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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown
  2355   16 Mar 2022 Stefan RittInfoNew midas sequencer version
A new version of the midas sequencer has been developed and now available in the 
develop/seq_eval branch. Many thanks to Lewis Van Winkle and his TinyExpr library 
(, which has now been integrated into the sequencer 
and allow arbitrary Math expressions. Here is a complete list of new features:

* Math is now possible in all expressions, such as "x = $i*3 + sin($y*pi)^2", or 
in "ODBSET /Path/value[$i*2+1], 10"

* "SET <var>,<value>" can be written as "<var>=<value>", but the old syntax is 
still possible.

* There are new functions ODBCREATE and ODBDLETE to create and delete ODB keys, 
including arrays

* Variable arrays are now possible, like "a[5] = 0" and "MESSAGE $a[5]"

If the branch works for us in the next days and I don't get complaints from 
others, I will merge the branch into develop next week.

  2358   22 Mar 2022 Stefan RittInfoNew midas sequencer version
After several days of testing in various experiments, the new sequencer has
been merged into the develop branch. One more feature was added. The path to
the ODB can now contain variables which are substituted with their values.
Instead writing

ODBSET /Equipment/XYZ/Setting/1/Switch, 1
ODBSET /Equipment/XYZ/Setting/2/Switch, 1
ODBSET /Equipment/XYZ/Setting/3/Switch, 1

one can now write

LOOP i, 3
   ODBSET /Equipment/XYZ/Setting/$i/Switch, 1

Of course it is not possible for me to test any possible script. So if you 
have issues with the new sequencer, please don't hesitate to report them 
back to me.

  2385   15 Apr 2022 Stefan RittInfoNew midas sequencer version
I prepared some slides about the new features of the sequencer and post it here so 
people can have a quick look at get some inspiration.

Attachment 1: sequencer.pdf
sequencer.pdf sequencer.pdf sequencer.pdf sequencer.pdf sequencer.pdf sequencer.pdf sequencer.pdf sequencer.pdf
  1958   24 Jun 2020 Stefan RittInfoNew image history system available
I'm happy to report that the Corona Lockdown in Europe also had some positive side 
effects: Finally I found time to implement an image history system in midas, 
something I wanted to do since many years, but never found time for that.

The idea is that you can incorporate any network-connected WebCam into the midas 
history system. You specify an update interval (like one minute) and the logger 
fetches regularly images from that webcam. The images are stored as raw files in 
the midas history directory, and can be retrieved via the web browser similarly to 
the "normal" history. Attached is an image from the MEG Experiment at PSI to give 
you some idea.

The cool thing now is that you can go "backwards" in time and browse all stored 
images. The buttons at each image allow you to step backward, forward, and play a 
movie of images, forward or backward. You can query for a certain date/time and 
download a specific image to your local disk. You can even synchronize all time 
axes, drag left and right on each image to see your experiment from different 
cameras at the same time stamps. You see a blue ribbon below each image which shows 
time stamps for which an image is available. 

Initially, only the most recent image is loaded to speed up loading time. As soon 
as you click on the image or one of the arrow buttons, previous images are loaded 
progressively, which you can see in the ribbon bar becoming blue. For slow internet 
connections this can take some time. For typical webcams and one minute update 
period you get typically a few GB per week.

To make this happen, you define a new ODB subtree 

  Name:          Name of Camera
  Enabled:       Boolean to enable readout of camera
  URL            URL to fetch an image from the camera
  Period         Time period in seconds to fetch a new image
  Storage hours  Number of hours to store the images (0 for infinite)
  Extension      Image file extension, usually ".jpg" or ".png"
  Timescale      Initial horizontal time scale (like 8h)

The tricky part is to obtain the URL from your camera. For some cameras you can get 
that from the manual, others you have to "hack": Display an image in your browser 
using the camera's internal web interface, inspect the source code of your web page 
and you get the URL. For AXIS cameras I use, the URL is typically


For the Netatmo cameras I have at home (which I used during development in my home 
office), the procedure is more complicated, but you can google it. The logger is 
now linked against the CURL library to fetch images, so it also support https://. 
If libcurl is not installed on your system, the image history functionality will be 

I tested the system for a few days now and it seem stable, which however does not 
mean that it is bug-free. So please report back any issue. The change is committed 
to the current develop branch.

I hope this extension helps all those people who are forced to do more remote 
monitoring of experiment during these times.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_2020-06-24_at_17.21.11_.png
  2794   31 Jul 2024 Lukas GerritzenBug ReportNew history plots: Zooming in on logarithmic y axis does not work as expected
Using the mouse to click and drag on a logarithmic y axis triggers a zooming behaviour as if the user zoomed in on a linear axis. 

How to reproduce:
Take a plot that ranges from 1e-20 to 100, for example. Click around the middle of the axis and drag the mouse up to about 3/4.

Expected result:
Limit the y axis to the approximate range 1e-10 to 1e-4

Actual result:
The y axis limits are around 50 and 75.

P.S. Is there a way to configure the history plot in a way that values of 0.00 are ignored rather than showing up as 1e-20?
  2795   31 Jul 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportNew history plots: Zooming in on logarithmic y axis does not work as expected
I fixed that and committed the change to megon02, just reload your browser. I also set ymin and ymax of the Vacuum plot to meaningful 
values (not to zero!).

  1662   14 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
During my visit at TRIUMF we rewrote the history plotting functionality of midas. Instead of 
static GIF images, we have now interactive JavaScript panels where we can scroll, zoom, 
inspect values and much more (example is attached). We are now in a state where this is still 
work in progress, but already at this stage it might be useful for others to report any 

Simply upgrade the the newest develop branch of midas, and you will see two menu items 
"OldHistory" which is the old system and "History" which is the new system. In the new 
system, you can drag with the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out the 
time axis, and hover with your mouse over data points to see its value. If you zoom out, 
old data is loaded automatically in the background.

Following items are planned, but not yet implemented:

- Printing of run markers as in the old history

- Delete old data in the buffer to limit memory consumption if the browser window is 
   open for very long (weeks)

- Implement time interval selector (clock icon, select "last day", "last 8 hours" etc.)

- New settings dialog as a floating dialog box. At the moment, the setting page of the 
   old history system is used

- Export / Printing / Sending to ELOG any history plot

- Implement a formula for plotting data, such as "y = 12 * (x-14) +32". This will replace 
   the old "offset" and "factor" and is more flexible. The formula can be passed directly 
   to the JavaScript engine and will be executed on the web page. It should be also 
   possible to combine different channels, like the difference of two history values.

- Determine the number of digits for variable display from the axis limits. Like if a value 
   changes between 520001 and 520002 only, we need more digits than the usual 6.

Many of these things will be implemented in the next weeks. If you have any more idea 
or find some bugs, please report back to me.

Stefan for the midas team
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2019-08-14_at_8.50.53_.png
  1673   06 Sep 2019 Andreas SuterInfoNew history plot facility
I like the new history system very much, but I stumbled over a couple of issues.
I used the version "Thu Aug 29 08:24:29 2019 +0200 -
midas-2019-06-b-244-gdd6585bb on branch develop":

1) it would be nice to have an option to format the label output (see attachment 1)

2) the background of a history plot is very handy if you only show one measure.
If you have multiple ones (see attachment 2), this is not the case anymore. It
would be nice if the background could be enabled/disabled.

> During my visit at TRIUMF we rewrote the history plotting functionality of
midas. Instead of 
> static GIF images, we have now interactive JavaScript panels where we can
scroll, zoom, 
> inspect values and much more (example is attached). We are now in a state
where this is still 
> work in progress, but already at this stage it might be useful for others to
report any 
> feedback.
> Simply upgrade the the newest develop branch of midas, and you will see two
menu items 
> "OldHistory" which is the old system and "History" which is the new system. In
the new 
> system, you can drag with the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in
and out the 
> time axis, and hover with your mouse over data points to see its value. If you
zoom out, 
> old data is loaded automatically in the background.
> Following items are planned, but not yet implemented:
> - Printing of run markers as in the old history
> - Delete old data in the buffer to limit memory consumption if the browser
window is 
>    open for very long (weeks)
> - Implement time interval selector (clock icon, select "last day", "last 8
hours" etc.)
> - New settings dialog as a floating dialog box. At the moment, the setting
page of the 
>    old history system is used
> - Export / Printing / Sending to ELOG any history plot
> - Implement a formula for plotting data, such as "y = 12 * (x-14) +32". This
will replace 
>    the old "offset" and "factor" and is more flexible. The formula can be
passed directly 
>    to the JavaScript engine and will be executed on the web page. It should be
>    possible to combine different channels, like the difference of two history
> - Determine the number of digits for variable display from the axis limits.
Like if a value 
>    changes between 520001 and 520002 only, we need more digits than the usual 6.
> Many of these things will be implemented in the next weeks. If you have any
more idea 
> or find some bugs, please report back to me.
> Best,
> Stefan for the midas team
Attachment 1: label_issue.png
Attachment 2: many_labels.png
  1674   06 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> 1) it would be nice to have an option to format the label output (see attachment 1)

That's clearly a bug, I will fix it.

> 2) the background of a history plot is very handy if you only show one measure.
> If you have multiple ones (see attachment 2), this is not the case anymore. It
> would be nice if the background could be enabled/disabled.

Looking at your plot, even without the background things look messy. Please note
that you can display only a single curve by double clicking on it (and back with Escape).
If all curves are on top of each other, you can get them apart a bit by zooming
in to the vertical axis, then double click. Let ma know if that works for you.

Best regards,
  1675   06 Sep 2019 Andreas SuterInfoNew history plot facility
> > 2) the background of a history plot is very handy if you only show one measure.
> > If you have multiple ones (see attachment 2), this is not the case anymore. It
> > would be nice if the background could be enabled/disabled.
> Looking at your plot, even without the background things look messy. Please note
> that you can display only a single curve by double clicking on it (and back with Escape).
> If all curves are on top of each other, you can get them apart a bit by zooming
> in to the vertical axis, then double click. Let ma know if that works for you.

This I found out, yet the attachment here shows another case where it would be useful to be
able to disable the background, namely if you have positive and negative measures in one
plot. Somehow it suggests that CH1 and CH2 show very different values, whereas it is only a
difference in the sign of this variables.

It's not all the important but I would like to mention this is the early stage before
everything is fully frozen.
Attachment 1: plot_plus_minus.png
  Draft   07 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> This I found out, yet the attachment here shows another case where it would be useful to be
> able to disable the background, namely if you have positive and negative measures in one
> plot. Somehow it suggests that CH1 and CH2 show very different values, whereas it is only a
> difference in the sign of this variables.

Ok, I added 

- a correction which does the fill not to the bottom of the window, but only to the y=0 axis.
- a flag "Show graph fille" which lets you turn on and off the filling for each plot

  1678   07 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> This I found out, yet the attachment here shows another case where it would be useful to be
> able to disable the background, namely if you have positive and negative measures in one
> plot. Somehow it suggests that CH1 and CH2 show very different values, whereas it is only a
> difference in the sign of this variables.

Ok, I added an option which lets you switch off the background. 

I also changed the background drawing such that it only goes to the y=0 axis, not the bottom of the screen. 
That should help displaying negative values.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_2019-09-07_at_13.52.49_.png
Attachment 2: Slow-Sine_3-20198107-132905-20198107-135305.png
  1679   08 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> 1) it would be nice to have an option to format the label output (see attachment 1)

I fixed that in the current version.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_2019-09-08_at_12.29.12_.png
  1681   10 Sep 2019 Andreas SuterInfoNew history plot facility
Our typical use case is that a lot of people are connected to the experiment
having some history tabs open most of the time. Hence, I setup a test system and
connect to it from all kind of systems/browsers. What I see currently quite
often is the error hs_read_arraybuffer (see the attachement).

For firefox 60.8.0esr this can result into a full freeze of the tab and only
closing it is possible.

For chromium based browsers you eventually get a popup informing that it is not
responsive anymore.

The worst though is safari 12.1.2 which not only freezes the tab, but
reproducibly crashes the mhttpd on the server side.

Are there ways to get a log which would document where the problems start?  
Attachment 1: history_hangs.PNG
  1687   16 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoNew history plot facility
> I see currently quite often is the error hs_read_arraybuffer (see the 
> Are there ways to get a log which would document where the problems 
> [also crash of mhttpd]

We can debug it from both ends, javascript and mhttpd:

On the web page, the error message says "see javascript console", do you see 
anything there?

Or the tab is so hung-up that you cannot even access the console? In this 
case, can you open the console before running your test?

In some browsers (firefox, google-chrome) this will also activate the javascript 
debugger and as likely as not will make the bug go away (ouch!)

On the mhttpd side, please capture the stack trace from the crash: enable 
core dumps (ODB "/experiment/enable core dumps" set to "y", after the crash, 
run "ls -l core.*; gdb mhttpd core.9999") or run mhttpd inside gdb or attach 
gdb to a running mhttpd (gdb -p 9999). Once in gdb, run "info thr" to list all 
threads, "thr 0; bt", "thr 1; bt", etc to get stack traces from all threads, only 
one of them contains the crash (tedious!).

Email me the stack trace (or post here), in case we want to look at values
of any variables from the crash, keep the core dump and do not rebuild 

  1688   16 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoNew history plot facility
> During my visit at TRIUMF we rewrote the history plotting functionality of midas.

This is a most amazing achievement. We wanted to do this "for years" and I think we have
benefitted greatly from the delay - tools available for building interactive web graphics
have improved so much so recently.

For example, delivering binary data from mhttpd to javascript (avoiding json encoding and decoding
saves tons of CPU cycles) went from "how do I do this?!?" to "I did it in only 3 hours!".

> We are now in a state where this is still work in progress, but already at this stage it might
> be useful for others to report any feedback.

The old gif-based history plots took a lot of effort and a long time to get where they work well
for most experiments and where we are happy with them.

From the TRIUMF side of things, lots of polishing of the graphics and of the user interface came
through use at our bigger experiments - TWIST (TRIUMF), ALPHA (CERN), T2K/ND280 (Japan).

So, much improvement and polishing of the new graphics is still ahead for us.

> Simply upgrade the the newest develop branch of midas, and you will see two menu items 
> "OldHistory" which is the old system and "History" which is the new system.

I hope to start the new release branch for midas-2019-09 soon. For the release, we will try
to have both the old and the new history graphics to integrate smoothly. The old graphics
still has to work well, as some users may prefer the old graphics and the old user interface.

Also the new system is still incomplete, i.e. there is no trivial way to save a history plot into a file:

> Following items are planned, but not yet implemented:
> - Printing of run markers as in the old history
> - Export / Printing / Sending to ELOG any history plot

  1690   16 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
>  Also the new system is still incomplete, i.e. there is no trivial way to save a history plot into a file:

That has been implemented in meantime. Just click on the download arrow and you can save the current window in CSV or PNG format.

  1694   17 Sep 2019 Andreas SuterInfoNew history plot facility
> On the mhttpd side, please capture the stack trace from the crash: enable 
> core dumps (ODB "/experiment/enable core dumps" set to "y", after the crash, 
> run "ls -l core.*; gdb mhttpd core.9999") or run mhttpd inside gdb or attach 
> gdb to a running mhttpd (gdb -p 9999). Once in gdb, run "info thr" to list all 
> threads, "thr 0; bt", "thr 1; bt", etc to get stack traces from all threads, only 
> one of them contains the crash (tedious!).
> Email me the stack trace (or post here), in case we want to look at values
> of any variables from the crash, keep the core dump and do not rebuild 
> mhttpd.
> K.O.

here comes the stack trace (only happens when using safari 12.1.2 macOS 10.14.6):

(gdb) thr 1
[Switching to thread 1 (Thread 0x7f57ceffd700 (LWP 3538))]
#0  0x00007f57f29fe377 in raise () from /lib64/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f57f29fe377 in raise () from /lib64/
#1  0x00007f57f29ffa68 in abort () from /lib64/
#2  0x00007f57f330e7d5 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() () from
#3  0x00007f57f330c746 in ?? () from /lib64/
#4  0x00007f57f330c773 in std::terminate() () from /lib64/
#5  0x00007f57f330c993 in __cxa_throw () from /lib64/
#6  0x00007f57f330cf2d in operator new(unsigned long) () from /lib64/
#7  0x00007f57f336ba19 in std::string::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned long, unsigned long,
std::allocator<char> const&)
    () from /lib64/
#8  0x00007f57f336c62b in std::string::_Rep::_M_clone(std::allocator<char> const&,
unsigned long) ()
   from /lib64/
#9  0x00007f57f336ccfc in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(std::string const&) () from /lib64/
#10 0x000000000041ce0f in check_digest_auth (hm=hm@entry=0x7f57ceffc520, auth=0x74b060
    at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mhttpd.cxx:17143
#11 0x0000000000452a61 in handle_http_message (msg=0x7f57ceffc520, nc=0x2019ca0,
this=<optimized out>, 
    this=<optimized out>, this=<optimized out>) at
#12 handle_http_event_mg (nc=nc@entry=0x2019ca0, ev=ev@entry=100,
    at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mhttpd.cxx:17753
#13 0x0000000000464c4b in mg_call (nc=nc@entry=0x2019ca0, 
    ev_handler=0x4521f0 <handle_http_event_mg(mg_connection*, int, void*)>, ev=100, 
    ev_data=ev_data@entry=0x7f57ceffc520) at
#14 0x000000000046790e in mg_http_call_endpoint_handler (nc=nc@entry=0x2019ca0,
ev=<optimized out>, 
    hm=hm@entry=0x7f57ceffc520) at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mongoose6.cxx:4946
#15 0x0000000000467e3f in mg_http_handler (nc=nc@entry=0x2019ca0, ev=ev@entry=3, 
    ev_data=ev_data@entry=0x7f57ceffcb2c) at
#16 0x0000000000464c4b in mg_call (nc=nc@entry=0x2019ca0, 
    ev_handler=0x467a20 <mg_http_handler(mg_connection*, int, void*)>,
ev_handler@entry=0x0, ev=ev@entry=3, 
    ev_data=ev_data@entry=0x7f57ceffcb2c) at
#17 0x0000000000464fb7 in mg_recv_common (nc=nc@entry=0x2019ca0,
buf=buf@entry=0x7f57c0000cd0, len=len@entry=279)
    at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mongoose6.cxx:2676
#18 0x00000000004659c8 in mg_if_recv_tcp_cb (len=279, buf=0x7f57c0000cd0, nc=0x2019ca0)
    at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mongoose6.cxx:2680
#19 mg_read_from_socket (conn=0x2019ca0) at
#20 mg_mgr_handle_conn (nc=0x2019ca0, fd_flags=1, now=now@entry=1568705761.3290441)
    at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mongoose6.cxx:3511
#21 0x0000000000465ee0 in mg_mgr_poll (mgr=mgr@entry=0x7f57ceffcda0,
    at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mongoose6.cxx:3687
#22 0x0000000000466085 in per_connection_thread_function (param=0x2019ca0)
    at /home/nemu/nemu/tmidas/midas/progs/mongoose6.cxx:3805
#23 0x00007f57f39c7ea5 in start_thread () from /lib64/
#24 0x00007f57f2ac68cd in clone () from /lib64/
  1695   17 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoNew history plot facility
> > On the mhttpd side, please capture the stack trace from the crash
> here comes the stack trace (only happens when using safari 12.1.2 macOS 10.14.6):
> #10 0x000000000041ce0f in check_digest_auth ...

The crash is in check_digest_auth() which checks the mongoose web server password (if not using 
password protection from the https proxy i.e. apache httpd).

If so you should see this crash on all pages, not just when you access history pages, yes?

Ok, I just checked, my safari is "Version 12.1.2 (13607.3.10)" and I see no immediate crash, even on 
history pages.

But I am macos 10.13.6, maybe that makes a difference.

If you see the safari crash on all pages, then it is not history-specific.

In this case, I would like you to file a bug report on bitbucket "mhttpd crash with safari" and we follow up 
on it there.

  499   17 Sep 2008 Stefan RittInfoNew flag for auto restart
A new ODB flag has been introduced. When the logger is configured for automatic 
stop and restart (/Logger/Auto restart = y), the restart delay was hard-wired 
to 20 sec., which might be too long or short for some experiments. Therefore a 
new parameter "/Logger/Auto restart delay" has been introduced which can be 
used to accommodate different delays. A non-zero delay is necessary for 
experiments where some lengthy activities occur during the stop of a run, like 
an analyzer writing many histograms to disk.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5