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ID Date Author Topic Subject Text Attachments
  2166   12 May 2021 Pierre GorelBug ReportHistory formula not correctly managedOS: OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
MIDAS: Downloaded from repo on April 2021.
  2165   12 May 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization> It looks like mhttpd managed to bind to
the IPv4 address (localhost), but not the
IPv6 address (::1). If you don't need it,
  2164   12 May 2021 Ben SmithBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization> midas_hatfe_1  | Mongoose web server listening
on http address "localhost:8080", passwords
OFF, hostlist OFF
  2163   12 May 2021 Mathieu GuigueBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initializationHi,

Using midas version 12-2020,  I am trying
  2162   10 May 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmodbselect trigget hotlinkThanks for reporting that bug, I fixed it
in the last commit.
  2161   07 May 2021 Zaher SalmanBug Reportmodbselect trigget hotlinkIt seems that a modbselect triggers a "change"
in an ODB which has a hot link. This happens
onload (or whenever the custom page is reloaded)
  2160   06 May 2021 Ben SmithInfoNew feature in odbxx that works like db_check_record()For those unfamiliar, odbxx is the interface
that looks like a C++ map, but automatically
syncs with the ODB -
  2159   06 May 2021 Stefan RittForumm is not defined errorThanks for reporting and pointing to the right
  2158   05 May 2021 Zaher SalmanForumm is not defined errorWe had the same issue here, which comes from
mhttpd.js line 2395 on the current git version.
This seems to happen mostly when there is
  2157   29 Apr 2021 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzSuggestionTime zone selection for web page> > The new history as well as the clock in
the web page header show the local time 
> > of the user's computer running the browser.
  2156   26 Apr 2021 Zaher SalmanSuggestionembed modbvalue in SVGI found a way to embed modbvalue into a SVG:

<text x="100" y="100" font-size="30rem">
  2155   14 Apr 2021 Stefan RittBug ReportMinor bug: Change all time axes together doesn't work with +- buttons> Version: release/midas-2020-12

> In the new history display, the checkbox
  2154   14 Apr 2021 Stefan RittBug ReportTime shift in history CSV exportI finally found some time to fix this issue
in the latest commit. Please update and check
if it's 
  2153   14 Apr 2021 Stefan RittInfoINT64/UINT64/QWORD not permitted in ODB and history... Change of TID_xxx data types> These 64-bit data types do not work with
ODB and they do not work with the MIDAS history.
  2152   14 Apr 2021 Stefan RittSuggestionTime zone selection for web page> The new history as well as the clock in
the web page header show the local time 
> of the user's computer running the browser.
  2151   13 Apr 2021 Stefan RittForumClient gets immediately removed when using a script button.> I have followed your suggestions and the
program still stops immediately. My status
as returned from "cm_yield(100)" is always
  2150   13 Apr 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobk_init32a data formatUntil commit a4043ceacdf241a2a98aeca5edf40613a6c0f575
today, mdump mostly did not work with bank32a
  2149   13 Apr 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumClient gets immediately removed when using a script button.> I think it would be useful to find the minimal
example that exhibits this behaviour.
  2148   12 Apr 2021 Ben SmithForumClient gets immediately removed when using a script button.I think it would be useful to find the minimal
example that exhibits this behaviour.
  2147   12 Apr 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumClient gets immediately removed when using a script button.> > if I use the script button, the logic_controller
program is immediately deleted by MIDAS.
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