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ID Date Author Topic Subject Text Attachments
  1662   14 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facilityDuring my visit at TRIUMF we rewrote the history
plotting functionality of midas. Instead
  1661   13 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure> Lacking any ideas for improvements, I vote
for the status quo. (plus a review of the
documentation to ensure we have clearly
  1659   09 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHow to convert C midas frontends to C++> How do I solve mismatched declarations in
the mfe (or other places in the midas code)?
  1658   09 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportFetest History Plot> Hi, our logger was running.

Please do these simple tests:
  1657   09 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportFetest History Plot> Hi, our logger was running.

  1656   09 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure> Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. ...
> /Equipment/<name>/Common
> In the past, the ODB setting took precedence
  1655   08 Aug 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionmidas cmake migrationI just tried CMake 3.1.0 and it worked with
midas. So I believe all versions between
3.1.0 and 3.6.1 are ok.
  1654   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportROOTANA bug?> indnerlt:rootana lindner$ git diff libMidasInterface/TMidasOnline.cxx
> diff --git a/libMidasInterface/TMidasOnline.cxx
  1653   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionmidas cmake migration> Each CMakeLists.txt should specify which
version of CMake it requires. The MIDAS CMakeLists.txt
requires CMake 3.1 or later. 
  1652   08 Aug 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionmidas cmake migrationEach CMakeLists.txt should specify which version
of CMake it requires. The MIDAS CMakeLists.txt
requires CMake 3.1 or later. 
  1651   08 Aug 2019 Art OlinSuggestionmidas cmake migrationI want to report a bug in the ROOT build process
that might be relevant to the midas implementation.
I had an annoying failure to build root 6.18
  1650   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS will use C++11After much discussion, and following the MIDAS
workshop at TRIUMF, we made the decision
to use C++11 in MIDAS.
  1649   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoc++11 for RHEL/SL/CentOS-6The default el6 (RHEL/SL/CentOS-6) compiler
is gcc-4.4.7, it does not support c++11,
not even a little bit.
  1648   08 Aug 2019 Lauren MantonBug ReportROOTANA bug?Hi,

Thank you, commenting out the line worked
  1647   07 Aug 2019 Pintaudi GiorgioSuggestionROOT and multi-threadingHello!
I am creating this thread to comment on an
issue raised today during the MIDAS 
  1646   07 Aug 2019 Thomas LindnerBug ReportROOTANA bug?Hi Paolo,

Sorry for the slow response.  We were discussing
  1645   07 Aug 2019 Paolo BaessoBug ReportROOTANA bug?Hi,

I posted on the ROOTANA elog but there seems
  1644   06 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structureAfter some internal discussion, I decided
to undo my previous change again, in order
not to break existing habits. Instead, I
  1643   06 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structureHi Thomas,

the change only affects Eqipment/<name>/common
  1642   06 Aug 2019 Thomas LindnerInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structureHi Stefan,

This change does not sound like a good idea
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5