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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  13   21 Jun 2004 Pierre-André Amaudruz FAQ: anonymous cvs access?
> Is the midas CVS server set-up so that I can pull the newest 
> version off the CVS server?
> What would be my CVSROOT?
> *this did not work* :)
> Piotr

In the Midas doc under "Quick Start"
you will find the proper cvs command for accessing the latest cvs Midas
version. The public pwd is cvs. You will only be able to checkout/update the
  293   12 Aug 2006 Pierre-André AmaudruzReleaseMidas updates
Midas development:

Over the last 2 weeks (Jul26-Aug09), Stefan Ritt has been at Triumf for the "becoming" traditional Midas development 'brainstorming/hackathon' (every second year).

A list with action items has been setup combining the known problems and the wish list from several Midas users.
The online documentation has been updated to reflect the modifications.

Not all the points have been covered, as more points were added daily but the main issues that have been dealt or at least discussed are:

  • ODB over Frontend precedence.
    When starting a FE client, the equipment settings are taken from the ODB if this equipment already existed. This meant the ODB has precedence over the EQUIPEMENT structure and whatever change you apply to the C-Structure, it will NOT be taken in consideration until you clean (remove) the equipment tree in ODB.

  • Revived 64 bit support. This was required as more OS are already supporting such architecture. Originally Midas did support Alpha/OSF/1 which operated on 64 bit machine. This new code has been tested on SL4.2 with Dual-Core 64-bit AMD Opterons.

  • Multi-threading in Slow Control equipments.
    Check entry 289 in Midas Elog from Stefan.

  • mhttpd using external Elog.
    The standalone ELOG package can be coupled to an existing experiment and therefore supersede the internal elog functionality from mhttpd.
    This requires a particular configuration which is described in the documentation.

  • MySQL test in mlogger
    A reminder that mlogger can generate entries in a MySQL database as long as the pre-compilation flag -HAVE_MYSQL is enabled during system built. The access and form filling is then defined from the ODB under Logger/SQL once the logger is running, see documentation.

  • Directory destination for midas.log and odb dump files
    It is now possible to specify an individual directory to the default midas.log file as well as to the "ODB Dump file" destination. If either of these fields contains a preceding directory, it will take the string as an absolute path to the file.

  • User defined "event Data buffer size" (ODB)
    The event buffer size has been until now defined at the system level in midas.h. It is now possible to optimize the memory allocation specific to the event buffer with an entry in the ODB under /experiment, see documentation.

  • History group display
    It is now possible to display an individual group of history plots. No documentation on that topics as it should be self explanatory.

  • History export option
    From the History web page, it is possible to export to a ASCII .csv file the history content. This file can later be imported into excel for example. No documentation on that topics as it should be self explanatory.

  • Multiple "minor" corrections:
    - Alarm reset for multiple experiment (return directly to the experiment).
    - mdump -b option bug fixed.
    - Alarm evaluation function fixed.
    - mlogger/SQL boolean handling fixed.
    - bm_get_buffer_level() was returning a wrong value which has been fixed now.
    - Event buffer bug traced and exterminated (Thanks to Konstantin).
  164   13 Oct 2004 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzBug ReportTWIST upgrade bombed...
> The upgrade of TWIST to the latest midas has bombed- we see mevb and mlogger
> crashes during shared memory data buffer accesses. I am looking into it and I
> will add information as I figure things out. K.O.

Since 1.9.5 the EventBuilder has been modified. Please consult the documentation
where the new mevb scheme is explained.
Test of the mevb with up to 16 frontends (15 different CPUs) has been tested
successfully. Data rate at the EventBuilder were measured about 50MB/s without the
logger and ~30MB/s with the logger.
  174   09 Nov 2004 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzBug FixNew transition scheme
If cm_set_transition_sequence() is used for changing the sequence number, the 
command odbedit> start/stop/resume/pause -v report the propre sequence but the
action on the client side is actually not performed!

Local transition table updated in midas.c (1.226)

The transition number under /system/clients/<pid>/transition...
is used internally. Changing it won't have any effect on the client action
if sequence number is not registered.
  185   15 Dec 2004 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumWhere's the definition of "H1_BOOK()"
> When i compile the experiment example of 1.9.5 the problem happened:
> adccalib.c: In function `INT adc_calib_init()':
> adccalib.c:114: `H1_BOOK' undeclared (first use this function)
> adccalib.c:114: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each
>    function it appears in.)
> make: *** [adccalib.o] Error 1
> my ROOT is 4.01 and Zlib is 1.2.2

We're in the process of fixing in the proper manner this problem, in the mean time
please add to the analyzer makefile the definition: -DUSE_ROOT at the line:
  231   02 Nov 2005 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzInfonew mvmestd api
> I manage to access some vme modules with the older vmicvme interface and seemed
> confused with the
> new interface as the sample code provided does not have a specific test sample.
> The test code
> provided in the earlier version for accessing  V792 32ch. QDC was quite handy,
> how can I apply it
> for the new interface?  

Hello Ian,

I'm in the process of updating the V1190B, V792 and other to the new mvmestd.
These drivers will soon be committed to the repository.

Cheers, Pierre-André 
  233   06 Nov 2005 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzSuggestionWhere to put drivers?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I would like to raise the question where to put the midas drivers.

We have both the example experiment and the MSCB Makefile which both expect to find the midas drivers under $MIDASSYS/drivers/camac or $MIDASSYS/drivers/usb. The documentation does not explicitely mention to define MIDASSYS as /usr/local, but some people do it. That however requires to put all drivers then under /usr/local/drivers, which is not the case in the current Makefile for midas. Do you think that we should add this? Or should we better ask (->documentation) people to define MIDASSYS to wherever they install the midas package (usually /usr/home/<name>/midas or so)?

Looking forward to hear your opinion,


Pierre-André Amaudruz wrote:

The purpose of the MIDASSYS introduction was to permit the placement of the package in the user area as well as publishing the Midas entry point. Doing so, we lessen the necessity to "install" Midas in the standard OS directory such as /opt or /usr/local. Static linking, use of rpath, new "make minimal_install" go in that direction.
Regarding the drivers, organizing the directories per hardware type (camac, vme, fastbus, usb, etc) seems better to me. Originally, we mostly dealt with CAMAC and therefore the diverse Makefile had a default reference to /drivers/bus/(camacrpc). Now that we removed cnaf/rpc from the automatic mfe build, it indicates that CAMAC is no longer the prime hardware. Then we should leave open to the user the selection of the hardware and document the necessity for him/her to adjust the build appropriately ( $MIDASSYS/drivers/<HW_type> ). The different Makefile examples should be adjusted to the proper driver location they're dealing with.
  260   25 May 2006 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzBug FixFixed compiler warnings with gcc 3.4.4

Stefan Ritt wrote:
I fixed a couple of compiler warning which came up with the new gcc 3.4.4. Seems like the compiler gets more and more picky. There a still warning left in ybos.c and in mcnaf.c, which I leave to the original author Wink

Pierre-A. Amaudruz wrote:
>ybos.c, cnaf_callback.c, mcnaf.c, mana.c have been corrected too.
  605   03 Jul 2009 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumData taking hangs in the middle of run
Hi Dawei,

Could you give more info on your setup:
- CAMAC controller model
- ADC model
- LAM setting
- Mode of polling (on module or on CC)
- Are you still going through the poll_event() after hang up?
- Do you have the same problem at low rate (100Hz)?

> Hi,
> We are using midas to read ADC. It sometimes hung in the middle of data taking.
> We tried to disable analyzer and only run with frontend. The problem still
> exists. We tried to use different crate, different CAMAC controller and
> different ADC module. All these did not solve the problem. We use polled method
> to read data. We have dataway display unit so we know that it hung always after
> it executed CAMAC command F9, which is after finishing one data taking and clear
> the ADC for the next data taking. The data rate is about 1 KHz. It is random for
> how long it takes for the system to hang.
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks,
> Dawei Liu
  652   01 Oct 2009 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzBug Reportmfe.c: poll_event() before frontend_init()
The latest version of mfe.c has a problem where poll_event() is called before
frontend_init() and this causes a crash because in poll_event() we try to access
VME before it is initialized in frontend_init(). K.O.
  731   12 Nov 2010 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzReleaseDocumentation
The general Midas documentation has been rejuvenated by Suzannah Daviel through 
a proof reading and with a collection of custom perl scripts to improve the 
Doxygen capabilities for the document itself. In particular, a contents list and 
alphabetical index of the documentation is generated automatically.

The new content is based on the previous version but with more cross-references, 
examples and descriptive images where necessary. Many of the previously 
undocumented features are now included.

The layout and organization is slightly different and requires getting used to, 
but hopefully will be an improvement.
Some of the changes are:
- The main topics are maintained, but we try to regroup all the aspects
  related to a particular topic in the same section.
- The Yellow icons provide navigation within the index section.
- The Blue icons provide navigation within the section content.

The full documentation is included under the midas/doc/src directory in the 
Midas distribution (SVN) and can be generated with the Doxygen tool.
The midasdoc-images.tar.gz from either or needs to be extracted to the midas 
directory under doc/images for complete local web pages generation.

There are a few "ToDo" items which hopefully will be ironed out soon.
Feel free to contact us for pointing out omissions or improvements.

We hope this online documentation will serve as a better tool for your 
understanding of the Midas capabilities.
  760   10 May 2011 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumsimple example frontend for V1720

Jianglai Liu wrote:

Who has a good example of a frontend program using CAEN V1718 VME-USB bridge and
V1720 FADC? I am trying to set up the DAQ for such a simple system.

I put together a frontend which talks to the VME. However it gets stuck at
"Calibrating" in initialize_equipment().

I'd appreciate some help!


Under the drivers/vme you can find code for the v1720.c (VME access) and ov1720.c
(A2818/A3818 PCIe optical link access). For testing the hardware, we use this code compiled and linked
with MAIN_ENABLE to confirm its functionality. You may want to do the same for your USB. Once this
is under control, the Midas frontend implementation using the same driver shouldn't give you trouble.
  823   31 Jul 2012 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzInfoMIDAS under Scientific Linux 6
Hi Cheng-Ju,

Midas will install and run under SL6. We're presently running SL6.2.
Cheers, PAA

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone has attempted to install MIDAS under Scientific Linux 6?  I am planning to install 
> Scientific Linux on one of the PCs in our lab to run MIDAS. I would like to know if anyone has been 
> successful in getting MIDAS to run under SL6.  Thanks.
> Cheng-Ju
  832   31 Aug 2012 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumMIDAS in Windows
Hi Raquel,

The makefile.nt has been corrected.
Obviously Midas on Windows has not been updated for quite a while.
mhttpd.c has been converted to c++ (mhttpd.cxx) as well as a couple of other 

Please give a try,  PAA

> Hi,
> I need to install MIDAS on a Windows system (Microsoft Windows Server 2003). 
> The computer has the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express version.
> I have downloaded the MIDAS packages using the tarball mechanism. I have create 
> the environment variables without problems and I have create the file           
> %SystemRoot%\system32\exptab 
> But when I try to build MIDAS and I do 
> nmake -f makefile.nt
> I have the following problem:
> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'src/mhttpd.c'
> Stop.
> I don't understand this problem. Can anybody help me, please?
> Thanks in advance!!!
  987   17 Mar 2014 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForum[need help] simple example frontend for CAEN VX1721
Hi Li,

You mention that you've got the wavedump working. It suggests that you have a A3818 
interface, can you confirm that?

If so, you can make a Midas frontend using the CAEN libraries to access your VX1721. I can provide you with a frontend example used for the V1720 or V1740. The 
modifications for the VX1721 shouldn't be too hard as most of the CAEN digitizers 
are fortunately based on a similar configuration mechanism.
If you have a Midas CAMAC frontend, the trick would be to replace the CAMAC calls by 
the appropriate CAENComm_xxx() for the equivalent functionality.

Can you remind me what hardware do you have in your lab for acquisition?
CAMAC controller, VME controller etc.

Cheers, PAA

> Dear guys,
> I’m Zhi Li from China, and I’m now working on my graduation project, which now
> basically gets stuck in the part of preparing the frontend for my FADC (CAEN
> VX1721) using Midas.
> Now the current set-up includes a VME crate, a CAEN v2718 (Optical Bridge and
> Controller) and a CAEN VX1721(8ch 8bit 500MS/s Waveform digitizer). The hardware
> set-up has been finished and I could capture the analog waveform using CAEN
> software(wavedump). 
> Could anyone please tell me what are the basic things to do for using MIDAS?
> I’ve installed MIDAS in PC and it works well for CAMAC, but do I need any extra
> hardware module on using VME crate? Also, how to download
> Universe-II VME driver?
> Thanks,
> Li
  1013   11 Jul 2014 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumAdding Interrupt handling to SIS3100 driver
> Hello,
> we are using the Struck SIS 3100 VME interface for our experiment, but the midas
> driver doesn't have interrupt control integrated. Previously we were happy with
> just periodic readout, but our requirements have changed so I thought I could
> just implement this as there is a demo program provided by Struck on how to use
> their driver with interrupts.
> Could you recommend an existing midas driver that has a good implementation of
> the midas interrupt functions (mvme_interrupt_*) just for me too use as a guideline?
> Best regards,
> Clemens Sauerzopf

Hi Clemens,

We did have interrupt handling at some point under VxWorks and later with Linux, but it 
has always been a challenge.
As you may have found, the current frontend (mfe.c) still has some code to that purpose. 
But I wouldn't guarantee that recent development related to multi-threading didn't 
affect the expected interrupt operation (not been tested).

Now-a-days, I would suggest that you encapsulate your interrupt handling function based 
on the provided software into a independent thread started by a standard midas frontend. 
While the main frontend task could operate a periodic equipment as you've done so far, a 
polling equipment would poll on the data availability from the ring buffer. The readout 
function would compose the appropriate data bank.

This method has the advantage to decouple all the interrupt timing/restriction related 
issues from midas and run a conventional frontend. The ring buffer functions are part of 
midas (rb_...()).
Example for multi-threading can be found in examples/mtfe which include the use of the 
ring buffer as well.

Cheers, PAA
  1016   15 Jul 2014 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumAdding Interrupt handling to SIS3100 driver
Hello Clemens,

The hardware readout is triggered by the interrupt within this thread. The main thread poll on  
the data availability (from the rb) to filter/compose the frontend event.
In a similar multi-threaded implementation presently used in a dark matter experiment we start 
as many thread as necessary to constantly poll on the hardware for "data fragment" collection.
The event composition is done in the main thread through polling on the RBs.

Depending on the trigger rate and readout time, we can afford to analyze the data fragment at 
the thread level and add computed/summary information to the ring buffer on a event-by-event 
basis. This facilitate the overall event filtering happening later on in our event builder. 

"polling the trigger signal?", I don't understand. You can poll on the trigger condition but 
then you don't need interrupt.

The original Midas interrupt implementation was to let the interrupt function set a acknowledge 
flag which is picked up by the standard midas polling function (user code) for triggering the 
readout. This method ensure a minimal time spent in the IRQ and works fine for a single thread.

In regards of the CAEN V1742, we do have a VME driver for it, but it hasn't been added to the 
Midas yet (quite recent), but please don't hesitate to send us a copy.

Cheers, PAA


> Hi Pierre-Andre,
> thanks for your comments. If I understand you correctly you are advising to separate the
> triggering based on the interrupt signal and the actual data readout. In principal wouldn't
> it be also possible to facilitate the multi-threading equipment type to poll the trigger
> signal? Then veto new triggers and start the readout of the different detector modules by a
> "manual trigger" ?
> I'll check the example you've recommended to compare the different solutions.
> By the way I've written a driver for the CAEN V1742 VME module, it's working but the code is
> currently not in a "nice" state. but if you are interested I could provide the driver code.
> Cheers,
> Clemens
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > we are using the Struck SIS 3100 VME interface for our experiment, but the midas
> > > driver doesn't have interrupt control integrated. Previously we were happy with
> > > just periodic readout, but our requirements have changed so I thought I could
> > > just implement this as there is a demo program provided by Struck on how to use
> > > their driver with interrupts.
> > > 
> > > Could you recommend an existing midas driver that has a good implementation of
> > > the midas interrupt functions (mvme_interrupt_*) just for me too use as a guideline?
> > > 
> > > Best regards,
> > > Clemens Sauerzopf
> > 
> > Hi Clemens,
> > 
> > We did have interrupt handling at some point under VxWorks and later with Linux, but it 
> > has always been a challenge.
> > As you may have found, the current frontend (mfe.c) still has some code to that purpose. 
> > But I wouldn't guarantee that recent development related to multi-threading didn't 
> > affect the expected interrupt operation (not been tested).
> > 
> > Now-a-days, I would suggest that you encapsulate your interrupt handling function based 
> > on the provided software into a independent thread started by a standard midas frontend. 
> > While the main frontend task could operate a periodic equipment as you've done so far, a 
> > polling equipment would poll on the data availability from the ring buffer. The readout 
> > function would compose the appropriate data bank.
> > 
> > This method has the advantage to decouple all the interrupt timing/restriction related 
> > issues from midas and run a conventional frontend. The ring buffer functions are part of 
> > midas (rb_...()).
> > Example for multi-threading can be found in examples/mtfe which include the use of the 
> > ring buffer as well.
> > 
> > Cheers, PAA
  1040   13 Nov 2014 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumusing single frontend with multiple "EQ_POLLED" equipments to generate different data streams
Hi Tim,

Multiple Polling equipment are possible, but you may have to balance the polling 
time based on the expected trigger rate for each equipment due to the 
acquisition/processing time of each equipment.

But instead of using the event buffer destination for the dataset selection, you 
could use the trigger mask and the event ID modified at the user code level from 
a single equipment.

Using the macros such as TRIGGER_MASK(pevent), EVENT_ID(pevent) you can modify 
on the fly their assignment. All go through the SYSTEM buffer as usual.

You use the data logger capability of multiple channels to steer the data in 
different files. 
Each logger channel requires a definition of the type of event that you want to 
record. EventID, TriggerMask can in this case be used to select a particular 
type of event.
I used this option and if I recall correctly, the trigger mask is the one you 
want to base your selection upon. This gives you up to 16 channels (bitwise). 
the eventID should remain -1, but it is a valid information from the FEs.

Cheers, PAA

> We have a MIDAS frontend that provides both the readout of raw events 
> and the processing of raw events into several distinct derived datasets. 
> For one type of derived dataset there is a derived event for 
> each raw event. For other types of derived datasets there's a
> derived event for every N raw events. We'd like to have the different 
> derived event types sent to different buffers / shared memory segments 
> and stored in different midas files.
> I was thinking of defining a separate equipment for each type of 
> derived data. Each equipment would have a different buffer name so
> the data would go to different buffers and thereafter to different 
> midas files. I was also thinking of defining each equipment as
> a "polled event" but with a unique "source ID". I believe the user 
> poll_event() function is passed the "source ID" of the equipment
> type and therefore could return success/fail based on whether or
> not the particular derived event with that source ID is available 
> for readout. Each equipment for each derived dataset would have 
> a unique readout routine to create and fill the midas databanks 
> for that derived event type.
> The above scheme is similar to the midas documentation example
> of a frontend with a trigger equipment and a scaler equipment
> However, the scaler / trigger example uses two different event
> types - EQ_POLLED for trigger and EQ_PERIODIC for scaler. I'd like
> to use several EQ_POLLED equipments that are distinguished by
> their source ID's
> Is this a sensible scheme for make different data streams of
> different derived event types from a single frontend? Has anyone
> tried something similar? 
  1050   05 May 2015 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumMidas seminar
Dear Midas users, 

As part of our commitment to  Midas improvements, this year Dr. Stefan Ritt is coming to Vancouver 
BC, CANADA for his biennial visit from the end of June to mid-July 2015.

A Data acquisition system now a days is expected to do more than just collect data, it has become an 
integrated process with various types of data source for monitoring, control, storage and analysis, 
as well as data visualization using modern techniques.
MIDAS stands for "Maximum Integration Data Acquisition System". It is interesting to think that this 
name was given 20 years ago when none of the interconnectability was available at today's level. 

So in order to keep MIDAS current with new technology and provide a better DAQ tool, we plan to 
discuss topics that would address integration in a larger format, the goal being to provide to the 
users a more robust and "simple" way of doing their work. We will also be working on improvements 
and the addition of new features.

Towards the end of Stefan's visit, we will have a "Midas seminar" with a few presentations related 
to specific experiments managed by Triumf. Each talk will bring a different aspect of the DAQ that 
Midas had to deal with. This will potentially be a good starting point for further discussions.

We will broadcast this seminar. Webcast information will be provided in a later message, preliminary 
date: 13 or 14 July. I would encourage you to participate in this event, if not in person, at least 
virtually. It is a good time for you to send to Stefan ( or myself (, 
questions, requests, wishes, issues that you experience, general comment that has been on the back 
of your mind but you didn't manage to submit to us. This would help us to better understand how 
Midas is used, where it is used, and what can be addressed to better serve your needs as a user. 

Let us know how Midas is helping you, we would really appreciate it. Let us also know if you are 
thinking of attending this virtual seminar. 

If you happen to be in the Vancouver vicinity around the end of June, you are most welcome to join 
us at Triumf. The Midas team will take the time to chat about Data Acquisition and perhaps the 
benefit of our west coast weather!

Best Regards, Pierre-André Amaudruz
  1063   03 Jun 2015 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumMidas seminar
Dear Midas users, 

As promise, the first Midas seminar is happening.

Time    : July 15th 2015 from 12:15 to 16:00 PST.
Location: ISAC-II conference room at Triumf, Vancouver BC. Canada

The program is under construction, but it will consist of talks covering 
particular Midas implementation in different experiments such as SuperCDMS, DEAP, 

Webcast information will be provided in early July, including link to the 

If you're planning to attend this seminar remotely, please drop a quick note to 
me for a head count.

The Midas team is looking forward hearing from you.

Best Regards, Pierre-André Amaudruz
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5