoDocumentation for ODBGet() & co, Javascript and AJAX functions.
> > The bulk of the MIDAS AJAX and Javascript functions is now documented on the MIDAS Wiki:
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> The documentation was updated again.

Newly documented are the additional Javascript and AJAX functions present in the GIT branch "feature/ajax":

ODBMCreate(paths, types);
ODBMCreate(paths, types, arraylengths, stringlengths, callback);  
ODBMResize(paths, arraylengths, stringlengths, callback);  
ODBMRename(paths, names, callback);  
ODBMLink(paths, links, callback);  
ODBMReorder(paths, indices, callback);
ODBMKey(paths, callback);
ODBMDelete(paths, callback);

All these functions permit asynchronous use (with callback on completion) and the underlying AJAX functions permit JSON-P encoding.

ODBSetUrl("") : this new function removes the restriction that custom scripts had to be loaded from the same mhttpd that they will 
access. Together with the newly added CORS support in mhttpd, allows loading custom scripts from any web server, including local file, and having then access any one (or 
any several) mhttpd data sources.

I think these new functions are now stable (I still had to make some changes to ODBMCreate() recently) and after some more testing this branch will be merged into 

To use this branch, do either:
a) git clone midas; git pull; git checkout feature/ajax
b) git clone midas; git checkout develop; git pull; git checkout -b ajaxtest; git merge feature/ajax;

(Option (b) creates a local branch with the latest "develop" and "feature/ajax" merged together).

  916   27 Sep 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoODB JSON support
> odbedit can now save ODB in JSON-formatted files.
> JSON encoding implementation follows specifications at:
> The result passes validation by:

A bug was reported in my JSON ODB encoder: NaN values are not encoded correctly. A quick review found this:

1) the authors of JSON smoked some bad mushrooms and specifically disallowed NaN and Inf values for floating point numbers:
2) most JSON encoders and decoders do reasonable and unreasonable things with NaN and Inf values. The worst ones encode them as zero. More bad 

There is a quick survey at:

Some Javascript engines allow it since it is valid Javascript but not valid Json however there is no concensus.
cmj-JSON4Lua: raw tostring() output (invalid JSON).
dkjson: 'null' (like in the original JSON-implementation).
Fleece: NaN is 0.0000, freezes on +/-Inf.
jf-JSON: NaN is 'null', Inf is 1e+9999 (the encode_pretty function still outputs raw tostring()).
Lua-Yajl: NaN is -0, Inf is 1e+666.
mp-CJSON: raises invalid JSON error by default, but runtime configurable ('null' or Nan/Inf).
nm-luajsonlib: 'null' (like in the original JSON-implementation).
sb-Json: raw tostring() output (invalid JSON).
th-LuaJSON: JavaScript? constants: NaN is 'NaN', Inf is 'Infinity' (this is valid JavaScript?, but invalid JSON).

For the MIDAS JSON encoder (and decoder) I have several choices:
a) encode NaN and Inf using the printf("%f") encoding (as strings, making it valid JSON)
b) encode NaN and Inf as strings using the Javascript special values: "NaN", "Infinity" and "-Infinity", see

I note that the Python JSON encoder does (b), see section at

In either case, behaviour of the JSON decoder on the Javascript side needs to be tested. (Silent conversion to value of zero is not acceptable).

If anybody has an suggestion on this, please let me know.

P.S. If you do not know all about NaN, Inf, "-0" and other floating point funnies, please read:

P.P.S. If you ever used the type "float" or "double", used the "/" operator or the function "sqrt()" you also should read that reference.

  917   01 Oct 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMacOS select() problem
The following code found in mhttpd does not work on MacOS (BSD UNIX).

On Linux, the do-loop will finish after 2 seconds as expected. On MacOS (and other BSD systems), it will 
loop forever.

The cause is the MIDAS watchdog alarm() signal that fires every 1 second and always interrupts the 2 
second sleep of select(). The Linux select() updates it's timeout argument to reflect time already slept, so 
eventually we finish. The MacOS (BSD) select() does not update the timeout argument and select goes back 
to sleep for another 2 seconds (to be again interrupted half-way through).

The POSIX standard (specification for select() & co) permits either behaviour. Compare "man select" on 
MacOS and on Linux.

If the select() timeout were not 2 seconds, but 0.9 seconds; or if the MIDAS watchdog alarm fired every 
2.1 seconds, this problem would also not exist.

I think there are several places in MIDAS with code like this. An audit is required.

                  FD_SET(_sock, &readfds);

                  timeout.tv_sec = 2;
                  timeout.tv_usec = 0;

                  do {
                     status = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
                     /* if an alarm signal was cought, restart with reduced timeout */
                  } while (status == -1 && errno == EINTR);

  918   09 Oct 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoODB JSON support
> > odbedit can now save ODB in JSON-formatted files.
> A bug was reported in my JSON ODB encoder: NaN values are not encoded correctly.

Tested the browser-builtin JSON.stringify() function in google-chrome, firefox, safari, opera:
everybody encodes numeric values NaN and Inf as JSON value [null].

To me, this clearly demonstrates a severe defect in the JSON standard and in it's Javascript implementation:
a) NaN, Inf and -Inf are valid, useful and commonly used numeric values defined by the IEEE754/854 standard (as opposed to the special value "-0", which is also defined by the standard, but is not nearly as useful)
b) they are all distinct numeric values, encoding them all into the same JSON value [null] is the same as encoding all even numbers into the JSON value [42].
c) on the decoding end, JSON value [null] is decoded into Javascript value [null], which works as 0 for numeric computation, so effectively NaN, Inf and -Inf are made equal to zero. A neat trick.

Note that (c) - NaN, Inf is same as 0 - eventually produces incorrect numerical results by breaking the IEEE754/854 standard specification that number+NaN->NaN, number+infinity->infinity, etc.

In MIDAS we have a requirement that results be numerically correct: if an ODB value is "infinity", the corresponding web page should not show "0".

In addition we have a requirement that JSON encoding should be lossess: i.e. ODB contents encoded by JSON should decode back into the same ODB contents.

To satisfy both requirements, I now encode NaN, Inf and -Inf as JSON string values "NaN", "Infinity" and "-Infinity". (Corresponding to the respective Javascript values).

1) this is valid JSON
2) it survives decode/encode in the browser (ODBMCopy()/JSON.parse/modify some values/JSON.stringify/ODBMPaste() does not destroy these special values)
3) it is numerically correct for "NaN" values (Javascript [1+"NaN"] -> NaN)
4) it fails in an obvious way for Inf and -Inf values (Javascript [1+"Infinity"] is NaN instead of Infinity).
  919   22 Oct 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomidas programs "auto start", etc
MIDAS "programs" settings include: /programs/xxx/"auto start", "auto restart" and "auto stop". What do 
they do?

"auto start":

if set to "y", the program's "start command" will be unconditionally executed at the beginning of the run 
start transition.

Because there are no checks or tests, the "start command" will be executed even if the program is already 
running. It means that this function cannot be used to start frontend programs - a new copy will be 
started each time, and a previously running copy will be killed.

Also the timing of the program startup and run transition is wrong - in my tests, the program starts too 
late to see the run transition. If the program is a frontend, it will never see the begin-of-run transition.

1st conclusion: "auto start" should be "n" for frontend programs and for any other programs that are 
supposed to be continuously running (mlogger, lazylogger, etc).

2nd conclusion: "auto start" does the same thing as "/programs/execute on start run".

"auto stop":

if set to "y", the program will be stopped after the end of run. (using cm_shutdown).

"auto restart":

this has nothing to do with starting and stopping runs. Instead, it works in conjunction with the alarm 
system and the "program is not running" alarm.

The alarm system periodically calls al_check(). al_check() checks all programs defined under /Programs to 
see if they are running (using cm_exist()). If a program is not running and an alarm is defined, the alarm is 
raised ("program is not running" alarm). If there is a start command and "auto restart" is set to "y", the 
start command is executed.

When using these "auto start" and "auto restart" functions, one needs to be careful about the context 
where the start command will be executed: midas clients may be running from different directories, under 
different user names and on different computers.

In "auto start", the start command is executed from cm_transition. For remote clients, this will happen on 
the remote computer. (against the expectation that the program will be started on the main computer).

In "auto restart", the start command is executed by al_check() which always runs locally (for remote 
clients, it runs inside the mserver). So the started program will always run on the main computer, but 
maybe not in the same directory as when started from the mhttpd "programs -> start" button.


"programs auto start" : works but has strange interactions and side effects, do not use it.
"programs auto stop" : works, can be used to stop programs at the end of run (but what for?)
"programs auto restart" : works, seems to work correctly, can be used to auto restart mlogger, frontends, 

  920   22 Oct 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoaudit of db_get_record()
Record-oriented ODB functions db_create_record(), db_get_record(), db_check_record() and 
db_set_record() require special attention to the consistency between their "C struct"s (usually defined in 
midas.h), their initialization strings (usually defined in midas.h) and the contents of ODB.

When these 3 items become inconsistent, the corresponding midas functions tend to break.

Unlike ODB internal structures and event buffer internal structures, these record-oriented functions are 
not part of the midas binary-compatibility abi and they are not protected by db_validate_sizes().

From time to time, new items are added to some of these data structures. Usually this does not cause 
problems, but recently we had some difficulty with the runinfo and equipment structures, prompting this 

db_check_record: note: (C) means that this record is created there

alarm.c: alarm_odb_str(C)
mana.c: skipped
mfe.c: equipment_common_str, equipment_statistics_str(C), event_descrip(C), bank_list(C)
mhttpd.cxx: cgif_label_str(C), cgif_bar_str(C), runinfo_str(C), equipment_common_str(C)
mlogger.cxx: ch_settings_str(C)
sequencer.cxx: sequencer_str(C)


alarm.c: alarm_odb_str, alarm_periodic_str, alarm_class_str
fal.c: skipped
mfe.c: equipment_common_str
midas.c: program_info_str (maybe)
odb.c: (maybe)
lazylogger.cxx: lazy_settings, lazy_statistics
mhttpd.cxx: runinfo_str
mlogger.cxx: chn_settings_str

db_get_record: (hard to do with grep, will have to check every db_get_record by hand)

alarm.c: alarm, class, program_info
fal.c: skipped
mana.c: skipped
midas.c: program_info
odb.c: (maybe)
lazylogger.cxx: lazyst
mhttpd.cxx: runinfo, equipment, ?hkeytemp?, chn_settings, chn_stats, ?label?, ?bar?
mlogger.cxx: ?, ?, chn_stats, chn, settings
sequencer.cxx: hkeyseq


alarm.c: hkeyalarm, hkeyclass, ???, program_info
fal.c: skipped
mana.c: skipped
mfe.c: equipment_info, ?event structure?
odb.c: (maybe)
lazelogger.cxx: lazyst
mlogger.cxx: chn_stat
sequencer.cxx: seq

db_open_record: note: (W) means MODE_WRITE

fal.c: skipped
mana.c: skipped
mfe.c: equipment_info, equipment_stats(W)
midas.c: requested_transition
odbedit.c: key_update - generic test of hotlink
lazylogger.cxx: runstate, lazyst(W), lazy?
mlogger.cxx: history, chn_statistics, chn_settings
sequencer.cxx: seq

  921   25 Oct 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfixed mlogger run auto restart bug
A problem existed in midas for some time: when recording long data sets of time (or event) limited runs 
with logger run auto restart set to "yes", the runs will automatically stop and restart as expected, but 
sometimes the run will stop and never restart and beam will be lost until the experiment operator on shift 
wakes up and restarts the run manually.

I have now traced this problem to a race condition inside the mlogger - when a run is being stopped from 
the mlogger, the mlogger run transition handler (tr_stop) triggers an immediate attempt to start the next 
run, without waiting for the run-stop transition to actually complete. If the run-stop transition does not 
finish quickly enough, a safety check in start_the_run() will cause the run restart attempt to silently fail 
without any error message.

This race condition is pretty rare but somehow I managed to replicate it while debugging the 
multithreaded transitions. It is fixed by making mlogger wait until the run-stop transition completes.

  922   25 Oct 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMacOS select() problem
> The following code found in mhttpd does not work on MacOS (BSD UNIX). ...

Because of this problem, on MacOS, run transitions can get stuck forever - most timeouts do not work. (Specifically, recv_string() never times out)

  924   28 Oct 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfixed mlogger run auto restart bug
> More generally I kind of consider the mlogger auto restart facility as deprecated. It works in the background and the operator does not have a clue 
> what is going on. We use now the sequencer to achieve exactly the same functionality.

Before subruns were available, most experiments at TRIUMF have used the "auto restart" function. Now, I think most of them use subruns,
with the notable exception of PIENU where the analysis framework could not handle subruns. (PIENU is now shutdown and disassembled).

> It just requires a few lines of sequencer code:
>   TRANSITION start 
>   WAIT events, 5000 
>   TRANSITION stop 

Mouse click "auto restart" to "yes" is a little bit simpler than setting up a sequencer file, and it survives a crash of mhttpd.

Does the sequencer survive a crash or a restart of mhttpd?

  929   11 Nov 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiForumInstallation problem
> I run into problems while trying to install Midas on Slackware 14.0.

Thank you for reporting this. We do not have any slackware computers so we cannot see these message usually.

We use SL/RHEL 5/6 and MacOS for most development, plus we now have an Ubuntu test machine, where I see a 
whole different spew of compiler messages.

Most of the messages are:

a) useless compiler whining:

src/midas.c: In function 'cm_transition2':
src/midas.c:3769:74: warning: variable 'error' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

b) an actual error in fal.c:

src/fal.c:131:0: warning: "EQUIPMENT_COMMON_STR" redefined [enabled by default]

c) actual error in fal.c: assignment into string constant is not permitted: char*x="aaa"; x[0]='c'; // core dump

src/fal.c:383:1: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

these are fixed by making sure all such pointers are "const char*" and the corresponding midas functions are 
also "const char*".

d) maybe an error (gcc sometimes gets this one wrong)

./mscb/mscb.c: In function 'int mscb_info(int, short unsigned int, MSCB_INFO*)':
./mscb/mscb.c:1682:8: warning: 'size' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
> Apparently there is a problem with a shared library which should be on the
> system, I think make checks for /usr/include/mysql and then supposes that
> should be on disk. I don't know why on my system it is not.

g++  -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wuninitialized -Iinclude -Idrivers -I../mxml -I./mscb -Llinux/lib -
-DHAVE_ROOT -pthread -m64 -I/home/exodaq/root_5.35.10/include -DHAVE_ZLIB -DHAVE_MSCB -DOS_LINUX 
-fPIC -Wno-unused-function -o linux/bin/mhttpd linux/lib/mhttpd.o linux/lib/mgd.o linux/lib/mscb.o 
linux/lib/sequencer.o linux/lib/libmidas.a linux/lib/libmidas.a -lodbc -lsqlite3 -lutil -lpthread -lrt -lz -lm
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-slackware-linux/4.7.1/../../../../x86_64-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lodbc

The ODBC library is not found (shared .so or static .a).

The Makefile check is for /usr/include/sql.h (usually part of the ODBC package). On the command line above, 
HAVE_ODBC is set, and the rest of MIDAS compiled okey, so the ODBC header files at least are present. But why 
the library is not found?

I do not know how slackware packages this stuff the way they do and I do not have a slackware system to check 
how it should look like, so I cannot suggest anything other than commenting out "HAVE_ODBC := ..." in the 

> But I was wondering if I have some other problems (configuration problem?)
> because I get a very large number of warnings. My last installation of Midas is
> like from two years ago but I don't remember getting many warnings.

There are no "many warnings". Mostly it's just one same warning repeated many times that complains about 
perfectly valid code:

src/midas.c: In function 'cm_transition':
src/midas.c:4388:19: warning: variable 'tr_main' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

They complain about code:
 { int i=foo(); ... } // yes, "i" is not used, yes, if you have to keep it if you want to be able to see the return value 
of foo() in gdb.

> Do I do something obviously wrong?

No you. GCC people turned on one more noisy junk warning.

> Thanks a lot!

No idea about your missing ODBC library, I do not even know how to get a package listing on slackware (and 
proud of it).

But if you do know how to get a package listing for your odbc package, please send it here. On RHEL/SL, I would 

rpm -qf /usr/include/sql.h ### find out the name of the package that owns this file
rpm -ql xxx ### list all files in this package

  930   11 Nov 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiForumInstallation problem
> > I run into problems while trying to install Midas on Slackware 14.0.
> b) an actual error in fal.c:
> src/fal.c:131:0: warning: "EQUIPMENT_COMMON_STR" redefined [enabled by default]
> c) actual error in fal.c: assignment into string constant is not permitted: char*x="aaa"; x[0]='c'; // core dump
> src/fal.c:383:1: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
> these are fixed by making sure all such pointers are "const char*" and the corresponding midas functions are 

the warnings in fal.c are now fixed.

  932   13 Nov 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiForumInstallation problem
> > I run into problems while trying to install Midas on Slackware 14.0.
> Thank you for reporting this. We do not have any slackware computers so we cannot see these message usually.
> src/midas.c: In function 'cm_transition2':
> src/midas.c:3769:74: warning: variable 'error' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

got around to look at compile messages on ubuntu: in addition to "variable 'error' set but not used" we have these:

warning: ignoring return value of 'ssize_t write(int, const void*, size_t)'
warning: ignoring return value of 'ssize_t read(int, void*, size_t)'
warning: ignoring return value of 'int setuid(__uid_t)'
and a few more of similar

  935   14 Nov 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiForumInstallation problem
# slackpkg file-search sql.h
[ installed ] - libiodbc-3.52.7-x86_64-2
# slackpkg search package
# cat /var/log/packages/libiodbc-3.52.7-x86_64-2

Thanks, I am saving the slackpkg commands for future reference. Looks like the immediate problem is 
with the library name: libiodbc instead of libodbc. But the header file sql.h is the same.

I am not sure if it is worth making a generic solution for this: on MacOS, all ODBC functions are now 
obsoleted, to be removed, and since we are stanardized on MySQL anyway, so I think I will rewrite the SQL 
history driver to use the MySQL interface directly. Then all this ODBC extra layering will go away.

  936   14 Nov 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiForumInstallation problem
> #include "use.h"
>  { USED int i=foo(); }

Sounds nifty, but google does not find use.h.

As for unused variables, some can be removed, others not so much, there is some code in there:

int i = blah...
#if 0
if (i=42) printf("wow, we got a 42!\n");
if (0) printf("debug: i=%d\n", i);

(difference is if you remove "i" or otherwise break the disabled debug code, "#if 0" will complain the next time you need that debugging code, "if (0)" will 
complain right away).

Some of this disabled debug code I would rather not remove - so much debug scaffolding I have added, removed, added again, removed again, all in the same 
places that I cannot be bothered with removing it anymore. I "#if 0" it and it stays there until I need it next time. But of course now gcc complains about it.

  937   14 Nov 2013 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMacOS10.9 strlcpy() problem
On MacOS 10.9 MIDAS will crashes in strlcpy() somewhere inside odb.c. We think this is because strlcpy() 
in MacOS 10.9 was changed to abort() if input and output strings overlap. For overlapping memory one is 
supposed to use memmove(). This is fixed in current midas, for older versions, you can try this patch:

konstantin-olchanskis-macbook:midas olchansk$ git diff
diff --git a/src/odb.c b/src/odb.c
index 1589dfa..762e2ed 100755
--- a/src/odb.c
+++ b/src/odb.c
@@ -6122,7 +6122,10 @@ INT db_paste(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKeyRoot, const char *buffer)
                while ((*pc == ' ' || *pc == ':') && *pc)
-               strlcpy(data_str, pc, sizeof(data_str));
+               //strlcpy(data_str, pc, sizeof(data_str)); // MacOS 10.9 does not permit strlcpy() of overlapping 
+               assert(strlen(pc) < sizeof(data_str)); // "pc" points at a substring inside "data_str"
+               memmove(data_str, pc, strlen(pc)+1);
                if (n_data > 1) {
                   data_str[0] = 0;
konstantin-olchanskis-macbook:midas olchansk$ 

As historical reference:

a) MacOS documentation says "behavior is undefined", which is no longer true, the behaviour is KABOOM!

b) the original strlcpy paper from OpenBSD does not contain the word "overlap"

c) the OpenBSD man page says the same as Apple man page (behaviour undefined)

d) the linux kernel strlcpy() uses memcpy() and is probably unsafe for overlapping strings

e) midas strlcpy() looks to be safe for overlapping strings.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5